10 - Ten

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"What took you so long?" Alya frowned as Marinette quickly ran up to the group.

"I'm so sorry. I got caught up with something." She could see that the whole group had been waiting for her. She hadn't meant to take that long. "Alright, let's go."

The group of them walked outside, caught up in a conversation. As they left the school, Marinette saw Sabrina, and Sabrina gave her a glare, before running off.

Now Marinette fully understood why she felt that Chloe and Lila weren't the only ones to get revenge on her. Sabrina had been planning her very own revenge as well, but maybe once she found out that everyone had gone against her, she stopped planning. Marinette sighed. She really hope she could get to the bottom of this.

"Hey, you looke troubled," She looked up at Adrien who had walked up to her. "Is anything wrong?"

"Uh..." Marinette caught Lila looking back at her. Once the two made eye contact, Lila quickly looked away and faced Chloe again to continue listening to what she was saying. Marinette looked back at Adrien. "I'm fine. I was just thinking about something, but it's fine now."

Adrien looked like he didn't believe her, but nodded anyway. This time he suddenly took her hand, making Marinette's face turn full red.

Normally i would love this, and I do, but Adrien, you're kind of ruining my plan now. Marinette could see Lila turning back, her eyes widening once she saw the two holding hands. Once she looked away, Marinette could tell that Lila already knew of her crush on Adrien.

They finally stopped walking and entered a store. Marinette sat down at a table while the others ordered. She already had her lunch from the bakery.

Soon Lila walked over to her with her lunch and took a seat next to her. Instantly Marinette knew what was going to happen, and what Lila was going to say.

"You... You said you didn't like Adrien, right?" She looked up at Marinette with a frown. "This is really confusing, because I always see you two together, and your face is always red, so I feel that you're lying to me."

"Why do you suddenly care about who I like, Lila?!" Marinette folded her arms. She knew there was no point in hiding the secret now. "Except if you like him."

"Alright I admit I do," Lila rolled her eyes, and Marinette could see the annoyance on her face. "I thought you liked Nathaniel, because you were sometimes always around him, but, finding out that you like Adrien instead... And that you lied to me about it...ticks me off!"

Marinette sighed. "Hey, it's not my fault that Adrien felt so comfortable with me that he wanted to hold hands. If you're jealous about it, go talk to someone else that would care!" Marinette trotted off, leaving Lila with her mouth hanged opened. Marinette followed the others out the door, because they were going to eat in a park instead. Lila was a little behind, trying to take in what Marinette had just told her.

As they walked to the park, Adrien barely got to talk to Marinette, because Chloe was always around her, filling her up with things that happened to her that she remembered. Lila took this as a chance and walked forward towards Adrien.

"Hey, I figured that we haven't properly met, and I just wanted to take this time to get to properly meet you," Lila smiled. "I'm Lila Rossi. I think we're going to be great friends. Don't you think?"

"Sure," Adrien shook hands with her. "I'm Adrien."

"Yes I know. Gabriel's son and all that," Lila laughed, as if she had it in the bag. Adrien frowned and looked away. Marinette chuckled to herself once she overheard the mistake Lila said. Adrien didn't like being known by "Gabriel's son" or anything close to that. If Lila wanted tot be friends with him now, she would have to try extra harder.

"Chloe look, we're there," Marinette stopped the blonde from talking and pointed in front, right at the park. Chloe nodded and headed over to Lila, grabbing her arm and pulling her back towards Marinette.

"Listen, this is an opportunity for us to get to know one another more," Chloe exclaimed as she looked from Marinette to Lila. "I really had a very good feelings that we three were going to be the bestest of friends once Lila showed up."

"Of course," Marinette could see through Lila's fake smile so quickly. "I like that idea, Chloe. Why don't we?"

Marinette fake smiled as well, wanting to join in. "Yeah totally." If she was still the same naive girl as she was before, she would have went blabbering to them all about her. She would have been telling them all about her life, what she's done, her embarrassing moments, and then later on, her secret. But now was different. Now she was going to be careful about what she said.

"Great." Chloe took Marinette with one hand and Lila with the other, then she started dragging them towards the huge field the park had. "The soccer players aren't here today, so we can eat and chat here."

Alya and Nino had already left to hang out, Alya agreeing because, you know, why not? Plus Marinette remembered that this was how Nino finally asked her out, so she hoped it went just as well for them.

Adrien was lost. He came here with a group of friends, but as soon as they got to the park, they all separated from him. Marinette saw this, and called out to him. In her last life, it had been just her, Chloe and Lila, but maybe having Adrien join the group wouldn't be such a bad idea.

Lila and Chloe looked at each other as soon as Marinette called for Adrien to join them. Normally they would love that idea, but this was their girls time, a time to know more about Marinette.

Adrien sat down next to Marinette. Lila shrugged and started. "Why don't we start this by playing Truth or Dare?"

Marinette rolled her eyes. She hated the game of Truth or Dare, but because her life was repeated, she knew exactly what questions Lila and Chloe were going to pick, and this time she was going to be the one leaving this game with a huge smile on her face.

"Alright," Chloe nodded. "I love that idea. You up for it, Adrien? Marinette?"

"I don't really like that game, but I can try," Adrien shrugged. Marinette nodded along, agreeing with what Adrien said.

"Alright, we'll start with... Marinette!" Marinette had been waiting for this moment. Lila and Chloe had no idea. Lila looked up at Marinette, and Marinette could see the smirk hidden behind her "sweet" smile. "So Marinette, truth or dare?"


"Well... What was the most embarrassing moment of your life?" Lila asked. Marinette could tell that she was starting it easy.

"The embarrassing moment of my life..." Before, Marinette had said that it was when someone read her Diary out loud, making her feel so embarrassed, and that was a mistake, because then Lila and Chloe found out about the Diary, and they made a plan on how to get her Diary in their hands. "So listen to this... There were a few customers that were coming in to buy some pastries. I decided to, you know, be a good girl and serve them, but as I was doing that, I tripped over my shoelaces and fell. I felt so embarrassed after that, that I didn't even want to serve anybody else anymore."

The truth was... The embarrassing moment that she just shared, was just a lie. That never happened to her before. Lila and Chloe looked at each other, knowing that there was nothing they could use with the information that Marinette just gave them.

"Alright, Adrien's turn," Chloe spoke before Marinette could. "Adrien, truth or dare?"

"Dare," Adrien spoke, almost too quickly, as if he knew what the dare was and he wanted to do it.

"Well then..." Chloe smirked. Marinette wasn't really sure about what Chloe was going to ask Adrien, because in her last life, Adrien was never there. She never had the guts to approach Adrien, therefore they didn't really become that close.

Chloe rubbed her hands together. "I dare you to... Kiss the girl you think is the hottest... In this group."

And that was when Marinette knew what the two girls were planning.


Word Count: 1432 (excluding this)

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