The Name of the Doctor [Part 5 - FINAL]

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Inside, Tomb, Console room...

Everyone ascended up the staircase into the console room, but instead of the time rotor and console, there was a tangle of bright white energy tendrils in a column, a sparkling sapphire blue occasionally flickering through. The Cloister Bell was tolling from somewhere, and ivy had crawled over the railings.

"What's that?" Lucas pointed to the tangle in the middle of the room.

"What were you expecting? Bodies?" The Doctor asked. "Bodies are boring. I've had loads of them. And Lex, well, she's only had one body. But... she chose to get involved with me. It's no wonder she'd end up here, too... Nah, that's not what our tomb is for."

"But what is the light?" Marguerite frowned.

"It's beautiful." Jenny grinned.

"Should I destroy it?" Strax suggested.

"Shut up, Strax." Vastra hissed.

"Okay, will someone please explain what that is?" Clara asked.

"The tracks of our tears." The Doctor answered.

"Less poetry, Doctor." The Great Intelligence glared. "Just tell them."

He sighed. "Time travel is damage. It's like a tear in the fabric of reality. That is the scar tissue of my journey through the universe."

He used his sonic on the tear, and soon, various voices started filling the room, one of them was not the Doctor's.

"Have you ever thought what it's like to be wanderers in the fourth dimension?" The First Doctor asked.

"Daleks, Cybermen, they're still in the nursery compare to us." The Sixth Doctor huffed.

"Do I have the right?" The Fourth Doctor wondered.

"Are you a policeman?" Seven year old Alexis Pond's voice broke in, making the Doctor close his eyes as he remembered the first time he and Lexi met.

"There are corners of the universe that have bred the most dangerous things." The Second Doctor said.

"You were fantastic." The Ninth Doctor's voice broke through. "Absolutely fantastic."

"I'm the Doctor." The Doctor grinned when he heard his last self's voice, the Tenth Doctor's. "I'm from Gallifrey in the constellation of Kasterborous."

"We can't let that happen... I can't let you die without knowing you are loved by so many and so much..." Lexi's voice broke through, making the Doctor smile at the memory of the day he and Lexi got married. "...And by no one more than me."

"Hello, Stonehenge!" The current (Eleventh) Doctor's voice whooped, making Lexi smirk slightly at the excitement in his voice.

"My own personal Time tunnel, interlinked with the Glorious's from the moment we met... From Gallifrey, to Leadworth, to Trenzalore." The Doctor explained, not seeing the Great Intelligence's face split into a cruel grin at his words. "All the days."

"It was the dasiest daisy I'd ever seen." The Third Doctor said.

"I will go with you and stand by your side through whatever the universe throws at us." Lexi's voice finished, speaking the words she had said to the Doctor not that long ago.

The Doctor squeezed his wife's hand tightly at that. "Even the ones we, er... even the ones we haven't lived yet -"

He then collapsed suddenly, Lexi bending down to help him.

"Doctor!" Clara shouted as she, Lucas, Sky and Jupiter ran over. "Doctor!"

"No, no." He groaned, wincing in pain. "Which is why we shouldn't be here. The paradoxes. It's very bad."

The Great Intelligence stepped towards the tunnel, making Lexi go pale.

"No, no, what are you doing?" Lexi stood up. "What are you doing?" She asked again. Marguerite reached out with her glowing purple mist, but it had no affect, much like the Whisper Man she had used it on previously. "Somebody stop him!"

"I can't." Marguerite shook her head.

"The Doctor's life is an open wound." The Great Intelligence said. "And an open wound can be entered."

"No." The Doctor groaned. "It will destroy you."

"Not at all." The Great Intelligence shook his head. "It will kill me. It will destroy you. I can rewrite every living moment. I can turn every one of your victories into defeats. Poison every friendship." He spared a glance at Lexi. "Every relationship... Deliver pain to your every breath."

"It will burn you up." The Doctor grimaced, Lexi bending down to check on him. "Once you go through, you can't come back. You will be scattered along my timeline like confetti."

"Oh, don't you remember, Doctor?" Simeon (The Great Intelligence) smirked. "This isn't just your timeline anymore." Everyone stiffened at that, the Doctor's eyes widening in growing horror as Lexi looked up, shock on her face. "You and your husband have thwarted me at every turn, Glorious." He narrowed his eyes. "Now you both will give me peace as I take revenge on every second of your lives." He looked at the time tunnel, laughing as it began to turn red from the bright white and sparkling sapphire blue. "Goodbye, Doctor. Goodbye, Glorious. Oh..." He then glanced at Sky and Jupiter. "And fun not existing, Twins of Time."

With that, he stepped into the tunnel, screaming in pain before then being consumed by the light.

Lexi then fell down to the ground with a scream, Lucas scrambling to help her as the Doctor watched helplessly from his spot next to her.

"What's wrong with them?" Clara panicked. "What's happening?"

"They're being rewritten." Vastra looked at the time tunnel in horror as Lexi shakily reached over and squeezed the Doctor's hand tightly. "Simeon's attacking their entire timeline. They're dying all at once!"


Inside, Corridor...

The Fourth Doctor walked quickly, not seeing as Simeon watched him from the end of the corridor.


Inside, Bookshop...

Lexi walked the isles of Leadworth's only bookshop as she restocked the shelves, not seeing Simeon peer around a corner as he watched her.


Inside, Hangar...

Simeon stood in the shadows as he watched the Doctor and Lexi finally appear to everyone else at Demons Run.


Outside, Road...

The Third Doctor drove Bessie down the gravely road, just catching sight of Simeon in the rear view mirror.


Outside, Town...

Simeon stood amongst the people of Mercy, watching as the Doctor was literally thrown out of town, a pregnant Lexi being held back by a couple of people.


Outside, Berlin street...

Simeon smirked, watching from across the street as Jupiter pulled up on a motorbike next to an impressive looking building, Lexi holding onto her as Rory and Amy pulled up beside them just before the doors of the building opened and the restaurant clientele came running out in their under garments.


Inside, Hotel, Hall...

Lexi cried as Rory cradled her in his arms, the both of them sitting along one of the walls, Simeon smirking at Lexi's distress as he watched from the end of the hallway.


Inside, Dalek Asylum, Corridor...

The Doctor and Lexi ran through the Dalek Asylum, sonics raised, neither of them ever noticing Simeon following their every move.


Inside, Tomb, Console room...

"The Dalek Asylum." Vastra watched the timeline as Lexi whimpered, closing her eyes as the Doctor gripped her hand as tightly as he could. "The seventeenth century pirate ship with Captain Avery. Androzani... Demons Run."

Clara and Lucas's heads shot up at all those words.

"What did you say?" Clara asked. "Did you say the Dalek Asylum?"

"Did you say Demons Run?" Lucas tilted his head.

"Now they're dying in London, with us." Vastra blinked.


Inside, Great Intelligence HQ, Study...

Simeon put his hands around the Doctor's and Lexi's throats, pushing them down to the floor. He then reached his hands to touch their faces, their skin, making them groan in pain. Steam then began to rise from their skin as the heat left their bodies, making their skin begin to turn blue and cold.


Inside, Tomb, Console room...

"It is done." Simeon's (The Great Intelligence's) voice echoed, just before Sky and Jupiter disappeared into thin air.

"No, no!" Lexi cried out, writhing in pain, throwing her head back. "Argh!"

"Oh, dear Goddess." Vastra swallowed hard.

"What's wrong with them?" Clara bent to check on the Doctor and Lexi.

"And where did they go?" Lucas pointed at where Sky and Jupiter had once been.

"If the Doctor and the Glorious died, then their children were never born." Vastra said, putting the pieces together. "A world without the Couple of Time... There will be consequences. Jenny, with me."

Vastra then left with Jenny, Strax and Marguerite, leaving Clara and Lucas bending down to talk with the Doctor and Lexi.

"Glorious... the seventeenth century pirate ship." Lucas said. "Demons Run... You said it was me who save you. How?"

"And the Dalek Asylum And Victorian London." Clara said. "You both said that we were there... How could we have been there?"

"No." The Doctor shook his head, wincing. "Please, stop. Our life... Our whole life is burning."

Outside, Tomb...

"What are you scanning for?" Jenny asked as Vastra held her device up to the sky.

"Local star systems." She answered.

"Why?" Marguerite tilted her head as she looked up at the sky.

"Because they're disappearing."

"Disappearing?" Jenny asked, confused. "How?"

"The Doctor and the Glorious's interlinked timelines have been corrupted." Vastra said. "Their every victory reversed. Think how many lives they've saved, how many worlds." She smiled slightly. "The Glorious found you, Marguerite. If wasn't for her, you would have never come to us. And, dear Jenny, the Doctor saved your life when we met." She then turned to see that both Marguerite and Jenny were gone. "Jenny? Marguerite?... No! Oh, God, no... Please, no!" She then hurriedly began punching buttons on her device.

"Reptile scum!" Strax suddenly shouted.

Vastra looked up to see Strax with a large pipe which he then swung at her, making her back away.

"You are an affront to Sontaran purity!" Strax shouted at her. "Prepare to perish!"

"We're friends!" Vastra tried to tell him. "Strax, your past is changing, but I swear, we are comrades!"

"Die, reptile!"

As Strax moved forward again, Vastra fired her weapon and Strax disappeared.

"Strax!" She shouted. "Strax!"

Inside, Tomb, Console room...

Lexi suddenly gasped in pain before screaming as she felt a burning sensation on her stomach.

Lucas and Clara watched in horror as a sizzling wound appeared on Lexi's stomach, almost as if from...

"A laser blast." Lucas whispered, before looking to Lexi as he felt her grip his arm and yank him down so she could whisper in his ear.

Lexi then let go of his arm after a moment as she collapsed fully.

"Lex." The Doctor whispered weakly as he turned his head when he felt her grip on his hand loosen. He watched as her pain filled eyes went dead as the life completely drained from her body. "No, no, Lex... Alexis!"

Clara and Lucas looked back and forth between Lexi's body and the Doctor with wide eyes.

"She would've... please, please no..." The Doctor cried.

With tears of their own nearly escaping their eyes, Lucas and Clara shared a look before they both then slowly looked up at the now completely red-looking time tunnel.

"We have to go in there." They declared.

"Please." The Doctor groaned, shaking his head. "Please, no."

"But this is what we've already done." Clara insisted. "You've already seen us do it."

"We're the Couple of Time's Impossibles." Lucas said. "And this is why."

"Whatever you're both thinking of doing, don't." River's voice said suddenly.

Lucas and Clara turned to see River on the opposite side of the time tunnel.

"If we step in there, what happens?" Clara asked.

"The time winds would tear you into a million pieces." River answered. "A million versions of you two, living and dying all over time and space, like echoes."

"But the echoes could save the Glorious and the Doctor, right?" Lucas asked.

"But they won't be you." River insisted. "Your real selves will die. They'll just be copies."

"But they'll be real enough to save them." Clara countered. "It's like my mum said. The soufflé isn't the soufflé, the soufflé is the recipe..."

"You know, I never really gave too much thought to what my dad meant when he gave me this watch." Lucas suddenly said, looking down at the watch on his wrist. "He was always a walking riddle." He chuckled softly. "'Time is precious, waste it wisely.'" He then took off his watch before gently putting it around Lexi's wrist, gently rubbing the back of her cold hand. "For you... my Glorious." He then looked to River again. "It's the only way to save them, isn't it?"

River swallowed and nodded just before Vastra ran back in, looking horrified.

"The stars are going out." She informed them. "Jenny and Strax are dead, and Marguerite has disappeared. We now technically never met her... There must be something we can do."

Clara chuckled as she stood up. "Well, how about that? I'm Soufflé Girl after all."

Lucas smirked slightly as he got to his feet and walked up beside Clara. "And I suppose I'm about to waste my time in the best way possible."

"No." The Doctor begged. "Please."

"If this works, get out of here as fast as you can." Clara said as she and Lucas stepped towards the light.

Lucas smiled. "And if you would be so kind, spare us a thought now and then."

"Clara, Lucas... no!" The Doctor shook his head from his spot laid out on the floor next to Lexi's body.

"We can save your wife." Clara told him as she grabbed Lucas's hand. "And we can bring back your children."

Lucas gripped his friend's hand tighter. "And we will."

"Please..." The Doctor whispered.

"In fact, you know what?" Clara asked as a thought occurred to her, making her look to Lucas, said man nodding.

The best best friends in the universe turned around.

"Run." They ordered. "Run, you clever boy, you glorious girl... and remember."

"No!" The Doctor shouted as Clara and Lucas ran hand-in-hand into the time tunnel, it turning back to bright white and sapphire blue the second they entered...


Inside, Time tunnel...

Lucas and Clara opened their eyes in the midst of the time tunnel, flames reflected in their eyes and determined looks on their faces as they fell downwards surrounded by fire.

Clara ~ "We don't know where we are."


Inside, Tomb, Console room...

"Clara! Lucas!" The Doctor screamed.


Inside, Time tunnel...

Lucas grabbed Clara's hand again, each of them preparing to not make it out of this alive.

Lucas ~ "We just know we're running."


Inside, House, 1800s, Night...

Clara ~ "Sometimes it's like we've lived thousands of lives in thousands of places."

Little Clara Oswin Oswald and little Lucas Hawthorne Harper looked out upon Victorian London, smiles upon their faces as snow fell.

Lucas ~ "We're born."


Inside, Rose & Crown, Night...

Clara ~ "We live."

Barmaid Clara Oswin Oswald looked around the tavern she worked in, a hand on her hip as bartender Lucas Hawthorne Harper wiped the counters down next to her.

Lucas ~ "We die."


Inside, Tomb, Console room...

Lexi suddenly coughed before she rolled onto her side, her eyes shooting open.

"Lex." The Doctor whispered in relief just as Sky and Jupiter suddenly reappeared at his and Lexi's feet. "You're okay..."

"Okay..." Jupiter said slowly, looking around. "What the hell?"

"Where are Clara and Lucas?" Sky asked, noticing the two friends' absence.

Gripping Lexi's hand as they were still on the floor, the Doctor swallowed and looked towards the time tunnel. "In there."

The Time Twins' eyes widened.

"But they can't have." Jupiter breathed.


Inside, Corridor...

Carolyn Oswald looked around wildly as she stood in a futuristic hallway.

Clara ~ "And always, there's the Doctor."

The sixth Doctor then walked across a corridor behind her. Carolyn whirled around, but he was already gone.


Inside, Therapist office, Hallway...

Eleven year old Alexis Pond sat on a bench outside her and her sister's psychiatrist, waiting for her sister to get done with her session so they could go home. Frowning, she stared down at a picture she had drawn of herself and the raggedy Doctor. It was... it was eating at her. The more and more she stared down at it, the more and more she wanted to rip it to pieces.

Lucas ~ "And of course, there's the Glorious."

She then went to go and rip the drawing until she felt like she was being watched. She looked to the side and saw a man studying her.

"Why do you want to rip that?" Lance Harper asked her curiously.

Alexis frowned, looking from Lance to her drawing and back to Lance again. "I don't think I can... keep hoping."

"Oh, don't say that." Lance smiled at her. "I think there's always something to hope for."

Alexis pursed her lips in thought, looking from Lance to her drawing again. She stared at it for a moment before giving it a single nod. She then looked back towards Lance, only to find that he was no longer sitting there with her.


Inside, Corridor...

Clara ~ "Always, I'm running to save the Doctor."

Caia Oswald ran down a corridor before veering off to the side into another corridor, just seeing the end of a long colorful scarf as the fourth Doctor disappeared around a corner.


Outside, Bridge, Night...

Seventeen year old Lexi Pond sat on the edge of Leadworth's only bridge that crossed over Leadworth's only river. That was the thing with Leadworth. It was so small that there only seemed to be one of everything that was there.

Lexi sighed, swinging her legs as her feet dangled above the water down below. Amy and Rory were probably looking for her. She didn't want to do this to them. But... things were getting to be too much...

He was real.

The Doctor was real and he hadn't come back. It had been ten years and... he never came back.

Amy knew as well as she did what that one night when they were seven meant... There was more out there.

There was more out there in the universe than the boring and mundane life that Leadworth provided.

Leadworth was nice... But it was also suffocating. That's what Lexi felt like at that time. She felt like she was being suffocated by knowing there was more to do out there in the vast expanse of the universe, and having no way to get there.

It could all just be... over, you know?

"Just one fall..." Lexi whispered as she leaned forward with her elbows on her knees, gazing down at the water below as it rushed over the rocks in the river.

Lucas ~ "And I'm always running, as fast as I can, to save the Glorious."

"Excuse me." A voice said from behind Lexi, making her bow her head at someone having caught her in this state. "Are you alright?"

"No." Lexi answered the man, not even turning back to look at him.

"Oh, well, that just won't do." Levi Harper said as he walked up next to her before sitting down with his own legs dangling off the edge of the bridge. "Why are you so sad?"

Lexi spared a glance at him. "How do you know I'm sad?"

Levi rolled his eyes. "You don't have to tell me why you're out here. I already know... Why else would you be out here, alone, late at night, away from prying eyes?"

"Apparently not yours." Lexi scoffed, looking straight ahead again.

Good. He's gotten her talking.

Levi gently placed his hand over hers. "You know what? You don't even have to tell me why you're sad. Just let me speak with you."

"About what?" She asked softly, closing her eyes as a couple of tears escaped.

"Let me tell you a story." Levi said as he scooted closer to her, cautiously putting an arm around her shoulders. "Let me tell you about the greatest love story in the universe... The story of a madwoman and her madman."

Lucas ~ "Suffice to say, I always save her."


Outside, Islington, London, Street, 1982, Day...

Clara ~ "Even when they're not really in danger, we always keep a watchful eye."

Catarina Oswald and Linus Harper sat on a bench under a shady tree while watching as the Couple of Time pushed their two year old twins on the swings of the small park, the twins giggling in delight.

Lucas ~ "After all, you can never be too careful."


Outside, London 1892, Street, Night...

Clara ~ "No matter the situation, we're always running to save them."

Clara Oswin Oswald and Lucas Hawthorne Harper chased after the Doctor and Lexi.

"Oi!" Clara called out to the couple, putting her hands on her hips. "Where are you going?"

"Yeah, we thought we were just getting acquainted with you both." Lucas agreed, crossing his arms.

Lucas ~ "However, they hardly ever hear us."

The Couple of Time slowly turned around to look at the two friends.


Inside, Gallifrey, Repair shop...

Clara ~ "But we've always been there."


The Doctor quickly turned around to a see a younger woman, a Time Lady, standing a few cylinders down.

"Yes, what is it?" The Doctor asked her. "What do you want?"

"Sorry." The Time Lady, Calliope, told him as she took a step forward. "But you're about to make a very big mistake... Don't steal that one, steal this one." She said with a smile, leaning against the cylinder, a TARDIS, she stood next to. "The navigation system's knackered, but you'll have much more fun."


Inside, Leadworth, Bookshop...

"Glorious?" A voice said from behind nineteen year old Lexi, making her pause as she was about to put another book on the shelf. She looked off to the side and saw a young man in jeans and a long sleeve T-shirt leaning against bookshelf at the end of the isle. "Oh, I'm sorry. You went by Lexi at this point in your life, didn't you?"

Lexi raised an eyebrow at the man. "I'm sorry, have we met?"

Louis Harper smirked at her. "Not technically. Not yet." He then pushed off the bookshelf and stood up straight as he looked around the Bookshop. "It's a bit deserted in this place, don't you think?" He then turned his attention back to Lexi. "Why don't you take the rest of the day off?"

Lexi raised an eyebrow, considering his words. It was pretty empty in the bookshop.

Lexi then decided to take Louis's advice, having no idea that the raggedy Doctor she had missed for twelve years was, at that moment, breaking into her and her sister's house.

Lucas ~ "Right from the very beginning."


Clara & Lucas ~ "Right from the days they started running."


Inside, Dalek Asylum, Hawthorne's living quarters...

Hawthorne Harper smiled as he sat within his Dalek body. "Run... Run, you glorious girl."

Inside, Dalek Asylum, Oswin's living quarters...

Oswin Oswald sat in her chair contently with her legs tucked up underneath her, a peaceful smile on her face. "Run... Run, you clever boy."


Inside, Tomb, Console room...

"And remember." Lucas's and Clara's voices echoed throughout the tomb.

Jupiter and Sky raised their hands over their eyes, seeing a bright light flash through the TARDIS... and the Doctor and Lexi were on their feet next to them, Jenny, Strax and Marguerite beside Vastra.

"...It was an unprovoked and violent attack, but that's no excuse." Strax was saying.

"We're all restored." Vastra said in relief, holding Jenny's hand. "That's all that matters now."

"We're not all restored." Jupiter shook her head, her eyes still on the time tunnel.

The Doctor and Lexi both nodded, stepping towards it.

"You can't go in!" River suddenly shouted. "It's your time-streams mixed together, for God's sake!"

"We have to get them back." Lexi said softly, the Doctor nodding in agreement.

"Of course, but not like this!" River glared at them.

"But how?" Marguerite asked.

"Are they still alive?" Vastra asked. "It killed Doctor Simeon."

"Clara and Lucas have got two advantages over the Great Intelligence." The Doctor shook his head.

"Which are?"

Lexi grabbed the Doctor's hand. "Us."

"Auntie, Uncle, please listen to me." River begged. "At least hear me!"

"Now, if Lex and I don't come back, and we might not..." The Doctor began.


"Go to the TARDIS. All of you. Sky and Jupiter will fly you home... You take good care of Idris for us."

"There has to be another way!" River shouted. "Use the TARDIS, use something. Save them, yes, but for God's sake, be sensible!"

She went to slap the Doctor... but Lexi's hand reached out and snatched her wrist.

"You know hitting isn't nice, Melody." Lexi told her. "No matter how much your dear Uncle needs it sometimes."

The Doctor blinked, turning to look at Lexi. "What do you mean?"

River stared at Lexi in shock. "How are you even doing that?" She breathed. "I'm not really here."

"You're always here to me." Lexi smiled at her. "And I always listen. And I can always see you."

"What's going on?" The Doctor frowned.

"But he can't see you." Lexi told River, taking in a shaky breath. "It's just me."

"Then why didn't you speak to me?" River asked.

"Because I thought it would hurt too much."

"I believe I could have coped."

"No." Lexi shook her head, on the verge of tears. "I thought it would hurt me... And I was right." She grabbed River and pulled her into a hug. "And since no one else in this room can see you, God knows how this looks." She then pulled away and held River's face in her hands. "And everyone, just for your information, I'm talking to an interface of River. So I know that looked like I just hugged thin air."

"Right." The Doctor nodded, slightly less confused.

Lexi smiled slightly, placing a kiss on River's forehead before pulling back a bit. "I wasn't there to say goodbye to you when it was your time. And I'm so sorry... But even I know that there's a time to live, and a time to sleep. You are an echo, Melody. Like Clara and Lucas. Like all of us, in the end... But you should've faded by now."

"It's hard to leave when you haven't said goodbye." River informed her.

Lexi gave her a tearful smile. "Then tell me, because I don't... I don't know how to say it."

"There's only one way I'd accept." River tilted her head. "If you ever loved me like I know an Aunt should... say it like you and Uncle are going to come back."

Lexi choked out a laugh. "Well, then... see you around, my dearest niece."

"Till the next time, Auntie." River winked.

"Okay." The Doctor rubbed his hands together as Lexi came and rejoined him by the time tunnel.

"Oh, there's one more thing." River added.

"Wait." Lexi put a hand on the Doctor's arm, glancing over at River. "What is it?"

River smirked. "I was mentally linked with Clara and Lucas. If they're really dead... then how can I still be here?"

Lexi's jaw dropped. "No."

"Spoilers." River winked. "Goodbye, Auntie."

River's image then vanished, Lexi then turning to the Doctor with a determined look in her eyes. "Let's bring Clara and Lucas home where they belong."

The Doctor nodded, him and Lexi giving one last wave to everyone before they both then walked hand-in-hand into the time tunnel, a bright light flashing in the tomb.


Inside, Time tunnel...

Clara ~ "We don't know where we are."

Lucas and Clara opened their eyes in the midst of the time tunnel, flames reflected in their eyes and determined looks on their faces as they fell downwards surrounded by fire.

Lucas ~ "We don't know where we're going, or where we've been."

Lucas grabbed Clara's hand, each of them preparing to not make it out of this alive.

Clara ~ "We were born to save the Couple of Time."

Clara and Lucas continued to fall in the seemingly endless 'tunnel' of fire.

Lucas ~ "But the Couple of Time is safe now."

Lucas and Clara seemed to embrace what was happening to them. The result of what they had done. Together.

Clara ~ "I'm the Impossible Girl."

Lucas ~ "I'm the Impossible Man."

Clara even managed to grin at Lucas, making him chuckle.

Clara & Lucas ~ "And our story is done."


Outside, ???...

Clara and Lucas fell with a thud on hard ground.

Lucas winced as he sat up. "Glorious?"

"Doctor?" Clara called out, looking around, both her and Lucas hearing similar thuds, but seeing no Couple of Time.

"Glorious! Doctor! Please, please." Lucas buried his face in his hands.

"I don't know where I am." Clara said, tears streaming down her face.



The two friends looked up, both of them unable to see through the fog (or smoke) swirling around them as they heard Lexi's and the Doctor's voices.

"We know you can hear us." Lexi's voice said.

"We can't see you!" Lucas called out.

"We're everywhere." The Doctor responded. "From the moment the Glorious and I met, our time-streams linked. Mine is hers. Hers is mine. Everything you see around you is us."

The First Doctor walked past suddenly, making Clara gasp and spin to try and see him.

"We can see you." Lexi's voice said as a little seven year old her ran past Lucas, followed by an older her wearing the outfit she wore on the seventeenth century pirates ship.

Clara then scooted backwards to avoid being run into by the current (Eleventh) Doctor and Lexi as they sprinted past, Lexi wearing the woolen poncho and boots she wore at Demons Run.

"Doctor," Clara began as she looked around. "all your different faces... they're here."

"I'm seeing so many you's, Glorious." Lucas said as he, too, looked around. "All the same face, but... at different points in your life."

"Those are our ghosts. Every good day, every bad day." The Doctor explained just before the ground rumbled, making Clara and Lucas fall to the ground.

"What's wrong?" Lucas asked, looking around wildly. "What's happening?"

"We're inside our own time-stream." Lexi answered. "It's collapsing in on itself."

"Well, get out then!"

"Not until we've got you and Clara!"

"We don't even know who we are!" Clara cried.

"You're Lex's, Jupiter's, Sky's and my Impossibles." The Doctor told them.

"We're sending you a couple of things." Lexi's voice told them. "Both of you, look up. Look." Lucas and Clara did, Lucas quickly held out his hand and caught his wrist watch before it fell to the ground as Clara watched her leaf float down. "These are you, Lucas, Clara."

"Everything you both were or will be." The Doctor added. "Clara, you blew into the world on this leaf. Hold tight. It will take you home." She reached out and grabbed it.

"Lucas, I want you to put that wrist watch back on." Lexi told him, and he obeyed. "You came into this world because this watch stopped working before it suddenly came back to life. This is your time. This is your reason to keep going."

Lucas and Clara looked at each other before looking straight ahead again.



The two friends looked around, hearing the Doctor's and Lexi's voices more clearly now.

"Come on. Come on, to us, now." The Doctor's voice told them.

"You can do it, we know you can." Lexi's voice agreed.

"How?" The two friends breathed, turning around to see the Doctor and Lexi beckoning from just a few feet away.

"Because it's impossible!" The Doctor grinned as they slowly stumbled towards him and Lexi. "You're our Impossibles. How many times have you saved us, Oswald and Harper?"

"We're real. Just one more step." Lexi said just before Lucas reached her, Lexi putting his arm over her shoulder to help keep him upright as Clara collapsed into the Doctor's arms. "My Lucas." She whispered, kissing his hand as it was draped over her shoulder.

"There you are." The Doctor smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind Clara's ear. "My Clara... Now, let's -"

Clara frowned when she felt him tense, Lexi and Lucas looking over at them when they heard the Doctor go quiet. They then looked ahead again.

Lucas frowned and Clara frowned when they saw a man standing with his back to them. Lexi, however, was not confused at all at who this man was.

"Who's that?" Lucas asked.

"Never mind." The Doctor shook his head, gently tugging Clara away as Lexi tried helping Lucas walk. "Let's go back."

"But who is he?" Clara asked, curious as well.

The Doctor sighed. "He's me. There's only me and Lex here. That's the point. Now, let's go back."

"But we never saw that one." Lucas shook his head. "We saw all of you. Eleven faces of you and all the points of the Glorious's life with the one face she's had."

"So if that's the case," Clara began as she looked over and up at the Doctor. "You're the Eleventh Doctor."

"I said he was me." The Doctor scowled, Lexi glancing at him in concern. "I never said he was the Doctor."

"Okay, I don't get it." Lucas said tiredly.

"Look." The Doctor rubbed a hand over his face. "My name, my real name, that is not the point. The name I chose is the Doctor. The name you choose, it's like... it's like a promise you make." He looked at the man with his back to them, Lexi following his gaze as she kept silent. "He's the one who broke the promise." Clara's eyes rolled back into her head as she collapsed, the Doctor hurriedly catching her while Lexi tried to keep Lucas upright as he became more drowsy. "Clara? Clara? Clara!" She lolled her head, and the Doctor picked her up bridal style as Lexi adjusted her grip on Lucas. "He's my secret."

"What I did, I did without choice." The man said.

The Doctor glared at him as Lexi bit her lip nervously. "I know."

"In the name of peace and sanity."

"But not in the name of the Doctor." The Doctor shook his head before turning his back on the man, carrying Clara away, Lexi helping a staggering Lucas as they followed after them.

The other man turned... revealing the same face the Doctor had only revealed once before, to Lexi right after they got married, a memory of the Time War.

Because this man was the War Doctor, the same man who had destroyed Gallifrey.


A/N: BOOM! 🎉

I so hope y'all enjoyed that. 😁 I know I really enjoyed writing it.

Lucas and Clara falling through the time stream got a bit wonky, but I tried my best.

And I realize that since Lexi only has had one face so far, Lucas's (and sometimes Clara's) echoes end up being in close proximity with each other. It's funny to think about multiple versions (the ones that didn't die) of them living in the same time period.

Anyway... enough about that. 😏

Who's ready for "The Day of the Doctor"?!?!?! 😃😃😃

That's gonna be so much fun! *squeals in excitement*

I can't wait for you people to read what I've got planned. I've also got a couple of little surprises that will revolve around the 50th Anniversary special.

However, I am coming up on a busy time at school, so I don't know exactly when I'll be getting all the 50th stuff out.

So, please just bare with me until then. ❤️

So... love to you beautiful people! 😘

Until next time! 💖

💋 Love always,

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