Little Sis

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Dylann's POV

Opening my eyes, I try to adjust my vision to the lighting. Blinking a few times, the blurriness clears up and I notice I'm in a very blank room. Glancing down, I see I'm in green baggy pants and a white T-shirt. The sign on the middle makes me confused, it looks familiar but I'm not sure.

"Are you okay?"

Jumping from the bed I was sitting on, I turn to see a man standing in the room with me. Without hesitation, I run over to him, grab his arm, and throw him into the wall.

Bending his arm into his back I ask, "Who are you?"

"Let me go and I'll tell you everything."

Sighing in anger and confusion, I let the man go and back away. Crossing my arms I give him a look to go on.

"My name is Nicholas Fury."

Staring at the black man in the black eye patch I think about something.

"Well where am I Nicholas Fury?"

"You are in Shield headquarters."

The place sounds somewhat familiar. As if I had heard the name before but never knew exactly what it was. Then the biggest problem caught me off guard.

"Who am I?"

Nicholas Fury stares at me in disbelief then holds up one finger. Without another word he leaves the room, leaving me to my thoughts and worries.

Where am I?

I know he said Shield headquarters, but where is that?

What year is this?

Who am I? Do I have family? Do I have friends?

What's going on?

Walking over to the bed, I sit and stare out the window. Tall buildings light up the sky and some kind of boards with millions of color are all around. Many people shove past each other and cars speed down the road.

Why do I feel as though I don't belong?

After another minute, Fury finally comes back in the room with two others behind him. One is a shorter man with brown hair and kind eyes. The other is a lady with flaming red hair and stone eyes.

"This is Agent Barton and Agent Natasha Romanoff. You are Agent Dylann Stark, adopted child of Howard and Maria Stark, and you work with S.H.I.E.L.D"

3rd Person's POV

Dylann stands in the mirror and stares at the person who is reflected back. The girl has dirty blonde hair that goes past her shoulders and piercing grey eyes. Light freckles are splayed around her small nose. For an agent, she doesn't look as athletic as she thought she would need to be.

"Who are you?" She says as she crosses her arms across her chest.

Knock knock.

Opening the door, Dylann stares at the woman with flaming red hair.

"Hi. How are you?"

"I'm okay. As okay as I can be."

She nods and gestures towards the room. Leaving the bathroom, Dylann sits on the bed and Agent Romanov sits in the chair nearby.

Silence fills the room as the two stare at each other. Dylann in confusion and Romanov in worry.

"So... since I'm stuck here might as well get to know you."

Agent Romanov nods, "My name is Natasha. We are partners. Well me, you, and Agent Barton. Clint Barton. We all work for S.H.E.I.L.D, you know hunt down bad guys and make the world a better place and all that."

"Gotcha." Dylann nods then frowns and looks at her hands.

"Go ahead, ask."

Dylann glances up at Natasha's smiling face.

"So this guy, Tony Stark, is my brother. He's a billionaire philanthropist... and I was just randomly adopted into the family? Why? When?"

"Well you were adopted when you were younger. I think Maria had a few complications and they chose to adopt. Tony wanted a sister so they adopted you."

"How did I become an agent? I don't look like one. I mean look at you... you look what's the word..."


Dylann nods while smiling sheepishly, "Yes. I don't look like someone who could take down bad guys. Are you sure I'm not like a receptionist or something like that."

Natasha chuckles and shakes her head smiling, "Nah you're much more important than you think."


Tony Stark walks into his Malibu mansion.


"Welcome home, sir." His homemade robotic voice sounds through his house.

"I am Iron Man." Tony laughs as he skips down his steps to the living room.

He stops when he sees a figure standing by the window.

"You think you're the only superhero in the world? Mr. Stark, you've become part of a bigger universe. You just don't know it yet." The man in all black with a black eye patch turns around and starts to walk close to Tony.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. I'm here to talk to you about the Avenger Initiative."

"Alright I understand the Avengers part... I guess but excuse me say that last part again." Tony says as he scratches his beard.

"Sammie Dylann Todd. A genius scientist from the 40's worked with Abraham Erskine. She helped create the super soldier serum and helped with Project Rebirth, which your father was apart of to create Captain America. Apparently, she has powers and is a key element for enemies so your father, Howard Stark and Peggy Carter put her in a sleeping chamber. She slept for 67 years. We woke her to help us with the Avengers. However she doesn't remember a darn thing about anything that happened nor does she remember who she is. So we told her that she was Dylann Stark... your sister."

Tony's mouth falls open as his brain tries to wrap around everything he heard for the second time.

"You want me to lie to my dad's friend about who she really is so she can help you?"

"We need her help and she may still be in danger. She had already been kidnapped twice by Hydra before. She has powers she knows nothing about."

Tony groans and rubs his face, "Ugh I'm gonna regret this."

"Great. Glad you're on board. She's outside." Fury stands up and starts walking to Tony's front door.

"What?!" Tony jumps up from the couch and runs after Fury.

He watches as Fury opens his front door to reveal a pretty blonde with striking grey eyes. This is who his father used to talk about. Her and her lover, Steve Rogers formally known as Captain America.

"Hi..." She smiles shyly.

"Hey... Uhh," Tony watches as Fury glares then he gulps and says, "sis."

"So how do you feel?"

Tony stands and stares at Sammie or now known as Dylann as she sits on his couch with her hands locked together.

"I'm fine. I guess. I don't remember anything so I'm sorry if I'm a bother."

"No no Dyl you're fine."

She smiles and nods. Tony smiles back wondering how much she has gone through.

"I'll be right back. You stay here."

She nods and Tony runs down the hallway. He runs to a guest room and makes sure everything is clean and organized then he runs back to Dylann.

"Alright let me show you your room."

Tony stares as Dylann eats her spaghetti. He doesn't know how in the world she didn't remember her life but remembered how to cook.

"Tony are you sure it's okay I stay here."

Tony snaps out of his head and nods, "Yeah it's totally fine. You're my little sis after all."

Dylann nods then goes back to eating. Tony hears that front door open and within a second Pepper Potts is standing in the kitchen. Pepper sees Tony and some blonde sitting at the kitchen island and instantly becomes angry.

"Tony... What is going on?"

Tony glances at Pepper with fear in his eyes then looks back at Dylann, "Can you give me like one second?"

Dylann nods looking confused but continued eating. Tony says thanks then gets up and grabs Pepper's arm, pulling her out the kitchen. He takes her downstairs to his lab as she tries to get his attention.

"Tony! Would you quit pulling me around and explain to me who that girl is?!" Pepper finally pulls away and folds her arms against her chest.

Tony gulps and then take a deep breath, "That is Sammie Dylann Todd, the genius scientist from the forties."

Pepper stares at him in shock, "What? No... How can that be? I read that she died. It said it in every newspaper... it even says it in every museum. She didn't just up and escape the coffin Tony."

"I know, I know. My dad and Peggy Carter put her in cygeroic sleep."

"Wow... why does that actually make sense. She looks so young. Why did they hide her away?"

"Apparently, she has powers and she knows the super soldier formula. She already had been kidnapped before you know that. I guess they thought it was for the best."

Silence fills the room.

"She should be 26 I believe."

Pepper looks at Dylann through the security camera that is playing on the screen. Her face turns said when she thinks about all the things she read that Sammie/Dylann had been through.

"How in the world is she okay right now?"

Tony frowns, "Welp she has amnesia. So she doesn't remember anything about her life at all. And she had no idea who she is. Nick Fury who works with Agent Coulson said they told her she is Dylann Stark... My younger adopted sister to keep her safe while also getting help for the Avengers initiative."

"Poor thing. She's probably so confused."

They both watch as Dylann pushes her plate away and starts to sob into her hands. She had no idea where she was or who she was. All she knew is what she had been told. They wished they could help but to tell her would cause problems that they didn't need at the moment.


So what do you think?! Sammie was told she is Dylann Stark, Tony Stark's little sister.... she has been asleep for 67 years... and she doesn't remember who she is or who she was!!! Thanks so much for the support and don't forget to comment your feedback!! :)

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