♤chapter eight♤

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I know alot of you were busy/absent the last chapter or two so if anyone needs an update pm with when you were last properly active!

Upon arrival at the boarder of Demaranta, the note from the Queen Marisol was handed over and they put up a fake fight, clambouring over the wall and pretending to alert the guards there. Carraiges were called and by that evening they were back in the Mendacium. Home, sweet home am I right? Definitely not.

They were suprisingly, and unsettlingly good at playing the brave and desperate captives of the bitter Queen Marisol who didn't even show her face, and has such incompetent guards that they escaped with ease. The rope marks on some wrists from the now fired Demarantan legion really helped.

After being washed, clothed and fed dinner, the Queen requested for them to visit her tomorrow afternoon. Tonight they would need their rest (even if they were sneaking into the armoury to get weapons and information). Ofcourse, they agreed but begrudgingly. What did she want?

Tucked up in each of their beds, they agreed to meet up outside of the stairwell to the dungeons at 1:30am, when the guards stopped guarding doors and instead went on rotation. They could sneak past rotations easy enough, some had even admitted to having done so many times before.

The clock strikes the half hour and slowly but surely each child begins to make their way through the halls to the dungeons...


Start with your ocs journeying through the halls and reaching the stairwell

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