The Snowmen [Part 4 - FINAL]

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Inside, Latimer house, Latimer's Study, Night...

Clara and Lucas were laying on two tables as Strax scanned them with Vastra's device.

A pulsing red light of energy floated above them as Captain Latimer stood at the opposite side of the table from Strax. Jenny, Sky and Jupiter stood back against the wall as Vastra stood behind Strax.

"The green woman said they were dead." Captain Latimer spoke to Strax. "How can they be alive now?"

"This technology has capacities and abilities beyond anything your puny human mind could possibly understand." Strax told him. "Try not to worry."

Sky and Jupiter sighed simultaneously, both of them sharing a look before pushing off the wall and going and entering the TARDIS as it sat on the other side of the room.

Inside, TARDIS, Console room...

The Doctor and Lexi were standing by the console using their sonic screwdrivers on a couple pieces of ice from the governess and tutor.

Lexi sighed, tossing the piece of ice she was holding over her shoulder as the Doctor put a piece into a tin box decorated with a map of the London Underground resting on the console. He then took out another piece of ice, repeating the process.

"Aren't those creatures still a danger?" Sky questioned as he and Jupiter entered. "I mean, could they return?"

"No, not in here." The Doctor shook his head.

"Then shouldn't you and Mum go and be with Clara and Lucas?" Jupiter asked.

"They're going to be fine." Lexi insisted. "They have to be. They just have to."

"Mum, I looked at Vastra's device." Sky informed her. "That equipment out there, it'll bring back anyone for a little while, but long term..."

"It was our fault." The Doctor looked to his son. "Your Mum and I are responsible for what happened to them. They were in our care."

"Dad, what's the point of blaming yourselves?" Jupiter asked earnestly,

"None." Lexi responded as she and the Doctor walked passed them, heading for the door. "Because they're going to live."

Sky and Jupiter shared a looked before following their parents out of the TARDIS.

Inside, Latimer house, Latimer's Study...

The Doctor and Lexi stepped out of the TARDIS, the Doctor handing the box of ice to Jenny before he and Lexi walked over to Clara as Sky and Jupiter stepped out of the TARDIS.

Lexi went around to Lucas's side as the Doctor went to Clara's.

Lexi leaned over, taking one of Lucas's hands in hers as she stroked his hair, the Doctor doing the same with Clara.

Lucas opened his eyes, staring weakly up at Lexi.

"Hello." Lexi whispered, a sad smile on her face.

"Hello, Clara." The Doctor whispered as Clara opened her eyes.

"They all think we're going to die, don't they?" She asked weakly.

"And we know you're both going to live." Lexi whispered, kissing Lucas's hand.

"How?" He asked weakly.

"I never know how." The Doctor whispered as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a TARDIS key before placing it Clara's hand. "I just know who."

"And you know what?" Lexi whispered as she gently placed a TARDIS key in Lucas's hand. "You're only just beginning."

"The green lady..." Lucas said weakly. "She said that you used to be happy... and that you were a radiant being who brought joyfulness to everyone you came across... you're not really happy and you've lost your shine."

"You're right." Lexi sniffled. "But I need you to help me get it back."

"You..." Clara spoke up, weakly stroking the Doctor cheek with her thumb. "The green lady said you were the saver of worlds once... Are you going to save this one?"

"If I do, will you come away with me?" The Doctor whispered.

"Will you help me, Lucas?" Lexi whispered, stroking his knuckles with her thumb.

"Yes." Clara said weakly.

Lucas nodded weakly. "Yes."

"Well, then." Lexi whispered, kissing Lucas's forehead. "Merry Christmas."

The Doctor kissed Clara's forehead before he and Lexi stood back up straight. Both of them then went to Jenny, the Doctor taking the box from her before he and Lexi left the room.

Inside, Latimer house, Front hall...

Lexi opened the front door, revealing Simeon standing there, surrounded by snowmen.

The Doctor held up the tin box. "I have in my hand pieces of the Ice Lady and the Ice Man. Everything you need to know about how to make ice people."

"Is that what you want, Dr. Simeon?" Lexi called to him.

"See you at the office!" The Doctor shouted to him before Lexi closed the door.

Inside, TARDIS, Console room...

The Doctor and Lexi strode into the TARDIS, Vastra following behind them. She shut the door as the Couple of Time began furiously working the controls.

"So then, saving the world again?" Vastra questioned as she walked up to them. "Might I ask why? Are you two making a bargain with the universe? You'll save the world to let them live?"

"Yes!" Lexi whipped around to face her. "Two of the most important people in my life were taken away from me, Vastra. Snatched away like it was nothing! Granted, that was over twenty five years ago. But, that does not mean it hurts any less than the day it happened!"

"And don't you think," The Doctor began. "after all this time, all the God forsaken things I've saved everyone from, that we're owed this one?"

Vastra shook her head sadly. "I don't think the universe makes bargains."

"It was our fault." Lexi said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Well then," Vastra gave her a small smile, putting a hand to her cheek. "better save the world."

"And we're at it again." The Doctor muttered before setting the TARDIS in motion.

Inside, Great Intelligence HQ, Study...

Simeon opened the door to his office to the Doctor was sitting at his desk, legs crossed and resting on its surface as Lexi leaned against the desk herself while Vastra stood behind them.

"You promised us something." Simeon stated. "Have you brought it?"

"Big fella here's been very quiet while you've been out - which is only to be expected considering who he really is." The Doctor said as he stood and held up the tin box. "Know what this is, big fella?" He asked before walking to the center of the room.

"I do not understand these markings." The Intelligence replied.

"It's a map of the London Underground, 1967 - key strategic weakness in metropolitan living, at least that's my opinion." Lexi chimed in, pushing off the desk and walking to join the Doctor in the center of the room. "Then again, I've never really been too fond of tunnels..."

"Enough of this." The Intelligence spoke. "We are powerful, but on this planet we are limited. We need to learn to take human form. The Governess and Tutor are our most perfect replication of humanity..."

Lexi took out her sonic behind her back and used it on the Intelligence, causing its voice to change, turning to that of a young boy.

"What's happening to its voice?" Vastra questioned.

"She's just stripping away the disguise." The Doctor informed.

"No, stop! Stop that!" The Intelligence demanded. "Cease, I command you!"

Simeon slowly fell back against the desk for support.

Vastra tilted her head. "It sounds like a child."

"Of course it sounds like a child, it IS a child." The Doctor confirmed. "Simeon as a child, the snow has no voice without him."

"Don't listen to him, they're ruining everything!" The Intelligence objected.

"How long has the Intelligence been talking to you, Dr. Simeon?" Lexi questioned.

"I was a little boy." He replied. "He was my snowman... He spoke to me."


Outside, Back garden, Day...

Young Walter Simeon was making his snowman.

"They're silly." The snowman spoke to him.


"But the snow doesn't talk, does it - it's just a mirror." The Doctor stated as he and Lexi walked up to Simeon.


Outside, Back garden, Day...

"I don't want to talk to them." Little Walter said to the snowman. "They're silly."

"They're silly." The snowman responded.


"It just reflects everything back that we think and feel and fear." Lexi said as she crossed her arms.


Outside, Back garden, Day...

"I don't need anyone else." Little Walter told the snowman.

"Don't need anyone else." The snowman mimicked back.


"You poured your darkest dreams into a snowman - and look," The Doctor pointed to big globe. "look what it became!"

"I don't understand." Vastra spoke up.

Lexi gestured to the globe. "That is a parasite that's feeding on the loneliness of a child and the sickness of an old man."

"It's carnivorous snow meets Victorian values... and something terrible is born." The Doctor added.

"We can go on!" The Intelligence insisted. "And do everything we planned."

"Oh, yes, and what a plan it is!" Lexi rolled her eyes. "A world full of living ice people. Wow, that really is very Victorian of you."

"What's wrong with Victorian values?" Simeon questioned before lunging at the Doctor and grabbing the box of ice, making Vastra come forward to take it back, but the Doctor and Lexi held up their hands.

"Are you sure?" The Doctor questioned Simeon.

"I have always been sure!" He insisted before opening the box and reaching in to take a piece of ice. Instead, he grabbed the memory worm which then bit his hand, making him groan and keel over on his side.

"Good." Lexi smiled coldly, bending over. "I'm glad that you think so. You know, since your entire adult life is about to be erased."

"See?" The Doctor questioned. "No parasite without a host, Simeon. Without you, it will have no voice. Without the governess and tutor, it will have no form."

"What... What's happening, what's happening, what did you do?" The Intelligence asked frantically.

"You've got nothing left to mirror any more." The Doctor said. "Goodbye."

"What did you... Did you... Did you..." The Intelligence's voice and energy faded away before resuming as if nothing happened. "Did you really think it would be so easy?"

"That shouldn't happen!" Lexi exclaimed. "How is that possible?"

Vastra looked over to the Window. "Look!"

The Doctor and Lexi quickly ran over and looked out the window at the snow.

Inside, Latimer house, Latimer's Study...

"They're growing!" Jenny exclaimed as she and Jupiter looked at the window at the snowmen.

"Sky, come look!" Jupiter said. "The snowmen are growing!"

Sky rushed to window, quickly followed by Captain Latimer.

Captain Latimer's eyes widened. "What do we do?"

Inside, Great Intelligence HQ, Study...

The Doctor, Lexi and Vastra stood at the base of the globe.

"But you were just Dr. Simeon." The Doctor insisted. "You're not real, he dreamed you. How can you still exist?"

"Now the dream outlives the dreamer and can never die. Once I was the puppet. Now I pull the strings!" The Intelligence exclaimed as Simeon rose up from the floor behind them, charged with electricity. The Intelligence then spoke through him. "I have tried so long to take on human form. By erasing Simeon, you made space for me." It said as Simeon's face was blue with cold, frost covering his skin. "I fill him now."

Vastra quickly pulled her sword from its sheath and moved to attack Simeon, but he flung her aside. He then put his hands around the Doctor and Lexi's throats, pushing them down to the floor.

"More than snow, more than Simeon - even this old body is strong in my control."

Simeon then reached his hands to touch the Doctor and Lexi's faces, their skin. The Couple of Time groaned in pain.

"Do you feel it?"

Simeon's hands touched the Doctor and Lexi's faces, making steam rise from their skin as the heat left their bodies and their skin began to turn blue and cold.

"Winter is coming! Winter is coming!"

Inside, Latimer house, Latimer's Study...

Strax was watching over Clara as Jupiter watched over Lucas so he wouldn't be alone.

"No, you must fight!" Strax told Clara. "Hang on and fight, boy, you can do it!"

"Just hold on, Lucas." Jupiter whispered, gripping his hand.

"Captain Latimer..." Clara whispered weakly, making Captain Latimer come to stand beside the table and grip her hand. "your children... they are afraid. Hold them."

He looked to his children before looking back at Clara. "It's not really... my area."

She smiled weakly. "It is now."

"Who are you?" Lucas whispered, as he weakly looked up at Jupiter.

Jupiter crouched down beside him, smiling sadly. "My name is Jupiter. Jupiter Pond."

"It's very nice to meet you." He smiled weakly as a single tear fell from his eyes.

Clara weakly grabbed Lucas's hand from where she laid beside him, a tear of her own rolling down her cheek.

Outside, there was a flash of lightening, making Jenny and Sky turn to look out the window to see the snow turning to rain.

Inside, Great Intelligence HQ, Study...

The snow inside the globe turned to water as Simeon fell back from the Doctor and curled up in pain.

"What's happening?" The Intelligence asked.

The Doctor and Lexi quickly moved to Simeon to examine him as Vastra got up and looked at the globe.

"Doctor! Alexis!" Vastra exclaimed. "The globe. It's turning to rain. All of it, the snow, look."

The Couple of Time glanced at the globe before turning back to Simeon. Simeon himself looked at his trembling hands before dropping them to his side.

Lexi quickly felt for a pulse. "He's dead."

"What happened?" Vastra questioned.

"The snow mirrors, that's all it does." The Doctor stated. "It's mirroring something else now. Something so strong, it's drowning everything else." He then ran to the window, Lexi following quickly behind him.

The duo opened it and let the rain fall into fall into their palms.

"There was a critical mass of snow at the house." The Doctor stated.

"So if something happened there..." Lexi trailed off as she licked her hand.

Vastra stuck her hand out the window before tasting the rain herself. "Salty. Salt water rain."

"It's not raining. It's crying." The Doctor corrected. "The only force on Earth that could drown the snow, a whole family crying on Christmas Eve."

Inside, Latimer house, Latimer's Study...

Clara and Lucas's tears fell to the floor to be absorbed by the rug.

Inside, Great Intelligence HQ, Study...

The Doctor and Lexi looked at Vastra before running to the TARDIS.

Outside, Latimer house, Front...

Like ice cream cones on a hot day, the snowmen started to melt in the rain.

Inside, Latimer house, Latimer's Study...

The Doctor, Lexi, and Vastra stepped out from the TARDIS.

"I'm sorry." Strax told them. "There was nothing to be done. They have moments only."

Captain Latimer had his arms around Francesca and Digby as they cried against his chest. Digby turned his head and watched as the Doctor and Lexi approached the two tables and kneeled.

"We saved the world, Clara." The Doctor whispered. "You, me, Lucas and the Glorious. We really, really did."

Lucas gripped Lexi's hand as tightly as he could. "Will you go back... to your cloud?"

"No." She whispered back.

"Never again." The Doctor affirmed.

"Why not?" Clara asked weakly as she closed her eyes.

"It rained." He whispered, bowing his head.

"Might I ask... one last question?" Lucas requested weakly as Lexi stroked his knuckles with her thumb.

"Anything." Lexi whispered back.

"Glorious who?"

Lexi smiled sadly. "Pond. Lexi Pond."

"I like that name." He smiled weakly as he closed his eyes, Lexi sniffling as she bowed her head.

Clara gripped the Doctor's hand as tightly as she could "Run."

The Doctor lifted his head.

"Run, you clever boy." She whispered, opening her eyes. "And remember..."

"Lexi..." Lucas whispered, making Lexi look back up at him. "Run... Run, you glorious girl, and remember..."

Clara and Lucas let go of the Doctor and Lexi's hands as they each took their final breaths before the last bit of life left their bodies just before church bells began to ring outside.

"It's Christmas." Jenny said sadly. "Christmas Day."

Lexi slowly got to her feet before she walked to the TARDIS, ignoring everything around her.

"No." She thought to herself. "It can't be him again. After all this time, just... no."

Outside, Graveyard, Day...

Captain Latimer, Francesca and Digby stood by the side of Clara and Lucas's freshly-dug graves.

The Doctor, Lexi, Sky, Jupiter, Vastra and Jenny watched from a distance; Vastra wearing her veil as the Doctor and Lexi held bouquets of flowers.

"And what about the Intelligence?" Vastra questioned. "Melted with the snow?"

"No, I shouldn't think so." The Doctor replied. "It learned to survive beyond physical form."

"Well, we can't be in much danger from a disembodied Intelligence that thinks it can invade the world with snowmen." Jenny commented.

"Or that the London Underground is a key strategic weakness." Vastra pointed out, making Lexi sigh internally at the memory of what she had said to Simeon.

The Doctor reached into his pocket and pulled out the calling card he had taken from Simeon. "The Great Intelligence... rings a bell... the Great Intelligence?"

They all watched as Captain Latimer and the children left, the Doctor and Lexi then approaching the two graves.

"Mum? Dad?" Sky questioned, sharing a look with his sister before they, Vastra and Jenny walked over to find the Doctor and Lexi kneeling by the graves, looking at the headstones. They looked up at their approach before turning back to the markers.

"We never knew their names, their full names." The Doctor stated as he and Lexi looked at the headstones.



NOVEMBER 23 1866
DECEMBER 24 1892

And we will run...

DECEMBER 24 1892

"Hello again." Lexi whispered as she traced Lucas's carved named with her finger.

"Oswin Oswald and Hawthorne Harper, junior entertainment managers, Starship Alaska." Oswin's voice was in the Doctor's head.

"Soufflé girl..." The Doctor trailed off. "Oswin - it was her."

FLASHBACK (Asylum of the Daleks)

Inside, Asylum...

Oswin sat in her chair and tucked up her legs. "Run, you clever boy and remember..."



Inside, Latimer house, Latimer's Study, Night...

"Run, you clever boy..." A dying Clara whispered.


FLASHBACK (Asylum of the Daleks)

Inside, Asylum...

"...and remember."



Inside, Latimer's house, Study, Night...

"...and remember."


Outside, Graveyard, Day...

"I remember so long ago when I first met him." Lexi said softly.

FLASHBACK (The Curse of the Black Spot)

Inside, Captain Avery's cabin, Night...

"I like the excitement of new places." Lucius told Lexi as he sat across from her at the small table in the middle of the room. "...I wanted to escape my boring life and do something just... different."


"I felt like I knew him." Lexi stated. "I just couldn't remember how well."

FLASHBACK (A Good Man Goes to War)

Inside, Demons Run, Hangar...

"Run... Run, you glorious girl, and remember me..." Was the last thing Liam whispered, taking one last breath before the life left his eyes and his grip on Lexi's hand let go.


"It's been so long since I've heard those words, that I almost forgot about them." Lexi informed. "He comes into my life out of nowhere and then just... gets snatched away from me each time."


Inside, Latimer house, Latimer's Study, Night...

"Lexi..." Lucas whispered, making Lexi look back up at him. "Run... Run, you glorious girl, and remember..."


"It was them again." The Doctor stated, getting to his feet before helping Lexi to hers.

"I mean, I know we never saw their faces with the Daleks, but their voices, they were the same voices." Lexi said, glancing at the Doctor.

"I know you told me you had ran into Mr. Harper before." The Doctor said as he looked to Lexi. "But, we never put the pieces together until now. This is the first time we've seen both of their faces with both of them together."

"Doctor, Alexis?!" Jenny tried to get their attention.

"The same man and woman." Lexi laughed. "Mr. Harper has been in and out of my life four times over the past twenty seven years or so. The same man!"

"And I finally know how you feel!" The Doctor grinned. "The same woman has come to me twice."

"And all the times we've met them," Lexi said. "they died. Every time."

"The same man and woman!" The Doctor laughed.

"Doctor, Alexis, what are you talking about?" Vastra asked them.

"Something's going on, something impossible, something..." The Doctor muttered as he and Lexi backed away. "Right, Vastra, Jenny, you two stay here, stay right here, don't move an inch."

"And Sky, Jupiter, if you two don't feel like being left behind, I suggest you follow me and your father." Lexi grinned before she and the Doctor turned and hurried away.

"Well, brother mine, let's get going." Jupiter said grabbing Sky's hand before the two of them rushed after their parents.

"Are you coming back?" Vastra called after them.

"Probably not!" Lexi called over her shoulder.

"But where are you going?"

The Doctor and Lexi stopped and turned around.

"To find them, to find Clara and Lucas." The Doctor grinned.

"The original Clara and Lucas. The ones connected to all the versions we've seen!" Lexi laughed before she and the Doctor turned back around and ran off, Sky and Jupiter running after them.

"But Clara and Lucas are dead." Jenny stated, looking to Vastra. "What're they talking about, finding them?"

"I don't know, but perhaps the universe makes bargains after all." Vastra replied, looking at the two headstones, seeing how underneath Clara's name it said 'Remember me for we shall meet again' and underneath Lucas's name it said 'And we will run...'.


A/N: There ya have it! 😀 Hope you lovely people enjoyed it! ❤️

Fact: Lucas's birthday (September 1) is when "Asylum of the Daleks" first aired. 🙂

So, I know I kinda cut off the last little bit/scene of the modern day/present day graveyard that was in "The Snowmen". BUT, I have that planned for next. I just felt it fit better as it's own tiny little chapter. 😁

I'll get that published as soon as I go through and proofread it for y'all! ❤️

Until then! 😘

💋 Love always,

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