35 - Thirty • Five

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Sabrina had asked to leave school first. To be honest, Marinette wasn't 100% sure, but she guessed that it was because Sabrina didn't want to see her.

Marinette walked outside of the school. She walked down the stairs, her bag hung over her shoulder. She wanted to talk to Sabrina so badly, but she wasn't sure if Sabrina wanted to talk to her.

Then her phone dinged. She wanted it to be Sabrina... But then she remembered that she didn't even have Sabrina in her contact. Did Sabrina even have a phone?

A - hey.

A - my father gave me my phone back and I can have it for 2 hours. Thought I would text you and see what was up. Sorry if I'm disrupting your class...

M - no, it's fine. I'm going home anyways.

A - why are you going home? There's still two more periods before the school day ends.

M - something happened with Sabrina and I. We both are heading home.

A- oh no, did you two get into a fight?!

M - nah... But I think Sabrina might know about my situation. I'm not sure yet about what's going on with her, but I want to talk to her so badly.

A - do you want me to give her a call?

Marinette would have replied, but once she saw who was in front of her, she put her phone back in her pocket and started heading over to her.

"Hey Sabrina."

Sabrina flinched at the voice. She quickly stood up from the bench, and was about to start walking away when Marinette dragged her back down.

"You can't keep running away from me, Sabrina," Marinette sighed. "Please trust me. I want you to tell me about everything you know... I want you to explain to me more clearly, because I don't fully understand."

"I said... I know you went back into time! I know you got reborn!" Sabrina exclaimed.

"Yeah, but how do you know that?" Marinette asked. It took a while for Sabrina to answer. It could be that she was thinking whether to tell Marinette the truth, but once she spoke up, her words shocked Marinette more than she thought it would.

"Because I also went back into time."

Marinette didn't full understand. "How? I mean, why? Why would you need to go back into time? Did you die in your last life?"

Sabrina sniffed. She looked like she was about to cry, but she held the tears in. "Almost. I was pushed down from a very top building. Before the doctors could even fully heal me, I was suddenly lying on my own bed, feeling all well."

"How... I mean, when did that happen? Sabrina, can you start from the beginning?"

Sabrina nodded. She clutched unto her skirt, as if she was hesitating. But then she spoke anyway. She wanted to get the words out. She didn't want to be the only one with the truth.

"Listen carefully, and don't interrupt me!" Marinette quickly nodded. "I... I was also with Chloe and Lila when they were getting revenge on you. When you came to the school, I didn't really think much about you, but once I saw how close you were getting to Chloe, I started to get angry. I tried to make a deal with Rose, for her to partner with me and take you down, but she refused. But then, Chloe and Lila told me about their revenge plan.

"They told me I could get whatever I wanted. I could have my very own phone, my own credit card, buy whatever expensive things I wanted without having to worry about how much money I was spending. I... I agreed. At first I thought the whole revenge thing was just a game that they were playing. I thought that maybe joining them would be such a good thing; I could get closer to them, I could get revenge on you, and I could have whatever I wanted.

"But soon things started getting too far. I mean, sure, I was having fun, but when I saw you losing all your friends, I kinda felt bad. I tried to talk Chloe and Lila out of what they were doing, but they refused to stop, so they continued. Then they gave me a choice. Either I went with them... Or I went against them.

"It was hard to pick one. If I picked to help you, I knew Chloe and Lila would also make my life horrible just as they were making yours. I didn't want to live that kind of life. I didn't want to go back to the way I was before... So I agreed to help them.

"We made plans together... Ways for you to suffer. I pretended I was happy to be helping them, but really, I was just feeling really guilty. I thought, maybe this was nothing. Maybe after the whole revenge, you could start making new friends, or bringing your old ones back. I thought maybe after the whole revenge thing, I could help you get your friends back. I could tell everyone and have them know that it hadn't been your fault.

"But then later on, Chloe and Lila gave me the most shocking news. They told me that... They said that you were gone. That you had been burnt to death. At first I didn't believe them... I didn't want to. I wanted to believe that they were just joking around, messing with me. But two weeks later of you not coming to school; two weeks of your parents crying, saying that you were gone, two weeks of having the police trying to find you... I was sure that Chloe and Lila hadn't been kidding. They were the only two people that actually felt happy about the whole situation.

"I confronted them, and told them that they shouldn't have done what they did. They only laughed in my face and started walking away, so I threatened to tell everyone about what they did. I said 'either you admit to the police about what you did, or I'll tell everyone myself!' I gave them the choice. Again they laughed and said that there was no way I would have the guts to tell anyone.

"I proved them wrong. First, I told Adrien. He believed me so quickly, but that would be because I had evidence. He broke up with Lila after that. Second I told Alya and Nino, and both of them spread the word to Rose and Mylene. Everyone were talking about it now, everyone felt guilty seeing that they had treated you wrong. Once Chloe and Lila found out, they were so mad.

"Then one day, the came up to me and said I should follow them. They said to me, 'Sabrina, this might just be our last day together, having fun, because we're going to admit to the police about what we did. So, let's have one more fun before it all ends.' I was so stupid. I believed them, and went with them.

"They led me to a top of a building. We were on the roof. I was wondering why we were there; I expected us to be somewhere like the mall. Then Chloe said that we should play tag on the roof and just have fun. I was so confused about what was happening, but I did it anyway. I was running around, playing tag with them. And then Lila bumped into me, and I tripped, almost falling off the roof.

"I was so close to falling over, but I balanced myself. Just when I thought I was safe, I was pushed down that roof. As I was falling, I had looked up, and there, standing on the roof... Was Chloe and Lila smirking..."

Sabrina sniffed again. This time the tears had fallen out, and Marinette was patting her in the shoulder to calm her down.

She continued. "I fell down from the building and was quickly rushed to the hospital. Nobody saw Chloe and Lila push me off, and it just wasn't fair. Just as I felt like I was dying; just as I felt my last breath being taken away, I closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes again, I was in my room somehow. I wasn't bleeding so badly. In fact, I was more than okay. At first I thought it had all been a dream, but then I got a note explaining everything to me. The note told me... To do everything right this time!... I was given a second chance!"

"But Sabrina," Marinette pointed out. "You still hate me."

"I thought I could change what happened. Chloe and Lila were hating on you. I thought maybe if I tried to get you to be as far away from them, that you would be okay. I thought maybe Chloe and Lila would be living their own lives and not getting in your business... But I was clearly wrong."

"I wanted to make sure I didn't make the same mistake. I thought I could change Chloe and Lila. I thought I could change them into better people... But I figured... There's no way I can stop those two from thinking about how to get revenge on you. All I had to do was find a way to stop them, like I had failed to do in my last life."

Marinette didn't say another word. "It makes me think," Sabrina looked down at the ground. "If I failed again, Chloe and Lila would have pushed me down the building all over again. It would have been the end of me all over again."

Marinette stared at her for a while, before she smiled and held out her hand. "Thank you. I don't think this was all your fault. I simply think Chloe and Lila took it too far. But Sabrina..."

Sabrina looked up with teary eyes.

"Wanna work together now?"


Word Count: 1658 (excluding this)

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