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Dated: 22th April, 2024
Word count: 3k+
Target: 40+ votes and comments

Do follow Urvi and Ridhit on Instagram โค๏ธ

15 | Home Like Home |


Things never work the way we plan. Do they? Things have happened to go so haywire that it had me stand wondering, what if(s). I was there, on the bed beside this girl. I never slept, and never felt need to since she has started to lay by me. She looked tired yet content today. There was a difference. A lot in fact. No, I'm not the kind of person who observes every single detail about that person.

But she had that small smile lingering over her lips, as she snuggled deeper into that bitchy soft toy I bought for her today. She is a snuggling person. Either her duvet, or her pillow, and now, this bitch. I wonder what will be the case when we...

I sighed, and rubbed palms over my face resting against the headboard. After we returned from the park, the atmosphere changed. She isn't someone who hums, but while returning, her feet were tapping along the rhythm of her hum. It denoted how content she was.

That reminds me of the other part of yesterday's evening. The dinner with her family.

You both are behaving as if she'll die tom..

My jaws clenched at the memory. That mere sentence had audacity to send shiver down my spines. I exhaled and picked up my phone from the side table and quickly sent a text to someone.

My gaze again fell on her. At the end of the day, I couldn't sleep. The difference lie here. It's weird how her mere has managed to get me an hour of sleep, when used to be zero otherwise.

Damn you Urvi Khatri. Every part of mine has been acquainted to you and your presence. And how, your existence in this house is the proof how different I'm getting. This isn't love. Because I don't know what love is. How it feels to feel for someone else more than anyone else.

Because nobody did the gesture she did for me in temple. No one had the widest smile at my every victory other than those twinkling pair of orbs that shone with pride.

She reminds me of my Maa

My gaze immediately fell to the picture on the side table. We were smiling, my mom's arms around me from back and me grinning with those twinkling eyes. I picked it up, and ran my thumb across it.

"You left me too soon Maa. You left me alone to fight those battles alone. Against my own people. Against my own will. Against everything I ones thought was beautiful. Why Maa? I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. Every ounce of power I have today, yet I feel helpless for not being able to bring you back. This is where Ridhit Merhotra lost Maa..." Emotions clogged my throat.

"You aren't Ridhit." A mild whispered reached my ears, as she sat erect against the headboard and her hands reached to mine, getting hold of the picture in my hand.

She scooted near and rested her head over my shoulder, as she gazed into the picture, "She is so pretty." A disbelieving whisper escaped her mouth. I smiled slightly and nodded, "The prettiest woman." I said.

Her eyes came to mine, as her hold on my palms tightened, "Your Maa is proud of you."

"How do you know that?" I asked slowly, as she pulled herself away.

She smiled, "If not then Elite wouldn't be happening today. Somethings are beyond what we can control. There's always a well wisher above who adds onto our hard work and prayers."

"And my mom is that well wisher." I completed, and she nodded with that same slight smile.

"But..." She trailed off, with a frown as her eyes met mine.


"She's so pretty, why did that gene miss out on to you?" My mouth fell apart at her comment.

"You think I'm not good looking?" My words held that disbelief.

She scratched her head before nodding, "You are, but not hero type. You are okay okay good looking. Your mom was heroine type good looking." I'm unable to understand. Should I be happy for my mom's praising or think about her statement.

"Oh hello madam, many girls die on my look okay?"

"Yeah...just think, it's that scary." Wtf?

I opened my mouth to say something but was only rewarded with silence. She saw my confused face and burst out laughing.

I frowned and looked away, "I'm not good looking? Huh. Khud ko dekha hai? Ek number ki.."

{Has she seen herself? She's just...}

I turned towards her to get a word but all my thoughts halted as her laughter still echoed the room. Her eyes sparkles every time she smiles. Not as an adjective, but really. There's this shine which isn't noticeable easily.

Darkness allured me until her sparkles chose to enter the forbidden part of my heart, that stood open to everything she served.

"You did that to distract me." I said witnessing her laughter dying slowly. She took a deep breath, and smiled at my words.

"I thought you wouldn't notice."

"We can notice everything that's new to us, can't we?" And she nodded before again scooting in.

"I don't know what your past is Ridhit. And neither I'll force you to open up. But I'll just say, that every coin has two sides. And at times, we are a part of the bitter side of the coin, unable to witness the sweeter and warmer part."

I stayed quiet, before asking, "Whom are you gesturing to?"

She hesitated but eventually spoke, "Shaanvi aunty." I averted my gaze and stayed mum knowing I'd not speak well about it. "Ridhit.."

"She's not a part of this coin. Nowhere related." I said, keeping my tone soft.

She bit her lips, "May be she has been misunderstood?"

I nodded, "Even if she is, she is his wife. What do you expect?"

"I'm your girlfriend in front of them, does that make me bad?" I stayed quiet. She sighed, "I won't push you. I know it's difficult. But just don't ignore the people who actually care for people who don't."

Anger slightly surged into me, "You're telling me to give her the place of my mom?" Surprisingly my voice was calm, even though I felt little angry.

She immediately nodded, "Make a new place. Not as a mom, but at least as a guardian or guide." I had nothing to say. The equation between each and every member of our family is complicated. I have issues with my father, but his wife has nothing to do with it. And yet I cannot ignore that fact.

I effaced my palms over my face, "Luna.."

She sensed my hesitation and spoke, "Okay, we won't talk about it until you want to."

"I did not mean.."

"I understand Ridhit. Trust me, I do." And I do know she does. We are just sailing in the same boat of different shores. "Oh, it completely slipped out of my mind." I raised my eyebrows, "About the call you got in the car."

Oh yeah, "What was it about?"

"About two things." I chuckled when she held out her two fingers. "One, your brother returning tomorrow... uh I mean today." She pushed her one finger in while I took time to intake the information.

I frowned, "Which one?"

She raised her eyebrows, "How many do you have?"

"Two", I replied and shrugged.

She nodded before answering, "Advaith."

Advaith is returning, which means the news of Urvi being my girlfriend is dangerous. That lunatic will leave no stones unturned to embarrass me. I still remember he'd actually bet that me and Urvi would end up together later in the future. Oh god, I massaged my temple using my fingers and looked ahead for another news.

She continued, "And, Mr. Harper has arranged a ball party day after tomorrow, and an invitation was sent for the same."

"That's a lot more information." I murmured, still thinking about the first one.

"I didn't know you had brothers." She quietly said.

I nodded,

"I do. It's the only family I have. My brothers. Advaithย Merhotra and Ashrit Merhotra."



"But ma'am we instructed so." He kitchen help said, as they asked me for the breakfast again.

I sighed, "I think sandwiches, juice and poha will do." And they were on it. I don't understand. It's just third day and they are already asking me about the breakfast, who's totally unaware of resident's food habits. I was up soon. Its just seven, while everyone else were asleep. My sleepย  was harshly interrupted by a phone call from my mom who complained bout dad acting weirdly. I paid no heed to it assuming it to be some mind games, again.

I was standing beside a window that gave direct view to the garden. It was behind the stairs, where anyone could hardly see anything. It was enchanting to be amidst flowers who radiate so much positivity, along with morning wind and subtle rays of sunlight. Not too harsh, not too pricking. Just perfect.

"You like the garden?" I jumped at my place at the sudden voice.

I turned to find, "Mrs. Merhotra."

She smiled, and stood beside me, passing me a cup of coffee, "This house has two best parts. One is garden, and other is library."

I raised my eyebrows, "There's a library here?"

She nodded, "Yes but nobody is allowed to go in there, except for Ridhit." I frowned. Curiosity in my blood suddenly showed its presence and my mind wandered to everywhere, thinking about possible consequences and results. "Is there any discomfort you are facing here beta?" She asked, turning towards me.

I nodded, "No, but just that, the servants are asking me for the meals when I'm completely blank about everyone's food habits."

She chuckled, "Now they'll follow what their boss has instructed right?"


Moment halted as realization dawned. No stones are unturned by him to make me feel his home as...ours. A home I never got, and a home I'm receiving from a completely unexpected person.

"But before me..?" I abruptly halted, unable to explain.

"They used to ask me because of Mr. Merhotra's instructions."

I fell silent, "I'm sorry."

She raised her eyebrows, but then immediately nodded in a no realizing what I was apologizing for, "You don't know Urvi, how happy I was when he instructed them about this." She said, "It's just like, he still had a part where remained life and feelings. You are that feeling Urvi. I cannot be more happier."

I bit my lips, "But he doesn't..."

She chuckled and nodded, "Yes, and it's fine. It'll take time for him to accept." But what if...

"You don't feel bad about it?" I asked quietly.

"I agreed to this marriage because of Ridhit. And now if this gives him happiness, let it be." She shrugged, but her face still had that smile.

A question arose is my mind, which I reluctantly asked, "What happened to your husband, aunty?" She looked at me, "I'm sorry if..."

"You're too over apologizing. Don't do that." She hit my head slowly and chuckled. I looked down and tucked my hairs behind, "He's dead." I look at her. "He had drinking habits. Everyday, just come home, take out vendetta on me and sleep in one corner. Drinking ruined our lives, instead, it took his."

Her gaze was stuck to the garden in front, where as I kept looking at her. Her face had that serene look, which screamed that she was at peace. With Ridhit's father. And that made me realize, that his father is a good husband. It's just in the race of being a good husband, he lost the race of being a good father.

I said nothing for a while, "I know you don't trust me and it's fine. Don't think so much about it." She said sensing my hesitation.

"It's not like that, it's just..." Ridhit won't like it. I trailed off.

"I know, and even Ridhit's state of mind is justified. Don't think too much on it." Her comforting voice was soothing. She had that mother feeling. "I'll go to kitchen to check with breakfast. Men must be coming any moment." I nodded as she said and she moved away after passing me a small smile.

I quickly glanced at the clock. It was seven forty eight, which meant Ridhit would come down any moment since Advaith was suppose to reach here by eight. "Thinking about me?" I gasped and turned quickly at the sudden voice.

"What the hell, Ridhit you scared me." I breath heavily. He just smirked, and that is when I noticed that he was in his night clothes, tousled hair and droopy sleepy eyes.

"Really?" He raised his eyebrows and smirked. "Let me check." Saying this, he leaned down, and my knees weakened as he places his ears just above my heart.

"Ridhit." I exhaled shakily and shrunk, leaning against the wall. His hands were on my either side, and I was standing there leaning with my hands resting on his shoulders and his ears above my heart. I felt as if I'd pass down any moment from now.

"Pretty much evident." He whispered, in the same posture, aware about how insane my heart beats are right now.

"PUSH HIM AWAY!" My subconscious mind screamed, and I, as usual ignored it.

He pulled back, only to come dead closer to my face. "You should've slept. Your eyes...they are.." I trailed off my whisper.

"Why did you come down?" He asked, nuzzling my nose with his. I shut my eyes and stood there.

"I wasn't sleepy."

"Because you slept late yesterday."

I hummed, "But you dint answer my question."

He replied, "I just did." My eyes fluttered open and immediately connect with his. He had his way with words. He'd just utter simple sentences unaware of the havoc it is creating in me.


"I'M BACK!" A voice suddenly echoed the mansion, hence interrupting our little sweet conversation. I tip toed to peek behind his back, but was unable to.

"Why do you even try." He chuckled, and stepped back before turning away to walk off. But he again stopped in mid and turned towards me with his eyebrows raised, "Come." I held his hand which he forwarded and walked out.

Advaith immediately jumped on him, making him laugh. "You're looking old." He pulled back and said. Ridhit glared him while I chuckled at his sentence. I immediately stood erect seeing both of their gazes on me suddenly.

Uh oh

"Is this your Urvi?" My cheeks heated up at Advaith's words.

"Uh." Ridhit rubbed his nape and looked at me. I chuckled nervously before stepping front and forwarding my hand.

"Hi, I'm Urvi Khatri." He smiled politely and replied to my shake, "Advaith Merhotra." I nodded and stepped back, giving them their space.

He turned towards his brother, "You should freshen up. You stink."

"Oh please. I smell like flower." Advaith waved his hands. Ridhit rolled his eyes before Advaith chose to speak again, "By the way, Bhai. I won the bet. Laao mere paise." He forwarded his palm, grinning widely. In this house, Advaith seemed like sunshine to Ridhit. Their bond was surreal, that siblings bond.

{Give me my money}

Ridhit coughed, "Uh, you must be tired Advaith. Go and rest."

"But Bhai?"

His stern voice came out, "Advaith."

Advaith rolled his eyes and looked at me, "So, should I call you bhabhi?" I choked my own saliva, as my eyes widened at his comment. I suddenly felt conscious and my neck and back felt hot.


Ridhit interrupted, "Shut up Advaith."

He chuckled, "We had a bet, and I won." I frowned. My intuition said me that I was somewhere related to it. His eyes came to my questioning ones and immediately averted seeing my questioning gaze.

Oh..kay. What's going on?


"Okay daato matt. I'm going." He ran upstairs, leaving us alone.

{Okay don't scold.}

He chuckled and nodded his head in disbelief before turning towards me. I couldn't stop asking, "Where does your other brother live? Adhrit?"

"He stays out of India since last year to handle the foreign branches of Formonix. He shall return soon too."

I nodded thoughtfully before another question erupted in my mind, "What bet was he talking about?"

"Huh?" He snapped his eyes at me at my question. I raised my eyes while he shifted nervously and chuckled. "Luna, we'll get late for the work. Let's get ready, yeah?" He made a move to escape, but I immediately blocked his way.

I folded my hands across my chest, "Trying to escape Mr. Merhotra?"

He smirked and bent towards me slowly, "From you? Never Miss. Khatri." I blinked and opened my mouth to say something, but I was blank.

"Ridhit! Don't divert the topic."

He cleared his throat as I caught his trick, "You want to know?"




"Okay then. Well, two years ago when you, Miss Urvi Khatri made entry into my life, my brother apparently thought that I've finally got someone who'd put me in my right place and thus, me and my brother had this bet, where he proposed that I'd end up with you by the time he comes back and I, obviously proposed for otherwise. Rest, you can connect the dots." I clearly can.

"Oh." I managed to say, scratching my nape and looking here and there.

He smirked and folded his hand in front of his chest, "So?"


"Kya kehena chahengi aap?"

What would you like to say?}

This time, I coughed, "Kuch nahi. You go and get ready. Or else today I'll leave without you." He chuckled at my threat.


"We both know you won't." He winked and made his way upstairs while I stood there completely baffled. What has happened to him suddenly? Yesterday, and then his behavior.

I blinked and averted my gaze from the path and bit my lips. A small smile took its place over my lips, and I had no idea what was going inside my own system. There's isn't a single moment when anything feels fake, but it's frightening that it felt forbidden. Neither we could say anyone what we actually were, nor were we behaving as such. We're just like...a normal couple.

And what is frightening even more is that

"The only thing that is going fine in my life, and I'm pondering over it." I sighed at my subconscious voice.

Coz more than a handful of happiness is something my faith and life hates..

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