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All roles will be reserved until 10pm GMT April 25th! You can take one role on this page for now. If you take two roles, one must be male. Remember that there is another roles page after this for royals!




male, 15
possesses fire manipulation
was the first child to show his powers
⚊he set his bed on fire after his request to finally go to school was denied very, very harshly
his parents gave him away for the money quite easily, and that definitely will not affect his self worth in the future
sweet, non-confrontational, resilient
loves the idea of fashion and creating designs but he doesn't have the money to get materials

⚊his creative outlet is flower pressing
not used to being around so many people his own age, as he is the oldest sibling in a large family and he has always had to act older than he
⚊honestly all the new people scare him a little
is absolutely astounded by the castle and all of its wonders
very loyal to the queen and respects her strength in this time of grief
is very afraid of the destructive nature of his power but doesn't want to let anyone down


female, 14
possesses water manipulation
⚊disovered her powers after one of her placement families slapped her child in the face, on instinct she sent ice shards through the air, nailing her to the wall
⚊grew up in an children's home but was used as a childminder and a maid from a young age
⚊nobody was going to stop her getting taken away for any reason at all, and she thinks its a grand adventure with a change of scenery
⚊...even if she thinks that taking children from their homes is cruel and the royals give her the heebee geebees
⚊competitive, witty, imaginitive
⚊loves going new places and meeting new people, so this is pretty great
⚊even if her powers overwhelm her just a little bit, given how she has used them
⚊is bad with...rules
⚊is a very talented writer and has a way with words that is amazing


female, 15
⚊has earth manipulation
⚊discovered her powers when she got excited about recieving a new painting set, and then a potted plant in her room exploded vines all across the walls
her parents didn't need the money, they were just avid royalists who were willing to do anything for the royal family...and they convinced their daughter into thinking the same thing
⚊her parents were nobles with close links to ladies and lords, they felt it was their duty to do whatever it took to defend the honour of the late king
⚊creative, proud, insecure
gets into arguments with the less willing kids, to convince them that they are on the right side of the war
⚊this makes it difficult for her to come to terms with the fact she is currently the weakest at using her power and doesn't know self defense
⚊she loves art and has a very keen eye for details and intricate designs
⚊as well as this, she is a good linguist


male, 15
⚊possesses air manipulation- this is not telekenisis
discovered his powers after he sent some bullies flying back into the trees, since they were picking on his little brother
⚊his parents did not give him up very easily, which caused the men to use information they had on their family to get them to give him up
⚊he fought with the guards the whole time and ended up having to be subdued whoops
outgoing, hotheaded, reckless
determined to get back to his family
⚊despite his hatred of the situation, he does befriend the others
he doesn't care about loyalty to your nation or queen and country and all that shite, the night he was taken away and the way he and his family were treated will stick in his mind forever
is suprisingly good at controlling his power, and using it can calm him down considerably


⚊female, 15
⚊posesses light manipulation
⚊discovered her power after she got scared in dark of the forest and created many light orbs to guide her way
⚊she lived with her spinster aunt who barely even said goodbye when she was being taken to the castle, but that wasn't a suprise
⚊cynical, sarcastic, distrustful
⚊doesn't really care about 'the cause' or anything like that, this is a way for her to move up in the world with talents nobody else has
⚊she acknowledges how terrible the murder of the king is and stuff but did he really not have somebody check his drink? cause that was very poorly managed, in her opinion
⚊a bitch but we love that
⚊she loves building and woodwork, that sort of thing, looking at how things are created
⚊that means she absolutely loses it over the architecture of the castle omg
⚊it takes a little while for her to warm up to people but she's very loyal once she does


male, 15
⚊possesses darkness manipulation
discovered his powers when he was caught stealing from a market stall and he shrouded himself in darkness to hide- originally he thought he had went invisible
⚊his mother thought that her son being in the army of the queen was the highest honour you could think of, so she said she would miss her son but knew it was for the greater good
⚊he feels the same as his mother
⚊funny, protective, cautious
⚊is trying to balance being a SUPER BRAVE WARRIOR with his inherent instinct to be as careful as possible
⚊has definitely been given some dumb name like "safety guy"
⚊his power kind of scares him, given that darkness is so infinite and unknown
⚊loooooves singing but absolutely refuses to sing infront of anyone ever, even his family
⚊is trained to wield a broadsword like his ancestors
⚊he's alao very good at hand to hand combat, trained by his mother


female, 13
⚊posesses teleportation powers
⚊discovered her power when she heard her brother wailing from a tent near her and in a panic she teleported to where he was
⚊was born into a family of circus travellers and wouldn't have it any other way, as she adores the tight knit bunch who are family regardless of blood
⚊her family fought to keep her and her father ended up having his arms broken as he tried to hold on to her
⚊safe to say they didn't even get money out of it
⚊childish, reckless, determined
⚊definitely the kid who needs watched the most- they even made her drink a potion so that she can be tracked at any time
⚊she doesn't hate the queen, but she hates the guards and she hates the reason she is here
⚊she was an acrobat so she is very flexible and agile, often combining this into her fighting style


⚊male, 15
⚊possesses the power of invisibility
⚊discovered his power when he was in the city and he was running away from someone he owed money to, going invisible(the money was for flowers or something, he doesnt remember)
⚊born into a noble family, a giant mansion all for his father, his little sister and himself, his mother having passed
his father knew fighting back against an order from the queen would look absolutely atrocious for his reputation so he simply let them take his son away, knowing this would make him and his son greatly admired
he however could not give a flying fiddlers fuck about upholding regal status, he's doing this for his father
⚊charming, arrogant, strong-willed
⚊sometimes says things that are out of touch without realising, but the kids will likely bring him down to earth soon enough
⚊uses his powers for pranks
⚊has appreciation for the fine arts because he grew up around it but he particularly loves theatre
⚊great actor, he can fool most people


female, 15
possesses shapeshifting powers
discovered her power when she was being harassed by a man in the street and she shapeshifted to look exactly like him in a panic
⚊grew up in the most child friendly place ever...a brothel
⚊her mother is a brothel madam, she has many, many siblings and she's close to them all
⚊the guards who came to find her threatened to shut her mother's brothel down if she didn't co-opperate and though her mother was willing to let that happen, she was not and went with them
flirty, secretive, confident
since she is being dragged to the castle, she plans to make as many connections as posible and get as rich as possible to help her mother
⚊uses her powers mostly to change little things, maybe hide a spot, fix her cheekbones, stuff like that
⚊a great dancer, and very aware of her surroundings at all times, aswell as a good manipulator


male, 14
⚊metal manipulation
⚊discovered his powers when a bully tried to throw a metal bucket at his head and he deflected it midair
⚊scared the living shit out of both the bullies and himself
⚊he was taken in by his dead mother's old master(as in master of the house), as she worked as a maid in his house...though some think that he is the master's bastard child
⚊the master wasn't about to start a fuss over a servant boy when they came to take him away, even if they had grown close
curious, cowardly, intelligent
⚊the castle scares him, and the promise of war that comes with it
⚊he has no idea how to make his powers stronger and he is built like a stick
⚊often he will go out on to the battlements and analyse the mechanisms on the canons and defenses like a nerd


female, 15
can create illusions
⚊discovered her powers as she was telling a bedtime story to her grandmother and she could see the story materialising
⚊she wasn't even aware she was doing it
⚊lives in a very, very small space with her very, very sick grandmother who tried to refuse the guards taking her granddaughter
⚊unfortunately she couldn't do anything and was sent to a hostpital to live out the rest of her days among strangers
⚊kind, overbearing, overlooked
⚊oooooo she doesn't like the royals one bit given that they ripped her from her grandmother but she's good at playing the long game
⚊she plans to deal with all this absolute absurdity until she can flee to her grandmother once more...even if she eventually grows attached to these other people
⚊phenomenal chef, absolutely amazing, and a great caretaker


male, 14
⚊healing abilities
⚊discovered his abilities after his father punched him in the face and he healed himself of the bruise, fully recovered in minutes
⚊the son of a court official, and already knows the royal family, granted not well
⚊his father was about to banish him to his uncle's estate and have his younger brother be his heir but this war thing seemed more constructive
⚊because of their similar situation (siblings taking their positions), he and the prince relate to eachother
⚊closed off, stubborn, loyal
⚊he is trying his veeeeery best to regain his father's favour, which is why it's strange to be thrown in with strangers and commoners
⚊genuinely loyal to the queen, aspires to be as steadfast and assured as she is
trained in many combat styles and with many weapons by the highest skilled masters of martial arts
⚊lowkey kinda scary, but sweet once you get to know him


There is a page of royal and knight roles after this but if anyone wants a role and all the roles are taken, comment a power I didn't use and I can perhaps whip a role up for you lol. If the power is too OP though, for example telekinesis (given the other kinetic powers already), I will ask you to pick a different power! Can't make it too easy for your characters😉

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