B3-4: Talking Lizards, A Sand Man, and A Really Emotional Pregnant Lady

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As Otto tries to break free from his arm restraint, as the Lizard throws a stone in his cell, wallowing in his sadness. Ned sets up his equipment while Mj does some other stuff, including studying Stephen's goatee template. Mila sits on a medicine ball as practices calm breaths like she learned in her birthing classes.

Ned glances over at Mila then does a double take, "Where did you get that stuff from?"

Mila was currently knitting a baby hat as she did her breathing exercises.

"I asked Bill Nye the science guy to get it for me."

Mj snorts from across the room, "Good one."

Mila smiles nodding, "Thanks."

Ned frowns confused, "Wouldn't Houdini be better? You know magic?"

Mila and Mj stare at Ned with straight faces making him clear his throat before busting out laughing.

"Bill Nye! That's genius Mila!"

The lizard rolls his eyes in his cave muttering, "Oh brother," to himself.

Peter scrubs his suits with foam thoroughly, desperately trying to coax the green paint out, while also having a conversation with aunt May on the phone.

"If it won't come off, bring it to the shelter and I'll get it out."

Peter frowns, "No, no, no, May. We gotta find these guys first."

"Well, finish your mission, then come by."

Peter realizes he can't wash the paint away. He has turned the suit inside out, where the fabric is black with gold wiring.

"That could work..."

"I got one, I got one, I got one." Ned says excitingly.

Peter raises an eyebrow before standing up quickly, "Oh, May? I gotta go."

"Okay. Love you. Bye."

Peter and MJ gather around Ned's desktop. He shows them the result of his research on his laptop.

"I mean, you can take the guy out of the chair, but you can't take the chair out of the guy."

Mila slaps her hand on her forehead, "And you thought my jokes were rough."

Peter smiles sneaking his head, "What did you find?"

"There's a... disturbance near a military research facility outside of the city, and witnesses say they saw a monster flying through the air."

"That's gotta be the guy I saw on the bridge, right?"

"That's impossible."

Peter steps in Octavius' direction, who has his back turned, "You know him, don't you? On the bridge, you said his name."

"Norman Osborn."

Mila's head snaps up as she finally tunes into the conversation seriously. She knew the suit looked familiar. She remembered it bra she of Harry Osborn.

"Brilliant scientist. Military researcher. But he was greedy. Misguided."

"What happened to him?" Peter asks.

Octavius turns around, enraged, "WE TIRE... OF YOUR QUESTIONS, BOY!"

Mila raises an eyebrow as she stands up and walks over to stand beside Peter, "Yell at him again and you will get a face full of pepper spray."

Peter pats Mila's arm reassuringly.

"It can't be him." Octavius whispers.

Mj frowns stepped forward as well. She was now fully invested, "Why?"

"Because Norman Osborn died, years ago. So either we saw someone else... or you're flying out into the darkness, to fight a ghost."

Peter frowns.

Mila looks over at him grimacing, "It's true. My Norman Osborn died as well."


Young Peter swings alongside trees and power lines at dusk. In the undercroft, Ned tries to find something to eat in the fridge, but backs off, seeing it's full of weird interdimensional creatures. MJ monitors Peter's actions and surroundings via a camera phone duct-taped on his chest. Mila measures Mj's head before beginning to knit a hat for her as well.

"Keep an eye out on those trees, we don't really know where this guy is. I genuinely don't know how you do this without throwing up."

Spider-Man continues swinging, lowering his altitude and finally lands in a gloomy forest spot. He starts sweeping the area. He suddenly stops. Something is moving around him, in a wavey pattern. Sand...

"Did you guys see that?"

"No. Uh..." Mj frowns.

"Definitely not." Mila shrugs.

"It's, it's really dark." Ned sighs.

Peter continues scouring. After a while he completely freezes in his tracks, his suit's eye lenses widen. Behind him, something sparkly and blue starts forming from the power lines, drawing yellow electricity. The air starts whirring, louder and louder. Blue light illuminates the darkness of the night.

"What's happening?" Ned asks concerned.

"Peter, what is it? Are you getting the tingle thing? Is the tingle thing happening? Is your tingle tingling?"

Mila raises an eyebrow before frowning in disgust, "Ew..." She steps away and stretches out her arms.

Peter turns around with his web gauntlet ready to fire and sees the figure. It has achieved a nearly corporeal shape.

"Are you guys seeing this?"



"No. He was green. This guy's blue." Peter speaks to the electric being, "Uh... You wouldn't happen to be from another universe, would you?"

Mj squints trying to see the image better, "What's he doing?"

"I don't know. Looks like he's charging."

"I don't like this. Just web him."

Electro opens his eyes and fires a bolt of electricity towards Peter, who quickly avoids it and scurries away through the woods. Lightning bolts zap through the trees quickly.

"Go left, left! Go left!" Ned yells.

"Wait! Right, right!" Mj screams.

Peter yells dramatically evading lightning, "Guys! This is not helping!"

A burst of electricity then hits him, causing the young webslinger to fall down to the ground. In the undercroft, the feed on the laptop glitches and is turned off.

"No, no, no. What happened? Peter? Peter?"

As Spider-Man sees Electro coming closer, he shoots a web from where he was laying on the ground, but it flies straight through the blue visitor's body, hitting a tree.

Mila stands up and begins to walk closer to Mj so she can help them try to get the view back up on the computer. Just as she takes three steps a huge tree materializes in one of the cells. Its branches are too big for the area so they burst out making Mila scream in shock.

Mj quickly looks over at Mila, "Are you okay?"

Mila chuckles with her hand on her chest, "Yes. That scared me."

Mj laughs for a second before her smile completely drops. She moves away from the laptop and hurries over to a first aid kit in the corner of the room. She runs to Mila and opens the kit finding gauze. Quickly the younger girl pats Mila's bloody cheek trying to stop the bleeding.

"You got knicked. Did you even feel that?"

Mila frowns, "No, not really. I'm okay though. Honestly."

Mj shakes her head pulling out an alcohol wipe and first aid cream, "You're not fine. You could've been impaled."

"But I wasn't..." Mila smiles.

Mj rolls her eyes, "You are not nearly worried enough. Don't you ever get scared being in situations like this? I'm sure you've been bait before... for your Peter I mean."

Mj frowns as she notices Mila's beaming smile disappear.

"I was... before..." Mila nods slowly looking at Mj blankly as if she was thinking hard about something.

Mj grimaces, "Sorry. Did I say something wrong?"

Mila shakes her head giving the girl a quick reassuring smile, "No... you just reminded me of my sister a little bit just now."

Mj frowns, "Reminded?"

Mila smiles nervously as she backs away and takes the gauze out Mj's hand, "I um I think I got it. Thanks for the help, but I'll be right back."

Mj watches the pregnant girl wobble away quickly. She couldn't help but feel bad. She had obviously brought up something that made that girl upset and uncomfortable. She wanted to know what and why. She wanted to talk to Mila and see if she could make things better. She liked Mila a lot. Even though they just met, it felt as if she had known the older girl for years.


Snapping out of her thoughts, Mj quickly hurries over to Ned who is standing staring at a black man in a black and yellow suit.

Both Ned and MJ look at the new visitor, who's inspecting the electricity trickling between his fingers. Electro stands trapped in a cell, his right is Doctor Ock. Otto waves at him slightly. The newly retrieved supervillain looks at his hands. Lightning crackles through his fingers. Behind Ned and MJ, the lights briefly flicker.

Before anyone can speak another visitor is transported to the crypt. Flint Marko grunts, knocking against the barrier.

"What is this?"

Max shakes his head, "You picked the wrong side."

Max looks over to one of the other captives. The Lizard looks and behaves much more vigorously than before.

He cackles slightly with a frown, "Connors?"

Doctor Ock frowns confused, "Wait... You know this creature?"

Max shakes his head, "No, no, no, no. Not a creature. A man."

Ned looks between the two intrigued, "Whoa... Same universes."

"Dr. Curt Connors." Max says starting at the lizard in astonishment, "He was a scientist in Oscorp when I worked there. A brilliant scientist, till he turned himself into a lizard. Then he tried to turn the whole city into lizards. It was crazy."

Conner sighs, "It wasn't crazy, Max. It was the next step in human evolution."

Ned stands mouth agape, "The dinosaur can talk."

"Lizard." Mj replies.

"Right." Ned smiles.

"Speaking of which, what happened to you? Last I recall, you had bad teeth, glasses and a comb-over. Did you get a makeover? You know I can give you a real makeover."

"Let me guess. Into a lizard?"

"Exactly." Conner nods.

"Could you two just shut up?" Flint says before turning to Ned and Mj, "Where are we?"

Ned shrugs, "It's complicated."

"A wizard's dungeon." Mj says bluntly.

"Wizard's... Wizard's dungeon?"

Mj takes a deep breath before revealing, "There's no real way to sugarcoat that. It's... literally the dungeon of a wizard."

Doc Ock nods.

"Look, you can keep your magic." Max stands looking back at his hands, "I want a taste of that new energy I just felt."

Before Ned or Mj can say another word, footsteps sound from behind them.

"Sorry I ran off like that Michelle-"

Mila freezes as she stares eyes dead set on Electro.


Max looks up for a moment confused b fore he tilts his head to the side, "Aspen?"

Mila's eyes water as they tear up slightly. She shakes her head while taking a few steps closer. Mj stands beside the pregnant girl guarding her just in case something appeared in the cave, something went wrong, or one of the other universe guys escaped.

"N-no it's Mila..."

"You look just like her."

Mila nods, "My dad used to say that a lot."

Max doesn't reply but instead stares at her as if trying to figure her out.

"Do you remember me? It's okay if you don't. I mean... you might only know me from Oscorp..."

Max smiles softly remembering a sweet memory, "You're not a nobody..."

"You're a somebody." Mila smiles before frowning. She was confused at how he was here. But also she had a better question.

"You know who I am to you?"

Max nods slowly, "You're Aspen's daughter. I didn't get to meet you before she ran off. I didn't know you were even... you weren't pregnant last time I saw you... were you?"

Mila lets out a breathy chuckle while shaking her head, "No I wasn't. We'll talk about this later. I'm just glad you're here."

Mj nudges Mila. The two turn around backs to the guys as they whisper to one another.

"Is he a bad guy?"

Mila makes a hmmm sound, "Well..."






"He wasn't."


"And then he was."

"Mila what?"

"But it's only because he was bullied and treated badly. I would become a villain too if people stepped all over me."

"Hey!" Max says hearing the conversation seeing as they weren't really whispering but just turned their backs to everyone.

"Sorry..." Mila grimaces while looking over her shoulder before turning back to Mj, "Seriously though I'll kick his butt if he even tries it."

"I can still hear you."

Ned stands pointing at the teleported tree with a confused frown, "Hey, is this like a tree monster, or like a scientist that turned into a tree?"

Max sighs shaking his head, "That's just a tree, man. That's a tree."

We did it!!! Finally an update!! I told yall I would try to update all my books by the end of March!!! And I did πŸ˜—πŸ˜ well πŸ˜πŸ˜¬πŸ˜πŸ˜… I did like four or five books. That's great in my opinion. I have so many I love writing but sometimes it just takes me a minute to think up fresh ideas. So thank you so much for being patient and just coming back or re reading!!! I appreciate all of yall and the love and support.

I so enjoy reading all comments and replying back so get to chatting with me!!

What do we think of this chapter?

The trio is so cute and Mila is like a cute little mom to them.

Mila is finally reunited with Max. Reunited and it feels so good. Can't wait until she see Peter #3 (number 1 in her heart)

Future predictions?

Any special requests...

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