The Family of Time (Prologue)

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A/N: Hello! *waves while grinning like a madwoman*

I can't believe we're at the beginning of the 2nd book of The Glorious Series!!! 😃

I would've gotten this chapter published sooner, but there's this thing called sleep and I kinda needed it. 😉 And there's also this food called pizza and I wanted some of that as well. 🍕 😋 I also found the documentary series where Benedict Cumberbatch can't say 'penguins' on Netflix. 😂 It's called "South Pacific". Anyway, it's not just penguins. It's about all the South Pacific. And I just like listening to Benedict's voice as he narrates. 😍

OH! And I had to fangirl over the new 2017 Doctor Who Christmas special trailer!!! 😁

Anyway, I would just like to welcome y'all to the journey that we're all about to embark on. ❤️ And I hope that you guys enjoy yourselves because I know I will enjoy myself when I write everything that's about to come. 💖

Now, with that said, say hello to our Family of Time!!! 🎉🎉🎉

P.S. ~ I listened to "Say You Won't Let Go" by James Arthur when I wrote this! 💕 Like seriously, that song gives me so many Doctor and Lexi fluffy feels. 😍 Especially for this chapter! ❤️ In fact, I added the song to this book's playlist! 😁

Get ready for nearly 7,700 words of some serious domestic fluff! 😁 Which is something our characters hardly ever get. ;)


Enjoy! 😘


Inside, TARDIS, Kitchen...

"Now, let's try this again." The Doctor said as he sat in a chair in front of babies Sky and Jupiter as they were sitting in their highchairs, being just a bit mischievous by not eating the baby food that their father was attempting to feed them.

Little Sky stuck his tongue out as his sister grabbed a handful of sweet potatoes that had fallen on the highchair-tray in front of her before throwing them in their father's face.

"And it's a no on the sweet potatoes." The Doctor sighed, grabbing the dish towel he already had on-hand before wiping the sweet potatoes from his face.

Lexi giggled from where she stood behind the kitchen counter by the stove as she made lunch for herself and the Doctor.

"I think it's a matter of finding at least one thing that they'll actually want to eat." Lexi shrugged as she cut up some tomatoes.

"Actually, I think they're just doing what they're doing to cause trouble." The Doctor told her before giving a look to their two children, only to then have another handful of sweet potatoes thrown in his face, this time by Sky. The Doctor closed his eyes in slight frustration, using the dish towel to wipe his face clean again before looking back to Lexi. "See what I mean?"

Lexi just smiled and shook her head before bringing her and the Doctor's plates over to the table.

"They're six month old babies, what do you expect them to do?" She raised an eyebrow at her husband before taking a bite of sliced up tomato and cucumber.

"At least cooperate a little bit." The Doctor pleaded, looking back to the twins. "Please, come on, you can understand me. Please just eat."

The two 6 month olds looked at each other almost as if they were having a telepathic conversation before they both looked back to their father and opened their mouths.

"Thank you." The Doctor sighed before continuing to spoon feed his children.

Lexi couldn't help but smile at her children as she watched them eat spoonful after spoonful of puréed sweet potatoes and smiling after each bite, making the Doctor smile as well.

Family life was... getting just a little bit better.

A little later, Inside, TARDIS, Lounge...

Tinkering away with the sonic, the Doctor now sat on the sofa in the lounge room the TARDIS had so graciously conjured up for them.

Babies Sky and Jupiter were laid on a blanket in the middle of the floor as they just kinda rolled around on their backs, grabbing at a few random stuffed animals that were scattered around them.

The Doctor glanced up from tinkering with the sonic to check on the twins. He smiled slightly when he saw the babies softly fighting over a small stuffed elephant. You know, not really fighting over it to where it would make one of them actually cry, but just enough to where they'd want to keep going until one of them won.

The Doctor gave them one last look before looking back down to keep messing with the sonic.

It wasn't until about a minute later that the Doctor looked back up to check on the twins again, only to see that they had vacated the blanket and were nowhere in sight.

The Doctor's eyes widened as he quickly stood up, glancing all around. He didn't think they'd just run off on him like that. I mean, they hadn't even crawled yet for the first time.

The Doctor started looking all around the lounge, tossing pillows off the sofa as if that would help. He looked behind the sofa, under the coffee table, behind the television. Even behind an oversized armchair that was on the far side of the room.

"Um... Lex!" The Doctor shouted nervously. "I seem to have misplaced our children!"

"You did what?!" She exclaimed as she entered the room from having walked down the corridor.

"Just try to calm down, dearest, we are still in the TARDIS." He said, trying to appease her worry. "I'm sure they're safe. Just... missing."

"Oh yeah, that's reassuring." Lexi rolled her eyes before she began looking for the twins. "Sky! Jupiter! Where are you? You know, this would be a really good time for your actual first words!"

"I agree with your Mum! Come on, you two!" The Doctor called out.

The Doctor and Lexi searched through the lounge room for a few more minutes before hearing something coming from a room just across the corridor.

"How did they manage to get out of the lounge room without you noticing?" Lexi questioned him as they went to investigate the noise.

"They're so quiet." He told her as they walked out into the corridor. "I mean, I feel bad that I didn't see them crawl out of the room, but I know the TARDIS will look out for them. She cares for them as well. She'd move things around so they wouldn't get hurt."

Lexi just shook her head before looking to the door that was there in front of them, just now noticing that it was their bedroom door.

"Why would they be in here?" Lexi whispered as she opened the door a little, she and the Doctor poking their heads in to see that the twins had somehow crawled up onto the bed and were now messing up the blankets and throwing the pillows onto the floor.

Inside, TARDIS, The Doctor and Lexi's bedroom...

The two 6 months old looked to the door when they heard it open, eyes brightening when they saw their parents watching them curiously.

"Ma!" Little Sky shouted clear as day, raising his arms up into the air.

"Da!" Little Jupiter squealed, extending her arms out towards the Doctor.

Lexi gasped before a big smile crossed her face as she quickly made her way over to the bed, scooping Sky up into her arms as the Doctor did the same with Jupiter.

"That's right, Sky." Lexi smiled, kissing the top of her son's head. "I'm your Mummy."

"You're making your dear old Dad very proud right now, my Angel." The Doctor smiled, kissing Jupiter's forehead.

"I'm glad you're both okay." Lexi commented as she hugged Sky close to her, said baby boy laying his head on her shoulder.

"Maybe try and give your parents warning next time you go off on a little adventure, eh?" The Doctor chuckled, holding Jupiter in his arms as he walked over to where Lexi stood as she held Sky.

Lexi smiled, kissing little Jupiter on the cheek as she laid her little head on the Doctor's shoulder.

"You know..." Lexi thought out loud as she looked back and forth between the two 6 month olds. "I think a couple of someone's are getting tired. How about we give them a bath and put them to bed?"

"Probably a good idea." The Doctor agreed with a slight smile as he heard Jupiter let out a little yawn.


"Twins are down and finally asleep." The Doctor announced, entering his and Lexi's room before going about getting ready for bed himself.

Lexi hummed in acknowledgment, not looking up from the book she was reading. She then sighed and closed the book before setting it on the nightstand and laying down on her left side.

"Love." The Doctor sighed as he got into bed behind her and wrapped an arm around her waist and pulling her back against his chest. He then rested his chin on her shoulder as he looked down at her face. "Dear, please tell me what's going on."

"It's been two months." She replied softly, her voice barely above a whisper as she snuggled back against him. "It's been two months and I still don't feel any different."

"I know, love." The Doctor whispered back, giving her a kiss on the cheek before running his hand down her arm and intertwining his fingers with hers. "I wish there was more I could for you."

Lexi smiled sadly before turning over so she could face him.

She gave him a peck on the lips. "You're doing just fine. You're helping me with the twins, and you're being there for me. That's all I can ask of you."

"It's my job." He gave her a small smile, giving her a peck on the lips. "I am your husband. I want to do all that I can to ensure that you and our children are as happy as you can be."

"You're too good to me." She smiled slightly, snuggling into his chest. "But, speaking of our kids, what are we going to do? I mean, we've been floating around the time vortex for the past couple of months. Our children can't spend their whole childhoods in the TARDIS."

"You're right about that." The Doctor agreed as he mindlessly ran his fingers through her hair.

"I mean, don't get me wrong." Lexi continued. "I love the TARDIS. I love Idris. Without her, I wouldn't have you. But, I don't want Sky and Jupiter to be cooped up in here their whole lives. It's just... I don't know." She sighed. "What do you think we should do?"

"Well..." The Doctor trailed off, actually thinking about a solution of how they could make this decision. "You know, we could go to Earth. Raise them as normally as possible. I mean, if we really want to keep them safe, then we should... live somewhere where that can happen."

Lexi pulled back from him slightly to look at his face. "Are you, the Doctor, actually saying that you want to... live the simple life?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying, Lex." He told her, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "I want me, you, and our two children to be a family. Our kids didn't exactly ask to be brought into this universe, so I think we owe it to them to give them a safe and happy upbringing. You know, have them go to school and everything. A family vacation here and there."

"I think you're right." Lexi agreed softly before laying her head on his chest. "I never thought we'd actually go and do that, but I suppose it makes sense. I really like the picture you're painting of our life."

"Thank you." The Doctor smiled. "And I think it does, too." He agreed, wrapping his arms around her and holding her close as she laid her head on his chest. He kissed the top of her head. "We just have to decide on where and when to settle. What about London?"

"London's good." Lexi nodded slightly. "We know the area very well. Wouldn't be too hard to adjust to life there. I mean, I have lived there before. Now the question is 'when'?"

"What about 1981?" The Doctor suggested.

"1981... I suppose that sounds alright." Lexi thought out loud. "I mean, it's an interesting year. Prince Charles marries Diana. The first London marathon is run. The wreck of the Titanic is found..."

"You know a lot about History." The Doctor commented.

Lexi couldn't help but smirk. a little. "Yeah, well, look who I'm married to."

"It's settled then." He smirked back as he tilted her chin up a bit and leaned down slightly to press a soft kiss to her lips before pulling away slightly. "Tomorrow we'll go find a place in 1981's London and just plant our family there."

Lexi giggled. "Now, you're absolutely sure about this?"

"If I wasn't, I wouldn't have agreed with you and suggested we go to Earth." The Doctor replied.

"Okay..." She nodded slowly before a thought occurred to her, making her prop herself up on her elbow to be able to look at her husband more directly. "If we're going to live on Earth and keep our children safe, shouldn't we use aliases? I mean, no offense, but you know a lot of people. Suppose word gets around. You don't want anyone to come looking for you, right?"

"That is the last thing I want." He sighed closing his eyes as he thought. "You're right about people knowing me... I don't want to use the name John Smith. I've used that already, quite a few times."

"Well, if you want, you could still use the name John. Just pick a different last name." Lexi told him. "Oh, and I don't really wanna use my last name either. Not that I don't like it. I love it, in fact. I just feel that if we're going to be having a life where no one knows who we truly are, then maybe we just pick a whole new last name for our family. I mean, I can still use 'Lexi', Sky and Jupiter can keep their names. I don't want to give them new names when they've barely even used their given ones. We can just pick a new surname for all of us to use for the time being."

"I think I can get onboard with that reasoning." The Doctor nodded thoughtfully. "What about... 'Bay'?"

"Bay..." Lexi trailed off, seeing how the name sounded coming from her. "The Bays... John Bay, Lexi Bay, Skyler Bay and Jupiter Bay."

"I don't think it sounds bad." The Doctor commented.

"No, it doesn't." Lexi agreed. "In fact, I think I really like it."

"Well then, Mrs. Bay, why don't you and I 'celebrate' our last night before our simple life officially begins." The Doctor suggested as he grabbed the back of Lexi's neck before bringing her in for a deep kiss.

"Mm." Lexi hummed against his lips as she crawled on top of him before pulling away. She grinned, putting her hands on the pillow on either side of his head as she looked down at him. "Mr. Bay, are you trying to seduce me? 'Cause it's working."

"Ha!" He laughed before flipping the two of them over so he could hover above her. "Let's not waste time, then."

"Just shut up and kiss me." She giggled before pulling him down and attacking his lips with hers.

3 months later
Inside, The Doctor and Lexi's house, Lounge, 1981...

"You know, I like it here." Lexi sighed contently as she plopped down on the sofa next to the Doctor in the living room of their Islington home.

"It is nice." He smiled, putting an arm around her shoulders.

"Not going stir-crazy?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Nah." He waved her off, glancing over at their 9 month old children as they crawled around on the living room floor. "And besides, we like taking these two little ones out for walks during the day to get them some fresh air, so that helps."

Lexi smiled, leaning her head on his shoulder as they continued to watch their children crawl around on the floor.

"When do you think they'll start walking?" Lexi finally spoke up, breaking the comfortable silence that had enveloped them.

"You know..." The Doctor trailed off as he leaned forward, examine the twins closely. "That is a good question."

"I started walking when I was seven months old." Lexi informed him.

"Really?" He glanced at her, surprised.

"Yeah." She nodded. "I completely skipped crawling."

They both then looked back to their children, seeing that Sky was actually crawling towards the coffee table. They watched him carefully to be sure he didn't hurt himself, both of them smiling wide as they watched him grab onto the edge of the coffee table and pull himself up into a standing position.

"That's very good, Sky." Lexi grinned, getting on her knees before going to the other side of the coffee table to be behind her son in case he fell backwards.

"Do you want to try walking?" The Doctor questioned as Jupiter crawled over to him. He went and sat down on the floor before opening his arms as she crawled into his lap.

Lexi took hold of little Sky and helped turn him around to face her before backing up a little.

"Come on, Sky. Come to Mummy." Lexi smiled reassuringly as she motioned for little Sky to try and step towards her.

The 9 month old little boy looked down at the ground before wearily putting one foot in front of the other and taking a step forward. He gingerly repeated the step, stumbling a bit but not actually falling down.

Lexi grinned, clapping excitedly as she reached her hands out towards her son, the Doctor watching proudly as he held a restless Jupiter in his arms.

Little Sky laughed as he fell forward into his mother's arms, said woman wrapping her arms around him and hugging him close.

"I'm so proud of you." Lexi whispered, kissing Sky's forehead.

Jupiter squealed, making Lexi look over in her direction to see her wiggling out of the Doctor's arms before full-on just running to where she and Sky were.

Lexi laughed as Jupiter fell against her before scrambling into her lap next to her brother.

The Doctor chuckled as he made his way over to them. "I think it's safe to say that these two will like to compete with each other."

Lexi giggled as Sky and Jupiter clambered up the front of her to wrap their little arms around her neck as the Doctor crawled up behind them, peering over Lexi's shoulder to look at their children.

The Doctor smiled, kissing the top of Jupiter's head she laid it on Lexi's shoulder.

"You know..." The Doctor began quietly as he kissed Lexi's temple. "I think the four of us are going be quite happy here."

Lexi smiled as she leaned back against him with both the twins in her arms.

"I think so, too."

5 YEARS LATER (1986)

Outside, Park...

"It really is a beautiful day today, isn't it?" Lexi commented, breathing in the fresh air as she laid back on a picnic blanket next to the Doctor.

"It's a nice change from the constant rain we've been getting." The Doctor agreed, tossing a grape into his mouth before glancing over at 5 year olds Sky and Jupiter as they ran around with some of their friends from their primary school. "And I think the kids are enjoying it."

"I hope so." Lexi commented, taking a drink from her water bottle. "I've felt bad that they've been having to stay indoors all the time because of the rain. You know, when they're not in school... God, listen to how domestic I'm sounding."

The Doctor laughed, taking her hand in his as they continued to watch the children run around. "Five years with no TARDIS will do that to you."

"I thought you'd be the one to sound like how I'm sounding." Lexi chuckled, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"To tell you the truth, so did I." He responded honestly. "But, I'm glad we're doing this. It's so much better for the twins."

"I agree." Lexi sighed contently before tossing a grape into her mouth.

"John!" One of the other dads called from over by a barbecue pit.

Lexi smirked, nudging the Doctor. "Dear, that's you."

"Hm?" He glanced at her before it actually hit him. "Oh! Right, yes. I am John." He said before getting to his feet. "Coming, Richard!"

Lexi couldn't help but laugh. Even after 5 years of staying in one place, the Doctor still wasn't used to people calling him John. But hey, he made his peace with it.

"Mummy?" Jupiter asked as she walked up to where Lexi was sitting.

"Yes, my darling?" Lexi smiled, wrapping her arms around the little girl as she came to sit in her lap.

"Jackie was talking about how her and her sister just got back from holiday with their auntie and uncle." The little said, sighing with a little pout on her lips. "I'm just kinda sad that me and Sky can't do that."

"Aw, sweetheart." Lexi sighed, kissing the top of her daughter's head. "I know it's sad, but me and your Daddy have told you some stories about your Auntie and Uncle."

"Can you tell me another story?" The little girl asked, leaning back against her mother.

"Sure." She agreed, glancing over to her right to see Sky was now sitting on top of a picnic table next to where the Doctor was talking with a couple of the other dads. Lexi then looked back to her daughter as she sat in her lap, a slight smile adorning her features. "Did I ever tell about the time your father took us all to Venice?"

"Nu-uh." She shook her head.

"Well..." Lexi began. "it was the year 1580, and we met these fish-vampire girls..."

Later that day, Inside, The Doctor and Lexi's house, Master bedroom, Night...

"You should've seen her little sad face when she asked to hear another story about them." Lexi sighed as she and the Doctor got ready for bed.

"What story did you tell her?" The Doctor asked as he poked his head into the bedroom from where he was in the en suite, toothbrush sticking out of his mouth.

"Venice in 1580." She answered as she ran a brush through her hair.

He nodded, ducking back into the en suite for a moment before re-emerging into the bedroom and walking over to the bed.

"You know, Sky did the same thing to me the other day when you and Jupiter were out grocery shopping." The Doctor informed her as he sat on the edge of the bed. "I ended up telling him the story of the seventeenth century pirates and the Siren. It's actually kinda funny, you know, since Sky's grown self was with us that trip."

"I think our children are two of the only people in the universe who are able to hear stories of things they haven't done yet and actually be completely okay with it." Lexi thought out loud as she sat on her knees on the bed, facing the Doctor. "I mean, we made it very clear to them when they started school that they couldn't exactly tell people these stories that we tell them. They know they're not exactly normal children."

"Even though they have to act like it." The Doctor pointed out.

"Yeah." Lexi nodded. "Sooner or later, though, they're gonna wanna see the TARDIS. They're going to become more curious."

"I know." The Doctor sighed, leaning back against the headboard. "Who knows when that'll be, though."

Lexi shrugged. "I suppose time will tell."

7 YEARS LATER (1993)

Inside, The Doctor and Lexi's house, Front hall, Morning...

"Come on, Jupiter, Sky!" Lexi called up the stairs from she stood in the front hall by the front door. "If you don't get down here in five minutes you're going to be late for school!"

"I'm trying, Mum!" Jupiter called down to her mother. "Sky hid my jacket!"

"Skyler Rory Pond!" Lexi rolled her eyes. "You give your sister back her jacket or I'll let her pick which movie we all watch this Friday even though it's your turn."

"No!" Sky's voice shouted back. "She'll pick something she knows I hate!"

"Then give me my jacket!" Jupiter exclaimed as she ran through the upstairs hall and past the stairs.

Lexi groaned, lightly banging her head against the wall as the Doctor entered from the kitchen.

"'Pond', eh?" The Doctor raised an eyebrow as he handed her a mug of freshly brewed coffee.

"Force of habit." Lexi sighed, taking a sip of coffee. "I mean, we may all be 'Bays', but we're still secretly Ponds."

"And always will be." The Doctor nodded in agreement, taking a sip of his own coffee.

"Okay, I finally got him to give me my jacket back." Jupiter announced as she walked down the stairs.

"Yeah, whatever." Sky rolled his eyes as he walked down the stairs himself to join his family in the front hall.

"Alright, you two, let's go." Lexi just shook her head, opening the front door, her two 13 year olds walking outside.

"And I'll take that." The Doctor said, taking Lexi's coffee mug and going back into the kitchen to put it and his away before re-entering the front hall. "Now, let's go."

Outside, Coal Hill Secondary School...

"I can't believe I'm back here." The Doctor whispered to Lexi as they walked their children to the front gates of the school.

"It has been a while for you, hasn't it." Lexi smiled, taking his hand.

"Come on, Sky. They're being all cutesy again." Jupiter sighed, tugging on her brother's arm.

"No argument from me." Sky agreed quickly.

"You two be good today!" Lexi called out to them a little louder than necessary. 

"Oh, God, let's go." Jupiter said as she and Sky started walking fast away from their parents.

The Doctor chuckled at their children before he and Lexi began walking down the sidewalk away from the school, the two of them walking past other parents who were saying goodbye to their kids for the school day.

"So, we've been here for... almost thirteen years." The Doctor commented as Lexi looped her arm through his. "What do you think?"

"Well..." She trailed, leaning her head against his shoulder as they walked. "I'm... happy."

He chuckled. "Well then, mission accomplished."

"Oh, shut up." Lexi rolled her eyes playfully, lightly hitting him on the arm.

"I'm being serious." He told her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as they continued to walk down the sidewalk alongside the street. "I think we did well. We did what was best for the twins and we made our life... good."

"Yeah..." She agreed, not being able to not smile just a tiny bit.

Later that same day, The Doctor and Lexi's house, Kitchen, Late afternoon...

"We're home!" Jupiter's voice floated in from the front hall as she and Sky arrived back home from the school day.

"How was school?" Lexi called back as she was thumbing through a magazine as she sat at the kitchen island.

"Fine, I suppose." Sky sighed as he entered the kitchen, Jupiter following behind him.

"Well that doesn't sound very cheery." The Doctor commented as he entered the kitchen from the sitting room.

"It's school, Dad. What do you expect?" Jupiter said as she opened the fridge.

"In class they talked about Amelia Earhart and how it's so fascinating that no one knows where she could've possibly disappeared to." Sky informed as he sat down at the kitchen island across from his mother.

The Doctor smirked as he sat down at the kitchen island next to Sky.

"Dear..." Lexi said, eyeing her husband suspiciously. "I know that face."

"Whatever do you mean?" He questioned, folding his hands and resting his chin on them.

"You know what I mean." She told him seriously.

"Yeah, Dad." Jupiter agreed as she closed the fridge, now holding a small thing of yogurt as she walked over to join her family at the kitchen island. "What's going on in that head of yours."

"Alright..." The Doctor said slowly as he folded his arm on the top of the counter, leaning forward a bit. "You know Amelia Earhart never actually disappeared. Well, officially she did, but not really."

"We kinda figured." Sky nodded as he mindlessly drummed his fingers against the counter top. "What do you suppose we do, though?"

"Doctor..." Lexi gave him a look before sighing, smiling a bit herself. "Okay... Go on."

The Doctor grinned, turning back to the twins. "Amelia Earhart didn't disappear. Do you wanna find out what actually happened?"

"Uh, yeah!" Jupiter laughed.

"Alright then, everyone. To the spare bedroom!" The Doctor announced excitedly.

Inside, The Doctor and Lexi's house, Upstairs hallway...

"Now, remember, this is just because I can't stand you two not knowing the truth." The Doctor informed as he unlocked the spare bedroom door, Lexi and the twins standing behind him.

Inside, The Doctor and Lexi's house, Spare bedroom...

The Doctor unlocked the door, stepping inside the nearly empty room followed by his family. All of them stood there, taking in the sight of the beautiful blue box that stood before them, just waiting to be used.

"Now, kids, it's been... well, almost thirteen years since we've used the TARDIS." Lexi informed as she walked up and laid a gentle hand on the side of the TARDIS, said box letting out a soft hum of approval. "And she's kinda just been sitting here, waiting to be used again. But, you also know that we explained to you both why we haven't used her."

"But, also like I said," The Doctor began. "It irritates me just a bit when you tell me some of the things they teach you in your history classes. They just get it wrong all the time."

Sky sniggered. "Well, you are also quite literally the only person in existence who would be able to show us what actually happened."

"Yes I am." The Doctor smiled before looking to Lexi. "Would you like to do the honors?"

Lexi grinned, raising her hand slightly before snapping her fingers, making the TARDIS doors swing open.

"And just so we're clear." The Doctor began as he stepped into the TARDIS, looking to the twins. "We are only using this to show you the parts of history that your teachers get wrong."

"Okay, we get it." Jupiter clapped her hands excitedly. "Now, can we go?"

"After you." Lexi motioned for the twins to go first, said kids rushing between her and the Doctor and into the blue box.

The Doctor looked to Lexi and smirked. "Geronimo."

5 YEARS LATER (1998)

Outside, Train station...

"I can't believe my babies are going off to university." Lexi teared up as she brought her children in for a hug.

"Mum, we're eighteen." Jupiter giggled as she and Sky hugged their mother.

"I don't care." She sniffled as they pulled away. "You'll always be my babies."

"We're only going to be an hour and a half away." Sky told her, adjusting his duffle bag on his shoulder.

"Don't question her." The Doctor sighed as he walked up to them. "She already cried her eyes out last night. Just let her vent."

"Oh, hush." Lexi rolled her eyes before turning back to their children. "Now, you call as soon as you get settled."

"We will." Jupiter assured before hugging the Doctor. "Goodbye, Dad."

The Doctor put a hand to the back of her head as he hugged her close. "Goodbye, my Angel. We'll come up and visit in a few weeks."

"You better." She pointed a finger at him in warning as she pulled away from him.

"We also have parting gifts for you both." The Doctor told them as he reached inside his jacket pocket. He looked back and forth to see if anyone was watching before pulling out two small boxes.

"What are these?" Sky questioned as he and Jupiter took the little boxes from their father.

"Open them." Lexi smiled.

The twins shared a look before looking down at the boxes in their hands and opening them, their eyes widening slightly when they saw what was inside.

"You didn't..." Jupiter whispered, looking back up at her parents.

"We did." Lexi nodded. "Just don't use them where anyone can see."

Sky picked up his sonic out of the box, pressing the button on the side and smiling slightly when an orange light emitted from it before he set it back in the box and closed it. Jupiter doing the same with hers.

"Thank you." Sky nodded at his parents as he carefully stuck the small box inside his jacket.

"You're welcome." The Doctor nodded back.

"Train 1101 will be departing for Cambridge in five minutes." A man's voice announced over the intercom system.

"That's us." Jupiter smiled sadly as she put away the small box that contained her sonic.

"Remember to please call us." Lexi reminded her, giving her one last hug.

"We will, Mum." She laughed, pulling away. "Promise."

"Okay." She nodded, trying not to cry anymore than she already had.

"Talk to you in a few hours, Mum." Sky assured her, giving her a kiss on the cheek before joining his sister over on the platform.

Lexi pouted, wiping away a couple of stray tears as the Doctor came over and wrapped an arm around her shoulders as they watched their two children board the train that would take them to the University of Cambridge.

"There they go." Lexi sighed, leaning her head on the Doctor's shoulder as they watched the train begin to roll away down the tracks.

The Doctor kissed the top of her head. "Yeah, there they go..."

Later that same day, The Doctor and Lexi's house, Master bedroom, Night...

"We have an empty nest." Lexi commented as she leaned back against the headboard of her and the Doctor's bed.

"That we do." The Doctor nodded as he leaned back against the headboard right next to her. "But they did call. They said they're settling in just fine."

"I guess..." She sighed.

"And besides..." The Doctor began as turned onto his side, pulling Lexi down with him. He cupped the side of her face. "With our 'empty nest', we have more time for just us."

"Mm." She hummed in agreement as he brought her in for a kiss, softly brushing his lips against hers. She smirked at him when they pulled apart. "Well then, let's put it just being the two of us to good and... pleasurable use."

"There's the Lexi I know." The Doctor grinned, once again brushing his lips against hers as he rolled the two of them over so he could be on top of her.

6 YEARS LATER (2004)

Outside, University of Cambridge, Afternoon...

"Where do you think they'll be?" Lexi wondered as she and the Doctor walked arm-in-arm past a bunch of people who were waiting to congratulate their loved ones who had just graduated.

"They should be out here any minute now." The Doctor said, looking around, not paying too close attention to where he was stepping until he bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm sorry, sir."

"Oh, it's quite alright." An older man said as he turned around to face him. "Hello. I'm Ian. Ian Chesterton."

"Oh, my God..." Lexi whispered, squeezing the Doctor's arm a bit tighter. She had seen memories of a one Mr. Ian Chesterton and Miss Barbara Wright whenever she had walked through the Doctor's mind after they had gotten married.

The Doctor kinda stood there for a moment before snapping out of it, clearing his throat before shaking the man's hand. "John. John Bay. And this is my wife Lexi."

Lexi smiled at the man, shaking his hand. "It's very nice to meet you, Mr. Chesterton."

"You as well." He smiled at her before their attention was brought to the sound of people cheering and clapping as the graduating class walked outside.

"Excuse us." The Doctor said, taking Lexi's hand before they quickly walked away from Ian.

"Who was that, dear?" Mrs. Barbara Chesterton asked as she walked up to her husband.

Ian glanced in one direction, seeing the Doctor and Lexi disappear into the sea of people before he turned back to his wife.

"Just a young couple that are here for a graduate, I suppose."

With the Doctor and Lexi...

"There they are!" Lexi pointed as they saw Sky and Jupiter walking in their direction, clad in their graduation caps and gowns.

"Mum!" Jupiter grinned excitedly as she rushed up to her, hugging her tight.

"I'm so proud of you." Lexi whispered sincerely before pulling away from her daughter.

"Come here, you," The Doctor told Sky, embracing him and patting him on the back before pulling away. "So, how does it feel?"

"Amazing." Jupiter smiled wide.

"Well, it ought to, Miss I Now Have A Masters In Criminology." Lexi giggled.

"What about you?" The Doctor asked Sky.

"Oh, you should've seen the look on my professor's face when I handed in my last short story." Sky chuckled.

"Oh, God..." Jupiter rolled her eyes. "You know what he wrote?"

"What?" Lexi raised an eyebrow.

"He wrote a 'fictionalized' version of the time that all of us went and met Winston Churchill." Jupiter said, shooting a look at her brother.

"What can I say?" Sky shrugged. "Everyone loves a good story of Winston Churchill introducing a family of time travelers to King George VI before all of them have dinner together as they look at the London Blitz happening just outside."

"And that's why you now have a Masters in Creative Writing." Lexi giggled as she hugged her son. "I'm so proud of you, my little Sunbeam."

"Oh, God, not the Sunbeam name again." Sky groaned, making Lexi giggle as they pulled away from each other.

"You'll always be my Sunbeam, Sky." Lexi grinned.

"So!" Jupiter clapped her hands together. "Late lumch, anyone?"

"I could eat." The Doctor shrugged before slinging his arm over Lexi's shoulders, they and their two now grown children walked off in one direction away from all the chaos of the other graduates.

Later, The Doctor and Lexi's house, Kitchen, Night...

"So..." Jupiter trailed off as she, Sky and their parents sat around their kitchen island. "What now?"

"What would you like to do?" The Doctor countered, using chopsticks to take a bite of noodles.

"Yeah." Lexi agreed, looking at their children. "You're both twenty four and are now university graduates. What would you like to do next?"

"Why don't we go somewhere in the TARDIS?" Sky suggested. "I mean, we haven't used her for the past few years. I feel like she needs to move a little."

"I agree with that." The Doctor nodded immediately, snapping his fingers at his son.

"I say we all pack our things and just go somewhere for a while." Sky added.

"Like where?" Lexi tilted her head.

Jupiter raised her hand, making everyone look to her.

She smiled slightly.

"I have an idea."

A day later, Inside, TARDIS, Console room...

"Are you ready yet?" The Doctor called as he and Sky stood by the TARDIS door, doing last little adjustments on their late Victorian suits and straightening their top hats.

"We're coming!" Lexi called back just before and Jupiter emerged from a corridor, walking over to join the Doctor and Sky at the door. Both women now wearing late Victorian gowns, their hair pinned up in the right style for the time period.

"Okay, let's go." The Doctor smiled slightly, letting Lexi loop her arm through his as Sky did the same with Jupiter.

Outside, 1891, Night...

"I still can't believe you managed to park her on top of a cloud." Lexi laughed as they all stepped out of the TARDIS, now finding theirselves standing on top of an actual cloud high up in the Victorian night sky.

"It's super-dense water vapor." The Doctor informed as they all stepped over to a spiral staircase that lead down towards the ground.

"How long do you think we'll stay here?" Sky wondered out loud.

"Don't know." The Doctor shrugged. "However long we feel like it."

Lexi smiled slightly before noticing the look in the Doctor's eyes, a deeper emotion swarming within them. Lexi had a feeling she knew what it was. You know why?

Because it was same emotion she had been trying to hold back for almost 25 years.

She knew. Lexi knew better. She knew exactly what the Doctor was thinking because she was thinking the same.

She hoped Sky and Jupiter didn't mind staying in Victorian London indefinitely.


Lexi shook her head of the thoughts that were trying to all of a sudden take over her mind as she, the Doctor and their twins started making their way down the spiral staircase.

Victorian London awaited.


A/N: There ya have it! 😀 I hope you enjoyed it. I tried my best. ☺️


WARNING: This AN is kinda long, but VERY IMPORTANT!!! 😁


I hope y'all enjoyed reading that prologue. :)

I felt like I needed to give all of you a glimpse/look into the time/years of Jupiter and Sky growing up.

I'll make it clear in the AN of "The Snowmen" about how old everyone is. You know, since around 25 years will have come to pass between the end of "The Angels Take Manhattan" and the beginning of "The Snowmen".

And also...


I really think y'all will want to know what I'm about to tell you... 😏

I got some... questions/enquiries in the previous book about if I was going to have a certain someone regenerate at the same time 11 regenerates into 12. I never really gave a straight answer to anyone when they asked. I was always kinda vague about it. Anyway, I'm finally going to give y'all a for sure answer!!! *grins*












YES!!! 😃

Yes, Lexi will be regenerating into someone new when 11 regenerates into 12. 😁 When Capaldi begins his run as the 12th Doctor, another actress will begin her run as Lexi 2.0/the 2nd Glorious. I've had this decision made since about the early part of series 6. I've just kept quiet about it and not really said anything.

I know saying goodbye to our original Lexi will be hard, but I feel like it's important for her to change. The reason for that will be explained better as this book progresses. 🙂 Although, if you really think about it, you might be able to sorta guess the reason yourself.

And yes, I've already decided on an actress to portray the 2nd Glorious. I've had her picked out pretty much since I decided I was gonna have Lexi change. And I think you all will like her with 12. I mean, I REALLY do. 😍 I think this new Lexi and 12 will be amazing together! 😁

Anyway, by me saying what I've just said, it's pretty much revealed that the Christmas special at the end of this book will be pretty awesome! And emotional as well. But who are we kidding? That's a given. And I guess I can say now that the Christmas special will be called "The Time of the Doctor and the Glorious". 🙂

Just... GAH!!! 😬 I'm just so excited for y'all to read this book! It's gonna be one hell of a ride! 😉

Another important thing: Since I have now revealed that Lexi will be regenerating into Lexi 2.0 when 11 regenerates into 12, I am also going to tell you that our current and original Lexi (Lexi 1.0), along with any other Lexis that come after her, will be getting her own signature outfit. Our current Lexi has always gotten a new outfit just about every episode, so I feel like it's time for a bit of a change. You know, she has a new life now. So, new life with a new look. Well, sorta new. In this book, she'll have a signature look that we'll remember in every episode in the future. Our Lexi will be getting her new signature outfit at the beginning of "The Bells of Saint John". 🙂 I already have it picked out and everything. ❤️ I also think that by me giving our current Lexi (and any of her future incarnations) their own signature looks, it'll involve less time of me having to look for pictures of outfits for her to wear.

Sorry if I rambled there for a minute. I just felt like I needed to get that whole fashion matter out there now so you won't be confused later. Because I have this whole scene idea for towards the beginning-ish part of "The Bells of Saint John" where Lexi goes into the TARDIS wardrobe and picks out her new look. Kinda like what 10 did at the end of "The Christmas Invasion".

Anyway, now that I've got all that news out of the way, I'll say that what we've got coming up next is a couple of little filler chapters. The first of which I almost forgot about. But when I remembered it, I had to put it in. 🙂 The second one as well, but we need to get past the first one before that. Anyway, the point is, we have 2 little filler chapters coming up next! 😁 There kinda like prequels for "The Snowmen". 😉

I'll shut up now. 😊

Anyway... I suppose I'll leave y'all, for now.

I will have the first filler chapter up as soon as I can! 😁

Until then! 😘

💋 Love always,

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