Clara (and Lucas) and the TARDIS... and Someone Else

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A/N: Hello, everyone! 😃

I'm glad that it seemed like y'all enjoyed "Cold War".

Anyway, here's a little filler chapter that's based off of the Doctor Who minisode "Clara and the TARDIS". 💜 I thought it would be fun to write and put my own spin on it. 😁


Enjoy! 😘


Inside, TARDIS, Console room...

Clara entered the console room, clad in her pajamas as she frowned up at the ceiling. "Where is it?"

The TARDIS beeped nonchalantly.

"I know what happened." Clara crossed her arms, a scowl on her face. "I went to the bathroom... Thank you for the hologram leopard, by the way. That sure was an unexpected pleasure. Anyway, when I was done, my bedroom was completely missing!" She sighed. "Just tell me where you put it."

The TARDIS just beeped again.

Lucas took that moment to enter the console room, a mug of tea raised to his mouth as he stopped abruptly at the sight of Clara arguing with the TARDIS.

"Look," Clara began as she took a seat in a chair. "I know you don't like me very much, but I can't understand why." She stated, making the TARDIS beep a few times. "Oi, no sass. You are sassing me, aren't you? Those aren't just random beeps." The TARDIS beeped again. "Come on, Lucas and I can't be the first people they've brought along. And anyway, you don't seem to have a problem with Lucas." She said, not taking notice of Lucas watching from the upper level by a corridor opening on the other side of the room.

The TARDIS beeped again a few times.

"Are you laughing?" Clara asked, surprised as she stood up from the chair she had sat herself down in. "You are laughing, aren't you? Those are amused beeps!" She crossed her arms again. "You like messing with me!" She exclaimed, the TARDIS beeping again before Clara just sighed as she stood up straight. "Fine, I give in. I'm gonna go find my dumb bedroom!" She then turned around to leave, but stopped abruptly when she saw herself standing there. "Who the hell are you?"

"What's going on?" Jupiter asked, suddenly walking up next to Lucas and making him jump slightly at her sudden presence.

"You, from tomorrow night." That Clara replied before walking past the actual Clara and to the console. "Okay, where have you put it? Where's my bedroom?"

"I have absolutely no idea." Lucas glanced over at Jupiter before looking to the Clara(s) again.

"This isn't funny!" Another Clara exclaimed from the upper level of the console room, across from Lucas and Jupiter. "I'm exhausted! Where is it?!"

"Oh no..." Jupiter sighed, looking around at the different Claras as they appeared.

"You think you've got problems?" Another Clara asked from the upper level, making the original Clara look up to see her and yet another Clara standing there.

"I don't understand it." Lucas said, confused as he looked from all the Claras to look at Jupiter again. "The TARDIS doesn't have a problem with me. At least, I don't think she does."

That Clara gestured to herself and the Clara beside her. "We've gotta share a bed."

"I wish I could give you an answer." Jupiter giggled before turning back around to walk out of the console room, gesturing for Lucas to follow her. "Come on, I'll go make us more tea."

Lucas just shrugged, giving all the Claras one more look before following after Jupiter and leaving the original Clara to look around at all her other selves.

"Oh dear God..." She sighed, watching as numerous hers kept appearing, asking where her bedroom was.


A/N: There you go! 😁

This didn't turn out exactly how I planned, but I still hoped you liked it. 🙂

Anyway, I'd like to personally wish all of you a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 🎉 I hope you begin your 2018 doing what you want and that your rest of the year goes how you would like it to. ❤️

Now, I suppose I'll say goodbye for now until I get the next episode up. The episode itself will be... "Hide"!!! 💕

Until then! 😘

💋 Love always,

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