13• 𝓓𝓲𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓻

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Dated: 30th March, 2024
Word Count: 3k+
Target: 50+ votes and comments

I don't know why there are no comments and votes.

It's just heart breaking


13 | Dinner |


My heart thumped against my chest as my eyes couldn't keep them off from glancing him every now and then. Walking into the premises, him ahead of me, my hands clutching my handbag and following his steps faster. The elevator pinged open, and he held it till the time I could make it up to the elevator, his eyes stuck to his phone.

I got in and pressed the button, before leaning myself over the wall and my eyes again glancing him at ones. His eyes were stuck on his phone, his fingers moving constantly. I bit my lips before averting my gaze.

I couldn't stop replaying the scene that happened in the temple. I saw something different there. As in, a different Ridhit. Not The Ridhit Merhotra, but just Ridhit.

Someone who'd join his hands in front of God. Who'd bend down to touch the priest's feet. Someone who'd kneel down for those innocent souls and feed them with that small, yet peaceful smile.

My heart felt full. Visiting temples never felt so calm and serene until today. And what is the reason? My eyes fell upon the person responsible.

My gut screamed that you are on a path you always avoided. That you'll end up in a way you'd never expect to. But heart screamed above it all, it'll be worth it.

And I obliged. Too deaf to understand the meaning behind each inner voice.

"Urvi?" A voice pulled me out of those chain of thoughts. I blankly stared at him, who called me, before responding, "Huh?"

"Check up? Earth Con?" I might have missed his talks and it was then I realized that we were in his cabin. "Where are you lost?" He stepped towards me, while I just nodded in a no before moving towards the window to pull the curtains. I then replaced old withered flowers with new ones. Quickly pulling out a green file from the cupboard, I passed it to him.

"This is being handled by another team. Basically meeting with investor's has being scheduled today."

He went through the file before speaking, "Anything else scheduled for today?"

"As of now, nothing." I replied, pulling out my phone from my bag. "I'll get your coffee." He nodded, and I moved out of the cabin. I switched on my phone, to see it flooded with messages, but only from one person. Just when I opened her chat, my phone displayed her number ringing. I chuckled and picked it up, "Hello?"

"Where TF are you bitch." A voice screeched from the other side. I pressed my lips and replied, "Good morning to you too." My phone pinged. I accepted the video call request from her.

"Is that traditional?" I nodded. "Of course. You always wear traditional today." She slapped her forehead and nodded in a no. She was sitting on couch, with that huge smile.


I could see Alex from behind on file with phone tucked between his ear and shoulder. He just strolled towards her and placed a small kiss on her forehead before bidding a bye. I smiled at the couple, and waited patiently for her to get back. Meanwhile, I paid the canteen for the coffee and made my way to carry coffee back to his cabin.

"So madam. What's today's plan?" She asked, while I shrugged getting into the lift.

"As usual. An anonymous occasion."

She sighed, "Urvi."

I nodded, "It's every year's thing right. Let's just get over it." The elevator pinged and I moved towards his cabin to find it empty. I placed cup on the table and covered it with the lid. My eyes dropped at the view outside window. Busy city, illuminating with sunlight and everyday chaos.

"I'm going to remind Ridhit." My eyes widened at her remark.

"No you are..."

"Remind me of what?" I flinched as sudden voice reached the walls of cabin. I jumped and turned towards him to find him standing there with a frown. He walked in, and kept the file aside before pacing towards me.

He looked at me instinctively before catching hold of my phone and holding it straight. "Remind me what?" My lips parted and eyes darted towards Ava, who was grinning wide.

This bitch

"Oh, nothing as such Ridhit. It's just she isn't willing to celebrate. So.."

He interrupted, "Celebrate wha-?" His sentence was abruptly trailed. He raised his eyebrows at me, while I shuddered under his gaze. His eyes drifted to the calendar. His eyes widened and immediately came to me. I bit my lips and averted my gaze.

Ava cleared her throat, to gain our attention, "So.." We snapped our eyes at her, "Her parents basically invited you and her today for a family dinner."

"Oh." I could feel him going wordless. I had planned of not informing him and ditching it. But also a bell at the back of my head rang, which said, what if they had realized their mistake and would accept me back?

"Uh, my work is done. See ya." And she hung up the call. I stared at the blank screen, and then at the person holding it. "Why did you not inform me?"

I bit my lips as he handed me my phone back. "I thought you wouldn't want to..."

"Did you plan to go to their's alone?" Bull's eye! I averted my gaze, fidgeting my fingers against my phone.

He threw his hands up, "For God sake. I wouldn't want you to go their alone Luna!" I knew. Which is why I dint inform. Thought but never said.

"But we can't. We have meeting till six. This is important. Dinner isn't. Let's just...drop it." I pleaded, trying to explain the situation.

Silence erupted in the cabin for next few seconds leaving us in deep thoughts, before he chose to break it by speaking to someone on phone. "I've texted you a few things. Get them there next hour." I frowned, but decided not to let my curiosity win.

"Uh, who?" Of course, can I compete with my curiosity?

He glanced at me, before getting back to type something on his phone, "Get ready by seven. Your clothes will be with you. We'll leave for the dinner." My mouth fell apart at his words.


"Get the conference room ready Luna."


I nodded, completely enchanted by the daze of this word. It's weird how little things of his effect me to this extent.

Or may be, his existence

God, stop it Mr. Merhotra!



I sighed before glancing the clock for the nth time. It's seven and we were suppose to leave by now. But there are these words by wise man, which said, a fact that modern life is that women take longer time to get ready than man.

And this girl is definitely bent on proving it true.

I looked at myself (again), tucked in denim jeans and untucked white shirt with classes handing in the mid.

Another few minutes passed, just when the door unlocked, and she entered. My breath hitched and eyes managed to stay on her. A pink shimmery long kurti and plazo of same color. Her ears shining in chand baaliyaan and those little heels. Her hairs loosened up and the wind from the open window provided it all.

I inhaled shakily and averted my gaze. Shutting my eyes, I calmed my raging hormones and looked back at her. She tucked those loose strands behind her ears.

"Let's go?" I asked, picking up my phone and wallet. She nodded before picking up her accessories and we moved out. We reached basement, to the car. I unlocked it using my key and waited for her to get it. She peeked a glance before opening the passenger side and tucking in. My eyes widened and I immediately held the closing gate. She looked at me, raising her eyebrows. I just nodded in a no and pushed in the small part of her palazzo that would be stuck in the door before shutting the door.

Taking the driver's seat, we started for her house. Nevertheless, I couldn't miss the tension that came along. I did not miss those fidgeting fingers and tapping feet as the destination got closer. She tucked her hair behind for the nth time and I nodded in disbelief.

"I'm seeing you nervous for the first time." I said, my gaze stuck to the front.

She bit her lips and looked out of the window, "You'll know why."

I sighed, "I know why." She finally looked at me. My one hand was handling the steering wheel, while the other held phone. Before I could open a chat, my phone was snatched from me. "What?" I hissed, "Gimme my phone."

"Ji nahi. Driving and phone not together." I couldn't argue and thus, decided to stay mum. I suddenly felt her looking here and there, again fidgeting those fingers and tapping her feet.

I sighed and asked, "Kya hua?"

{What happened?}

"I'm bored." Of course. Ms. Urvi Khatri cannot bear silence for more than...*I glanced at my watch* three minutes and twenty eight seconds.

"Then talk." I said.

"Uh, okay. Whats your age?" I coughed at her question, and pulled my breaks at signal.

"Umm... 26."

She looked at me for some moments and then bit her lips thinking something. I know something is on my way, "Oh, that means you were already completing your schooling when I was just entering my high school?" And here it is.

"This sounds so wrong when you put it this way." I gulped, before starting the engine again.

"Your turn."

I looked at her, before speaking, "What's the one thing you wish to do on your birthday?"

She looked at me hesitantly but then eventually chose to say, "Uh, nothing. Just feeling my inner kid as my age pushes it away." I nodded. "My turn, did internet exist in your time?"

I choked air, "What the fuck?" She raised her eyebrows, little taken aback. "From where do you think I'm? Homo erectus period?" She giggled at my annoyed voice and nodded in a no.

"Way before that," I raised my eyebrows at her who did nothing but giggled again.

Meri jaan legi yeh

"My turn." I say, "What's one thing you want to change in me?" It was unexpected. She seemed to be taken aback.

Raising her eyebrows and giving it a thought, she said, "May be, a little more expressive?" Oh...Kay.

"If I ask you the same question, then?" She asked.



I confirmed. "Nothing." She fell silent and I embraced it till we reached the destination.

I parked the car in its respective place and both of us got out. I waked ahead only to realize that she isn't there. I looked back, to find her standing there looking down. I sighed and went back to her.

Holding her hand in mine, she lifted her gaze to me. I blinked and tucked her hand before passing her an assured smile. She nodded and we both stepped inside the building. The house was big, but felt empty. Shallow and hallow.

"Maa." Urvi called out, gaining all of their's attention. Her mom, dad and sister.

Her mom smiled at her but strangely came directly towards me, "Hi Ridhit. How are you?" No, this shouldn't have happen.

"Ohoo, let them get in." Her father commented from behind wearing that huge smile. Something felt wrong. This feeling made me tighten my hold on her hand. Which made me immediately realize, I looked at her. Who stood there motionless but still wearing a smile. How are you so strong Urvi?

"Please come in." We were motioned towards the living room, where we all sat. Urvi beside me, Ridha beside her and uncle aunty opposite to us.

"So, how are you Maa?" Urvi asked slowly.

Her mom just smiled, "We are good. You know, Ridha has just signed another film. The director and producer came here the other day. They just couldn't stop talking about her. I'm so proud of her." Urvi's smile dropped, until she chose to plaster it again and turn towards her sister.

"Congratulations Ridha."

She smiled in return, "Thank you sissy. So Ridhit, how's she in office. I hope she doesn't irritates you like she used to irritate us." She laughed saying so as if she has just cracked the funniest joke.

My jaws clenched but my anger was in control just because of a hand holding mine, "Oh, Miss. Khatri, she's brilliant. And moreover, irritating has no room. I think I should be asking her this question." I turned towards the girl beside me. "You know, I just cannot keep my hands off her." I never lie.

Her eyes widened and red color dropped on her cheek. At least something worth coming here.

Her dad chuckled nervously before saying, "Well, our daughter is that special." I internally rolled my eyes. Nerve of them.

"How's business dad?" She further asked, ignoring the last statement.

His smile immediately dropped, "I don't know. All the investors have backed off suddenly. Company has faced major loss. I don't know what to do." I dropped my head down to hide that little smirk. You behave with her, abuse her, and I leave you?


"Oh, may be I can help?" She offered to which her dad laughed, "What will you even help in? Girls shouldn't get into this." Well let's just say he has just kicked off a brilliant opportunity of saving his company. The girl beside me held that power with which she can even buy his entire company. Her appearance is deceptive.

I scratched my lips and chuckled, "You're funny Mr. Khatri."

"I'm sorry?"

"You'll know." I murmured, shaking my head and chuckling. I could feel her eyes on me, which clearly said, shut up!


No Luna

"Uh, let's have dinner?" Her mom attempted to clear the air. We obliged. Next moment we were on the dining table, her mom serving the dishes.

She was technically opposite to us, serving, "Here." She passed Ridha the bowl of fish curry. She further stood up to serve me Naan and fish curry, followed by salad and drink, and went back to her place.

Did she not see her? I looked at her beside me, who seemed normal.


Is this what happens here everyday?

Suddenly those bells when she used to come office without having breakfast rings behind my head. I clench the spoon in my hand. Hell is better than a house like this.

I inhaled deeply to calm down my raging breath and turned towards her. I pushed away my plate gently and kept her plate in between. She looked at me confused, while I showed her eyes, asking her to keep quiet. Surprisingly, she obliged.

"Oh, she was just going to serve, yeah?" Her father laughed nervously to which Mrs. Khatri nodded. "Yeah."

I smiled and nodded in no, "We can manage."

I slowly served for both of us, keeping her tastes in mind and quantity minimum. Her mom intervened, "Please try fish. It's my specialty."

She don't like fishes you dumb fuck!


She interrupted, "Yeah." She picked up spoon to serve fish while I kept looking at her. I shut my eyes and held her hands saying, "I don't like fish. Please?" I said, and she immediately dropped the spoon. She was different around them. I wasn't liking it. Not even a bit of it.

We continue to have our dinner in silence. But what I observed was, her eating habits. She had no appetite. While I had two bites, she was just done with her first bite.

How did she survive in this house? People would've just ignored her. Her everything. This one thought makes me realize that the decision of asking her to move in was needed.

"So, how's business going on Ridhit?" Her father asked.

I simply nodded, "Fine."

"Market movements did not affect your company it seems." He chuckled, while I stilled, and looked at him, passing him a lip tight smile and saying, "Fortunately, my company is filled with talented people. You know, happy workers, progressive work?"

"Yeah yeah, of course. Which is why I wish to put forward a deal." As expected. Urvi halted eating and I sat erect. This man is hell bent on turning her birthday dinner into a business dinner.

"This is my girlfriend's birthday dinner and I surely do not wish to turn it to a business dinner one." I said, feeding her another bite. Her eyes were stuck on me but I chose not to look.

Coz ones I do, it'll be difficult for me to focus back.

He passed a nervous laugh, "Of course."

I nodded, and moved my gaze to her mom, "So Mrs. Khatri. You love Urvi very much right?" I felt Urvi going still.


Her mom smiled, "Of course. I love her very much."

"Actually it's her first birthday with me. So I'm unaware about stuffs." I said. "Can you enlighten me which flavor cake she loves and her favorite cuisine?"

Chocolate truffle and Italian

"Uh, actually Urvi was, no, she is very simple girl and has no choosy habits. So yeah." I sighed obscurely for the nth time. I looked at her beside me, who just sat there with a small smile. Sad one.

It's her birthday

She isn't suppose to be sad!

We completed the rest of our dinner in silence. Nevertheless, we had already lost our appetite and I could already sense the tension. I quickly dropped a message to someone and glanced at he, who looked lost despite of being in her own house.

"You want to leave?" A whisper came all along my ears. I faced her. Our faces so near. Neither of us made a move to do otherwise.

At least something felt good

"You want to?" I whispered back.

Her eyes flickered, "Can we?"

No questions asked, "We would like to call it a night. Thank you for dinner." I said to her parents.

"But what's the hurry?" Her sister interrupted.

"Uh." Urvi started, "We have plans."

Her sister scoffed, "Come on Urvi."

"Oh we do." This time I spoke.

"You can postpone it right. I mean today can be a family dinner." Family my foot!

My stern eyes fell on her sister, "She wishes something. She gets it. Today is special after all." I'm not in the position of denying her of her wishes.

Her wish, my command

Her sister giggled like a hyena. "You are behaving as if she'll die tom.."

"Complete that sentence and you'll realize the consequences practically." My cold voice echoed in the room. She fell quiet. Mr. Khatri seemed disturbed because of the conversation.

Of course he'll be. His entire motive for this dinner was to get a contract and save his drowning company. But little did he know that I'm the head of the department in which he's trying to rule.

"Oh, she was joking." Mrs. Khatri attempted to wash off the silence. But I was done for the day.

"Come." I let out my hand for Urvi, who held hesitantly and we got up, followed by others. "Thank you for the dinner, Mr and Mrs. Khatri." I said politely, as we moved towards the exit.

"Please come again." Her mom said, to which I just ignored. No promises to be made which will not be fulfilled.

We stepped out of her house.

They dint wish her. Not even ones.

Our hands fell apart, and I stood there watching her walking ahead, lost in her own thoughts. My eyes drifted watching her dragging her feet towards the car.

She's tired. Not physically. Mentally.

"I'm seeing you nervous for the first time."

"You'll know why."

Now I know why

I did nothing, but fished out my phone, sent a quick text to someone and looked back at her. She was leaning against the car, hands folded and shoulders shrunk because of the wind. But she had no smile. Her eyes held no peace. Her forehead held creases.

Every bit of it killed me

Seeing her like this

It's scary how much control she holds on me.

On every part of mine.

What are you Urvi?
Doing things which never occurred to me in past many years.

What are you?




He's mad okay? Ignore him." I said slowly and again pecked him.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He passed me a weird look which I ignored and slowly made him sit on the backseat. "I'll hide it. You wait."

"You dare and you'll crave for your coffee for next two months." I threatened and he looked at me shocked.

"You're threatening me with my coffee, for this"


"You've no idea what you've done to me, Luna. It's beyond words. Beyond what I can explain."

"I did noth.."

He interrupted, "You did. And may be if fate permits, I'll let you know."

I couldn't stop but ask, "And if fate doesn't permits?"

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