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☽ The platform buzzed with the excited chatter of students and the bittersweet farewells of parents. I maneuvered my trolley through the sea of families, each hug and tearful goodbye a poignant reminder of the absence beside me.

As I wheeled my trolley towards the train carriage, the weight of my trunk mirrored the weight of anticipation for my Fifth year at Hogwarts. Determination burned within me — this year would be different. The loneliness of the platform echoed in my steps, but I clung to the hope that within the castle's walls, I would find the connection I craved.

The train whistle pierced the air, signaling the departure. I glanced back at the families sharing final moments, their love tangible in the air. With a deep breath, I boarded the train alone, setting forth on a journey where I aimed to discover the magic not just in spells but in the bonds that could be forged amidst the whispers of the enchanted halls.

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☁︎ In the shadows, I found solace. The comforting embrace of loneliness was all I had known, a misfit in a world that didn't understand. The spotlight never sought me out, and yet, life had other plans. The son of two of the most formidable wizards, the heir to the Dark Lord's legacy – my existence was shrouded in an aura of fear and mistrust.

I never fit in with the other kids. Always feared, always kept at arm's length – I didn't mind. I didn't care. But a sudden change of heart on my mother's part, for reasons known only to her, led to a decision that altered the course of my existence.

Now, here I was, amidst the bustling crowd at Platform 9 3/4, pushing my way through the sea of people. Hogwarts awaited, a mysterious haven that combined all the things I had never wanted – attention, scrutiny, and a life entwined with those who knew not what it meant to be me.

As I boarded the train, I couldn't help but wonder how this new chapter would unfold. I, the outsider, was about to become a part of a world that had always kept me at a distance. My destination: Hogwarts, where I would join the ranks of Fifth years, including Harry Potter, my father's nemesis. Ironic, right?

I had no choice in the matter, though. It was either this or face my mother's wrath for disobeying. So, with an air of reluctance, I quietly boarded the train.

As I settled into my seat, the train lurched forward, leaving the platform behind. It was too late for second thoughts now. I was committed to this path, whether I liked it or not. So, with a silent resolve, I closed my eyes and let the rhythmic clatter of the train's wheels lull me into an uneasy sleep, knowing that my life was about to change forever.

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