Chapter 16

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A not so dead girl

"Sneaking into dumbledore's office"

Wide smirks spread out on the boys' lips, mischief sparking in their eyes like fireworks.

James raised an eyebrow "and what do you need us to do exactly in the headmasters' office?"

"Well...I need information about someone who I have...issues with and I tend to resolve them and for that, I need you to get the students file from his office" Fate explained hoping they won't mind doing the deed.

"Okie and who would that "someone" be?" Remus cocked his head.

The girl slightly gulped before slowly declaring who that person was.

"Tom Riddle"

"....ooh," Peter said with a disgusted expression.

Even though Fate herself did not care about someone making any sort of faces at mentioning Toms name, but she just loathed the "subject" that was stood right next to James.

She narrowed her eyes, looking at him sideways.

Remus did not show much expressions but it obvious for Fate to realize he felt a bit disappointed at hearing the Slytherin head boys' name.

"Alrighty we will do it...hopefully we won't have any "issues" right?...about anything?" Sirius spoke looking at Fate as if she might laugh into his face.

Fate slightly smirked remembering the boy was still troubled about her knowing his little, well not little secret.

"What issues Sirius? I believe we are on good term friendship, are we not?" She spoke with the same mischievous tone as before.

"Oh...oh yes yes we are but umm i..." snuffles was at loss of words.

"Okay I have to go now, I hope you can do it a bit fast, and thanks, Remus."

After that, she left and went back to the Gryffindor common room.

Upon entering the girls' dormitory Fate found herself all alone, the others were either gone to Hogsmaed for some shopping or helping decorate the castle.

She relaxed and a soothing feeling crawled over her.

The less the people the better she felt, it's not like Fate didn't like her new friends, specifically Lily but in the circumstances she was in, it was difficult staying around people.

And no matter how much her new friends were nice, she could not share secrets with them as she did with Harry, Ron, and Hermione because they are irreplaceable.

Shaking the thoughts of her old friends off, she looked at her scar.

β€”let me through Riddle, let me through these walls, what do you conceal behind them?β€”

So many thoughts swum in her mind, like the tides splashing at the sore, with each splash, a new thought would overtake the previous one.

β€”a boy simply can not be so cold for no particular reason at such a young age, something happened must have happened and I need to know that... and for that, the first place I can go to is the orphanageβ€”

But how would she leave school at this time without any certain reason. She needed a little excuse, just a little holiday.

Little jinx tired jumping on the bed but after a failed attempt he meowed at the brown-eyed girl on the bed.

"Oh...there you are, where have you been?" She smiled at the fuzzball.

Meowed away the cat and furrowed were Fates eyebrows.

"He's at the library? But he was supposed to be a duty!" Fate hurried and got up, rushing towards the library.

It was not like Tom would most definitely find the book right now but the thought of Tom being in the library going through those dark books gave her very high level of anxiety.

Fate got to the library and there he was, she quietly walked to the end of the library and stood right next to him, looking at the books.

Tom slightly stiffened sensing her presence, he knew it was her because who else could it be.

A strand of her silky black fell on the face, instead of using her right hand, she used had her left hand to push her hair back that was showcasing the simple scar, that had the boy falling in a fervor of tangled thoughts.

Despite not wanting to look her way, he couldn't help it and turned his head her way but tben immediately regretted as he saw the scar again.

Why was this girl so absorbing? why was this girl so stubborn? why was her scar in his vision? These were the questions that kept occupying his mind.

"Why are you here?" He asked.

"To read" she answered back.

He knew asking this question was unreasonable because obviously, her answer would be that, but Tom knew better, he knew she was onto something.

"Don't flatter yourself, I know what's going through your mind" Fate spoke smoothy, voice like butter, her gaze still ahead on the old books.

"Excuse me?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Excused" spoke the girl now grabbing a book.

"Who do you think you are talking to-" Tom was in the middle of speaking when Fate left off with to the next shelf that was behind the one where Tom was stood.

Fate smirked to herself, it felt good looking at Toms expressionless face turn into a frown.

she started reading the different book titles when she heard the faint sound of something clicking and clacking on the marble floor.

Furrowing her eyebrows, she inclined her head looking for the sound.

She knew Tom was still on the other side because she would hear the turning of pages in a while, so could this be?

Her question was soon answered when her eyes caught a stack of bones walking its way to, ah yes, Tom.

Fates eyes grew wide in the realization of what was about to happen next, she moved slightly to see what the skeleton would do but made sure she was out of Toms sight.

The skeleton came and stood right in front of Tom, who was sat at the table nearby, too lost in the pages of the books to acknowledge the presence of the fake bundles of bones next to him.

In a second or two he frowned his eyebrows because there was a funny shadow of weird patterns on his book.

β€”what? why does everyone love to block the light- what is this?!β€”

Tom looked up, completely confused at the sight in front of him. This time his expressions were actually priceless and Fate tried not to laugh athim.

Tom abruptly got and started walking away but the skeleton had other plans because it sped walked towards the dark souled boy and JUMPED on him, the skeleton was too light for it to knock Tom down because Tom was still stood stable and solid as steel.

"What- what are you doing?" Yelled Tom trying to untangle himself, the skeleton had his hands all over Toms head messing up his hair.

"Depulso!" Cursed not one but two voices and the skeleton was gone.

Tom abruptly turned around and saw the girl who had yelled the same spell as him, no wand in her hand and neither his.

β€”she can do wandless magic too?β€”
He was speechless for a second.

β€”oh great he can do wandless magic tooβ€” thought Fate unimpressed.

She kept her book aside and walked up to him and he just watched, he saw a smirk appear at her lips when her eyes went up to his hair.

Fate unknowingly, slowly brought her left hand to his hair but Tom seized it before she could further touch it.

She looked him dead in the eyes, her gaze was relaxed, she grabbed his hand with her right one and freed herself from his grip and he let go, so easily.

He didn't say anything, didn't do anything. What was up with this strange girl? she just held his hand to free herself and he let go.

Fates fingers combed through his hair, his hair was soft, smelled amazing.

"There..." she mumbled looking at his hair that was once again back to its original form with his signature fringe.

Tom just stood there, his face like a blank canvas. He didn't say a thank you and Fate wasn't really expecting one either.

Both the teenagers were still standing in front of each other. Fates' eyes moved down to the book held his hand.

Without asking for permission she grabbed the book away from his grip and read its title, a wave of relief ran over her.

"You have a nice choice for books, I've read this one too," she said handing the book back, her face expressionless reflecting Toms.

"...thank you," he said back dryly taking back the book, and then he left.

With a sigh, she went back to her book hunt.

After for the hundredth time, she got a bunch of books and went to the griffindore common room.

Upon entering she was greeted by James jumping in front of her.

"Hey there Fatey!" He sang.


"Mooney would you please" he spoke with confidence.

Remus stepped next to him and stretched out his arm, a proud smile on his face.

"Here you go" He handed Fate an envelope.

"What? You got it?!" She gasped.

"Yep!" Said, James.
"Piece" piped up Sirius
"Of" continued peter
"Cake" completed Remus.

"Oh thank you soo much! All of you" she chimed.

β€”except for you peterβ€”

"You're very welcome" replied Remus and then the others.

"okay I have to go now"

Fate went to her dorm, took a shower, and changed into her clothes, and tossing her uniform in the laundry bin.

She quickly grabbed the file and got under her blankets, jinx was in there too playing with the strings of her jacket.

She opened the file, Her heart-catching speed, opening the first page, she read;


Name of student: Tom Marvolo Riddle.

Date of birth: December 31, 1960

Place of birth: Wools Orphanage

Parents/Guardians: deceased

Gender: male


Fate flicked to the next page;


Extra information of the student:

Mother's name: Merope Gaunt.

Alive/Dead: Dead [December 31, 1960]

Magical blood or not: witch

Fathers name: Tom Riddle.

Alive/Dead: [unknown]

Magical blood or not: muggle


And that was it, nothing more. This didn't help Fate as she expected, all she found out was that Toms mother died when he was born and his father was a muggle who left his mother, which was already known.

Now the only way she could find help was from the orphanage.

With a disappointed huff she closed the file and kept it under her pillow, closing her eyes, she laid down.

β€”oh shit wait! I have to complete my transfiguration essay!β€”

She got out of bed, grabbed her book, and ran out. It was really becoming a routine for Fate to jump out of bed and running out.

She knew who she needed to get help from and took a turn for the library because there was a probability the person she needed help from would be there.

The girl wad in a hurry, too dazed in her own thoughts to realize someone from the opposite side of the corridor was in a hurry too, and then bam-

Both the teenagers bumped into each other. "Oh my god! Ouch! My head! It hurts! Can you not see where you're going?" Cried a rather familiar noise.

β€”wait- is that ...Moaning Myrtle?β€”

And indeed she was.

"Oh I'm sorry I was in a hurry, are you alright?" Fate apologize, a bit, let's say shook because seeing the girl that was once a ghost felt rather weird.

"Oh no, I'm not! I was on my to pack my bags for leaving!" She cried out like always.

"Leaving? ....for what can I ask?"

"Halloween holiday of course"


Don't forget to vote and comment!

Note: sorry I couldn't put effort in this so if u find something questionable go along with and also ive already said ill be changing the storyline for this book so yea

Hope you enjoy (:

-lots love β™₯️

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