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Art above by me. Enjoy my lazy drawing :].

x-x-x change of POV

--- time skip


Modern Dimension

In a vast field of checkered grass, sat a group of friends. This group was none other than⁠—

"Amy! Let me go!"

Don't you hate it when the narrator gets interrupted?

The blue hedgehog, known as-

"Sonic! There you are!"

(*  ̄︿ ̄)

The two-tailed fox called to his friend (who was being squeezed to death by his self-proclaimed girlfriend):

"Sonic, you forgot to bring the plates. Again."

"If Amy would let me go, I'd bring them in a jiffy."

The pink hedgehog let go, resulting in a gust of wind from Sonic's side. He came back in a few moments, plates in his hands.

"Now can we start? I'm starving," he exclaimed, backed up with by his growling stomach.

He reached for the pile of neatly stacked chilli dogs. Amy slapped his hand away before he could grab one.

"Nope! You have to wait a bit more."

"C'mon Ames! You know that waiting ain't my strong point!"

The kitsune, Tails, pointed towards the distance:

"There they are!"

Two dots in the distance, one red, the other cream. As they approached the trio, it revealed them as a red echidna and a cream-coloured rabbit. On the little rabbit's head was a cyan Chao.

"Hey, Knux! Hi Cream and Cheese!" Sonic greeted the three.

"Hello, Mr. Sonic!" Cream replied, and Cheese 'chaoed' his greetings.

"Hey, guys!"

"Now can we start?" Sonic asked, getting more impatient with the passing second.

"Ok, but leave some-"

Sonic had already finished the plate of chilli dogs.

"Oh, brother..." Tails mumbled, facepalming.


Amy glared at Sonic, her eye twitching. She then shrugged that off:

"Well, you know what they say: A backup gets you back out!"

She pulled another stack of chilli dogs out of the basket.

"Tails, make sure he doesn't touch them."

As the fox prevented his brother from getting to the chilli dogs, Amy pulled out the rest of the food.


—So, Knux, how are things going on Angel island?

—Peaceful, as usual. There were also the usual heist attempts from Rouge, Knuckles replied.

—Who's guarding the emerald now? Asked Amy.

—I asked Omega, since he was not on a mission.

—How did Omega get up there? More importantly, how do you get on and off the island?

—That's a secret.

A loud rumble interrupted the chat.

"Where is that sound coming from?"

Sonic brought his ear to the ground. His eyes widened.

"Everybody, out of THE WAY!!!" He yelled, causing the six to get off the picnic blanket quickly.

Just as soon as they did, a giant drill came out of the ground, revealing a certain egg-shaped man with a large mustache.

"EGGMAN!" the six shouted at once.

"Yes, it is I, the greatest genius in the galaxy!"

"Yeah, yeah. Just get on with it." Sonic mumbled, stifling a fake yawn with his hand.

"You shall perish thanks to my new creation, the Egg Drill!"

Blank staring.

"Ok, maybe it isn't that creative. But you will perish!"

"Let's just get on with it," said Amy

"Really, so soon? We should-MINIONS ATTACK!!!"

Several badniks appeared, and the mobians immediately started bashing them. Sonic and Eggman fought one-on-one.

Sonic spin-dashed onto the machine numerous times, then jumped as a laser from a Buzz-Bomber attacked from behind.

"Getting sloppy, eh Egghead?" he taunted the doctor as he hit the bot, freeing a flicky.

"Die, blue pest!"


Meanwhile, in the Boom dimension...


A blue hedgehog napped on a hammock in his shack, not a care in the world.

That is, until his comms turn on.

"Sonic! Eggman's stealing Choco Num-Nums from the store! Again." Amy calls.

"And?" He was not too happy because he was woken from his nap.

"He's threatening the village with some new robot called 'Drill-bot'."

"Now you're talking!" he leaped off the hammock and zipped towards the village.

When he reached it, he saw that his friends had already started to bash the robots.

"Save some for me!" He yelled, and spin-dashed into the crab-bot that was sneaking up on Tails. The fox thanked him and pulled the antennae off a Moto-Bug, resulting in its destruction. Sonic spin-dashed into some bee-bots and found himself back-to-back with Amy. She was busy hammering any robot that came close. He then chose his new target: Drill-Bot. He used his homing attack on it and ran around it in circles.

"Not this time, periwinkle pipsqueak!" the doctor shouted.

The robot extended its drill-tipped arm. Sonic tripped, not being able to react in time.


Sonic had landed face-first into the ground. Drill-Bot had aimed for the hedgehog, and would've hit him if it weren't for a certain red echidna.

Knuckles had punched the robot's arm right off.

"Thanks, Knux!"

Sticks threw her boomerang at the robot's head, distracting it.

Sonic leaped to his feet and spin-dashed into Drill-Bot. The robot took a few steps back, turned around a bit and collapsed, never to get back up again. The remainder of the robots retreated, leaving Eggman behind. As he was going to retreat, he was stopped by Amy:

"Ahem. You have something that doesn't belong to you."

"So close. Alright, here you go." Exasperated, he gave the store owner the chocolate bars.

The moment Eggman stepped back into the Egg-mobile, a bright light engulfed the group.

"I knew it! Aliens do exist! Now they are abducting us!" Screeched Sticks, causing the other mobians to cover their ears.


Modern Dimension


"Die, blue pest!"

The doctor pressed an exaggeratingly large button on his dash-board.

Sonic gasped. Waves of chaos energy flooded the area, affecting the mobians.

"Wait. No. NO! This can't be happening!" Eggman had started panicking, much to Sonic's surprise. He frantically pushed buttons, but that didn't prevent the following event. 

A bright light had appeared in the center of the field, and a few thumps came from it.

"Man, that was a doozy."



Author's note

I have been thinking about writing this for a long time.

How was it? Let me know in the comments below!


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