The Day of the Doctor [Part 1]

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A/N: *takes a deep breath*


Hi. 😁

Okay, I'm like seriously so excited for y'all to read this gem of an episode! 💕

I've worked my hardest to make this something all of you will enjoy. It is definitely one of my favorites. ❤️

Anyway, instead of doing a guest stars list, I've put together a bit of a cast list instead.

So... here it is! 😃


Matt Smith as The Eleventh Doctor

Karen Gillan as Lexi Pond/The Glorious

David Tennant as The Tenth Doctor

Emma Stone as Jupiter Pond

Richard Madden as Skyler "Sky" Pond

Tom Hiddleston as Lucas Harper

Jenna Coleman as Clara Oswald

John Hurt as The War Doctor

Elizabeth Olsen as Dr. Lake Sonata

Ooh, a new OC... I wonder who she is? 😉

It may be a bit... eh, to put a brand new OC into such a monumental episode as this one, but I could not pick another time/episode in this series that I liked better for her introduction. And besides, with what Dr. Sonata has to do with... well, this episode is definitely the best pick to bring her into the storyline. 🙂

Now, I won't keep y'all waiting much longer. However, I just wanted to say one more thing...

Thank you so much to all who have read, voted and commented on this story!!! ❤️❤️❤️ I don't know where it would be had it not been for all of you. When you comment and give me feedback, it gives me the confidence to keep on going and creating this series for y'all. I love and appreciate every single one of you! 💜

Okay, enough of me being mushy. 😊

This episode was so much fun to do, and I look forward to being bombarded with loads of comments! 😁

We've got bickering time twins, teasing companions, three Doctors, and one glorious Lexi to take on everything! *squeals excitedly*

So, without further ado, I very happily present to you... "The Day of the Doctor"!!! 🎉

Enjoy! 😘


Inside, Classroom, Day...

"'Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.' Marcus Aurelius." Clara quoted as she wrote on the board of a classroom in Coal Hill Secondary School, the school at which she was now teaching.

The bell to end the day then rang and Clara nodded to her students, allowing them to leave.

"Oh, Miss Oswald?" A familiar voice said as its owner came to stand in the doorway of the classroom.

Clara grinned, not looking away from erasing some stuff on the board. "Yes, Mister Harper?"

Lucas chuckled, leaning out of the door to look both ways down the hall to be sure no one was listening before he entered the classroom fully. "We've been summoned."

"Have we now?" Clara questioned, raising an eyebrow as she glanced back at him.

Lucas smirked, holding up his phone to show he had received a set of coordinates. "Come on."

Clara laughed in excitement, snatching her black leather jacket off her desk before she and Lucas eagerly rushed from the classroom.

Outside, Country street...

Now wearing helmets and riding two of the motorbikes they had ridden during their first encounter with the Doctor and Lexi, Clara and Lucas stopped at the crest of a hill and looked down to where the TARDIS was parked on the side of the road.

The duo shared a look, smiling before continuing on and honking the motorbikes' horns as they got closer, seeing the doors open.

Inside, TARDIS, Console room...

Clara drove right through the open doors, Lucas doing the same right after her before they each came to a stop by the console and removed their helmets.

"Draught!" The Doctor's called to them, not looking their way as he turned the page of the 'Advanced Quantum Mechanics' book he was reading.

With a slight smirk, Clara snapped her fingers, making the doors close as the Doctor closed his book.

"Fancy a week in ancient Mesopotamia?" The Doctor questioned as he stood up from where he sat on the stairs that lead to below the console before turning around to face Clara and Lucas. "Followed by future Mars?"

"Will there be cocktails?" Clara tilted her head.

"Not only will there be cocktails, but..." Lexi said as she entered the console room while straightening out her long green waterfall Duster coat, coming to a stop at the top of the stairs. "it will be on the Moon."

Lucas grinned as she came down the stairs. "Oh, I think the Moon'll very nicely."

They laughed, Lexi grabbing Lucas and pulling him into a hug as the Doctor did the same with Clara.

"So, how's the new job?" The Doctor asked Clara as they pulled away from their hug. "Teach anything good?"

"No." Clara grinned, nodding at his advanced quantum mechanics book. "Learn anything?"

"Not a thing." The Doctor shook his head, smiling slightly.

"And what about you, Lucas? How does it feel to be thirty? The big three-o?" Lexi questioned as she and Lucas pulled away from their hug. "By the way, I'm so sorry that we missed it."

"Oh, don't worry about it." Lucas waved her off. "Thirty is thirty. I'm sure you remember how it feels."

"A good twenty-one years in my past, but yeah." Lexi shrugged, but smiled nonetheless before she and everyone else were suddenly thrown about as the TARDIS all of a sudden rocked, one of the monitors on the console lighting up with an alert.

"What's happening?!" Clara exclaimed as she hurried to get her balance as Lucas grabbed onto the console.

"Whoa, whoa!" The Doctor blinked as he looked at the monitor. "We're taking off, but the engines aren't going!"

Lexi hurried and opened the TARDIS doors, blinking when she looked down. "I do believe the reason for that, dearie, would be because of that."

The Doctor quickly went over to where she was and poked his head out, eyes widening when he saw the helicopter above them. "Ah."

Lexi rolled her eyes before opening the outside panel, reaching for the TARDIS phone.

Outside, Tower of London, Courtyard...

A young woman in a white lab coat and a long multi-colored scarf, Osgood, walked into the courtyard of the Tower of London before stopping abruptly when the sound of the TARDIS was heard. Except, in this instance, it was as a phone's ringtone.

"Hello, Kate Stewart's phone?" Osgood greeted as she answered.

"This is the Glorious." Lexi's voice came through the line. "I need to speak to Kate Stewart immediately, please."

"Oh, hold on." Osgood said before running over to where two blonde women were sitting on one of the benches that overlooked the greenery. "Excuse me, sorry, ma'am! Ma'am!"

"The ravens are looking a bit sluggish." Kate Stewart said, passing a granola bar to the woman sitting next to her. "Tell Malcolm they need new batteries."

"It's her." Osgood stated, holding out Kate's phone towards her. "Sorry, it's your personal phone, but, well, I recognized the ringtone. It's her, isn't it?"

"Osgood dear, inhaler." The woman sitting next to Kate, Dr. Lake Sonata, finally spoke up before taking a bite of the granola bar Kate had given her.

Kate sighed, taking the phone from Osgood before putting it up to her ear. "Lexi, or Glorious, hello." She greeted quickly, still getting used to calling Lexi by her title. "We found the TARDIS in a field. I'm having it brought in."

Inside, TARDIS, Console room...

"No kidding." Lexi rolled her eyes, still standing just inside the open TARDIS doors.

"Where are you?" Kate's voice asked, Lexi then holding up the phone towards the helicopter in response.

Outside, Tower of London, Courtyard...

"Oh, my God!" Kate gasped, quickly standing up from the bench. "Oh, Glorious, I'm so sorry. We had no idea you were still in there." She apologized before nodding at Osgood and Lake to follow her. "Come on."

Inside, TARDIS, Console room...

Suddenly, the helicopter carrying the TARDIS veered sharply, the Doctor yelping as he fell out of the door.

"Doctor!" Clara leapt forward and grabbed his feet as Lexi scooted a bit to the side, gripping the doorframe for dear life.

Outside, Tower of London...

"Glorious, can you hear me?" Kate asked as she, Lake and Osgood headed down the steps towards the main exit, Lake reaching inside her long royal blue (Ahem.. TARDIS blue) trench-coat and taking out a set of SUV keys. "I don't think she can hear me."

Inside, TARDIS, Console room...

"Kate, next time," Lexi sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "please just knock."

"I'm having you taken directly to the scene." Her voice replied.

"Gotcha." Lexi said quickly before hanging up, looking down as the Doctor attempted to change positions, now hanging onto the base of the TARDIS with his hands. "Are you sure that's the best idea?"

"Don't really have any alternatives." The Doctor shrugged.

"We could've pulled you back in!" Lexi exclaimed, eyes wide.


Clara and Lucas couldn't help but laugh out loud as Lexi thumped her head against the doorframe at her husband's response.

Outside, Trafalgar Square...

The helicopter flew over Trafalgar Square, lowering the TARDIS down onto the ground.

The Doctor nimbly dropped the last few feet before the TARDIS was then lowered completely.

"Attention!" One of the UNIT soldiers called, all of them snapping to attention as Lexi, Clara and Lucas exited.

The Doctor threw up a salute as well, then blinked. "Why am I saluting?"

"Who knows." Lexi sighed, putting his hand down for him as they watched Kate walk through the group, a young blonde woman in a long 'royal blue' trench-coat and a young brunette woman in a white lab coat, glasses, and a multi-colored scarf following her.

"Doctor, as Chief Scientific Officer, may I extend the official apologies of UNIT." Kate stated.

"Kate Lethbridge-Stewart, a word to the wise," The Doctor told her. "as I'm sure your father would've told you, I don't like being picked up." Lexi cleared her throat, the Doctor pointing at her. "Except by my wife."

"And don't you forget it." Lexi smirked.

Lucas closed his eyes. "Please stop."

"I'm acting on instructions direct from the throne." Kate held up an envelope. "Sealed orders from Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the First."

"The Queen?" Clara blinked. "The First? Sorry, Elizabeth the First?"

"Her credentials are inside." Kate nodded, then shook her head as the Doctor went to open the envelope. "No. Inside."

Lexi raised an eyebrow when Kate pointed to the National Gallery behind her. "Alright then."

"Nice scarf." The Doctor winked at Osgood as they headed for the steps.

"Love the coat." Lexi commented to Lake, giving her a small smile as she passed by her.

"What's our cover story for this?" Kate asked as they followed.

"Er, Derren Brown." Osgood answered.


"Oh, don't worry. We sent him flowers." Lake assured her, her out-of-place American accent ringing through amongst all the British people around her.

Clara and Lucas couldn't help but snicker as they headed inside.

Inside, National Gallery...

"Did you know her, Elizabeth the First?" Clara asked as they walked through the National Gallery.

"Unified Intelligence Taskforce." The Doctor told her.


"This lot, UNIT. They investigate alien stuff. Anything alien."

"What, like you?"

"I work for them."

Inside, National Gallery, Main gallery...

Lucas raised an eyebrow as they all passed through a set of doors into another, larger gallery. "I can't exactly see you having a job."

"Why shouldn't I have a job?" The Doctor defended himself. "I'd be brilliant at having a job."

Lexi smirked. "Dearie, I love you, but this is not your job."

"Okay, it's our job." He amended. "We are doing it now."

"That's not what I meant." Lexi shook her head. "We save the universe. We have done, multiple times. In case you've forgotten, it's not limited to UNIT."

"...Fair point." He conceded after a moment's pause before stiffening when a painting in front of them was uncovered.

"Oh, my God..." Lexi whispered, mouth slightly agape as she gazed upon the painting of a fiery citadel under attack. "You have got to be kidding me."

"Elizabeth's credentials." Kate said uneasily.

"But-" Clara stammered. "But that's... that's not possible."

"What the hell is going on?" Lucas questioned softly, squinting his eyes as he examined the painting.

"No more." The Doctor mumbled.

"That's the title." Kate confirmed.

"I know the title."

"Also known as Gallifrey Falls."

"We know the title." Lexi took a deep breath, squeezing the Doctor's hand.

"This is Gallifrey?" Lucas blinked, taking a step forward as he now realized why the Doctor and Lexi had reacted the way they did.

"Yes." Lexi nodded. "Yes, it is... This is Gallifrey."

"This painting doesn't belong here, not in this time or place." The Doctor shook his head.

"But this... this isn't..." Lucas trailed off as he and Clara went forwards to examine it more closely.

"It's the fall of Arcadia, Gallifrey's second city." The Doctor explained.

"But how can it be doing that?" Clara tilted her head as she cautiously reached forward, her eyes widening when her hand went straight through and into the painting itself. "How is that even possible? It's an oil painting in 3D."

"Well, what's a thing Time Lords are known for?" Lexi raised an eyebrow. "What's a special thing about the TARDIS?"

"Bigger on the inside." Lucas guessed as he stepped back from the 3D painting.

"Time Lord art." The Doctor confirmed. "A slice of real time, frozen."

"Elizabeth told us where to find it." Lake finally spoke up, making everyone except the Doctor glance her way. "She also informed us of its significance."

Lexi turned back to see the Doctor swallow, not taking his eyes off the painting. "Are you alright?"

"He was there." Was all the Doctor said.

Lexi inhaled sharply, remembering the time right before she and the Doctor had gone on their honeymoon, the time when he had shared all of his memories with her.

"Who was?" Clara frowned.

"Me." The Doctor said. "The other me. The one I don't talk about."

"The one you don't talk about? I don't understand." Lucas frowned.

The Doctor took a shaky breath. "I've had many faces, many lives. I don't admit to all of them. There's one life I've tried very hard to forget. He was the Doctor who fought in the Time War, and that was the day he did it. The day I did it. The day he killed them all. The last day of the Time War, the War to end all wars between my people and the Daleks. And in that battle, there was a man with more blood on his hands than any other. A man who would commit a crime that would silence the universe. And that man... was me."

Outside, Arcadia...

In the city of Arcadia, in the ruins of a building, the War Doctor stepped out of his TARDIS and examined the destruction.

He nodded to the stunned man in front of him. "Soldier, I'm going to need your gun."

The soldier quickly handed it over, the War Doctor then shooting a message into the wall behind him as he heard the Daleks approach.

When he finished inscribing NO MORE, the War Doctor handed the gun back and retreated to his TARDIS to save one of the Gallifreyan families nearby before flying off somewhere far, far away. He knew what he had to do.

This War was going to end today.

Inside, Corridor, Arcadia...

"The High Council is in emergency session." The Time Lord Androgar stated, walking down a corridor of the Citadel where the War Council was meeting. "They have plans of their own."

The War Council's leader, the General, scoffed as he walked alongside him. "To hell with the High Council. Their plans have already failed."

Inside, Map room, Arcadia...

"Gallifrey's still in the line of fire." The General continued as he and Androgar entered the map room where a number of other Time Lords and Time Ladies were monitoring the action around the planet. "So, he was there, then?"

"He left a message, a written warning for the Daleks." Androgar confirmed, pulling up a projection of the message the War Doctor had left: NO MORE. "He's a fool."

"No." The General growled. "He's a madman."

Androgar then switched the projection. "As you can see, sir, all Dalek fleets surrounding the planet, now converging on the capital, but the Sky Trenches are holding."

Just then, the building shook as something exploded nearby, but the General just continued. "Where did he go next?"

"What does it matter?" Androgar asked in exasperation. "This is their biggest ever attack, sir. They're throwing everything at us."

"Sir," A Time Lady said as she hurried to the table. "we have a security breach to the Time Vaults."

The General frowned, seeing which Vault had been broken into. "The Omega Arsenal, where all the forbidden weapons are locked away."

"They're not forbidden anymore." Androgar shook his head. "We've used them all against the Daleks."

"No." The General shook his head slowly, feeling a dreadful headache approaching. "No, we haven't."

Inside, Omega Arsenal, Arcadia...

"The Moment is gone." The General said as he looked upon an empty plinth in the Omega Arsenal.

"I don't understand." Androgar frowned. "What is the Moment? I've never heard of it."

"The galaxy eater." The General answered. "The final work of the ancients of Gallifrey. A weapon so powerful, the operating system became sentient. According to legend... it developed a conscience."

"And we've never used it?"

"How do you use a weapon of ultimate mass destruction when it can stand in judgment on you?" The General asked. "There's only one man who would even try."

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