Chapter 8

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A first step for a friendship

Lily woke up to a beautiful sunny day and also passed out Fate in the bed next to her. Her head rested against the book she was once reading. Lily looked at the dozing girl with confused gaze thinking "why is she sleeping like she had been fighting dementors during the night" but her confusion soon cleared up once she saw the scattered books around the other side of Fates bed.

"Hey! Fate! .....wake up...wake up! FATE!" Lily yelled loudly in Fates ears scaring the living daylights out of her due to her deep sleep.

"Ahh...yes! I'm up! She shot up abruptly and looked at the time "wait are you not late?" She asked groggily peeking at the redhead.

"A bit, but I figured I should stay here to wake you because merlin you looked like you needed that sleep."

"Oh...thanks a lot, that's really nice of you" Fate glinted at her, remembering she was her best friends mum no wonder she's so nice.

"Oh that's alright and here" Lily grabbed a plate from the side table and handed it to Fate.

"I thought I'd save you some breakfast" she smiled at the sleepy girl. "Thank you" Fate once again said taking the plate that was stacked with pancakes. She quickly ate but only half of it, not feeling much hungry, she promptly got ready, grabbed her bag and ran out With Lily.

Their first-class was defense against dark arts. Lily walked into class slightly knocking at the door causing everyone's eyes to land on the two girls, including Toms. His eyes met Fates for a second, both had empty faces so both had no idea what was going through the others head, which was going to be a problem considering she was supposed to befriend him.

"Yes, ms Evans come in" Professor Galatea let the girls in. And again the boy with blond hair was sat next to Tom. Fate did not really care this time and took a seat next to the boy will extremely luscious brown hair, yes Sirius, while Lily sat next to Snape.

"why hello Fate, looks like you had a nice sleep" he whispered to her with a playful grin.

"Hello Sirius, and yes it would have been nice if I was not up till five in the forenoon reading" she politely smile back at him.

"Oh I see, let me guess you get good grades all the time and you know everything before even the professor teaches it to us"

His description matched to Hermione more than Fate. Hermione always studies everything before the actual class, but Fate on the other hand only studies her favorite subjects and only showed interest in books that would fascinate her and be more useful in practical life rather than be useful for her studies.

"hmm... no, I would not say that about myself, I only read such books that intrigues my curiosities" she responded.

"Miss Crysta, would you like to tell the inclination for a tongue-tieing charm?" Professor Galatea inquired the girl who was busy having a chat with her friend.

She looked at the professor, fully calm, though she was not paying attention at all to what was being taught, she spoke with serenity "yes professor it would be Mimblewimble."

"How does it fluctuate from the silencing charm?"

"the silencing charm can be easily overtaken but as for this charm much, more skill would be needed to fight it off thus making it tougher for rival to contribute during a duel or as such." she finished confidently.

"very well miss Fate 20 points to Gryffindor," said professor Galatea making Fate lightly smile, Lily also turned to Fate and gave her a thumbs up while Bellatrix threw a hateful look towards the girl which Fate was quick to notice and responded with a smirk.


The rest of the day went by pretty simple by simple it means that Tom did not even look at Fate and she did the same momentarily forgetting dumbledore had also asked her to make Tom open up to her but the hatred she felt towards him would not wear off that easy and that quick.

Instead, Fate did have nice chats with the marauders or mostly Sirius and James, and sometimes Remus as he was a head boy he had more things to look after, and as for Petter, let's just say she hated him more than she loathed Tom. Why? Because it's obvious Voldemort would not hesitate to kill someone but Peter, that squib was James friend and he betrayed him.

It was currently lunchtime and once again Fate excused herself and headed towards the library.

She took a few of her books from her dorm so she could place them back, and then once again started her hunt. Her eyes scanned the books and of course, once again she found a book that looked
like it might contain the knowledge she sought for.

Pulling the book out she started looking at the table of contents when she felt a shadow behind her, followed by someones warm breath hitting the back of her neck that her short silky hair couldn't cover, she immediately closed the book and turned around sharply only to be met with bold dark brown eyes boring into hers, almost making a shiver run down her spine...almost.Β 

"I did not intend to pry but you are blocking my way, I have to fetch a book" he elucidated.

Upon Hearing his words two sentiments ran through her mind.

The first being --oh great! So I did start off right, he is reading from this section--

And then the second one is
--oh just great! He is already browsing this section Merlin knows how many books he has already skimmed through and what if he already knows about the Horcruxes?!--

But during this state of panic in her head, she remained casual on the surface. "oh pardon me" she dryly reacted and moved to aside.

Tom without further saying anything moved to grab his book, but his eyes caught the book that was held in Fates hand.

However, he grabbed the book he was looking for and was about to leave but his curiosity got the best of him.

"Mind if I ask what enthralled you to read such a book? The Dark forces: A guide to self-protection I see"Β 

It was highly unlikely of the brown-eyed boy to ask some questions as this, even he was surprised by himself.

"oh thought it might come in handy" she responded casually.

Tom raised an eyebrow at the girl "wot do you possibly think could put your life in danger might I ask?" he asked, and for the first time, his barren face showed a slight smirk on it.


"nothing of course, never know"

--should I say something else? Ugh I need to befriend him, might as well ask him to join me--

"Have You read this?"


--wonderful, might as well ask him how does one stay immortal--

"Okay...Would you like to accompany me?" She asked.

"No thank you, I have to get to some work" and with that he left.

--what a prick! I should have not even asked him in the first place! What does he think he is? The most smartest person in the world? No, you are the most dumb person, Riddle, for making yourself bald and noseless with your skin looking like an undercooked turkey just to be immortal!...well I guess one can choose to look like a shaved dog to live forever--

She internally yelled and stabbed daggers at the now, long gone boy.

Then finally calming herself down she looked at the book in her hand and then at the huge rack and sighed.

--looks like I'll be needing gallons of coffee for this venture--


Hi there! Don't forget to vote and comment n also gimme your reviews and your opinion would also be appreciated.

Yea the chapter is going slow n is quite short but I'm gradually making it long.

I literally forget everything I have to write in this note as soon as I start writing it AND one more thing at this point I won't even ask u to ignore my typos because I never write my chapters in peace believe me all this is written under the most unlikable circumstances.

But anyways enjoy.
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