8 - Eight

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"And then he tried the pastry and he loved it!" Marinette sipped on her drink before she continued. "So then he went and told everyone he knew, telling them that this was the best bakery he'd even been to."

Marinette was talking to Adrien about how her parents had gotten their first customer. She could tell that Adrien was slowly wanting to go to her bakery and try one of their pastries. And yes, Gabriel did agree for Adrien to go hang out with her, which made Marinette feel so much better about the whole getting Adrien to like her thing.

"I so wish I could try, but I'm not allowed to eat... Those kind of food," Adrien sighed. "If only my life was just as simple as yours."

Marinette then felt bad. "Well... If you try just one pastry and not tell Nathalie or your father about it, I'm sure no one would know." She wasn't sure if that was the best thing to say. She didn't want to force Adrien into eating something that he wasn't supposed to eat, and then later get in trouble for it.

"I'll think about it," Adrien smiled. "It feels so nice being around you, Marinette. I just feel so free. Wish the feeling could last forever though."

"I'm not going anywhere," Marinette blurted. "If you need me, I'll always be here."

Adrien's smile seemed to get bigger. "Thanks." And Marinette knew she had done it, and had done it perfectly. She had gotten Adrien to feel comfortable around her. It was actually easier than she thought it would be.

She then thought about the next step. Seeing if he would get jealous and protective. That was going to take time, and Marinette knew she was going to run out of time before Lila got here. She just knew it.

"Oh, my ride is here," Adrien stood up from the bench. "Do you want a ride home, Marinette?"

Marinette blushed. Adrien had gotten so comfortable around her so quickly, that he was even offering rides to her. She stood up and nodded, then followed him to the limo that was waiting for Adrien to get in. Once they got there, Marinette could see Nathalie frown when she saw her.

"Are you giving her a ride, Adrien?" She asked in a low, bold voice. Adrien quickly nodded, and the door of the limo opened, allowing Adrien and Marinette inside. "Quite weird," Nathalie spoke up again. "You have never offered anyone a ride. Why her?"

Marinette wasn't sure if that was an insult or a good thing. Did Nathalie not like her?

"To the Dupain-Cheng's Bakery," Adrien spoke, and the limo started moving. Marinette gulped, knowing that Nathalie was looking at her once in a while. She felt a little uncomfortable, having someone look at her as if she was some kind of alien.

"Adrien, I hope you haven't had any of the pastries from the Cheng's bakery," Nathalie spoke sharply. "You know you're not allowed to, and if you're hanging out with a girl that owns it, it's going to turn out very bad."

Marinette clenched her fists as Nathalie continued. "What if she forces you to eat one of their pastries? What if she puts pressure on you. I don't want you to get in trouble because of her, Adrien."

"Just shut up," Marinette heard Adrien mutter. She covered her mouth, not wanting to start laughing.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Nathalie frowned at Adrien and sent a glare towards Marinette.

"I said I won't," Adrien exclaimed. "She's not going to force me. Marinette is my friend now, and I trust her."

Hearing that he trusted her made Marinette's heart start to beat faster. She looked down so no one could see her red face.

Nathalie looked at him, before looking away. "If you say so, Adrien. Just don't let me catch you then."

They arrived at the bakery, and Marinette stepped off. She waved, and Adrien waved back, before she started heading back inside the bakery.


"Are you okay?" Alya turned to look at Marinette, noticing her face.

"Adrien said he trusted me," Marinette smiled dreamily. "I have to make sure that I don't mess this up again. I have to make sure that Lila doesn't mess this up for me."

Today was the day Lila was moving in to their school. Yay. Marinette sighed as she thought more about it. Before Lila starts focusing on Adrien though, she starts making friends with Chloe first, so I may have a bit more time.

"Who's Lila?" Marinette forgot Alya didn't know who Lila was yet. "Your enemy or something? You seem to hate her."

"Oh, you can say that again." Marinette chuckled. Finally she heard the door open, and the teacher and Chloe walked in. She knew it was finally time to introduce the new student. Marinette looked up.

"Class, may I have your attention?" The teacher called out, and the whole class turned to her. "Alright Chloe, it's on you now."

Chloe smiled widely at the class. "Today we got a new student joining us." She turned and looked over at Marinette. "I hope we can all make her feel welcomed, and I hope we can be good friends with her." She was especially looking at Marinette, as if she was talking to only Marinette.

The class nodded, and the new girl walked in. Marinette clenched her fists as Lila introduced herself.

"Hi, I'm Lila. Lila Rossi." She looked around the whole class, and then her eyes landed on Adrien. Before she could look at him for some more, Chloe put her hand on her shoulder, catching her attention.

Alya turned to Marinette. "Is that who you were talking about? Lila?" And Marinette nodded.

Chloe whispered something to Lila, and Lila turned her eyes towards Marinette. She then waved at Marinette, before walking up to the empty seat that she was going to sit in.

"She seeks pretty nice though," Alya muttered, pointing out at the way Lila had waved. "Are you sure it's her? She seems way nicer than Chloe, at least."

"Oh please," Marinette muttered. "She's way worse than Chloe. She's just hiding it, but I know she is way worse than Chloe, because... Because I've met her before, and she was totally mean."

"Well then... I believe you," Alya shrugged. "If you need help, don't forget to come to me. I'll help you no matter what."

Marinette nodded. "Thank you." She folded her hands and turned right back at the front.

Lila and Chloe were so going to get this. They didn't know what was coming towards them!


Word Count: 1110 (excluding this)

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