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Lia trace her hand over the stainless steel counter. Three days had pasted since the Thanksgiving block party and she had been looking for the perfect kitchen. She wanted something small since she wasn't sure how long she was going to have it. If everything went smoothly with her business then she look forward to opening up a shop. But, it was one step at a time for her.

She continued looking around the kitchen thinking of how she was going to decorate the little dining area. When she was done looking around, she headed back to the front seeing Bonnie, her realtor.

"So..." Bonnie dragged out, Lia gave her a smile.

"I'll take it." She answered, happily. Her dream was finally coming true one step at a time and she was excited.

"Alright, I'm going to need you to sign these papers..." Lia nodded her head as she watched Bonnie take papers out her purse. The door to the building opened causing the two of them to look over. Anthony walked in, his eyes landing right on Lia.

"Anthony, I thought I told you to meet me at the restaurant." Bonnie told him, but Anthony somewhat ignored her still staring at Lia.

"Umm, yeah. Are you following a brotha?" he asked, Lia rolling her eyes playfully.

"You wish huh?" she retorted and he shrugged his shoulders.

"Not really since that's creepy, but hey if that's what your into then I support you." he replied, chuckling afterwards.

"Yeah, whatever, I'm not stalking you. You must've forgot your the one that claim you know me."

"And I still do, I know I-" his sentence was cut off when Bonnie cleared her throat. She had been standing there listening to the two of them talk and she wasn't liking it. Her soon to be boyfriend flirting with another woman in her face was unacceptable in her eyes.

"Umm, babe, maybe you should go out to the car and wait while I finish work." she suggested with some stern in her voice. Anthony raise his brow at her and she gave him that 'I'm not playing look.'

"Right, well, imma go and let you handle your business. Lia, it's not cool to be a stalker." he remarked pointing at Lia and she flipped him off as he walked out. She shook her head, laughing to herself.

She didn't know why, but he made her laugh with ease. She was actually surprised she was talking to a man without being nervous or choking up like she usually would. His tone was nice and don't scare her not one bit. It was weird to her just a little bit.

Bonnie cleared her throat again grabbing Lia attention. "Papers...you need to sign them." she said with aggression, Lia look the pretty, young woman up and down before giving her a smile.

"Of course lemme do that." she said taking the pen and the papers. She sat them down on the counter, reading over everything before putting the pen to paper. She wanted to make sure she knew what she was getting into. Even though she was renting a kitchen, you never know what shenanigans a realtor might pull.

"So, your married right?" Bonnie questioned as she waited for Lia to be finished. She look back at the entrance seeing Anthony truck sitting out front. "It's Mrs right?"

"Yup, Mrs. Simmons. Happily married." Lia answered her question already knowing what this was all about. She could already tell Bonnie was about to question her and Anthony relationship with one another. And it wasn't like Lia knew him like that, so there wasn't much to talk about, but it was whatever.

Lia hope and prayed she never acted like that towards other women. She was married, and yeah things could still happen during a marriage, but she knew for sure her and Onest were locked in. He had no choice since she would beat him black and blue if otherwise.

"Right, well that's nice. You know the guy that came in here, his name is Anthony, me and him are dating." Bonnie replied, Lia nodded her head not caring or paying attention. She signed the last paper then grabbed all of them.

"Mhm, that's nice. Don't necessarily care, but thanks for the info. You have a nice day hon." Lia ended the conversation after giving her the papers. She made sure she had everything then headed out the building.

Anthony sat in his truck on his phone when he look up, seeing Lia going to her car. He watched her in a non-creepy way still trying to figure how he knew this pretty, dark skin woman. They had never met EVER in life, but seeing her face reminded him of someone. Someone that he knew, someone he seen around so many times. Yet, this one time he couldn't put his finger on it.

Who was she?

He was taken out his thoughts when the passenger door opened to his truck. He glance over at Bonnie before looking back at Lia. Bonnie noticing, making her scoff while slamming her bag down on the floor.

"So, your just staring at her? Is she one of your little hoes?" Bonnie questioned and Anthony ignored her, in his thoughts again.

"ANTHONY!" she shouted, mushing his head and he smack his lips.

"Yes, Bonnie." he remarked, looking over at the woman. She had a mug on her face, her arms folded over her chest.

"Is she one of your little hoes? The way y'all talking it's like y'all been knew each other, so what's that about?" she questioned.

Anthony let out a sigh, "Bonnie, let's not do this please okay. You know how many times I told you that me and you are solid? There's no need for you to go crazy when I talk to another woman because that's the way of life. Your a realtor, you talk to men all the time. So, relax please." he told her, getting slight annoyed that he had to tell her this once again.

"I'll relax when you stop getting googly eyes over her. This is probably why you and your wife got a divorce." she remarked, Anthony rolling his eyes.

"My ex and I got a divorce cause she cheated and loved plastic surgery." he muttered the last part to himself taking out his phone that buzzed in his pocket. He seen a message from his mom and quickly clicked on it, sending him to their messages.

He smile a little seeing the picture his mom had sent him. It was an old pic of him during Christmas. He was surrounded by all these gifts his mom gotten him. It was a memorable day for him. He swiped looking at the other pictures that were sent to him. He ended up stopping on one that caught his attention. It was of him and his mom at his middle school Christmas play.

He smile soon faded as he continued staring at the picture, looking directly at his mother. He look up to see if Lia was still there, but seen she was gone.

"Now, what's the issue?" Bonnie questioned watching as he stare at his phone in disbelief.

"Her name is Lia right?" He asked, still staring at the picture. He look over at his girlfriend who didn't answer. "Is her name Lia?"

Bonnie roll her eyes reaching inside her purse and taking out the papers. She looked through them until she seen her signature.

"Her name is Anna-Anne..."

"Anneliese?" Anthony finished her sentence and she nodded her head. She started talking and he tuned her out staring at the picture. Now, he knew why she looked so familiar to him.

She look just like his mom.

"Y'all some real bitches. Some real life bitches arresting me cause I broke into my own house! Crazy ass mothafuckers!" a guy shouted as a police officer escorted him to the cells.

Onest blew out a breath, putting his hood on his head. Slouching down in the uncomfortable seat, he rub the bridge of his nose as he continued hearing shouting and yelling from people. This was what it looked like at one in the morning in a police station filled with people who were arrested for very stupid reasons. Like breaking into their own home that was actually their baby moms.

Or a DUI.

A damn DUI that could've been greatly avoided by not drinking at all. Or sitting down and waiting until you were sober and then drive home. Several ways to avoid all of this, but no he didn't avoid it and now Onest was sitting here for some bull. As he continued sitting there, two police officers stared at him as they walked by. He roll his eyes at them already knowing the reason for the staring. He just wanted to go home and sleep his life away.

Hearing his voice, Onest blew out a breath of annoyance. His attention landed on the women officer that escorted the grown man down the hall. He was extremely loud for no reason and Onest could tell that he was drunk, or at least was drunk.

"Now, your a pretty woman, I can admit. But, the face isn't up to pare you know. The pimples and the bags under your eyes, it's not what the kids say..." he started snapping his fingers trying to figure it out. "...oh, it's not giving."

Onest roll his eyes getting up from his seat. He walked over to the counter, Daquan looking over at his son.

"Ahh, shit, I didn't know you was here. This is my son honey." Daquan told the woman, putting his arm around Onest shoulder. Onest quickly moved his arm not wanting to be touched by him.

"I fucked his mom who ass is big as fu-"

"Aight, let's fucking go!" Onest cut him off, grabbing his dad arm and pulling him.

"Hopefully, I won't see you again, but if I do imma break your back!" Daquan shouted, Onest pushing him out the door.

"Fucking stupid." he muttered under his breath walking to his car. Walking to the driver side, he got in slamming his car door shut out of frustration.

"Nice to see you too son. Thanks for the amazing greeting." Daquan remarked once he got in the car.

"Stop talking to me." Onest told him, starting the car then pulling off once in drive.

"Rude very much, I know that's not how I raised you." Daquan said and Onest scrunched up his face.

"You didn't raise me that's the thing." he corrected his father.

"Oh, yeah, your right." Daquan started laughing at his own joke, Onest clenching his jaw.

"Oh, lighten up kid. It's not that serious, just a little joke." Daquan lightly punched his arm, Onest mean mugged his dad before looking back at the road.

"I don't even know why I came and got you. Don't you have a family? A girlfriend or something?" Onest questioned.

"I do have a girlfriend, but right now we're not on good terms. She's kinda mad at me right now over something stupid. Question, would you get mad if your partner brought another person home and had sex with them in your bed? I mean, your there and you knew, so why would you be mad? Right?" Daquan asked with all seriousness.

Onest shook his head, "I'm not even finna entertain you. I'm really not about to." he answered.

"Hmm, it was just a simple question. Aren't you dating some girl? It's that dark skin chick that yelled at me that last time right? I'm not going to say she's not attractive, but she's something." he said, shrugging his shoulders.

"I promise you Daquan, watch what you say cause I will purposely turn your airbag off." Onest told him with seriousness in his voice. He didn't have time for his dad and his stupidity right now.

"You won't kill me over a girl." Daquan chuckled, Onest glance over at him.

"I don't know why your laughing cause I will really do it. And she's not just a girl, she's my wife. I don't understand why y'all think I won't check y'all behind my wife. All of y'all got shit twisted."

"Relax, nigga and you made the girl your wife though. That was a mistake Onest, a big mistake."

"Daquan, stop fucking talking to me."


"Shut the hell up."

Daquan nodded his head listening to his son. The car went silent between the two of them for the rest of the car ride. Finally pulling up to his house, Onest parked the car then got out.

"Wow, this is where you live? You must be balling with your little career." Daquan said, looking at the big house. Before walking in, Onest look back at him.

"Listen, this is my wife and son house and your a guest in their house. I swear on everything if you make either one of them uncomfortable or do some stupid shit, I will put your ass out and I mean that." he told him.

Daquan nodded his head, "I put it on my grandfathers grave that I'll behave." he said, smiling afterwards.

"I swear I hate you."

1)thoughts on this chapter?

2)Ooh, so Anthony realized why he remembered Lia...hmm giving very much suspect vibes

3)Daquan the deadbeat is back guys, y'all think he's coming back to be in Onest life or just for money?

4) it's finna get wild y'all, so prepare yourselves

5) Onest or Lia?

^y'all when choosing, it's not something good just to let y'all know

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