Chapter 27 - Day 3 of 5

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     Solar opened her eyes to find SkyChaser at her side. She was confused at first to not be in her den, but then she remembered that she'd slept in SkyChaser's. She yawned, stretched, and settled back down, snuggling into his fur. He blinked awake, and licked her ear affectionately.

     She twined her tail with his, and rested her head on his paws.

     He licked her shoulders rhythmically, and Solar started to doze off again.

     She was slightly aware of QuietFlower offering to help SpringShine go collect herbs, and Wind dragging herself over to FeatherCloud. Sapphire was sitting in a corner and staring at nothing again, and DarkFlight was grinning shyly at CedarShade. 

     Then Solar fell asleep completely, enjoying the still-not-very-warm sun filtering into SkyChaser's den.

     It'll be spring soon, Solar thought.

    Solar looked up from the eagle she'd been eating. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Sapphire slip quietly out the archway.

     What's she doing?

     Solar shook her head, thinking Sapphire was probably going out hunting or something.

     "Hey!" She called to FeatherCloud when she'd finished her eagle.

     FeatherCloud looked up from the ground, staring glumly at Solar. Her tail and wings were covered in dust from dragging them on the ground.

     "What's the matter?" Solar inquired worriedly, hurrying over to her and wrapping her tail around FeatherCloud's.

     "I don't know..." FeatherCloud grumbled "I just feel... lost."

     Solar tipped her head in confusion. Why would FeatherCloud feel lost? She'd been acting so triumphant, celebrating that Eclipse was gone. What had changed?

     "I guess... I guess I'm not as happy about Eclipse being exiled than I've told everyone I am," FeatherCloud mumbled.

     Solar stroked her sister's ears sympathetically. "I know how that feels," She whispered.

     "So when are you and SkyChaser going to get it together and have Drolgonets?" FeatherCloud asked bluntly.

     Her question caught Solar off guard. "Feather! It's too soon for that! And... I mean... we're not that serious..."

     She glanced over to SkyChaser, who was chatting with Asch, Wind, and Meadowlark. Solar realized for the first time how plump Meadowlark was getting.

     Great! Solar thought happily. More Drolgonets in Pacree Sky! Now I don't have to feel as pressured to have some of my own with SkyChaser...

     "Solar," FeatherCloud said in a disbelieving tone. "You slept in his den last night. Are you seriously trying to tell me you two aren't a thing right now?"

     Solar didn't know how to respond. She just stared at her paws.

     Solar looked around the camp. "You know, some Drolgon's think you and DarkFlight are going to be mates."

     "He's a nice Drolgon, I just don't like him that way. I mean, I don't really like anyone that way, you know? He's just a good friend," FeatherCloud mumbled. "Plus, he told me he likes he-Drolgons."

     There was a long silence while FeatherCloud stared distractedly into space. Solar looked in her sister's eyes, and saw despair there.

     "Want to... talk about how you felt when Eclipse left?" Solar asked.

     FeatherCloud looked at Solar for a moment, and then began speaking. "I felt betrayed. I used to think all the horror stories about murder were exaggerated and fake, but then when the truth about Eclipse came out, I realized that I was in one."

     "I felt that way, too. Like the world didn't make sense anymore. But I know Eclipse isn't a bad Drolgon deep down, and I know she'll come back," Solar commented.

     FeatherCloud shook her head. "I know she hated Storm since he hated her and always said those mean things to her, but... she didn't have to kill him! Now we're orphans. Both our parents are dead. Couldn't she see that having one bad parent is better than having no parents at all? I just wish she could've seen what she was doing from another Drolgon's eyes. Seen how terrible it was."

     Solar rested her tail over FeatherCloud's shoulders. "You should tell her this when she comes back. I'm sure she'll understand. She's our sis-"

     "Stop saying she's coming back!" FeatherCloud suddenly yelled, jumping to her paws and shaking Solar's tail off. "I miss her like she's dead, and that's basically the same as her predicament now! I'm not allowed to ever see her again, and neither are you! Face it, Solar! She's gone forever!"

     Solar flinched. Her sister had changed from the caring, quiet, gentle, sweet Drolgonet she once was.

     FeatherCloud bared her teeth angrily at Solar, and stormed off toward her den.

     Solar sat, stunned, where FeatherCloud had left her.

     She recovered from her frozen state and plodded over to SkyChaser. She shared his deer, feeling the weight of what FeatherCloud had said.

     I'm a terrible sister! Solar wailed silently, tears welling up in her eyes. I let my little sister get exiled and I didn't go with her!

     SkyChaser put his wing over Solar. "What's wrong?" He murmured gently.

     "Just feeling a lot of emotions about Eclipse again," she mumbled.

     SkyChaser nuzzled her cheek affectionately. "I'm sorry she's gone. I certainly miss her, and I know Sapphire does desperately."

     "Thanks," Solar whispered, his scent wreathing around her. She felt calmed, and she leaned into his side, licking his face. But what FeatherCloud had said really upset her, and she felt dejected from the pressure she felt from feeling like it was her fault Eclipse would probably die in the wild. But she assured herself that her family would be okay. Eclipse was strong, FeatherCloud would probably learn to deal with the despair she felt, and she was doing everything in her power to keep her only remaining family safe. That was what mattered.

     It'll all be all right. I'll be all right.

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