Chapter 8

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Eclipse padded wearily into camp at FeatherCloud's side, behind SunnyHeart and Ragged, who were carrying StarFlower. Breezy padded slowly behind Eclipse and FeatherCloud, carrying Wind; she was battered, but alive. The rain was beginning to let up, but Eclipse was still soaked with blood and rain. She could still taste FierceTalon's blood.

As SunnyHeart and Ragged set Eclipse's mother down, Solar came rushing over.

"What happened?!" Solar yelped, sniffing at StarFlower's cold, soaking fur.

"She died bravely," SunnyHeart murmured, tears filling her eyes. "She died protecting you, Eclipse"

The thought horrified Eclipse.

"So, in other words, she died because of me!" Eclipse spat, her hackle-spikes lifting furiously.

"No," SunnyHeart assured Eclipse in her soothing voice, resting her wing on Eclipse's shoulder. "It's not a bad thing that she died for you. All mother-Drolgons are willing to die for their Drolgonets. It is an honourable thing to do, and your mother was braver than most."

Eclipse looked at her paws in anger, her hackle-spikes refusing to lie flat.

"But I don't want her to be honourable! I just want her to be alive!" Eclipse snarled.

At that, FeatherCloud burst into tears.

Eclipse shook her head miserably, and glanced toward Storm. He hadn't come anywhere near StarFlower after she'd died.

Does he even care? Eclipse thought, filled with hatred. His mate just died!

Eclipse watched, furious, as Storm hurried over to Meadowlark and worried over her few scratches. Eclipse knew there was something between the two, and that Breezy and SunnyHeart were always shaming him because they knew he always wanted Meadowlark more than StarFlower.

"Pacree Sky!" HailClaw called from his ledge.

As Drolgons gathered, he began.

"This was another battle fought and won," he announced. "Although," he glanced toward StarFlower's body. "There were some very heartbreaking sacrifices. And that brings me to what I'm going to say next. There is one Drolgonet who I think fought very bravely and loyally, and has been waiting far too long for her ceremony."

Eclipse pricked her ears excitedly as HailClaw glanced toward her.

"Eclipse," HailClaw said as he dropped from his ledge, and Eclipse stepped toward him. "This Pacree honours your bravery, sacrifice, and skill in battle. You are now a Drolgon of Pacree Sky. May the spirits guide you."

He touched his nose to Eclipse's head, and Eclipse lifted her wings behind her in a formal thank-you.

"I have an objection!" A voice called.

Eclipse didn't have to turn around to know it was Storm who'd said that. But she turned anyway, and saw Storm standing right behind her.

"Why in the name of the spirits would you object a third time to your own daughter's ceremony?" HailClaw growled.

"Because," Storm began in a low voice. "I saw what was actually driving her to fight. And I can tell you, it wasn't loyalty."

Eclipse couldn't believe Storm. Why would he keep doing this? Why was he trying to sabotage her?

"After FierceTalon killed StarFlower," Storm continued. "Eclipse fought FierceTalon. Now, you may reply to this with 'oh, that's normal. Any Drolgon would do that.' But no. Eclipse wasn't just fighting FierceTalon, she was trying to kill her. And Eclipse caused FierceTalon lifelong suffering, because she blinded her. You cannot let Eclipse become a full member of this Pacree. She is driven by rage!"

"Storm," HailClaw argued, stamping the ground with his paw. "Before StarFlower's death, Eclipse saved me. She dove into a writhing mass of Drolgons to help me escape. If that isn't loyalty, I don't know what is. So," HailClaw turned back to Eclipse "as of now, seeing that there are no valid objections, Eclipse is now a full member of Pacree-"

"No!" Storm howled desperately. "You can't! You haven't seen what I've seen! The spirits sent me a vision!"

At that, all the Drolgons fell dead silent and turned their heads toward Storm.

"The spirits?"

"The spirit realm isn't real!"

"We haven't heard from our ancestors in the spirit realm for years..."

"Why would they send Storm a dream?"

"What if it was from the Darkbeasts instead? They might be trying to cause trouble again after Opal!"

"You believe that nonsense? Really? Magic ghost Drolgons watching our every move?"

"Well, when you think about it, it isn't that weird considering the world we live in."

"He's lying! He has to be lying!"

HailClaw stepped toward Storm. "The spirits? You have to be joking. The spirit realm isn't real."

"I swear to you, it is!" Storm said, his eyes wild. "They sent me a vision. In the vision, Eclipse was there, and she was savage! I saw with my own eyes; she killed a Drolgon from this Pacree!"

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