17• 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓑𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽𝔂

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Dated: 19th July, 2024
Word Count: 3k+ words
Target: 50+ votes and comments

Please follow Urvi and Ridhit on Instragram✨

17 | The Ball Party |


This man beside me is making me go mad!

My breath hitches by his mere closeness, his nonchalant breath and heaving. My body has completely lost its control, and he touches me as if he knows my body like the back of his hand. He knows where to exactly plant those soft whispers, sending shivers down my spines. My hands automatically itch to run across his soft locks and grab his nape, pull him even closer, wishing no distance.

I sighed in utter tiredness. It was a long day. Whatever happened in the morning, and then that abrupt sight of contract papers felt as if someone had poured cold water on me. I stood there dumbfounded, where else the paper which fell down felt as if they were reminding us. Screaming that everything is fake.

"This seem fake to you?" My subconsciousness screamed, but my doubts overpowered it.

After that incident, I had no courage to face him. Not because of papers, but because I was afraid. Afraid if his behavior will change.

Afraid that his intense gaze, which held me shivering, would turn cold

Afraid that he'll stop behaving as such, just like my parents did

Afraid that he will lose the connection I was feeling with him

Afraid that... everything will come to an end

My fears were answered when his gaze held that same warmth. When his heartbeat rose and accelerated the same way mine did. When his hands around me made me realize that maybe this connection isn't one-sided. Maybe there's still time for it to end.

But little did she know that destiny had some other plans

"You did it, didn't you?" My chain of thoughts were harshly interrupted by his oh so soft voice. We were heading towards the party in his car. We were sitting behind since he called for a driver today. It was a pretty comfortable car with lots of space. I looked at him, blinking in confusion. "EarthCon project." He clarified.

I coughed, averting my gaze, "Uh... no. It was the team who did."

He chuckled deeply and shook his head, "It's a shame if I am unable to distinguish project details from them and the same from you."

I bit my lips and shrugged slowly, "It is."

He rolled his eyes, "You take me as a fool?" I nodded before my eyes widened and immediately shook my head. He scrutinized his gaze, "Sab samajh raha hu mein."

{ I'm understanding everything.}

"Aap samajhte bhi hain?" I blurted out and instantly covered my mouth.

{ You also understand?}

"Stupid stupid Urvi!" I groaned internally before smiling nervously at him, who was just glaring at me. I cleared my throat, "How did you figure it out? About the project."

He raised his eyebrow, "So you are agreeing that you did it?" To which I immediately replied, "I never said that."

He sighed, "There's no reason for it." I frowned, "What does that mean?"

He exhaled and turned himself a little to face me, "How do you know that you like coffee and not tea?"

Creases arranged themselves on my forehead, "Uh, I just know. It's been years, too."

"Exactly." He uttered that one word and answered my questions that were waiting to unfold.

He just knows. There's no reason to it


"So... there are some things that can not be worded out." He said slowly while I looked up at him, who still held my gaze like his most precious possession.

I shook my head, "There are only some things that can be worded out."

My eyes bore into his, as he chose to speak, "Somethings do require words."

I nodded, "Love doesn't."

"Then explain it to me."

I stammered, "I...I don't know. It's just that I've read books and seen them in movies. That's it."

He replied, "Then explain that to me."

I gulped inaudibly and eventually went calm, replying, "Apparently, there are things that can not be worded out but only felt." I whispered, "Just like, when you love someone, you can not expect them to know that just by an "I love you." It's like trying to comprehend the universe. There are actions that justify it. Maybe a coffee, having no conversation, yet the silence is peaceful. An extra day off, or a subtle piece of music behind as we bore into the deep seas of soul. Maybe listening to the book she speaks about or just being there." I shrugged and ended up emphasizing the last one and eventually falling in silence.

And then he looked up at me, "There are different forms of love." I smiled.

I whispered, "There are. Like the scent of old books."

He leaned back, resting his hand on the window and in turn resting his forehead on the fist, "Like sprinkles of rain."

"Like old music."

"Like the sun and moon."

"Like a ray of light in a dark room."

"Like a love that mother beholds."

"A love beyond Eros."

"A love that breaks emotional walls around and wraps you in a cocoon."

"A love like..." Me and you.

I felt as if my heart stopped and breath was snatched brutally, leaving me baffled. Me and him? Is that what I thought? I exhaled shakily, snapped my head in the other direction, shut my eyes tight, and tried calming my raging breath.

At that moment, I felt him sneaking just behind me, wrapping his hands around my waist slowly and pulling me towards him. My back came in contact with his suited chest, while my head rested near his heart with my eyes shut.

"Shh. Calm down." He whispered over my ears, caressing my arms slowly to bring down my raging breath. He's the reason behind my breathlessness, and he's equally and solely the only reason behind my salvation after that one thought.

"I knew you were bad news to me." I whispered as his arms tightened around me as I snuggled deeper.

He chuckled,

"And I knew that you, Luna, are chaos to my calm, yet peace to demons in me."

And the silence we fell in was indeed peaceful than a conversation


And the shadows of our hearts, something silently weaves its tale, yet they remain blissfully unaware, dancing in the darkness of their own romance.


Our trance was interrupted when the car skidded, and finally halted in front of a huge hall. The entrance was decorated, minimally but elegantly. She averted her gaze, while I, next moment, got down the car and moved towards the other side, buttoning up my coat. I held the door open and extended my palm. She gazed at it for a moment, and a smile touched my lips when she placed her palms on mine. I pulled her out, giving her a moment to fix her outfit. Once done, she glanced at me again before I held her hands to pull her closer.

I slid my hands across her waist and pressed my lips against her ears before whispering, "Just stay near." Without waiting for her response, we stepped ahead only to come across the flashes and noises. I expected this. She clutched my hand tighter as we moved past then and entered the hall.

The party was quite inquisitive. Dim yellow light from the chandelier, soft music playing in the background, and murmurs of people echoing around.

Witnessing us the couple of the day, Mr. And Mrs. Harper approached, "Welcome, Mr. Merhotra and Miss. Khatri." Mr. Harper greeted, lending a hand for a formal handshake. I replied politely, followed by Urvi.

There were all the delegates we could expect at a huge party. I made my way to one of them, my hands still holding hers.

"Where are you taking me!" She exclaimed as I pulled her with me.

I turned to her, frowning and then pointing in a particular direction where Mr. Harper and some more delegates were standing, "There."

She passed me her pissed look, "I know that. But you go. I won't come."

I stepped closer, "Why?"

"It's boring. You go. I'll grab some drinks."

"You sure?" I was reluctant.

"Yes, baba. Go!" She literally held my hands and pushed me lightly. My hand slid off hers, and I made my way towards the delegates' standing.

It didn't take a minute for us to get indulged in the business world. Stocks, business, market, and prices were only things the conversation consisted of. Business interested me like nothing else could. The news about other companies and their shares was no stranger to me. I had a complete team to get information about every company and their stocks so that I know when to make a move. The superficial coats of high-class people were common things. And no one was a stranger to it. But then those were the only source of food for them, no matter what they were behind the doors.

Involuntarily, my eyes shifted to Urvi, who was standing there with a glass of juice in her hand, alone, until one of my guards walked up to her. This managed to attain my undivided attention, keeping notes on his every move. He halted at least three feet away and muttered something to her. I visualized her posture stiffening and muttering back something. Curiosity erupted in me, but before I could make a move towards them, she dismissed the guard and walked out of the party looking down at her phone, probably calling someone.

I immediately excused myself and made a move outside behind her. I came out, my eyes searching everywhere in the huge lawn until I caught sight of her. She was talking to someone on the phone below the orchid tree. Her back was facing me. Her frowns and stiffened posture twitched something in me.

I held no second thoughts and walked to her, and coincidently, she hung up the call and turned around just when I reached her. Evidently, she flinched at my sudden appearance, placing her hand on her chest and breathing heavily.

"You scared, Ridhit." She sighed and relaxed.

I stepped forward and held her hands on mine, "Anything wrong?" She hesitantly looked up to me and bit her lips nervously. "What's wrong, Luna?" I am scared now. Her silence isn't something I enjoy.

She shook her head, "My father called me up." I should've guessed it.

I raised my eyebrows, "Did he do or say something?" I guess his company's downfall wasn't enough for that man.

She nodded her head, "No, in fact, he was apologizing."

He was what?

She continued, "Yes. And also asked if.." She trailed off promptly, gazed at me softly before averting her gaze. I looked at her in disbelief before groping her chin and making her face me.


She exhaled before speaking up, "He asked if I could gather some help for his company and...also help him financially." I knew it. That man was the most shameless man I've ever come across. He had the guts to ask her out for help after what he did on her birthday.

Humiliated her capabilities on the basis of her gender. Anger surged in me. Nevertheless, I chose to clench my jaw and gaze at her shifting expressions.

"What did you say?" I asked her, pulling her towards me, wrapping my hands around her waist and keeping my tone soft.

She placed her hand on my chest and shrugged, "I didn't promise anything. Just ended the conversation somehow. " I looked at her, trying to grasp what her expressions were trying to portray.

Her tone somewhere held the fact that she didn't care anymore, but her frowns depicted that somewhere down the line, she was worried about them.

"You want me to step in?" I asked her while she looked up to me slowly.

"You will?"

"Just a word, and I will."

She sighed, and a small smile took its place over her lips. She nodded and leaned forward to place her head on my chest, "No, Ridhit. One shall reap what they shall sow." I tightened my hold on her and embraced her completely, and she whispered, "They didn't care when their own daughter was dying in that four walled building. They didn't care when I used to die suffocating with attacks. And now, when they see me in a position where I could help them in overcoming the results of their action, they don't think twice before coming to me. Asking me to forget everything I went through because of them."

I shuddered at her words and leaned down to peck her hair, "Then step back. I'll make sure they don't reach you."

She again nodded and looked up at me, placing her chin on my chest, "Let them reach me. Let them see that I've reached the position they never expected me to. I want to see the burn in their eyes when they witness the success of Urvi Khatri."

"You will." And I'll be there at every step you take. Distinctly, or indistinctly.

I smiled and kissed her forehead while she chose to shut her eyes and let me be. We stayed there in that position for a few seconds before she opened her eyes and stepped back from my hold, making me feel the sudden void.

"Let's go in?" I nodded before clutching her hands in mine and walking inside. I quickly glanced at my wrist watch that showed nine. I dragged her to the table and we sat there. I gestured to a waiter and we were served with a fruit bowl. It was just for her to have some energy before dinner starts. The bowl wasn't that big, but just enough. It's been nearly four hours since she has eaten anything.

I pushed the bowl near her, waiting for her to start. She looked at me with those questioning eyes, while I just shrugged and eyed at the bowl, asking her to complete it. She shook her head before picking up an extra fork from the stand and passing it to me. I sighed and took it. We had fruits. She had grapes and oranges only, while I chose to complete the rest. She was clearly slower as she picked up each orange, examined it thoroughly to find any white threads and then had it. In case of traces of white threads, she removed it completely before having it.

So madam hates white fibers on oranges.

We were done with it, we walked ahead only to bump into.. oh!

Adhiraj Malhotra

A six foot tall man stood ahead of me, with the same smile he had years ago, but this time with a slight stubble. Blue blazer white shirt and blue pants accompanied a fair lady in a blue gown. They fitted perfectly. Their contrast was something that could catch anyone's eyes. She possessed jet black hair just like her eyes, while he had brown ones.

"Ridhit Merhotra." He exclaimed, probably taken aback by my sudden appearance after so many years. "It's been ages! How have you been?"

I gently nodded, "Great. I hope the same with you?"

"Obviously man! Who can dare to harm Adhiraj Malhotra!" We chuckled at my jest "Except her of course! BTW meet my Beautiful Wife, Dhruvi." I nodded politely at the lady who passed me the same small greeting smile.

That reminded me of her presence beside me, who stood oblivious to everything happening. I gently slipped my hand on her waist and pulled her towards me, "She's Urvi. Urvi Khatri. My..." I trailed off. I felt my neck burning under her gaze. Who was she to me?


We are beyond that


I never proposed her

She's Luna.

My moon. My peace. My chaos.

"Yourrrrr girl?"

I couldn't miss the red tint spreading across her face and eyes lowering down at the comment. My heart accelerated to another level and I simply nodded, pulling her to my chest. "My girl."

Urvi smiled softly and looked at the couple in front, "Pleasure to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Malhotra."

His wife, Dhruvi spoke up, "Don't be so formal please. You can call me Dhruvi. But isko Jo bolna hai bolo. Yeh toh hai hi budha."

We chuckled at her words. "You've got a perfect match for yourself, Raj." I chuckled.

He slid his hand on her waist and pulled her closer, "I know right. She's my lady luck." I glanced at Urvi who smiled at the couple softly, resting her head on my chest.

I leaned down and gently pecked her hairs, and evidently wrapped my arms even tighter in an attempt to keep her beside me forever.

"Um..Ridhit." I looked down as she called for me slowly. I pushed  the lose strands of hair behind her ears and waited for her to continue, "You catch up, I need to use the washroom." I nodded.

She quickly then excused herself and moved towards the washroom while I simply stood up and moved towards the center, glancing at the way from time to time. I impatiently waited for her to show up.

"Ridhit." I snapped out of the way at Adhiraj's voice. "Do you need to use the washroom too?" He teased and Dhruvi giggled.

I rolled my eyes and glared at him, "Are you using me as a bait to excuse yourself?"

Adhiraj smirked, "Oh no kind sir. Your expressions said it all."

"Shut up will you?"

"Stop shutting me up and go to your girl before the desperation on your face is visible to everyone in this party."

I glared at him, quietly catching a glance at the way again, "Nikal le tu."

"Tu nikal. Mujhe chord de meri biwi ke sath and stop third wheeling."

I rolled my eyes and passed a gentle nod to the lady beside him before walking away.

I glanced at my watch. It's been five minutes. Why isn't she back yet?

"Mr. Merhotra." A voice from behind caught my attention. I turned to find a young lady standing there with a glass of champagne.

I quizzically asked, "Yes?"

She smiled and stepped ahead, before placing her hand on my chest, "Free tonight?" I internally groaned.

Not again!

I glanced at the way again, which showed no traces of her and looked back at the lady with a stern look, "Excuse me." I tried moving away but that lady was no less than a leech.

"Come on young man."

I was pissed already with her absence and this lady did no better, "Yes. I'm young, but don't you think you are too old for these stunts?" I rolled my eyes and jerked her hands away before moving away.

Unconsciously, I moved away to stand in the dance area, where all the couples including Mr. Harper and his wife were having their sweet time. A sudden wave of desire to have the same moment with her seeped in.

I caught glimpse of the way ones again, and looked away dejected, until,


My head jerked in the direction from where the noise abruptly erupted. There she was. Standing there and panting heavily. Another few seconds passed until I saw her running towards me. Thousand eyes were on us but I didn't care. She ran towards me across the hall and I gently stepped forward before wrapping my hands around her waist and sweeping her off her floor and twirling her around.

She buried herself in my neck as I placed her down. She quickly turned us around and occupied the place I was in previously and looked at me with, oh those eyes.

She smiled softly and caressed my cheeks. I stood there frozen when she gently tiptoed and pecked my lips slowly and whispered against it, "Pour vous, toujours."

Sound of a bullet rushed through the gush of wind, and she gasped audibly as it hit her.


AI pic for the chapter:

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