The Crimson Horror [Part 3]

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Inside, Sweetville, Main building, Parlor, Day...

"I trust you had a pleasant day, Mama?" Ada enquired as she and her mother were sitting down to dinner, her mouther slouching forward and slurping her soup while Ada herself sat ramrod straight and ate delicately ate her soup.

Mrs. Gillyflower scoffed. "Tolerable."

"Will Mister Sweet ever join us for dinner, Mama?"

"Mister Sweet is rather tired tonight, I fear." She answered before reaching for the salt shaker, accidents knocking it over and spilling some salt on the table. "Dear me. How clumsy I'm getting." She laughed lightly before tossing a pinch of salt over her shoulder. "To keep the Devil at bay."

Mrs. Gillyflower then looked up at the man waiting on them, said man nodding before walking away.

When Mrs. Gillyflower was sure he couldn't see, she pulled the napkin from the neckline of her gown and sprinkled some salt down inside.

Inside, Sweetville, Main building, Hall...

Lexi stepped out of the lift and into the hall, glancing both ways to see that it was empty before motioning for Jenny and Marguerite to follow her.

At one end of the hall was a door with a round window through which the trio could see a sort of red glow.

Curious, The three of them walked cautiously towards the door, Lexi peering through the window before letting Jenny and Marguerite have a look.

Suddenly, the three women heard a noise making them turn their heads towards the other end of the hall.

Becoming even more curious, they all walked to the other end of the hall before finding a spiral staircase.

"Well, this doesn't make you want to go investigate." Jenny commented.

"Oh, not at all." Lexi rolled her eyes playfully before promptly beginning to climb the stairs, Jenny and Marguerite following behind her. "Are you sensing anything, Marguerite?"

"I feel..." Marguerite trailed off, closing her eyes as she held onto the stair railing while following behind Lexi. "I feel a sort of... frustrated presence. It's very near."

"If I was trapped somewhere in here, I'd be frustrated, too." Jenny chimed in as the three of them continued ascending the staircase.

Inside, Sweetville, Main building, Attic hall...

"Do you do this sort of thing all the time?" Marguerite asked quietly as the three of them reached the top of the spiral staircase.

"You have no idea." Lexi sighed before they heard a banging coming from the room that contained Ada's 'monster'.

Careful, Lexi stepped up to the door and tried the handle only to find it locked. She then knelt down and lift the panel to peer inside.

Just then, a hand reached out and grabbed her neck, making her squeak in surprise before falling back as the hand let go of her and pulled back before the panel on the door slammed shut.

"That hand was red." Marguerite whispered with wide eyes as Lexi got to her feet again.

Trying to calm her racing hearts, Lexi cautiously stepped up to the door. "Alright, whoever you are, you've got to stay calm now." She said before she heard chains slam against the door. "I can open this door. Would you like that?" The chains rattled a little softer, making her smile a bit. "I thought so. But you see, you and I have got to come to an arrangement. Sound good?" The chains knocked again. "Okay. You stand back, now." She said as she slid her sonic into the palm of her hand from the sleeve of her dress. "Did you hear what I said? My friends and I do not mean any harm to you. But if you try anything funny, we will leave you here to rot. Do you understand me?" She then heard two knocks. "Good."

Inside, Sweetville, Main building, Attic room...

Lexi slowly opened the door, Jenny and Marguerite cautiously peaking over her shoulders.

Standing directly opposite the door was a figure wearing white clothes.

Lexi's eyes widened. "Doctor?"

It was indeed the Doctor, said man's skin being red like the bodies found in the canal. His mouth was locked open as he reached out towards his wife with a groan. He lunged towards her awkwardly, like a regular Frankenstein's monster.

"What happened to you?" Lexi asked earnestly as she opened the door wider, letting herself, Jenny and Marguerite actually walk into the room.

The Doctor just grunted and looked over to his clothes that were lying on the floor near a corner of the room.

"Can you speak?" Jenny asked him, tilting her head.

The Doctor just groaned again as Lexi slowly walked up to him and tentatively tapped his face, finding that it sounded like wood.

"What have they done to you." She whispered, gently running her hands down his arms before just shaking her head. "Right. We're getting out of here." She said as she began using her sonic to unlock the shackles that were restraining her husband. "Jenny, grab his clothes."

Inside, Sweetville, Main building, Hall...

Lexi helped the Doctor walk down the hall as Jenny and Marguerite followed behind them, Jenny carrying the Doctor's clothes as Marguerite kept looking over her shoulder to keep a look out. The Doctor himself now had his regular boots on but moved straight-legged, his knees unable to bend given the hardened red-like wax stuff that covered his body.

"Come on." Lexi urged him on as the four of them passed the lift, said lift being on its way up.

"Might want to move a bit faster." Marguerite suggested quietly as Jenny went to move to the other side of Lexi, said woman trying to push her husband forward.

Marguerite then glanced back when they were all getting closer to the door and watched as the lift opened, Ada them stepping out.

Marguerite quickly dissipated and took the form of her glowing purple mist before shooting past Lexi, the Doctor and Jenny and opening the door.

Unable to speak, the Doctor watched with wide eyes as Marguerite manifested back into her human-looking form before ushering all of them through the door and making it close silently.

Inside, Sweetville, Main building, 'Red' hall...

The Doctor groaned slightly, his eyes moving over to Marguerite before looking to his wife again.

Lexi sighed as she continued to help the Doctor along, motioning to Marguerite. "Doctor, this is Marguerite. She's a genie. Marguerite, this is my husband: the Doctor. But you know, we can go for better introductions later. We need to move."

"Oh, my God..." Jenny muttered as they all stopped and looked through a large window to see a large vat bubbling away with red liquid.

A large rack soon moved over the vat with six people suspended from it, a man then moving a lever and making the people lower into the liquid.

"This is so twisted." Lexi whispered, the Doctor groaning in agreement before raising his arm and pointing down the hall.

Inside, Sweetville, Main building, Attic hall...

"You're all I have, monster." Ada said as she approached the door with another plate in her hand. "But all will be well. Imperfect as we are, there be will room for us in the new Jerusalem."

She then put her hand on the door, the door moving effortlessly. Almost on its own as Ada lightly pushed it open.

Inside, Sweetville, Main building, Attic room...

Ada slowly entered the room as she moved her cane back and forth over the floor before it hit the unlocked chains.

"No... NO!" She exclaimed as she knelt down and felt the chains with her hands. "Where are you, monster? Where are you?"

Inside, Sweetville, Main building, 'Red' hall...

Lexi helped the Doctor to what looked to be a booth set into the wall, Jenny and Marguerite watching curiously as they followed behind them.

With a groan, the Doctor reached both arms towards the handle on the door.

"What is it, dear?" Lexi questioned as she looked from the booth to the Doctor, pointing with her thumb at the booth. "You want to go there?"

The Doctor groaned even louder, as if saying yes before Lexi opened the door and helped the Doctor inside.

"Jenny, clothes, please." Lexi said, gesturing for Jenny to hand her the Doctor's clothes before then handing the clothes to him.

With a shaky hand, the Doctor reached into his pocket and pulled out his sonic before using it on the controls.

Lexi then closed the door just before two of Mrs. Gillyflower's 'helpers' walked by, Lexi, Jenny and Marguerite each quickly ducking out of sight before they were spotted.

The three women came out of hiding when the coast was clear just before strange noises came from the booth, a green light showing through the slates.

Suddenly, the door opened up and the rejuvenated – and clothed – Doctor popped out.

"Ah!" He grinned. "Missed me?"

Lexi laughed gleefully. "Doctor!"

"Lexi! Lexi, Lexi, sexy Lexi!" The Doctor grinned before running down the hall and jumping in the air, clicking his heels together. "Just when you think your glorious wife will never turn up!" He then slide back across the floor to Lexi, a permanent grin plastered on his face. "Lexi!"

The Doctor then dipped her, placing a hand to back of her head as he kissed her passionately as Jenny and Marguerite both stood there kinda awkwardly until the Doctor pulled Lexi back up, said woman having a dazed smile on her face.

"You should kiss me like that more often." Lexi breathed.

"Duly noted." He smirked, tapping her once on the nose before clapping his hands together and twirling back around. "Right! Right, first: you." The Doctor pointed at Marguerite. "You're new and interesting. Where did you come from?"

"That can be explained in due time." Lexi cut in before taking her husband by the arm, leading him down the hall towards the door and leaving Marguerite and Jenny both standing there a bit confused. "For now, we need to focus on Mrs Gillyflower. We've got to stop her."

"Yes, yes, you're right." The Doctor nodded quickly. "And then there's Clara and Lucas. Poor Clara and Lucas. Where are they?"

"Clara and Lucas?" Jenny raised an eyebrow as she rushed after them. "Doctor, Glorious, wait!"

"Can't. Clara and Lucas. Gotta find." The Doctor said quickly before he and Lexi walked through the door.

"I'm confused." Marguerite said as she followed quickly after Jenny. "Who're Clara and Lucas?"

"What happened to you?" Jenny questioned, ignoring Marguerite as they followed after the Couple of Time. "How long have you been like that?"

The Doctor slid back to the door, tugging Lexi along with him. "Days. Weeks. Don't know."

"Five weeks and three days." Lexi spoke up, gaining everyone's attention.

"Really?" The Doctor asked her in surprise. "Why would you wait that long to come here."

"Believe me, it wasn't my choice." Lexi sighed as her gaze drifted to Marguerite. "I was in a magically induced coma."

"I said I was sorry!" Marguerite put her hands up in defense.

"Look, look, I know it wasn't your fault." Lexi assure her. "Well, I mean, it was your fault. But it wasn't intentional, so it's okay."

"Okay, I'm even more confused than I already was." Jenny said, shaking her head.

"Don't worry, it'll make sense once you hear the story." Lexi told her before grabbing the Doctor's hand again and tugging him along to continue on their way. "Doctor, feel free to jump in when it gets to the parts I don't know."


Outside, Street, Day...

The ever-lovable TARDIS materialized on the cobblestone street before the door opened, letting Lexi step out as she was being lead by the Doctor, said Time Lord holding his hands over her eyes. Both of them were dressed, of course, in the right attire for the time period.

"And for your birthday, my dear..." The Doctor began as he took his hands from in front of her eyes. "London 1893!"

Lexi quirked an eyebrow as she gazed around at the environment. "Um, Doctor... This doesn't look like London. At all."

"Right, right. Yes." He nodded thoughtfully as he looked around himself. "Not London 1893. Yorkshire 1893. Near enough."

"You do make a habit of this, don't you? You know, getting us lost." Lucas pointed out as he and Clara stepped out of the TARDIS, both of them dressed in the right attire for the time period as well.

"And on your wife's birthday, for shame." Clara smirked, closing the TARDIS door.

Lexi laughed as the Doctor rolled his eyes.

"Trust me, it's much better than it used to be." Lexi informed as the four of them all began walking down the street, the Doctor putting an arm around Lexi's shoulders as they went. "Still, getting lost isn't the worst thing. You often find some of the most interesting things when you're not intentionally looking for them."

"Oh really?" Lucas questioned, glancing at her as they all reached the end of the road before turning a corner and finding themselves on a much more busy street with people milling about.

"Yep." Lexi nodded as the Doctor took his arm from around her shoulders before just reaching and holding her hand instead as they continued to walk along the street through the crowd of people. "Take me and the Doctor, for example. I never planned on meeting him. Then again, I don't think anyone ever does. But anyway, he quite literally crash landed into my life. It's a long story. But you see, that wasn't planned. Not by me, anyway. It was all very... wibbly wobbly."

"And timey wimey." The Doctor added with a grin.

Lexi giggled, nodding. "Exactly."

Clara couldn't help but smile at the pair as she and Lucas walked alongside them. "Look at you two... If I didn't know you, I'd say it was almost as if you were still in the honeymoon faze. How long have you two been married, exactly?"

"Twenty-six and a half years." The Doctor answered proudly, gripping onto Lexi's hand a bit tighter.

"If you don't mind me asking," Lucas began. "and you don't have to answer if you don't want to, how old are you turning today, Glorious?"

"Fifty-one, dear Lucas." Lexi smiled at him before turning her attention back in front of her as they continued to stroll along the busy street.

Lucas and Clara blinked in surprise.

"Well, I have got to say you look damn good for fifty-one." Clara told her.

"Decelerated aging will give that to you." Lexi quipped, grinning before she and the Doctor walked a bit ahead, leaving their companions to follow.


Inside, Sweetville, Main building, Night...

"You're seriously fifty-one?!" Marguerite gawked at Lexi as they, the Doctor and Jenny walked down a dark corridor.

"And that surprises you?" Lexi retorted, glancing back at Marguerite. "Come on, Marguerite, you're older than I am."

"Really?" Jenny asked quickly, glancing from Lexi to Marguerite. "How old."

"Hush now." Lexi said, making Jenny look back to her. "We're getting there."


Outside, Street, Day...

"Okay, I know you said you would like a bit of alone time on your birthday." The Doctor said as he, Lexi, Lucas and Clara walked along the street. "So, that is what you shall have, my dear. We can meet back at the TARDIS in three hours."

"Thank you." Lexi smiled at him, pecking him on the cheek before turning to Lucas and Clara. "Don't let him do anything too crazy, will you?"

"Of course not." Clara grinned. "I've been keeping an eye on Lucas since we were children. I think I can help do the same for your husband."

"I am not a child, Clara." Lucas frowned, crossing his arms.

"And neither am I." The Doctor scowled, crossing his arms like Lucas.

"Debatable." Lexi giggled before walking away from them, waving a temporary goodbye. "Have fun."

The Doctor huffed slightly, shaking his head at his wife's antics.

Clara couldn't help but laugh at the Doctor and Lucas's expressions before just going in between them and looping her arms through theirs. "Come on, boys. Let's go explore."


Inside, Sweetville, Main building, Night...

"I sort of regret not having you stay with us." The Doctor commented to Lexi as the two of them continued along the corridor, Jenny and Marguerite following behind them. "Then again, you were the one that initiated this whole rescue operation."

"Yes, I was." Lexi nodded in agreement. "Now, stop interrupting."


Outside, Marketplace, Day...

It was nice getting to wander about the marketplace. Lexi really was enjoying herself. You'd think that after traveling space and time with the Doctor for as long as she had, that she'd get a bit tired of it after awhile.

Hell no.

Absolutely not. She loved being able to go to different planets and time periods. No matter where, when, or how long she had been doing this for; she would never tire of it. Ever.

I mean, don't get me wrong. Lexi loved spending special occasions with the people she cared about. But she also liked having a bit of time to herself every once in awhile. That's why she had requested to spend a little bit of their trip exploring by herself before meeting back up with everyone.

That's how Lexi found herself where she currently was. You know, wandering about the quaint little Victorian Yorkshire marketplace. With all of its odds and ends of various random objects, ranging from tiny little charms for jewelry to big and lavish Persian rugs.

Lexi smiled slightly as she held up a pair of small emerald earrings to her ears as she looked at her reflection in a full length freestanding dark wood framed mirror. Deciding that she didn't absolutely love them, she placed them back beside where she had found them, next to a few other pairs of different jeweled earrings.

It wasn't until about ten minutes later that Lexi found herself at the back of the marketplace where there wasn't as many people. In fact, it was nearly empty. You know, save for the few vendors that were going about their business.

Gazing at a few Persian rugs that were hanging up, displayed for people's viewing, Lexi admired the intricate patterns that the rugs possessed before lifting one of them and walking behind it so she could exit the marketplace.

However, Lexi not only found herself behind the back of the marketplace, she also found herself in a deserted alleyway.

Taking a step forward, Lexi looked down when her foot bumped against something.

It was a box.

A wooden box that was half covered by the end of low hanging Persian rug.

Lexi then found herself to be curious as to why this box was just... there. You know, almost specifically hidden away.

Careful not to step on the end of her dress, Lexi crouched down and moved the end of the rug off the box before dusting the top off.


Let her free


Lexi quirked an eyebrow as she gazed down at the short message that was engraved on top of the wooden box. She pursed her lips in thought for a moment before slipping her sonic out of the sleeve of her dress and using it to open the lock that was keeping the box shut.

Lexi heard the click of the lock before watching as it popped open, making her smile a bit before opening the box while still holding her sonic in her other hand.

An oil lamp. A golden and jeweled oil lamp.

Lexi tilted her head as she gazed down at the beautiful object with its shiny gold exterior and its decorative and glittering blue sapphires, rubies and emeralds.

"Fancy." Lexi muttered to herself before tentatively reaching and touching the side of the oil lamp, gently running her fingertips over the beautiful jewels that adorned the golden exterior.

She was definitely not expecting what happened next.

Almost a tingly sensation, like as if the oil lamp began gently vibrating from within, made Lexi pull her hand back with slightly widened eyes.

Lexi's eyes widened even more as a soft and glowing purple mist began coming out of the spout of the oil lamp before swirling its way up the length of her arm and enveloping her whole body, making her begin to feel drowsy.

The last thing Lexi saw was her sonic screwdriver as it began sparking in her hand before everything dissolved into darkness.


Inside, Sweetville, Main building, Night...

"So that's where the magically induced coma comes in." The Doctor noted as he, Lexi, Jenny and Marguerite ducked behind a giant pillar just before a few of Mrs. Gillyflower's pilgrims walked through the hallway and through another door.

"Yes." Lexi whispered as they all re-emerged from behind the pillar when the coast was clear. "Now, since you like talking so much, why don't you inform us as to what you, Lucas and Clara were doing at that time?"

The Doctor smirked at her. "As you wish."


Outside, Street, Day...

"So, what did the Glorious mean earlier when she said it's much better than it used to be?" Clara enquired as she, the Doctor and Lucas all walked along the street, completely unaware of what was happening with Lexi. "You know, with the whole getting us lost."

"Well, here's the thing." The Doctor began, waving his hand around aimlessly. "I may or may not have spent a hell of a long time trying to get a gobby Australian to Heathrow Airport."

Lucas raised an eyebrow as he looked past Clara and at the Doctor. "What for?"

"Search me. Anyway–" The Doctor responded before being cut off by a woman's scream from off in the distance, making him, Clara and Lucas all look at each other. "Brave hearts, Clara and Lucas!"

The Doctor grinned at them before rushing off towards where the scream came from, Clara and Lucas eagerly running after him.

Outside, Canal side...

"It's another one, don't you see?" Edmund asked he and other people looked down at a body as it was floating face-down in the water. It's skin was red and it also had white clothes on. "Another victim!" Edmund exclaimed as he was being restrained by a policeman. "Why won't any of you listen?"

"We'll listen." The Doctor spoke up, making Edmund look back to see him, Clara and Lucas standing a short distance away.

Outside, Sweetville Gates...

"Mrs Winifred Gillyflower." Edmund stated as he, the Doctor, Clara and Lucas all walked up to the gates of Sweetville before looking through the bars into the courtyard. "An astonishing woman. A prize-winning chemist and mechanical engineer. So why..."

"Why has she decided to open up a match factory in her old home town?" The Doctor finished for him.

Edmund nodded. "And no one who ever goes to live there ever seems to come out."

Inside, Morgue...

"Same as the rest." Edmund said as he, the Doctor, Clara, Lucas and the Coroner (Amos) all looked at the body. "All dead from causes unknown and their flesh... glowing."

"Like something manky in a coal cellar." Amos agreed. "They keep turning up in't canal. The Crimson Horror!"

"Ooh. Good name. Hey, that's good, isn't it? The Crimson Horror!" The Doctor grinned. "I wonder what it is..." He muttered before leaning in closer to examine the body's eye with a magnifying glass. "Do you know the old Romany superstition, Clara? Lucas? That the eye of a dead person retains an image of the last thing it sees?"

"Of course I know it." Lucas rolled his eyes before he took a look for himself, seeing an image of an older woman (Mrs. Gillyflower) reflected in the eye. "History is what I do. Obviously it's nonsense."

"Unless?" The Doctor questioned him, crossing his arms.

"Unless the chemical composition of the body has been massively corrupted." Lucas answered, standing back up straight before handing the magnifying glass to Clara so she could look.

"Very good." The Doctor nodded at him, impressed before rubbing the red skin of the body with his white gloves.


"Do you think maybe we should go find the Glorious?" Lucas questioned as he and Clara stood on one side of a table while the Doctor stood on the other side as he used the lab's chemistry set to analyze the red liquid. "It's been almost two hours."

"It's her birthday." The Doctor responded, not looking up from what he was doing. "She wanted some time to herself, which is fine. Let's let her have that." He stated before squinting slightly. "Wow. This is nasty. An organic poison. A sort of venom. Edmund, you think it's connected to Sweetville?"

"I do." Edmund nodded from where he stood at the side of the table.

"Well, then, we need a plan." The Doctor responded, looking up and at everyone.

"What about the Glorious?" Clara asked, crossing her arms.

"I'll send a message to her phone." The Doctor responded as he took off the white gloves he was wearing.

"How can you send a message to a phone?" Edmund asked, confused.

"Doesn't matter." The Doctor waved him off before looking to Clara and Lucas. "We'll be in and out before you know it."

"In and out of where?" Lucas raised an eyebrow.

Inside, Sweetville, Main building, Parlor...

"Doctor Smith. Miss Oswald and Mister Harper." Mrs. Gillyflower smiled as she looked at the three people that stood before her. "Oh, yes. You all will do very nicely."

Lucas and Clara smiled wearily as they stood by the Doctor, said man smiling before beginning to speak.

"Oh, grand. Smashing." The Doctor grinned, speaking in a broad Northern accent. "Eh, the three of us couldn't be more chuffed, could we?"

Outside, Sweetville, Courtyard...

The Doctor walked alongside Mrs. Gillyflower as Clara and Lucas walked arm-in-arm behin them.

"Sweetville will provide you with everything you need." Mrs. Gillyflower stated as she escorted them by the houses. "You won't have to worry about a thing... ever again."

"The name. Sweetville." Clara said, trying her best a mimicking a Northern accent.

"Yes?" Mrs. Gillyflower enquired.

"Why not name it after yourself?" Clara questioned. "After all, it's your creation."

"Gillyflowertown, eh? Gillyflowerland!" The Doctor exclaimed, gesturing around at their surroundings. "You could have roller-coasters."

Mrs. Gillyflower stopped and turned to look at them. "It is named in tribute to my partner."

"Your late partner?" Lucas asked gently, doing his best at faking a Northern accent.

"No. My... silent partner. Mister Sweet likes to keep himself to himself." Mrs. Gillyflower informed them before gesturing to the door of the house they had stopped in front of. "Shall we move on?"

"Who lives here?" The Doctor asked her.

"Oh, names don't matter here." Mrs. Gillyflower laughed lightly. "All you need to know is that we only recruit the brightest and the best."

She then opened the door, letting the Doctor, Clara and Lucas look in to see a tableau of a husband and wife sitting motionless at their afternoon tea. They were covered by a giant bell jar hooked up to bellows.

Lucas glanced at the Doctor and Clara with wide eyes just before men came up behind them and women came from inside the house.

Inside, Sweetville, Main building, Vat room...

The Doctor looked around wildly as he was on a rack that was being lowered into a bubbling vat of red liquid. The poor thing was conscious as he went under.


Clara was one of many women standing in a row, catatonic as Mrs. Gillyflower walked in front of them as if they were soldiers on parade while Ada stood opposite of the men's line.

"Like pretty maids all in a row." Mrs. Gillyflower smiled as she walked past all the women. "The process improves with every attempt! Mister Sweet is such a clever old thing." She said before looking down at the floor. "Oh, into the canal with the rejects, Ada." She ordered before walking past the men's line and out the door.

"Yes." Ada nodded, walking over to the reject pile before hearing a grunt, a motionless Lucas watching her as she went.

Ada kneeled down and carefully reached out a hand and found another that moved. "Ma..."

Ada then put her hand in the palm of the other, it gripping hers.

Inside, Sweetville, Main building, Attic room...

"Sometimes, the preservation process goes wrong." Ada informed as she locked the shackles around the Doctor's wrists. "Only Mister Sweet knows why. And only Mama is allowed to talk to Mr Sweet. But if you're very good, you can stay here. You'll be my secret. My special monster." She whispered as she put her finger to the Doctor's lips. "Shh."

Ada then used her cane to guide herself towards the door, the Doctor grunting and reaching out to her as she closed the door.


The Doctor sat on the floor, legs stretched out in front of him as he thought of how much he was regretting coming into this place. It was up to Lexi now to find him and their companions. There really didn't seem to be another way.

Suddenly, there was a noise from outside just before the door burst open, letting Edmund enter as he screamed, dressed in white clothes and dripping with red venom.

The last thing Edmund saw was the Doctor, said man putting his hands out as Edmund fell to the floor.


Inside, Sweetville, Main building, Night...

"Yeah, now I'm really glad I didn't come you into this place." Lexi stated as the Doctor finished his part of the story; the two of them, Jenny and Marguerite crouching down while they moved past a window.

"So what happened next?" Jenny questioned as they all stood up straight again.

"I woke up." Lexi said, glancing back at her and Marguerite as the Doctor poked his head through a door to check if anyone was there. "I woke up five weeks and three days later."


Inside, ???...

"Mm." Lexi stirred awake, feeling a bit disoriented as she opened her eyes.

Lexi let her gaze drift around her surroundings, allowing herself to see that she was in a lavishly decorated bedroom. Almost in a sort of Moroccan themed style. With orange, pink, purple, deep red and turquoise draperies hanging on every wall. Different throw pillows lining the edges of the room with some piled together in couple of corners as well.

Lexi then brought her gaze to rest on herself as she laid on one of the softest beds she had ever felt, gold satin sheets caressing every part of her.

Lexi also noted how she wasn't dressed in the Victorian dress and that she had been wearing before. Instead, she found herself dressed in a long deep crimson nightgown made of some of what like the softest silk possible.

"Okay.... What the hell?" Lexi muttered as she looked down at herself before gazing around the room again.

"Ah, you are awake." A kind voice greeted, making Lexi look over in that direction to see a young woman with red hair and blue eyes standing in the doorway of the room. "I thought I'd come and check on you again to see how you were doing. You've been asleep for quite a while."

"Have I?" Lexi raised an eyebrow as she sat up before swinging her legs over the side of the bed to face the woman more directly.

"It was a pretty powerful spell." She explained as she took a step further into the room.

"Spell?" Lexi tilted her head slightly. "What spell?"

"A sleeping spell." The woman answered cautiously. "I reacted on instinct. I didn't know what was happening. I haven't talked to... anyone in a really long time. And when I felt your presence surrounding my lamp, I got scared. I wasn't expecting... well, anyone. I never am. People usually find me, then use me before making me come back in here."

"What do you mean use you?" Lexi questioned as she stood up from the bed. "Who are you?"

The woman gave her a gentle smile. "My name is Marguerite... And I think you and I should have a chat. There's a robe laying across the chair over in the corner of the room over there. Slip that on and follow me. I'll make us some tea."

Not giving Lexi time to respond, Marguerite turned around and stepped out of the room, leaving Lexi to do as she said before following after her.

Inside, Sitting room...

"I like your... decor." Lexi complimented as she gazed around the room, now wearing a golden silk robe over the deep crimson nightgown she had on.

Lexi noted how Marguerite's sitting room seemed to be decorated in the same style as the bedroom she had woken up in. Colorful jewel-toned drapes hung all over the walls, and various jewel-tones throw pillows were also scattered about. That's actually what Lexi and Marguerite were sitting on as they sat at low table in the center of the room.

"Thank you." Marguerite smiled at her as she dropped a sugar cube into her cup of tea. "It was my mother's style. I keep it this way because I like to remember her."

Lexi nodded slowly as she thought out what to say next.

"Okay, I've got to ask." Lexi began after a moment of thinking her words over. "I mean, I'm fairly certain I know the answer. But, call it double-checking... You're not human, are you?"

"Clever, you are." Marguerite smirked, taking a sip of her tea. "And you are right. Well, half right."

"Half right?" Lexi quirked an eyebrow.

"I'm not human... fully." Marguerite explained slowly as she eyed Lexi. "It's sort of complicated. Well, actually not that much. You see, I'm only half human."

Lexi squinted at her as she raised her tea cup to her lips. "And what other half are you, exactly?"


Lexi almost choked on the sip of tea she had just taken. "I'm sorry... What?"

"I'm half human and half genie." Marguerite stated. "My father was human. My mother, however, was a genie."

"How is that even possible?" Lexi questioned as she set her teacup back on its saucer.

"I'm sure you know how making babies works." Marguerite rolled her eyes.

"That's not what I meant!" Lexi exclaimed. "Are you a sarcastic genie, now?"

"Sometimes." She shrugged, grinning before she took another sip of her tea.

Lexi huffed shaking her head. "Alright, explain something to me then. How does a human and genie having a baby come about?"

"Growing up, my parents always told me how they met and fell in love." Marguerite explained to her as she set her teacup back down on it's saucer before folding her arms on top of the table as she looked across at Lexi. "My mother, a genie, as you've gathered, had somehow found herself being shipped in this lamp from Alexandria, Egypt all the way to Aberdeen, Scotland."

"So, you're half Scottish." Lexi noted, nodding. "I thought I detected a hint of a Scottish accent in there."

Marguerite smiled, nodding. "I am half Scottish. And half Egyptian. My mother found herself over in Scotland in the early Middle Ages. She was on her own for a couple hundred years before she met my father."

"Wait." Lexi sat up straighter. "Early Middle Ages?... How old are you?"

"Well, my mother was first over here in the year 503 AD. People would come across her lamp, which is this lamp that we're in right now. They'd have her grant them their three wishes before they'd make her come back in here. People are, usually, only interested in what they can get from a genie. And once they make their wishes, they don't care about you anymore."

"That's horrible." Lexi frowned.

"It is." Marguerite nodded in agreement. "Anyway, my mother would be released from her lamp, be under the control of someone until they made their wishes, and then be sent back inside here. That went on for a little over two hundred years before... something happened. My father found her. Of course at first my mother thought that it would be like any other time she was found by someone. However, she would soon come to find out that wasn't going to be the case at all. My father... he was a kind man. A very kind man. One of the best men my mother said she had ever met. He was a merchant. A fairly successful one. He saw the uniqueness in things that others might not really care that much about. He told me that he came across my mother's lamp on a trip to Inverness. Somehow, in the two hundred or so years my mother had been in Scotland, her lamp had made its way from Aberdeen to there. Anyway, when he released her from the lamp's hold, he could see the tiredness and sadness in her eyes. Like she had lost her love for the world. He was the kind of person that didn't like seeing other people sad. That was somewhere in the year... 709 AD, I think."

"So what happened then?" Lexi found herself asking, completely getting immersed in the conversation and not really focusing on what she probably should have been.

"Well," Marguerite began as she poured more tea into Lexi's cup. "my mother did the whole thing with telling him how he had three wishes, etcetera etcetera. And do you know what he told her?... He said he didn't want a damn thing except to get to know her. Of course, you can imagine my mother's surprise when he told her this. It's always a mandatory thing that a genie grants three wishes when its released from its lamp. My mother told him this. And so, my father made his wishes. One: he wished that she'd allow him to take her for a walk so he could speak with her more. Two: on that walk, he wished for her to watch the sunset with him. And three: he wished for her to marry him only if she wanted to... I was born a year and a half later."

"They fell in love in one day?" Lexi blinked.

"It's was 709." Marguerite shrugged. "People got married fairly quickly back then. Still do, I suppose. What year is this, anyway?"

"1893." Lexi replied, taking a tiny sip from her teacup.

"Wow." Marguerite nodded, pursing her lips in thought for a moment. "Since my last release, I've been in this lamp for... seventy-nine years. Time really does fly..."

"Seventy-nine years? On your own?" Lexi frowned as she set her teacup down. "That's incredibly lonely."

"That's a life of a genie. Or in my case, half genie." Marguerite shrugged. "We're practically immortal. We can outlive people we care about and then be released and grant wishes for people who don't care about us."

"That's awful." Lexi sighed, reaching across the table to place her hand on top of Marguerite's. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be." Marguerite gave her a small smile, patting her hand before she retracted it.

"I am, though." Lexi stated. "But I am also curious about something. Your parents... how did that work out?"

"My father didn't care that my mother was... four hundred or so years old by that point. You couldn't even tell. She looked like she was in her late twenties." Marguerite smiled fondly at the thought of her parents. "My father was thirty when he married her. I came along around a year and a half after they wed. They stayed happily married for a good fifty years before my father passed away in his sleep. Then it was just me and my mother from that point on. We, as you say, 'hit the road' after that. We were on our own for... eight hundred years or so, granting wishes for people who ever came across our lamp. She and I became like a team. It was bearable. You know, granting wishes together... It all came crashing down in the early 1550s. I won't go into too much detail, but long story short, my mother was mistaken for a Protestant/Witch and was burned at the stake. Courtesy of Queen Mary I of England. Fire can kill a genie, so it's no wonder she didn't survive. I narrowly escaped and have been on my own ever since, granting wishes to whoever finds me. Your the first person in seventy-nine years that has found me."

"Okay, one: I'm am so sorry for what happened to your mother. That is absolutely horrible. Her Majesty wasn't called 'Bloody Mary' for nothing..." Lexi sighed, biting her lip in thought before looking back up at Marguerite. "If you were born in 710 AD, then that means you're... one thousand, one hundred eighty-three years old."

"Correct." Marguerite nodded before taking a small sip more of her tea.

"You're sort of around my husband's age." Lexi commented, taking a sip of tea before her eyes widened. "Oh, My God! My husband... Our friends!"

"Woah, woah. Calm down." Marguerite raised her hands in a calm down gesture. "Okay, so you are married, then. I noticed the rings on your left ring finger when I checked in on you periodically while you were sleeping."

"Wait... How long was I sleeping?" Lexi asked quickly, setting her teacup back down.

"Yeah... Here's the part that you probably will not like..." Marguerite began slowly. "When I got panicked by suddenly feeling your presence, I acted on instinct and accidentally used a sleeping spell on you and it put you in a magically induced coma. You were comatose for a little over five weeks."

"Five weeks?!" Lexi exclaimed, slamming her hands down on the table. "You couldn't have told me that earlier?"

"I didn't want to freak you out anymore than you already were." Marguerite informed her. "I mean, I feel bad enough that I put you in a coma. I wanted try and ease you into things carefully. I tried to make you as comfortable as possible until you woke up. That's why I put you in that nightgown. And don't worry, I used a quick clothes changing spell. Your dress and hat are hanging in the wardrobe in the room you woke up in."

"Well, I suppose I'll thank you for that." Lexi huffed, crossing her arms as she thought out her next words. "I need to get out of here."

"Well, you're welcome to go any time you want." Marguerite told her. "You just have to let–"

"you grant me three wishes." Lexi cut her off, finally realizing the situation fully. "I don't want to force you to do anything. I don't like how you've described the way people treat you."

"Well, you have to let me grant you three wishes." Marguerite stated, crossing her arms. "Then, what you do with me after that, is up to you."

"Alright..." Lexi nodded before a thought occurred to her. "Hey, you didn't happen to see a sort of... screwdriver looking device when you brought me into this lamp, did you?"

"Oh!" Marguerite exclaimed before turning slightly and reaching over to a small wooden box that sat on the floor by a chair. She lifted the lid before pulling out what looked like a very burnt and charred sonic screwdriver. "You mean this thing?"

Lexi's eyes widened at the sight of the state her sonic was in. "My sonic..."

"Yeah..." Marguerite sighed as she handed the ruined device to Lexi. "It must've been from the spell."

"Well, I know what my first wish is." Lexi stated as she looked up from her sonic. "I wish that this was back to working order, and not burnt."

"Alright." Marguerite said, raising her hand slightly before snapping her fingers.

A bright white light flashed throughout the room, making Lexi shield her eyes for a moment before the light dissipated to reveal Lexi's sonic back in its original condition.

Lexi smiled, activating her sonic and seeing the pink crystalline emitter lit up and beautiful.

"Good." Lexi sighed in relief, kissing her sonic once before looking back to Marguerite. "I also believe I know my second wish."

"And that would be...?" Marguerite questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"That you allow me to take you and your lamp along with me as I search for my husband and our friends." Lexi told her. "If I've been asleep for five weeks, then they have to be worried. And if they haven't found me by now, something has to be wrong."

"Okay." Marguerite nodded. "I think I can manage that."

"Great." Lexi clapped her hands together before they stood up from the table. "Then we need to get ready."

Inside, Marguerite's Oil Lamp, Corridor...

"Are you ready?" Marguerite questioned as she and Lexi stood in the corridor, Lexi wearing the dress she had first arrived in Victorian Yorkshire in and Marguerite wearing a shimmering red floor-length dress with an attached purple tunic, a dark blue star-studded cape and a matching belt.

"Definitely." Lexi nodded, sliding her sonic into the sleeve of her dress before adjusting the hat on her head.

"Alright." Marguerite nodded before waving her hand in a circular motion in Lexi's direction.

Lexi watched as the glowing purple mist began to swirl up around before everything flashed white for a moment.

Outside, Alleyway...

Lexi inhaled deeply as she took in the fresh air, now finding herself in the same alleyway that had been behind the marketplace. The marketplace that was no longer there.

Lexi looked around for a moment before noticing that the box Marguerite's oil lamp was in was now hidden behind a small stone wall.

"That's strange..." Lexi muttered as she stepped over to the box, peeking in and seeing Marguerite's oil lamp sitting in there. "I could've sworn that this box was over there."

Lexi glanced in the direction of where the marketplace once stood. A marketplace with vendors never tended to stay in one place for too long. But if the box had been at the edge of the back of the marketplace when Marguerite had brought Lexi into the lamp, then how did it move the three or so yards over to behind the small stone wall?

Shaking her head of the thought, Lexi quickly shut the lid of the box before picking it up and walking in the direction of the busy street of people.

On a mission.

Outside, Street...

Lexi turned a corner off the busy street and onto the cobblestone street she, the Doctor, Clara and Lucas had arrived on in the TARDIS.

"She's still here." Lexi whispered as she speed walked up to the TARDIS, adjusting the box in her arms so she could hold it in one arm while putting a gentle hand on the side of the TARDIS, said box letting out a hum of relief and also anxiousness. She quickly walked to the door and opened it without a problem, poking her head into the console room. "There not here, are they, Idris?"

The TARDIS hummed worriedly.

"I'm gonna find them, I promise." Lexi told her before shutting the door and stepping back out onto the quiet cobblestone street.

Lexi bit her lip in thought before looking down to the wooden box in her arms that contained Marguerite's oil lamp, said half genie still inside.

Nodding to herself, Lexi took the oil lamp out of the box before opening the TARDIS door once more and sticking the wooden box just inside before shutting the door again.

"Alright, Marguerite, let's–" Lexi began speaking to herself as she looked down at the beautiful oil lamp in her hands before she was cut off by a scream from off in the distance, making her snap to attention. "Well, I suppose that's a good way to start."


Inside, Sweetville, Main building, Hall, Night...

"So I ran in the direction of where I heard the scream come from and found a bunch of people looking down at a body covered in that red stuff floating face-down in the canal." Lexi explained as she, the Doctor, Jenny and Marguerite walked down a dark hallway.

"You're really almost twelve hundred years old?" The Doctor asked, glancing back at Marguerite.

"Really, that's what you got from that story?" Marguerite blinked.

"No, it's not the only thing." The Doctor rolled his eyes before glancing at Lexi. "Her oil lamp is strapped to your hip underneath your dress?"

"Yep." Lexi nodded, patting her hip where she felt the oil lamp resting against her hip. "Right here."

"Okay, back to the topic at hand." Jenny spoke up, gaining everyone's attention. "What is that red stuff?"

"Deadly poison." The Doctor answered, pulling his sonic out and scanning with it as they crossed the hall. "Mrs Gillyflower is dipping her Pilgrims in a dilute form to protect them. Preserve them. Process didn't work on me. Maybe because I'm not human." He said as looked out a different window. "I ended up on the reject pile."

"Preserve them against what, though?" Marguerite tilted her head.

"Well, according to her, the coming apocalypse." The Doctor stated, whistling as he spun his finger on the side of his head.

"'When the End of Days is come and judgement rains down upon us all...'" Lexi muttered, remembering something she had heard when she and Jenny had gone to hear Mrs. Gillyflower speak.

The Doctor turned around and looked at his wife. "What?"

"Nothing." Lexi said, shaking her head as she looked out a window.

"No, what?" The Doctor asked her again, walking over to her before grabbing her by the shoulders and turning her around to face him.

"It was omething Mrs Gillyflower said. You know, one of her sermons." Lexi told him, looking him in the eye. "Come on, Vastra's bound to get impatient and come looking for us. We need to get moving."

"Of course." The Doctor grinned, giving her a quick peck on the forehead before taking her by the hand and tugging her along. "Clara and Lucas, got to find."

"But, Doctor, Glorious!" Jenny exclaimed as she and Marguerite rushed after them. "Clara and Lucas are dead... Aren't they?"

The Couple of Time paused in the doorway and turned back to Jenny and Marguerite, making said two women stop in their tracks.

"Yeah... It's complicated." Lexi said before she and the Doctor rushed off again, leaving Jenny and Marguerite to follow.

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