Chapter 18

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The Family

But the people who needed a babysitter almost made Fate's eyes fall out of their sockets.

"A baby sitter needed for the Riddles
For 2 days during Halloween ...-"

"Lord have mercy on me is this for real? Are things actually getting easy for me?" Fate mumbled to herself reading the line over and over again.

The rest of the details were given below like the timings, money, and a contact number.

Fate quickly tore the little column out of the newspaper and made her way to nancy.

"Hey um Nancy look at this, I want to go" she held out the paper in front of the lady sitting at the reception.

"Oh, that's great that you want to work sweetheart. Of course, you can but...don't you want to spend your Halloween to go trick or treating?" Asked nancy.

"Oh come on now I'm sixteen now. I'm not a kid to go trick or treating" Fate chuckled.

"As you wish" nancy smiled.


Fate was standing in front of the Riddle manor and let's just say calling it big would be an understatement, it was enormous and beautiful but a part of it reminded her of the place where she grew up and it was not pleasant.

Thinking about it, the air around her got dense, the bitter scene played within her mind.

"Miss Crysta?"

"Huh? Oh...yes I'm sorry" she was pulled herself back to the present.

"you may come on in now" a guard called her in after asking her business and why she wanted to meet Mr. Riddle.

As Fate walked in she felt slightly uneasy. It was Tom Riddles father she was going to meet along with the rest of his family.

And the fact that Tom's father was alive but he still had to live in an orphanage was unsettling despite Tom being a total jerk this was not fair, any child deserves to live a better life with their parents.

The man led Fate to the reception of the huge mansion. She was looking at the random certificate hanging on the wall and saw "Tom Riddle" written in cursive on a golden certificate of some sort.

The fact Tom was named after his father made Fate feel different emotions, it was sweet yet stingy. The abandoned boy was named after the very person who abandoned him and the man who he needed the most in his life.

"Ah yes Miss Crysta" an aged man who was about in his 40s entered the room, he was wearing an elegant black suit, the stench of his strong perfume infiltrated the air.

Just as the girl saw him she could tell in a blink of an eye he was Tom's father. Yes, he got his looks from his father for sure, and that's also where he gets his arrogance from.

"Mr. Riddle Good evening, I was here for the babysitting job I read about from the newspaper"

"Oh yes, thank goodness no one else was willing to lend a hand during Halloween, but you did" he spoke with a smile but it wasn't really a warm one.

"We usually have our governess around but she recently resigned so it might be a bit difficult for you to manage here but don't worry we have a cook and butler, he will show you around and give you all information needed..." He continued.

"Yes, sir" Fate noded.

"Now I shall be leaving" he walked upstairs and a few minutes later walked out from the other door along with a lady, a beautiful lady in an elegant magenta dresswith perfectly matched high heels, Toms step mother.

"Miss Crysta this way, I'm Albert" the butler of the Riddle manor guided her inside the house.

"Mr. Riddle has two children, a son named William he is eleven years old, and a daughter named Maddy she is 9. Their bedrooms are located on the second floor, and the kitchen..." Albert started showing Fate around and gave all the instructions needed.

"Okay that will be all if you need anything, you may call me for help"

"Alright then thank you, Albert." Fate nodded and then he left.

Fate started looking at the portraits hanging on the huge hall, there were so many pictures of him and his wife, his children, and two old couples in a few pictures which Fate assumed were the grandparents of the kids.

Not a single picture that could show any signs that he had a son before and who was now sixteen, a wife who was a witch, and now dead.

Fate reached the kid's playroom, "hello there, I'm Fate your babysitter-"

"What? A new babysitter? Great more annoying and poor girl telling us what to do" the little boy who was playing with his cars spat with a disgusted look.

Fates mouth dropped open, the boy was only eleven, and the way he spoke made it very clear how the rest of his family must be like, she already saw the way Tom Riddle senior spoke, such pride and arrogance drooling off his chin.

β€”okay Fate patience, they are just little childrenβ€”

"Wot? Who said I am going to bother you by telling you what to do? I'm just here to make sure you eat your dinner and have lots of fun on Halloween" The short-haired girl smiled at the little boy.

"Wot really?" Both siblings looked at each other like they were silently communicating.


"Wow, I think I already like you" Maddy grinned at Fate.

"Sure you do doll, anyways do you want some snacks? Its time for lunch"

The kids had their lunch and were currently playing in the backyard and now was the time for Fate to snoop around but she had to be careful not to get caught by Albert.

She walked into the huge house all by herself hoping to just find random in a random room titled;

"Reasons why Tom Riddle junior became a blood supremacist psychotic bald murder"

But obviously, something that was related to Tom Riddles Snr's past was not going to be laying around in a random room, it has to be the basement or the attic.

After reaching the fourth and final floor of the building the girl kept looking up in hopes of finding a small door.

β€”Ah-ha! Thereβ€”

At the end of the hall was the door to the attic, grabbing a stool that was sitting nearby a fancy table she stepped on it and fiddled with the door, and just as it opened;


the loud doorbell scared the hell out of the poor girl.

She quickly closed the door and jumped off the stool and ran downstairs, she couldn't be found missing in a giant manner of a rich businessman.

After going down about seven staircases she finally went outside to check on the kids and saw they had their arms wrapped around some old people.

β€”wait what? No! The grandparents, seriously?! Why didn' Mr.Riddle mention them coming?! Just how very pleasantβ€”

"Miss Crysta may I introduce you to-" Albert was about to introduce her to grandparents but before he could finish the old yet graceful lady spoke.

"You must be the babysitter..." the old lady observed her.

"Yes, mam, nice to meet yo-"

"keep an eye on her, we don't want to get robbed now do we?" She cut fate off, eyeing her up and down.

"Um excuse me?" The girl asked calmly.

"You heard me, girl! Don't show me that attitude!" grandma Riddle barked.

β€”I will not hesitate to hex you, you...muggle!β€”

After this, the arrogant lady walked and her husband followed her close by and decided to ignore Fate's existence.

β€”Oh so classy it runs in the family.β€”

"Come one inside kids it's getting late".

"No! We want to play more!" Maddy screamed.

"It's getting cold you have to get inside- Ahh!" The poor girl was washed away with a splash of water and William was holding a hose.

"Willaim! Come right here right now!" She ran after the boy while he and Maddy threw a football at her.

"Stop it! Or else no one is going trick or treating!"

And that threat did well to get the devil children inside.


"Okay, good night kids" Fate smiled at sleepy children in their beds, closed the door, and returned to her room.

The whole day was a mess, let's just say grandma and grandpa Riddle literally never sat down, always walked around either doing something or just casually strolling around having chats.

Fate fell on her extremely soft bed with a huff, even after a hundred tries, she still couldn't reach the attic yet alone even find a basement that may or may not exist.

β€”huh things could have been soo much easier if I could just use magic but no of course these arrogant muggles can't even handle the slightest bit of something that they can not understand!β€”

"And that is why he left your mother in the first place Tom, because she happened to be a witch and they just couldn't make sense of the they got rid of the situation." Fate mumbled and took out her diary and a new book and started noting down some new spells.

Soon she peacefully fell asleep on her warm bed, her diary laid on her tummy.

Finally, after days and days, she thought she would have another peaceful night to sleep but was unaware of the night terrors that awaited her unconsciousness.

"Fate! Fate please help me! Ahh!" A girl screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Hermione!" Fate jolted awake.

"What am I doing? I can't just sleep! I-I need to work, the lives of thousands of innocent people are in my hand" she pulled at her hair.

startled she got out of her and jumped in the shower, she slowly let the hot water wash away her tension.

After getting out, she changed into a black hoodie and black pajamas and made her way to the attic.

Fates bedroom was on the second floor and the grandparents bedroom was on the third floor, she pulled out her wand "lumous" the blue light brightened her surroundings and carefully walked all the way to the end of the fourth floor.

She opened the attics door and pulled down the ladder but to her rotten luck, soon enough she heard soft footsteps of someone walking towards her.

β€”shit shit shitβ€”

Panic taking over her, she scrambled towards near the table, swishing her wand she killed the light and pulled her knees to her chest.

"Huh? Why is the attic open?" Grandma riddle walked over to the ladder and Fate tried to cease back into the wall but thanks to the dark rooms and her black clothes the old lady couldn't see Fate.

"Oof- this is too heavy, I'll have Albert do it later" the old lady tried to put the ladder back but her old bones couldn't bear the weight and finally she left.

With a huff, she climbed into the attic and started looking around, after going through some albums, old boxes, her hands landed on some old letters.

-Dear Tom...




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Anyways enjoy (:

-Lots love Ebeeβ™₯️

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