I Love You

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3rd Person's POV

Loki watches below, motionless, "Send the rest."

From the portal, thousands more of Chitauri soldiers and even more Leviathans fly out. The Avengers look up.

Natasha sighs, "Guys?"

Tony groans, "Call it, Cap."

"Alright, listen up. Until we can close that portal up there, we're gonna use containment. Barton, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays. Stark, you got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or your turn it to ash."

Clint looks over at Tony, "Wanna give me a lift?"

"Right. Better clench up, legolas."

Iron Man lifts Hawkeye up to the building.

"Thor, you've gotta try and bottleneck that portal. Slow them down. You've got the lightning. Light the bastards up."

As Thor flies up Steve looks over at Natasha, "You and me, we stay here on the ground, keep the fighting here. And Hulk. SMASH."

Hulk flies up to the building smashing anything and everything he can. Just as Natasha and Steve move to fight Chitauri a body flies down from the Stark tower and lands right infront of them. The black haired person is knelt over but they have an idea of who it is.

Sammie Todd holds her head up smirking looking at the two wanna be heroes. She had felt so much hurt and anger that all the loving memories had been wiped away. Now she was just mad and dangerous.

Steve looks as Sammie hands shoot out electric sparks. He stares at her black eyes wondering how gone she was and if there was a way to bring her back.

"Captain America and Black Widow... this should be fun." Sammie teases as a spark shoots out her hand to the ground right at Natasha's feet.

Natasha gasps as she looks at the charred road at her feet. Steve sighs in anger as he looks at Natasha then looks back at Sammie.

"You go... I got her."

Natasha frowns, "Are you sure?"

"Yes go! Try to keep all the Chitauri from the civilians."

Natasha nods and runs down the bridge. Steve stares at Sammie, neither of them moving.

"How does it feel to be a hero Rogers?"

"Sammie, I know you're upset about everyone lying to you but please you have to listen. You have to calm down-"

"No you have understand that I don't want to calm down! I want to kill them! Every single one... they lied... they used me."

"Sammie they did it to protect you..." Steve takes a step closer.

"To protect me?!" Sammie holds up her hands towards Steve making a cloud of electric sparks burst around him and throw him into a car.

His body spasms for a second then he catches his breath and picks himself up off the car. His mind plays through all the times he was around Sammie... every hug... every kiss.

Sammie who is now turned around holds her hands up to the sky and clouds of electricity spark all over the town. Electricity hits buildings making pieces fall onto the road and glass shatters everywhere. She spots Natasha and goes to move her hand in her direction but is stopped by Steve. Steve quickly jumps infront of Sammie's view and blocks Natasha. All the sparks of electricity instantly stop. Steve takes note of this and realizes that she still doesn't want to kill him... she still cares. All he has to do is get into her mind... make her remember.

"Get out of the way Steve. You can't stop this."

"Yeah I get that. It's just where else am I going to go? You were my gal. My first crush... where else would I want to be?"

Sammie scoffs, "Is this the master plan? You gonna stop me by telling me you love me?"

"I'm not joking... I know you're in pain. I can't imagine the pain you're in. They made you believe you were someone else... lived a whole different life... I get it. They lied to me too. But what you're about to do is so evil and so stupid Sammie... yet still for some reason I love you. They don't believe that I can stop you and they're right. I can't... but if I'm going out it's here and now. You wanna take the world down... you're gonna start with me."

Steve throws his shield down and far away from reach. Sammie frowns suddenly feeling something in her chest.

"Think I won't?"

Steve steps closer, "It doesn't matter... I'll still love you."

"Shut up..." Sammie says as her eyes flicker from grey to black again.

As Steve takes another step, Sammie's hand flinches and suddenly a large cut appears on Steve's face. Steve grasps his bloody cheek and then looks up at Sammie with determined eyes.

"I love you."

Sammie's hand flinches again making Steve fall to the ground with a cut across his chest. Steve groans but stands back up.

"I love-"

"Shut up!" Sammie sends an electric spark and it hits Steve straight in the stomach.

He staggers back but then realizes that the spark wasn't as powerful as the first, "I love you Sammie."

Again Sammie sends a spark to Steve but this one does nothing, "Stop! You left me! I called out for help and you didn't come save me... You saved everyone else... but not me."

Steve staggers then walks even closer to Sammie. He stands a few feet away from her and shakes his head.

"I'm so sorry Sammie. I'm so sorry that happened to you. But it won't happen again. I'm here now. And I'm never leaving you again."

"Stop it!" Sammie holds her hands up but not even a small spark is released towards Steve.

"I love you so much Sammie."

"Stop..." Sammie's eyes flicker quickly as Steve takes three steps.

"I love you doll."

Sammie starts to sob as her eyes turn back grey. Steve steps up one more time and Sammie lifts her hands up to hit his chest. Her small light punches do nothing but Steve lets her get her anger out.

"I'm never leaving you again Sam." Steve pulls her into a hug and Sammie finally gives in and holds onto him tightly.

Tears fall down both their faces as they hold on and never let go of each other. War is still going on around them but this was a small war they had to win first.

BαΊ‘n Δ‘ang đọc truyện trΓͺn: Truyen2U.Pro