27 - Twenty • Seven

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"Sometimes there could be a camera next to you, it's someone with a camera. Sometimes your deepest darkest secrets can be revealed and you wouldn't know who or how it happened.

That's why people tell you to be careful."

Marinette sighed after she finished listening to what Lila and Chloe were saying. "Alright," She turned to the girls in front of her. "I've been giving it a lot of thought, and you girls deserve some fun, so you can forget about following those girls around now."

"Really? Are you sure?" Rose raised her eyebrows. "I mean, what if Chloe and Lila expose more of their plans? Who's going to be there to catch it on video?"

"Don't worry," Marinette smiled. "I have someone who would be willing to do that job." She had given it a lot of thought, and have finally decided on who would be perfect for the job.

"Alright, if you say so," Mylene shrugged. "Call us if you need us." She took Rose's hand and both girls hurried away to one of the rides.

Marinette was about to leave her stand, when she got another customer. "Hello, what can I help you with?"

"I just want to buy some pastries, the customer shrugged.

Marinette looked around, then she caught sight of someone who could help. "Hey! Ivan! Over here!"

Ivan looked over at where Marinette was calling out for him, and started running over to her. He reached her stand and asked what she needed.

"I need help. I have an important work to do, but I need someone to watch over my stand," Marinette spoke. "Do you think you could help? It would be very much appreciated if you could."

"No problem," Ivan shrugged. "I was on break anyway."

"Thank you so much." Marinette took off after thanking him. She started running over to where she remembered Adrien was with Nathalie and Gorilla. Finally she reached her destination. Adrien seemed to be arguing with Nathalie.

"I am not a baby!" Adrien was yelling. "Why won't you just let me go one this one ride alone!?! I don't need you two to come along with me!"

"Adrien, it's part of our job. Gabriel simply told us to look after you, and make sure you don't do anything wrong," Nathalie spoke. "We have to come with you to be assured of your safety."

Marinette felt bad for Adrien, so she started walking up to them and tapped Nathalie on her shoulder. Nathalie turned, looking pissed off that someone had interrupted her argument. "What?!"

"I need your help!" Marinette exclaimed. She knew she wasn't exactly in good terms with Nathalie, but she hoped they could be soon. If she wanted to be dating Adrien, she would have to make sure his family members agreed to it.

"What is it?" Nathalie frowned. "This isn't some part of plan of yours to get me to leave Adrien alone, is it?!"

"What? Adrien. No, Adrien has absolutely nothing to do with what I need help with," Marinette spoke. "I need your help with some girls. I need you to catch some things on video."

Nathalie frowned. "What?! You really think I'm the person for that kind of job?"

"No. But I want you to do it anyways." Marinette grumbled. She took Nathalie's hand, hoping that she was getting to the woman. "See, these girls are planning some kind of revenge on me, and I want to ruin their revenge for them, and for me to do that, I need your help."

Nathalie looked like she was thinking about it. Finally, she sighed and nodded. Turning back to Gorilla and Adrien, she let her strict look get on her face. "Adrien, you better not cause any trouble. Gorilla will be watching you, and don't try to find a way to get away from him. I'll be back!"

Adrien nodded. He gave Marinette a thumbs up, before Nathalie and Marinette left. Marinette took out her phone and handed it to Nathalie.

"The girls are Chloe, Lila and Sabrina," She explained. "I'm sure you already know who Chloe is. Lila is a new girl in school, brunette and always trying to get to Adrien. If you don't want Adrien to get hurt, then you most definitely have to look out for Lila." Marinette smirked. "And then there's Sabrina. She's trying to ruin mine and Adrien's fun here. Actually, all three girls are trying to do that. You want Adrien to have fun, right?" Nathalie nodded. "Then you must get these three girls on video."

Nathalie looked down at the phone given to her, before she looked back up. "Alright, I'll do it."

Marinette pointed at where the three girls were, and Nathalie headed over to them slowly. Marinette sighed, feeling relieved, but she knew her job wasn't done anyway. Turning around and catching Alya and Nino off at a distance, she headed to them.

"Hey guys," She waved at them. When was even the last time she had had a proper conversation with them? These two were always together.

Alya waved back as Nino stuffed ice cream in his mouth. "Hey Marinette. What have you been up to? I didn't exactly see you getting on any rides here."

"Oh yeah, about that," Marinette pointed at Ivan, who was still taking care of her stand. "Soon, I'll go have fun, but I need help."

Alya nodded. "Sure, with what?"

"Alya, after this whole Fun Fair thing, I'll tell you something that happened to me. See, the truth is, me and Adrien haven't really stopped hanging out yet. Actually, it's quite the opposite of that," Marinette giggled. "But Lila is still trying to get to him, and you know... I'm not worried about Lila finally succeeding, but I feel bad for Adrien, so I was wondering if you two could maybe keep a lookout for Lila, and make sure she doesn't get close to Adrien."

"Lila?! You mean that new girl? Consider it done," Nino exclaimed. "But isn't Nathalie and Gorilla kinda there to do the job?"

"Uh, well... You see, Nathalie and... Um, Gorilla are busy, so we need you two actually," Marinette said. "Well, I mean, only Gorilla is there, but still.. He might not know how to handle Lila. So I was hoping..."

"Yeah, yeah, we get it," Alya laughed. "You don't want any girl touching your boyfriend."

"Haha, yeah.... Wait! No, no, no!"

"Don't even start with the 'he's not my boyfriend' thing." Alya laughed again, grabbing Nino's arm. "We'll see you later, Marinette."

Marinette nodded and waved back at them, before turning around and heading back to her stand.

Man.... I'm so good with planning! With Alya and Nino making sure that Lila doesn't get close to Adrien, Nathalie making sure to get the girls on video, how can these three girls possibly stop me now?!


Marinette looked up at the voice. "Hey, Lila." She was kind of surprised that Lila had come to her alone, and when she didn't see Nathalie anywhere, she knew Nathalie was busy catching Chloe and Sabrina on video. "Lila, what's up?"

Lila did not look happy. She folded her arms. "You!" She exclaimed. "You and Adrien aren't really having a fight, are you?!"

Marinette gasped. How did she find out about that?


Word Count: 1218 (excluding this)

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