Chapter 12

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     Sapphire quickly followed Eclipse, and after a while, the two flew at a tired pace side by side. In reality, it would take a quarter of a day to get to Highpeaks, and they didn't want to stay out too late. Eclipse also remembered that Highpeaks was where Pacree Hail lived.

     "You're fast," Sapphire remarked, panting.

     Eclipse smiled, and flew up to a big, fluffy cloud. She glanced down at Sapphire, then shot through it, leaving a hole in the middle. Sapphire yelped excitedly, and followed.

     Once above the clouds, they could see the sun sinking behind the mountains that were still quite a ways away. The light danced on a lake in the distance, and beyond that, the sea. It was chilly up there, but sort of refreshing.

     Sapphire hovered beside Eclipse, panting.
     They stared at the sunset, taking in its golden glow side-by-side.
     Eclipse guided Sapphire over to the nearest mountaintop, which took about twenty minutes, and sat with her, still above the clouds.

     "It's beautiful up here" Sapphire murmured.

     Eclipse nodded, gazing into the distance.

     Sapphire shivered, and nuzzled herself into Eclipse's fur. Eclipse looked down at her, surprised by Sapphire's extra-friendliness. Eclipse touched her nose to Sapphire's muzzle, and tucked her wing around her. Eclipse was instantly warmer, sharing her body-heat with Sapphire.

     Sapphire rested her head on Eclipse's shoulder, and Eclipse rested her muzzle on Sapphire's head. It felt perfect up there, away from the camp for a little while.
     Eclipse thought about how lucky she was to have a friend like Sapphire, and she smiled.

     "Thank you," Eclipse whispered.

     Sapphire looked up at her quizzically, but then just smiled and put her head on Eclipse's shoulder again.

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