Cold War [Part 1]

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A/N: Hello! 😁

Well, I'm glad to see that y'all were happy with this story's comeback and enjoyed the last episode ("The Rings of Akhaten"). But, now it's time to move forward.

You know, I forgot how much I actually enjoyed the episode you're about to read. ❤️ I hope you like the way I've written it! 🙂

First though, let me introduce to you our guest star for this episode...

Guest Starring

Richard Madden as Skyler "Sky" Pond

I've missed writing for Sky! 💙 I love him! 😍

Also, just as a note: I've added a picture of what I imagine Lexi's signature outfit looks like to the chapter entitled "💖 Lexi 1.0/The 1st Glorious 💖". It took me a while, but I was finally able to find pictures and make a little collage of the right articles of clothing that make up the signature look I've given Lexi 1.0/the 1st Glorious.

Anyway, I guess that's all for now...

So, without further ado, let us read... "Cold War"!!! 🎉

Enjoy! 😘



Inside, Submarine, Control room...

The crew of a Soviet submarine seemed to be moving in a type of controlled chaos. You know, in the sense that everyone knew their job and what they needed to do, but with a sense of urgency.

"Signal is genuine. Signal is genuine. Zero bravo..." A man spoke over the radio.

The captain of the submarine and his lieutenant, Stepashin, both inserted their keys into the slots on the control panel before the captain then went and delivered his orders over the radio.

"Prepare to launch nuclear weapons."

"Aye, sir." A crewman nodded.

"Moscow confirming launch sequence." The man from before informed over the radio.

The captain then readied his hand over the launch button. "The Firebird stands ready to serve."

"For the motherland." Stepashin told him.

"For the motherland." The captain nodded in agreement before resting his thumb above the launch button, about to push.

A voice suddenly came through singing along with "Vienna" by Ultravox as if learning the words just before an older man came through the hatch listening to a Walkman.

"This means nothing to me. Oh, Vienna." The man sang before noticing the captain and Stepashin looking at him. "Have I interrupted something?"

"We WERE about to blow up the world, Professor." The captain informed him.

"Again?" The professor asked before putting a hand on his Walkman. "Ultravox! I bloody love 'em. Got a friend who sends me the tapes."

The captain just shook his head before walking over to the radio microphone and speaking into it. "This is the captain. Drill abandoned. All hands, stand down. Repeat - drill abandoned."

"With respect, sir," Stepashin began. "we must run it again."

"Tomorrow." The captain told him.

"Comrade Captain, the NATO exercises..."

"Saber-rattling." The captain Cut him off.

"I don't think so."

"Oh, you don't think so?" The captain asked him incredulously.

"Sir, American aggression gets more intolerable by the day." Stepashin responded, no one taking notice of the figure that just raced past the open door that lead out into the corridor. "We must run the drill again!"

"Tomorrow." The captain repeated before Stepashin made his way towards the door, not wanting to say anything he might regret.

Inside, Submarine, Corridor...

"You just had to malfunction, didn't you?" Sky whispered as he ran down the corridor, glaring down at his VM. "Thank God you're waterproof, though."

Sky then turned his head at the sound of approaching footsteps before he turned back and ducked into a random room, not wanting to be found before he could fix his vortex manipulator.

Inside, Submarine, Control room...

The captain stared out where Stepashin had walked out of the room before then turning to look at the professor again. "Did you have your specimen stowed okay?"

"Yes." He nodded. "Piotr's looking after it."

"Well, at least we have something to show for our little hunting expedition." The captain stated. "What is it? A mammoth?"

The professor nodded. "Probably."

Inside, Submarine, Corridor...

Sky poked his head out of the room and into the corridor to check and see if the coast was clear before running out of the room to find a better place to hide.

The hold might be better.

Inside, Submarine, Hold...

A large block of ice sat in the hold, a dark figure being visible within it.

Piotr, a young crewman, stood beside the large block of ice, a lighter in his hand.

"What are you, Milaya Moya?" Piotr questioned as he gazed at the figure within the block of ice. "Professor wants you thawed out back in Moscow, but... life's too short to wait."

Just as Piotr lit a blowtorch, Sky entered the hold. His eyes widened when he saw the young crewman holding the blowtorch and using it on the ice. Sky quickly hid behind a big piece of machinery as he watched the ice start to melt, a rumbling and cracking soon being heard.

Something seemed to move inside the block of ice just before a hand broke through.

"Oh, my God..." Sky's eyes widened even more as he watched the creature's hand grab Piotr by the throat, growling ferociously.

Time to get the hell out of there.

Soon after, Inside, Submarine...

The creature was now free and was killing the crew as they got in his way.

It then fired a weapon and, in the enclosed space, breached the integrity of the hull, causing water to enter.

"Ah! Get away!" A random crew member shouted. "Alarm! Alarm!"

Inside, Submarine, Control room...

Water had found its way to the bridge as the crew fought to maintain control of the submarine while the alarm blared.

"Hold the bridge, port side!" Stepashin shouted.

"Evasive maneuvers!" The captain ordered.

"Descending to 200 meters." Onegin, the man who was monitoring their descent, informed.

"We're under attack!" A crewman's voice came over the radio.

"210!" Onegin shouted.

Just then, the hull creaked against the pressure as they fell deeper through the water.

"Bring her up, bring her up!" The captain shouted.

"It's no good, sir!" Onegin told him, glancing back at him.

Suddenly, an oh-so familiar wheezing noise filled the air, the TARDIS choosing that exact moment to materialize right in the middle of the control room.

The Doctor opened the door and poked his head out, letting you see that he was actually wearing sunglasses.

"Viva Las Vegas!" He exclaimed just as the submarine tilted which caused him to fall towards one of the control panels.

Lexi tumbled out after him, wearing sunglasses of her own as a screaming Lucas and a screaming Clara tumbled out after her, Lucas wearing blue jeans and a light blue button-up, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows with a dark grey waistcoat over it; and Clara wearing a cute short silver dress.

"Intruders on the bridge!" Stepashin shouted.

"Who the hell are you?" The captain asked them.

"Not Vagas then!" Clara said as the Doctor and Lexi put their sunglasses in their pockets.

"Oh, you don't say!" Lucas shouted back at her, all of them getting soaked because of the water coming in.

"Definitely not Vegas!" Lexi told them as she rung out the water from her hair. "It's much better, though!"

"A sinking submarine?" Clara questioned.

"Ha!" The Doctor laughed. "Not just that, but a Soviet submarine!"

"Break out side arms!" Stepashin commanded. "Restrain them!"

"410. 420!" Onegin continued to inform them of their descent. "Turbines still not responding!"

"They've got to!" The captain shouted back.

"Ah!" The Doctor exclaimed as he scanned with his sonic. "Sideways momentum! You've still got sideways momentum!"

"What?" The captain gawked at him.

"You're propellers work independently of the main turbines." The Doctor informed him. "You can't stop her going down but you can maneuver the sub laterally! Do it!"

"Get these people off the bridge now!" Stepashin demanded, two crewmen then going and grabbing the Doctor's arms.

"Just listen to him, for God's sake!" Lexi shouted as she unsteadily stepped away from Lucas and Clara, the sinking submarine providing very unsteady walking conditions.

"Geographical anomaly to starboard - probably an underwater ridge." The Doctor stated, trying hard to get the crew to listen.

"How do you know this?" The captain questioned him.

"Look, we have just a chance to stop the descent if we settle on it. Do it!"

"600 meters, sir." Onegin stated as he watched the depth continue to increase. "610..."

"This thing will implode if it gets too deep, now do it!" The Doctor shouted, all of them trying to be heard over the alarms.

The captain stared at the the Doctor for a moment before turning to give the order to Onegin. "Lateral thrust to starboard - all propellers!"

"Sir?" Onegin questioned.


"You're going to let this madman give the orders?" Stepashin asked the captain, not truly believing what he was hearing.

"Lateral thrust!" The captain roared, leaving no room for any more argument.

"Aye, sir." Onegin nodded before quickly going about doing what he needed to do as the Doctor had his sonic out again, Lexi taking hers out as she came up to stand beside him.

It didn't take too long before everyone felt the sub hit the side of something, sliding down a little before coming to a halt.

Everyone could then breath a little easier now that the submarine had come to a stop, the Doctor and Lexi putting away their sonics before then putting their sunglasses back on.

Onegin then looked back to see what their depth was now. "Descent arrested at... 700 meters."

"It seems we owe you our lives, whoever you are." The captain said, turning to face the Doctor and Lexi.

"I'll hold you to that." The Doctor told him. "Might come in handy."

"Search them." Stepashin ordered, huffing when all he got was incredulous looks. "Yes, I know, there are women. Now search them!"

Lexi sighed, rolling her eyes as she held up her hands while the crewmen pushed her, the Doctor, Clara and Lucas back against a pole in the middle of the bridge.

"What is this?" A crewman asked as he pulled Lexi's sonic out of her emerald green waterfall Duster coat.

"A very helpful tool." She scowled at him. "Now be careful with it."

"Are we going to be okay?" Clara asked the Doctor quietly.

"Oh, yes." The Doctor nodded as Lucas was being checked.

"In other words, that'll probably end up being a lie." Lexi chimed in as the crewman continued to search her. "Oi, watch the hands!"

"Thanks, dear." The Doctor glanced over at Lexi where she was by Lucas before looking back to Clara. "Very dangerous time. East and West standing on the brink of nuclear oblivion. Lot's of itchy fingers on the button."

"Sir, I found this man making his way up here to the bridge." A crewman informed, making everyone look in his direction to see him escorting in a familiar man. "I believe we have ourselves a stowaway of sorts."

The Doctor's eyes widened. "Sky?"

Eyes wide and her mouth agape, Lexi saw her son standing there with a somewhat worried look on his face. "Skyler Rory Pond, what the hell are you doing here?"

"Yeah, well, it was an accident." He said quickly as the crewmen pushed him up against the pole, right in between Lexi and the Doctor. "My vortex manipulator malfunctioned. But listen, that's not important right now. We need-"

"What is this?" The crewmen asked, holding up Sky's hand and pointing at the VM around his wrist.

"Currently it's a semi-broken piece of time travel, but that's not important." He replied offhandedly before looking back and forth at his parents from where he stood in between them, getting searched. "Mum, Dad, we need to get everyone out of this sub."

Just then, a crewman pulled out a Barbie doll, a ball of twine, and the Doctor's sonic out of said man's pockets.

"I'll take a receipt, please." The Doctor frowned, making a grab for the sonic as the crewman searching Sky pulled out his sonic (the light being orange). Sky also tried to make a grab for his own sonic but it and the Doctor's were pulled away by the crewmen searching them. The captain then came and took hold of them as the Doctor just sighed before glancing at Sky again. "What do you mean get everyone out of this sub? What's going on, Sky?"

"What are these?" The captain enquired as he held up the Doctor's and Sky's sonics, making the them look in his direction again.

However, before anyone could say anything else, the sub creaked and tilted and made Sky fall away from in between the Doctor and Lexi.

"Sky!" Lexi shouted, trying to reach out for her son.

"Mum!" Sky shouted back at her.

Suddenly, the TARDIS started dematerializing.

"What's happening?!" Lucas asked quickly looking around past Clara, catching sight of the TARDIS as it began to disappear.

"No, no, no, no!" The Doctor shouted in desperation as the TARDIS dematerialized. "No, not now!"

"What's it doing?!" Clara asked as she watched the TARDIS completely disappear.

Sky tried to catch his footing before falling under the water and hitting his head, the last thing he saw before losing consciousness being his and his parents' glowing sonic screwdrivers abandoned on the floor.

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