13 - Thirteen

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Mr. Bourgeois was the one to open the door after a couple of knocks. Once he saw it was Marinette, he pulled her into a sudden, 'surprising' hug. "Marinette, I heard you won. Congratulations."

"Thank you." Marinette could see the look on Chloe's face when her father did what he did. At first it was a bit awkward, but soon Marinette got used to it. Chloe sent her a quick glare before changing her face into a smile.

"Marinette, I'm glad you're here." Chloe would have given her a hug, but instead she took her bag. "Follow me, Marinette. Lila is waiting for us."

Marinette started following Chloe upstairs. Lila was already waiting there, ad Chloe said. Once the two walked inside the gigantic room, Lila ran up to them.

"Glad you could make it, Marinette," Lila smiled. "Oh, and what do you have here?"

"Oh, I..." Marinette held up the box of croissants. "See, I really felt bad for Chloe. I think she deserved to win. So I decided to bring her some croissants to cheer her up. Hopefully our friendship haven't been broken yet."

"Oh Marinette, thank you. You're such a great friend." Now Chloe hugged her. Marinette was trying to make Chloe believe that she felt bad, that she actually wanted Chloe and Lila as friends, and so far Chloe believed it. Now who was the stupid one?

"So..." Lila picked up her phone. "I have an idea on what to do first." Marinette and Chloe both turned to her to listen. "Prank-calling."

"Ooh," Chloe nodded, loving the idea. "Here, I want to go first." She took Lila's phone and thought about who to call. Finally she decided and made the call. Marinette waited, knowing that it was Alya she was calling. She knew where this was going, and she couldn't let it happen.

Finally Alya picked up. "Hello." Marinette looked around the room to try to find a way to get out of this mess. She needed an idea fast, or else she would be as trapped as she was in her last life.

"Hey Alya," Chloe smirked. "I was talking to Marinette, and she was telling me about how you were a horrible, jealous, ugly brat!" Chloe turned to Marinette. "Isn't that right, Marinette?"

If she went along with Chloe, Alya would get upset, plus Chloe would get what she wanted. But if she went against Chloe, she would know that something was wrong.

Standing up, Marinette dashed out of the room, leaving Chloe and Lila to look at each other confused. Chloe hanged up on Alya, and both girls headed out of the room to see what was wrong.

Marinette flushed the toilet to make it seem like she had been using it. Then she washed her hands and exited the bathroom. "I'm sorry," She apologized. "I really needed the bathroom, and I couldn't hold it any longer."

Chloe and Lila looked at each other again, before they burst into laughter. Soon, Marinette joined them, and the three of them laughed until they got inside Chloe's room again.

"Okay, that went terrible," Lila took the phone next. "It's my turn, and I know exactly who to call!" Marinette and Chloe waited, until the person on the other side spoke up.


Marinette widened her eyes. It was Adrien! She actually did not see that coming. Quickly grabbing the phone from Lila, she hanged up and faced Lila, who looked just as confused as Chloe.

"What was that for, Marinette?!" Lila rolled her eyes. "You afraid I would tell your crush something you don't want him to hear?!"

"Hey, he's your crush too!" Marinette exclaimed, handing the phone back to Lila. "But Lila, let's not make this get in our way of friendship. We're friends, and we both like Adrien. So what? Why don't we let Adrien decide for himself instead of us trying to get to him!"

Lila stared at her at first as if she was crazy, but then she nodded. "I agree. I agree. But Marinette, let me have this chance. I'm just a new student at your school that likes the same boy you like. Don't you think you can go easy on me?"

"Yeah Marinette," Chloe nodded. "I think you should let Lila have Adrien, after all she really does like him. She just doesn't know how to confront him. And if you could help her to get Adrien to at least be her friend, that would be great."

Marinette frowned at them. So you can't help Lila instead?! "Lila, you can try as many tricks as you want, but there's no way I'm giving up on Adrien just like that!" Especially after crushing on him for such a long time. You really think I would just step back, give up and help you win Adrien over. Yeah, in your pathetic dreams!

Lila glared at Marinette, but she only smiled back at her. "I'm tired now." Marinette started walking up to the bed that Chloe had prepared for her. "Let's go to sleep now, okay?" Lila and Chloe followed behind and got in their beds.

"So..." Chloe spoke. "What are you guys going to be doing at the Fun Fair?"

"That's a great question, Chloe." Lila replied. "I think I would probably be doing a game of some sort. I just don't know what kind of game yet. What about you, Marinette?"

Marinette didn't want to talk right now, she didn't want to speak to these girls, especially after their conversation about Adrien that they had just had. Instead, she closed her eyes, and with her great acting, she pretended to be asleep. If she told the girls that she was bringing snacks to the fair, they would probably try to find a way to ruin it.

"Marinette?" Chloe stood up from her bed and headed across the room, where Marinette was lying on her bed, eyes shut. Chloe looked over at Lila and nodded. "Yup, she's asleep. Now it's safe to talk."

Marinette smirked. Now she was really glad she had pretended to sleep, because before she hadn't, and instead she, Chloe and Lila talked all night. But now she got to hear some juicy secrets.

"She's a pathetic brat, that's what she is!" Lila exclaimed, folding her arms. "Like, can you believe her?! I bet she started liking Adrien when I moved into the school. She's just trying to piss me off, and I hate her so much that I really want to get rid of her."

"Lila, we don't know any secrets about her yet to share with anyone," Chloe replied. "We have to try harder. Somehow she keeps finding a way to get out of the plans we have. I really thought she was going to be naive, but guess not now." Chloe sighed. "Listen, Lila, you have to keep pretending until we get something good. If you stop pretending, she's going to know that something is wrong. And as for Adrien... You can fight for him fair and square, besides I doubt Marinette has any chance, especially with the plan I've come up with."

Lila smirked. "Great to really have you here. Alright, I'll pretend for as long as I need to, but I need her gone right away, so we better move quickly."

"Right. I'm really tired now. Goodnight," Chloe fell down on her bed. Lila turned off the lights, muttering a goodnight to Chloe, before the two girls felt asleep.

Marinette rose from her bed and looked over at the two girls. You think I'm stupid? She got out her phone, which had been under the pillow. But I'm actually not...

Because I recorded every single words you girls said!...


Word Count: 1288 (excluding this)

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