The Name of the Doctor [Part 3]

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Inside, Maitland house, Kitchen, Day...

"So, who was she? The lady with the funny name and the space hair?" Clara asked as she and Lucas worked together to prepare tea for all of them. They spared a look over into the sitting room to see the Doctor sitting on the sofa, shellshocked, with Lexi, holding her hand tightly.

Inside, Maitland house, Sitting room...

"She's..." Lexi trailed off, rubbing her temple while rubbing the Doctor's hand with the thumb of her other hand. "She's... someone very... dear to us."

"What, like a close friend or something?" Lucas asked.

"No." Lexi shook her head, her hair falling in front of her face before she leaned her head back against the back of the couch. "Not really. Close, yes. But not technically a friend."

"Anyway," The Doctor cut in as he put his free hand on top of the one that was holding Lexi's, now holding her hand in both of his. "River asked Vastra for the exact words... What were they?"

"'The Doctor has a secret his wife will take to their grave. It is discovered.'" Clara answered as she and Lucas entered the sitting room, each holding two mugs of tea.

The Doctor closed his eyes, fighting back tears. Lexi quickly removed her hand from his to gently wipe his tears away before he laid his head on her shoulder as she held him tightly to her.

"Doctor?" Lucas asked quietly.

"Sorry." He sniffled.

"Oh, dear, don't be sorry." Lexi kissed the top of his head before looking up at Clara and Lucas, fighting back tears of her own. "And it was Trenzalore? Definitely Trenzalore?"

"Yeah." Clara nodded.

The Doctor swallowed. "Oh, dear." He quickly lifted his head from Lexi's shoulder and abruptly stood up from the couch. "Sorry." He apologized before running outside.

Lexi went after him immediately. Clara and Lucas went to follow her, but she stopped them.

"Don't." Lexi told them, her hands on their shoulders. "Just... give us a few minutes."

With that, she spun around and rushed out of the house, leaving a worried Lucas and Clara standing there.

Inside, TARDIS, Console room...

Lexi walked down the stairs to see the Doctor sitting under the time rotor, his head in his hands.

"Trenzalore." Lexi repeated the name.

"I've heard it, of course." He sighed. "So have you."

"I remember." She nodded, swallowing the lump in her throat. "Suppose things catch up with you eventually, eh?... Dorium knew it would."

"And now that's where we have to go." The Doctor shook his head. "But why?... Why now?" He growled in frustration before standing up and storming over to Lexi, taking her face in his hands. "Why, Lex? Why do we have to go now?"

She put her hands over his as he held her face. "If I had a real answer, I would tell you." She then put a hand to his cheek. "But even I know you can't argue with time... No matter how hard we try."

"I don't want to leave you. You, or Jupiter, or Skyler. I'm not ready." He whispered, caressing Lexi's face with his thumbs. "I will never be ready."

"Neither will I." Lexi sniffled, the Doctor brushing away a few tears that escaped her eyes. "I made a promise a long time ago that I was never going to leave you... I just didn't think the roles could be reversed. I don't even know how long I can live now that... well, you know what River, Sky and Jupiter did to me."

"You changed your whole life for me." He whispered, bringing his head down to kiss her before pulling away slightly. "And look how I'm repaying you... If you go with me, it may end up proving to be your end as well."

"My dear Doctor, you don't ever have to repay me for anything." Lexi told him fiercely, her hands on the sides of his neck. "I chose to be with you... And I don't regret a damn thing. I will go with you and stand by your side through whatever the universe throws at us."

He nodded shakily, and this time Lexi brought his head down to kiss him.

The two of them then just stood under the time rotor, holding each other for a bit. A few fleeting peaceful moments before they heard the door to the TARDIS quietly open.

The Doctor swallowed, taking Lexi's hand before the two of them ascended the stairs to the main floor of the console room.

"You alright?" Lucas asked hesitantly.

"Not even a little bit." Lexi answered truthfully.

The Doctor let go of Lexi's hand, then grabbing a cable from the side of the console before turning to Clara. "Give me your hand." He told Clara, who obeyed. "Now, the coordinates you and Lucas saw will still be in your memory. I'm linking you into the TARDIS telepathic circuit. Won't hurt a bit."

Clara winced when he jabbed the cable into her hand. "Ow!"

"I lied."

"You couldn't have done that to Lucas?" She gaped at him, rubbing the palm of her hand.

"Oi." Lucas looked at her. "Thanks." He then turned back to the Doctor and Lexi. "Anyway, what is Trenzalore? Is that this big secret?"

"No." The Doctor shook his head.

"Then what is it?"

The Doctor sighed. "When you are a time traveler, there is one place you must never go. One place in all of space and time you must never, ever find yourself."

"Where?" Clara asked.

"'The Doctor has a secret his wife will take to their grave. It is discovered.'" Lexi reminded them. "DeMarco didn't mean the secret. What's been found is... our grave." She chuckled bitterly. "Well, would you look at that... Maybe my end is actually near. It still doesn't make complete sense to me, though..." She shook her head. "Sorry. Got lost in my own thoughts for a moment there."

The Doctor gave her a sad smile, taking her hand in his again before looking back to Clara and Lucas. "Long story short... Trenzalore is where I'm buried. And, by the sound of it, I believe Lex is there as well."

Lucas blinked. "But that doesn't make sense... How can you have a grave?"

"The story has to end at some point." Lexi shook her head. "All of us have graves out there somewhere in the future."

"The trouble with time travel, you can actually end up visiting." The Doctor said as he let go of Lexi's hand before the two of them went about the console, working the controls.

"And we're actually going to?" Clara said in confusion. "I mean, you did just say it's the one place you must never go."

"We have to save Jupiter, Sky, Vastra, Marguerite and Strax." The Doctor said. "Jenny, too, if it's still possible. They..." He took a quick look over at Lexi who suddenly found an interest in the sleeve of her long emerald green coat. He then looked back to Clara and Lucas. "Listen, after we were done raising Sky and Jupiter, we went to Victorian times. Vastra, Jenny, Strax... they cared for us during the dark times when we finally felt the full force of... well, a big loss. They never questioned us, never judged us. They were just... kind. And Marguerite, she wasn't there at that time. But... she helped us immensely at Sweetville. She deserves as much care as the rest of them. We owe all of them. We have a duty. So... no point in telling you this is too dangerous."

"None at all." Lucas nodded. "How can we save them?"

"Apparently... by breaking into our own tomb." The Doctor then flipped a lever, and something instantly went bang as the TARDIS resisted.

"What's that?!" Clara shouted as she and Lucas grabbed the console.

"She just figure out where we're going!" Lexi shouted as she and the Doctor ran around the console, working the controls. "She doesn't like it!"

"We're about to cross our own timeline in the biggest way possible! Of course she doesn't like it!" The Doctor shouted back. "Hang on! Hang on!"

Clara screamed as things exploded all over the place, Lucas pulling her out of the way just before something exploded by her.

The TARDIS then threw all four of them against the railings just before everything suddenly went dark.

Lucas looked up and around. "Did we land?"

"I don't think she wants to." Lexi shook her head as she looked over at the console. "She's shut down."

"So we're not there?" Clara asked.

"We must be close." The Doctor said as he headed for the door. He opened it and then looked down before whistling and making a face. "Okay, so that's where we end up."

Lexi walked over, her eyebrows raising when she saw the volcanic planet below. "Our liked our home in Islington better."

"Yeah... You know, I always thought maybe we'd retire." The Doctor said as Clara and Lucas joined them. "Take up watercolors, or beekeeping, or something... Apparently not."

"Please tell me we're not going to jump down there." Lucas said, a weary look on his face.

"Don't be silly, Mister Harper." The Doctor rolled his eyes. "We fall."

"Because that's much better." Clara drawled out as she closed the doors, following everyone back in.

"She's turned off practically everything, except the antigravs." The Doctor said, holding up his sonic screwdriver. "Guess what I'm turning off."

He then used his sonic, Clara and Lucas screaming as the TARDIS then suddenly plummeted. Everyone quickly grabbed onto the railings before they crashed hard enough to send them all to the floor.

"Ow." Lexi muttered, looking around. "Lucas? Clara?"

"Fine." Clara managed.

"I'm alright." Lucas winced as he crawled to his feet before helping Clara up.

Outside, Trenzalore, Cemetery, Night...

The Doctor opened the door before looking up and noticing a crack in one of the glass panels. "Oops."

The Doctor then looked around before stepping out fully, followed by Lexi, who was then followed by Lucas and Clara.

They looked around, taking in the sight of the packed graveyard with gravestones of various sizes and shapes and the dark sky above with a lightening storm in the distance.

"You okay?" Clara asked as the Couple of Time looked around in distaste at the many gravestones. "You're visiting your own grave. Anyone would be scared."

"It's more than that." The Doctor shook his head. "We're time travelers... We've probably time traveled more than anyone else."


"I'm going to be a bit dramatic here, dear," Lexi began as she looked to the Doctor. "and say that the grave, our grave, is potentially the most dangerous place in the universe."

"Correct." The Doctor nodded, gesturing for her to loop her arm through his. "Shall we?"

Lucas then shut the TARDIS doors before he and Clara followed after them.

"Gravestones are a bit basic." Clara noted as the four of them walked through the cemetery.

"It's a battlefield." The Doctor shook his head. "Our final battle."

"Some of them are bigger." Lucas compared them.

"They're soldiers." The Doctor explained. "The bigger the gravestones, the higher the rank."

They all stopped when they saw the largest of them all - a police box with a light on top.

"It's a hell of a monument." Clara managed to say.

"It's... it's Idris." Lexi whispered, swallowing hard.

"That's actually the TARDIS?" Lucas's eyes widened.

"Yes." The Doctor nodded. "When a TARDIS is dying, sometimes the dimension dams start breaking down. They used to call it a size leak. All the bigger on the inside starts leaking to the outside. It grows. When I say that's the TARDIS, I don't mean it looks like the TARDIS. I mean it actually is the TARDIS. Our TARDIS from the future. What else would they bury us in?"

"But that doesn't make sense." Lexi shook her head, glancing at the Doctor. "Dorium said on the fields of Trenzelore, at the fall of The Eleventh and the rise of the Second. What could he have meant by that? I mean, don't you see where my confusion is coming from?"

"Clara. Lucas." A voice behind them hissed, drawing their attention away from the Doctor and Lexi and making them look around in surprise to see River standing there, just like she had been in the dreamscape conference call. "Don't speak, don't say my name." She warned. "They can't see or hear me. Only you two can."

"Well, come on, then!" The Doctor called as he and Lexi began walking further ahead.

"We're mentally linked." River added. "It's the conference call. I kept the line open."

"Who are you talking to?" The Doctor frowned, him and Lexi striding back over when they noticed they weren't being followed after. "We need to get -"

Lexi stopped dead in her tracks.

"River." She breathed, running over to one of the gravestones.

Lucas and Clara blinked, seeing the name River Song carved into the stone.

"That can't be right." Clara frowned.

"No, it can't." The Doctor agreed as Lexi traced River's name with her fingertips.

"She's not dead." Lucas shook his head.

"Oh, she's dead, I'm afraid." The Doctor replied. "She's been dead for a very long time."

Wide eyed, Lucas and Clara quickly looked over at River.

"Yeah..." She drawled out, smiling slightly. "Probably should've mentioned that. Never the right time."

"Doctor, why do you think her grave is here?" Lexi asked, standing back up straight.

Hissing whispers then suddenly started, Lucas whirling around with his eyes wide. "Guys!"

"These men must fall as all men must." A group of Whisper Men hissed as they approached. "The fate of all is always just."

The Doctor and Lexi simultaneously aimed their sonics at them, only for them to power down. As they smacked them against their palms, River leaned forward.

"If it isn't my gravestone, then what is it?" She asked.

Clara looked to the Doctor and Lexi. "What do you think that gravestone really is?"

"The gravestone?" The Doctor asked, distracted by the Whisper Men.

"Maybe it's a false grave." River whispered in Lucas's ear, making him jump.

He quickly recovered and looked over to the Doctor and Lexi. "Maybe it's a false grave."

"Maybe." Lexi looked around.

"Maybe it's a secret entrance to the tomb." River finished.

Clara's and Lucas's eyes widened before they shouted in sync. "Maybe it's a secret entrance to the tomb!"

"Yes, of course!" Lexi spun around. "It makes sense, actually. They'd never bury my niece out here."

"Your what?" Lucas blinked.

Ignoring him, the Doctor and Lexi quickly used their sonics on the gravestone, making the ground open underneath them and making them all fall into it as the Whisper Men hissed.

"The wanderers who lie will lie no more / When the Couple of Time lies at Trenzalore."

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