Hide [Part 2]

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Inside, House, Hall, Night...

"Say we actually find her. What do we say?" Clara whispered as she, the Doctor and Lexi walked through the dark corridors of the house.

"We ask how she came to be, whatever she is." The Doctor shrugged.


"Because I don't know. And ignorance is... what's the opposite of bliss?"


"Yes. Yes, Carlisle. Ignorance is Carlisle."

As the Doctor and Clara left a particular hall to walk into the kitchen, Lexi paused for a moment. She glanced behind her, swearing that she saw something move.

Seeing nothing, she just brushed it off before going to catch up with the Doctor and Clara.

Inside, House, Parlor...

Jupiter and Lucas checked behind a few other doors, working quietly enough so they could hear Emma and Alec talking with each other.

"Are they really from the Ministry?"

"Er, I don't know." Alec answered. "They've certainly got the right demeanour. Capricious... brilliant."


"Yes. Ha..." Alec chuckled. "They're liars... but, you know, that's often the way that it is... when someone's... seen a thing or two. Experience makes liars of us all." Jupiter agreed with that statement. No one knew that more than her family. "We lie about who we are... about what we've done..."

"And how we feel?" Emma asked softly.

"Yes." Alec nodded. "Always, always that." Emma tilted her head slightly as she ever so slowly walked her fingers along the desk towards Alec's hand, making him clear his throat nervously. "You know, I have to... have to be getting on with things. The, er, the equipment and so forth."

"Of course." Emma nodded, trying not to look disappointed as Alec walked away from her.

Jupiter resisted the urge to bang her head against the wall at Alec's resistance of Emma subtle advances, Lucas trying not to laugh at the face Jupiter was making.

Inside, House, Music room...

"Ah, the music room." The Doctor said as he, Clara and Lexi entered a room that had a harp in one corner with music stands placed about the rest of the room. "The heart of the house. Do you feel anything?"

"No." Clara answered immediately.

"Liar, liar, pants on fire." Lexi said in a sing-song voice, walking past Clara and going to the harp, plucking a few strings before taking out her sonic and scanning around the room. She frowned slightly when it flickered, not working like it should.

As Lexi slapped her sonic against the palm of her hand, Clara walked further into the room until she stood near the Doctor.

Clara tilted her head as Lexi walked over to them, frowning when she saw Lexi's sonic flickering just like the Doctor's seemed to be doing at that moment as well.

"Do you feel like you're being watched?" Clara whispered.

"What does being watched feel like?" The Doctor asked. "Is it that funny tickly feeling on your neck?"

"That would be it, dearie." Lexi nodded, looking around the room nervously.

"Then, yes, a bit. Well, quite a big bit." He nodded as he and Lexi put away their sonics before walking towards the door, stopping just in front of it.

The Couple of Time shared a look before taking a step closer to the door and exhaling, both of their breaths being visible.

Clara whirled around when she heard a whooshing noise, not seeing anything before a creaking and scraping sound was heard. "I think she's here..."

The Doctor stepped forward and exhaled again.


He then stepped back and exhaled, seeing his breath again.

"Cold spot. Spooky." He said quietly before turning around and grabbing Lexi's hands, making her step with him. "Feel that?" He asked her. "Cold..." He whispered, Lexi quirking an eyebrow at her husband, nonetheless going along with it and doing a sort of dance as the Doctor went about trying to find exactly where the cold spots were. "Warm. Cold. Warm. Cold. Warm. Cold. Warm. Cold." He then let go of Lexi's hands before taking a piece of chalk out of his jacket and drawing a chalk circle on the floor to mark the cold spot.

Clara raised an eyebrow at the two. "Doctor? Glorious?"

"Hm?" Lexi turned around to look at her, not being able wipe the small smile from her face because of the silliness of what she and husband had just done.

Clara breathed in nervously. "I'm not happy."

"No." The Doctor said before running from the room.

"Doctor!" Lexi hisssed, running after her husband.

"Hey, wait!" Clara ran after the two, running across the circle just before steam rose from the edges of it.

Inside, House, Parlor...

"Major!" Jupiter and Lucas both called as they saw the needles on the paper graph start to move.

Inside, House, Hall...

Clara spun around when she heard a loud thud. "What was that?"

The Doctor and Lexi paused by a window, turning to face Clara just before a couple more loud thuds were heard.

The trio shared a look before all breathing out, their breaths being visible.

A sudden gust of air blew out the candles in the cdelabra, making the three of them looking at each other before quickly running off.

Inside, House, Parlor...

"Does it seem colder?" Alec asked.

Lucas frowned at Alec's question before looking at the thermometer that he happened to be standing next to, watching as the mercury dropped to zero.

Inside, House, Hall...

Lexi blew on her hands and rubbed them together as she, the Doctor and Clara looked at the window as it frosted over.

Inside, House, Parlor...

Emma looked around at the windows before looking towards the main archway.

"She's coming." She whispered.

Inside, House, Hall...

"Okay, what is that?" Clara asked as they walked down a hallway, hearing an echoing thud.

"It's a very loud noise." The Doctor responded, leaning on his elbow against the wall as he looked at Clara and Lexi. "It's a very loud, very angry noise."

"Yes, but what's making it?" Lexi whispered.

"I don't know. Are you making it?"

There was then another loud thud. A thud that sounded like it was getting closer which made the Doctor rush over to stand beside Lexi and Clara.

"Doctor? Glorious?" Clara took a deep breath as she glanced around nervously.

"Yes?" Lexi asked.

"I may be a teeny, tiny bit terrified."


"But I'm still a grown-up."

"Mainly, yes." The Doctor nodded.

"What are you trying to get at, Miss Oswald?" Lexi asked from her spot in between Clara and the Doctor.

"Glorious, what I'm trying to tell you is that... you don't need to actually hold my hand."

"Clara?" Lexi's asked as her eyes widened, the Doctor watching as she slowly brought up both her hands to hold them out in front of her.


"I'm not holding your hand."

The trio slowly turned around to look behind them and, in a flash of lightning, saw the outline of something which made them scream before quickly turning back around and running away.

Inside, House, Parlor...

Alec looked over, seeing the Doctor, Lexi and Clara run down the stairs just as a whirling dark dish materialized as the trio reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Has this happened before?" The Doctor questioned, taking out his sonic and scanning the whirling dark dish.

"Never." Alec shook his head before looking to the dish again.

"Camera! Camera!" The Doctor motioned for Alec to hand him the camera, said man not resisting at all as he quickly handed the Doctor the device. He then began taking pictures of the spinning dish, said dish beginning to spin faster before cracks began to form inside it.

Still looking at the archway, Emma gasped just before a figure appeared in what seemed to be a wood.

Just then, there was an eerie and distorted shouting. Lucas and Jupiter turning their heads, both of them seeing the figure as well.

"Uh, Glorious?! Doctor?!" Lucas backed away, eyes wide.

The Doctor, Lexi and Jupiter turned around, the Doctor continuing to take photos with the camera as Emma was becoming overwhelmed with the contact to the figure.

"Help me!" A woman's voice went through Emma's head.

Emma then suddenly collapsed, Alec rushing to catch her just as a crash was heard from upstairs, making Jupiter look up to high place on the wall.

"Dad, Mum."

The Doctor, Lexi, Lucas, Clara, Emma and Alec all followed Jupiter's gaze.

A message glowed on the wall: Help Me.

However, it soon faded away just before the spinning dark dish disappeard.


Lexi sat across from Emma, nursing a glass of Scotch as
Jupiter poured glasses of the same drink for Emma and Clara before pouring one for herself and leaning against the table.

Emma took a sip of her Scotch and made a face. "Ugh, I'd rather have a nice cup of tea."

"I agree." Clara said, not liking the taste of her own Scotch before taking Emma's glass and setting it on the table. "Whisky's the 11th most disgusting thing ever invented."

"I don't mind it." Lexi shrugged, leaning back in her chair as she took another sip from her glass. "After all, a Scot loves a good whisky."

"It's not bad, is it?" Jupiter mused, taking another sip of her own Scotch.

"But you're not Scottish. You're English." Clara pointed out.

"Eh." Jupiter shrugged as she swirled her glass, watching the golden liquid spin around. "I'm half-Scottish. Technically."

"And you know," Lexi begin, a slight smirk on her face. "like mother, like daughter."

Inside, House, Dark room...

"We had a little peek at your records, back at the Ministry." The Doctor stated as he and Lucas looked at pictures that were clipped to string criss-crossing the room while Alec developed the new photos. "You've certainly seen a thing or two in your time, disrupting U-Boat operations across the North Sea, sabotaging railway lines across Europe, Operation Gibbon, the one with the carrier pigeons - brilliant. I do love a carrier pigeon."

"I did my duty, but then so did thousands of others." Alec replied as he was developing a photo. "Millions of others, actually. I was just lucky enough to come back."

The picture developing was the one of the Doctor had taking of himself and Jupiter, except the ghost was in the background.

"Major," Lucas spoke up as he looked down at the picture Alec was developing. "if you don't mind me asking, how did you: a man that is a war hero end up in a place like this? In a lonely old house, looking for ghosts?"

"Because... I killed." Alec told him honestly. "And I caused to have killed... I sent young men and women to their deaths... but here I am, still alive, and... it does tend to haunt you." He stated, looking back down at the photograph. "Living, after so much of... you know, the other thing."

Inside, House, Parlor...

"So, tell me, Emma." Lexi said with a smile, crossing her legs as she leaned forward in her seat across from the psychic. "Have you and Professor Palmer ever... y'know?"

Emma smiled and blushed, looking down as she shook her head. "No."

"Why not?" Clara chimed in as she picked up a tea kettle. "You do know how he feels about you, don't you? You of all people."

"I don't know." Emma shrugged. "People like me... sometimes, we get our signals mixed up." She sighed. "We think people are feeling the way we want them to feel... you know, when they're special to us. When, really, there's nothing there."

"Ha!" Jupiter laughed, pouring herself another glass of Scotch as Clara handed Emma a cup of steaming tea. "Sweetheart, this is definitely there."

"How do you know?" Emma questioned before taking a sip of tea.

"It's so obvious." Lexi chuckled as she lifted her glass of Scotch to her lips. "It sticks out like my husband's chin."

Inside, House, Dark room...

"See, I was alone and unmarried and... I didn't mind dying. I mean, not for that cause." Alec explained to Lucas and the Doctor. "It was a very fine cause, defeating the enemy."

The Doctor glanced at Alec. "And if you could contact them, what would you say?"

"Well... I'd very much like to thank them."

"Uh-huh." The Doctor nodded slowly before taking the photo from the tray on the table in the middle of the room. "Ping!" He grinned before clipping the photo onto a wire.

"Who do you think she is?"

The Doctor shrugged. "Not what I thought she'd be."

Alec glanced at the Doctor as Lucas tilted his head. "What did you think she'd be?"

"Fun. Can I borrow your camera?" He asked, Alec handing said device to him. "Ta." He thanked him before walking off, Lucas following after him.

Inside, House, Parlor...

"What about you, Glorious?" Emma enquired. "You know, you and the Doctor?"

"Oh, there's not much to tell, really." Lexi shrugged, not wanting to divulge too much information. "Clearly you can sense more than you lead people to believe, so I won't go into too much detail. Long story short, the Doctor and I are just two individuals who care a lot about each other and can't really envision either one of us being without the other."

"Mm." Emma nodded as Jupiter and Clara watched them converse from where they leaned against the table. "But there are... darker subject matters that neither one of you likes to speak about."

"I'm sorry?" Lexi tilted her head slightly in confusion, sitting up straighter in her chair.

"You trust each other with all you have." Emma stated simply, seemingly ignoring the look Lexi was giving her. "You both have endured things that have... changed you. The Doctor is dangerous. There's a sliver of ice in his heart. But, you already knew that because there is a sliver of ice in your heart as well... And he's the one that provided the cause for it to be put there. But that's not what you're scared of... You are scared because you're okay with that even though you shouldn't be."

Lexi blinked, glancing over at Jupiter and Clara before looking back to Emma, stunned by what said woman had just so accurately deduced.

"Lex! Jupiter! Clara!" The Doctor called as he rushed past the arch away, Lucas following closely behind as he gestured for the three women to follow them.

Outside, House...

The Doctor, Lucas, Jupiter, Lexi and Clara all ran down the steps as rain poured down upon them. Clara and Jupiter were huddled under Clara's umbrella as the five of them stopped a few feet from the TARDIS.

"I've got this weird feeling it's looking at me." Clara spoke up as she eyed the TARDIS. "I don't think it likes me. In fact, I know it doesn't like me. It hid my bedroom from me just the other night."

The Doctor chuckled. "The TARDIS, she's... like a cat. You know, a bit slow to trust." He explained before running to the TARDIS, Lexi and Lucas rushing after him. "Don't worry, you'll get there in the end." He said before he, Lexi and Lucas went inside.

Clara glanced at Jupiter as they were both still huddled under the umbrella, seeing said woman smirking in amusement at her. Clara just rolled her eyes playfully, glancing back at the house before she and Jupiter ran to the TARDIS.

Jupiter gently wrapped her fingers around the door handle, the TARDIS greeting her cheerfully before opening the door, letting her and Clara step inside.

Inside, TARDIS, Console room...

As Jupiter shut the door, Clara looked around for a place to put the umbrella. "You need a place to keep this."

"We've got one." The Doctor responded, pointing. "Or we had one... I think we had one." He said as he started looking around before turning back to the console. "Look around, see if you can find it. Lex, did we have one? Am I going mad?"

Lexi giggled. "Do you really want me to answer that."

"No." He said immediately, quickly looking to her and seeing her mouth open and a finger raised. "Don't you dare."

Jupiter just rolled her eyes at her parents before looking to Clara just as said woman was about to start shaking the umbrella.

Jupiter quickly rushed over to her and snatched the umbrella from her. "I wouldn't do that. She'll get even more huffy at you if you start shaking more water on her. She's already soaking wet from the rain outside."

With that, Jupiter turned back around, walking past Lucas before setting the umbrella down in a chair and going and joining her parents at the console.

"Sorry." Clara said as she looked up at the TARDIS ceiling, the TARDIS herself gurgling in response.

"Okay..." Lucas trailed off as he walked around the console. "So, where are we going?"

"Nowhere." The Doctor answered. "We're staying right here. Right here, on this exact spot. You know, if I can work out how to do it."

Clara raised an eyebrow. "So... When are we going?

"Ha!" Lexi laughed. That is good. That is top-notch, Miss Oswald."

"But what's the answer?" Lucas questioned, crossing his arms as the Doctor walked towards a set of stairs.

The Doctor turned around to face everyone. "We're going always." He answered before spinning back around and going down the steps.

"'We're going always.'" Clara nodded slowly, unsure of what the Doctor meant.

"Totally." The Doctor responded, reaching up for something out of everyone's view.

"Dad, I get what you're saying." Jupiter chimed in. "But, what you said isn't actually a sentence."

"Well, it's got a verb in it. What do you think?" He asked, turning back and walking back over towards everyone with an orange spacesuit in his hands.

"Color's a bit boisterous." Clara told him.

"I think it brings out my eyes." The Doctor frowned, glancing at the spacesuit in his hands.

Lucas chuckled. "No offense, mate, but it makes my eyes hurt."

Lexi covered her mouth, trying to stifle a laugh as the Doctor dropped his arms, dejected by Lucas's comment.

Jupiter giggled, shaking her head before just going to the console and setting the TARDIS in motion.

Inside, House...

"Did you see where they went?" Alec asked as he and Emma watched from a window. "I could hear an engine but I can't see any lights."

There was then a flash of lightning, both Alec and Emma missing the sight of the ghost in the next window as it reached out to them.

Outside, TARDIS...

The Doctor stepped out of the TARDIS, wearing the spacesuit.

The surface of the planet itself was volcanic with a dark grey sky.

The Doctor then began scanning with the sonic before picking up the camera to take a few pictures.

Inside, TARDIS...

Lexi and Jupiter looked to the door when it opened before the Doctor rushed in with steam rising from his suit.

"Back off! Hot suit! Hot, hot, hot!" He exclaimed as he walked to console, the TARDIS door closing on its own.

"When are we?" Clara piped up, walking out from behind the other side of the console.

"About six billion years ago." The Doctor answered. "It's a Tuesday, I think."

"Well, then, let's go a bit forwards." Jupiter spoke up, flipping a lever as Lucas walked up next to where she was standing.

Outside, Jungle...

The five of them all walked through a prehistoric jungle with large insects.

"How's this for history, Lucas?" Lexi smiled, glancing over at her companion as they trailed behind Clara, Jupiter and the Doctor.

Lucas couldn't even bring himself to answer as he looked around in awe at the beautiful scenery while the Doctor took another photo.

Outside, House, Day...

In what appeared to be the Victorian era, Lexi now held the camera as she took a photo of the back of Caliburn House as Lucas stood next to her.

Lexi grinned before then turning around, making Lucas turn around with her before she held the camera out in front of them and snapped a photo of the two them to look back at later.

Lucas couldn't help but smile at the Glorious's cheerfulness.

Inside, TARDIS...

"Back in a mo." The Doctor said, now wearing the spacesuit again as he opened the door and looked back at Clara where she stood next Lucas. "Are you all right?"

"Totally." Clara replied. "Peachy keen."

"Okay then." The Doctor shrugged. "Well, don't press any buttons or pull any levers, or make any funny faces. Actually, don't move. Stand completely still. Don't breathe. Well, you can breathe... but shallow breaths."

Clara just gave him a thumbs-up which he returned before stepping outside. She then walked past Lucas, Lexi and Jupiter before going watch the Doctor on the monitor.

Lexi poked her head into view from the other side of the console, tilting her head in confusion as she looked at Clara. "Are you sure you're alright, Clara."

She sighed, looking away from the monitor and at Lexi. "Have we just watched the entire life cycle of Earth? Birth to death?"

"Yes..." Lexi said slowly, as she walked around the console to be next to Clara, Jupiter and Lucas watching them curiously. "Why do you ask?"

Clara looked to the monitor before looking back to Lexi. "Are you okay with that?"

"Yeah." Lexi nodded. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't get it." Clara shook her head. "How can you be okay with something like that?"

"Because... because I am." Lexi told her. "The Earth technically always exists. It never truly doesn't exist. I mean, not when you don't look at it from a linear point of view. As the Doctor would say, it's all wibbly wobbly"

"That's not what I mean."

"What do you mean, then?" Lexi asked, crossing her arms.

"I mean, one minute you're in 1974, looking for ghosts but all you have to do is open your eyes and talk to whoever's standing there." Clara explained. "To you, the Doctor and Jupiter, and even Sky, people like me and Lucas; we haven't even been born yet... and to all of you, we've been dead one-hundred billion years. Are our bodies out there somewhere? In the ground?"

"Well... yeah." Lexi shrugged. "I suppose they are."

"But here we are, talking. So we are ghosts."

"Clara, is that really how you're perceiving all of this?" Lucas asked in disbelief, tilting his head at his friend's statement just as the Doctor opened the door, re-entering the TARDIS.

Ignoring Lucas, Clara took a step towards Lexi. "To you, we are ghosts... we're all ghosts to you. We must be nothing."

"Oh, Miss Oswald." Lexi sighed. "You are so wrong." She gave Clara a small smile as the Doctor eyed them while slowly walking over to where Lucas and Jupiter stood watching the two women. "If you remember that very brief explanation I gave to you and Lucas while we were all on that crashing plane the first time we encountered the both of you, you'll remember that I said I'm a former human turned Time Lady. I was not lying when I said that. I'm not going to go into details about how it happened. Bottom line, is that I was born human. I'm from Earth. Earth will always be my home. I mean, all of my ancestors are human. Half of Jupiter and Sky's ancestors are human. So, do not ever think that you humans are nothing because I've got news for you: you are everything."

"But what do you mean?" She asked earnestly. "How can we be? What are we exactly?"

Lexi just smiled and turned back to the console, looking from Clara to Lucas before flipping a lever.

"You are the only mysteries worth solving."

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