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" ๐™„ ๐™ก๐™š๐™›๐™ฉ ๐™š๐™ซ๐™š๐™ง๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™š ๐™„ ๐™ก๐™ค๐™ซ๐™š ๐™ค๐™ฃ ๐™ง๐™š๐™–๐™™ (๐™๐™-๐™๐™ช๐™) "


Seokjin's POV:-

"Hyung, can you pass the bow?" I screamed or hollered across the hall while seeing or admiring myself in the mirror, I should be a piece of art kept at the museums.

I heard the fast heavy footsteps of Yoongi because there was no one else rather than us and a possible spectator which had been up my ass since yesterday, I have some serious shit to do with that person.

The Bow tie did not land on my hands as it should rather it landed on my head with a free-hand hit on my neck, I hissed rubbing my hands over my neck which had a sizzling sensation of a hard hit.

"Why would you even hit me?" Taking the bow tie from above my head I jutted my lips in a pout which has zero effect on the eyes of Yoongi who is boring his smoldering gaze "You know if you see me like that I might actually burn? Are you trying to go for Arson?"

"Oh please that was my intention from the very first" Yoongi mumbled before plopping himself down the bed with the gaze unwavering on me "You came with a broken shoulder, said you were going to tell me who was the man who got you riled up, but instead you chose to sleep your beautiful ass on this bed"

I closed my ears keeping my hands on both sides of my head "Please I am just a little twenty-six years old" That made no sense at all and had no effect on Yoongi, he still bore his inflamed gaze at me.

I sighed turning around or rather giving a modest twirl and looking at him winking my eyes and pointing one finger at him "What got you so angry early in the morning?" Yoongi stared up at me and he gave a dark smirk "Your face and your pretentious ass"

His legs were fast than mine, Yoongi hit my legs so hard which made me wince and hold my legs in pain "You are abusive" Yoongi just shrugged and my thoughts spiraled to nothing but the pain "Only to those who I care about" care about my shit ass, who kicks someone whom you care about?

"Tell me who was the guy" How would he react if I blurt out that it was actually his brother-in-law, sorry my bad ex-brother-in-law "You really want the truth?" Yoongi was adamant and I could see it from his nod, I groaned with a painful whine sitting on the floor not caring if it creases my suit or actually Yoongi's suit.

"It was Jungkook, the Jungkook that I met and had a kind of couple fling together and the Jungkook I fucked on the first day I arrived here and went to the club" Yoongi's face was stoic while listening but not after a little while when the information actually put an anchor and sink down on the sea of โ€‹โ€‹his brain.

"You were fucking my brother-in-law? When you said you lost your virginity?" I winced at the truth which was pilling out of his mouth, it was bitter but good to hear at the simultaneous and he made a grave mistake to understand something.

"It is ex-brother-in-law for you now I guess" I casually said shrugging my shoulders and getting a casual hit and pinch on my shoulder, the one I hurt last night after I literally jumped from a very high hiding place, I should have calculated how much it would have hurt me the next day than it hurt me the day before.

I winced and cracked my neck at the hit holding my shoulder "Stop it is hurting"ย 

"Tell me why you got hurt here?" he said pointing at the shoulder, I shrugged it yet again, and I know he has the growing urge to hit my head and break my skull in two pieces and bleed me to death, I pulled myself fast from the ground and ran towards the door straightening the little creases which had fallen.

I looked back at Yoongi who came with a dark gloomy solemn expression and a vase in his hand which I don't know where he got from, when did Jimin's room have a vase in it? I pulled my hands up and stick my back against the door staring at him with a scared expression "Stop it I will come back and tell you everything and if it doesn't happen you have the free pass to hit me and bleed me to death"

Yoongi nodded keeping the vase down and I relaxed sighing a breath of relief "I won't take you to the hospital" I nodded with a smile even though I know he would be the first one to panic if something happens to me "When will Jimin come?"

"By afternoon," he said in short and once again he huffed out a breath seeing me "You know I can defend myself?" I said and he looked away in annoyance which gave me the perfect way to think that what I was thinking was true but there was one problem "Afternoon? I won't be there at that time!"ย 

Yoongi raised an eyebrow and stared at me with a little perplexed or annoying expression I cannot discriminate "Why so?" I adjusted my bow humming at his question "The interview and the announcement of me becoming the Vice president" I said not directly looking at his eyes and face but I had a predomination in my mind that he was thinking that "Why would you be going now then?"ย 

Score! I may have telepathy sense with Yoongi right now, I looked up fixed my watch, and smiled "Have to arrange stuff and my office and oh also to have a small talk with Namjoon" Yoongi understood what I meant and I went out taking his car keys "Why my keys?" Yoongi asked for which I just dangled it in front of him and groaned "I will send a car to Jimin to pick him up"

"No don't send it to her place, she might think something else, send it to me" I nodded at his notion and wore my black jet ivory boots "So I will send your car back" Yoongi nodded in my accord and I huffed a breath to remove the strand of hair which was falling on my forehead "See you then!"ย 

"No scratches!" I heard a scream as I made my way downstairs and laughed getting down the stairs, the elevator here is hopeless.

I swung the keys in my index finger and looked at the Hyundai Tucson standing at its ultimate pride, it was a great shiny moon grey, I whistled at the beauty in front of me and hopped inside opening the door.

I reached the office at a speed of minimal but very fast within just thirty minutes being alone inside the car and looking outside of the window you can observe more scenery than someone inside the car with you, I did not expect Korea to change so much in Just 9 years, I swayed my head at a thought that this country is developing at a pacing speed.

I gave the car keys to the valet who was standing beside me as soon as I stepped out of my and smiled at him, but I did not see his reaction and thrust my legs into a fast walk to the reception.

I leaned unto the desk a little and I saw a lady typing away something on her computer with a set of headphones up her ears, I cleared my throat and she looked up at me first totally looking not interested at all to attend to my pleasures but When she actually took me in, her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed blush.

I smirked at what effect I had on her that she forgets she got any professional responsibilities, I have to remove her from her position, sorry, I repeated in my mind for her possible future, realizing she has been staring at me for too long she cleared her throat and looked at the computer "Sorry sir for staring like that" honest, I like it, she is not being removed now, I smiled and nodded "Appointment of the vice-preside Kim Seokjin?"ย 

I questioned and it clicked her mind finally "Oh sir! Very warm welcome sir, I will show you the office right away sir" I clicked my tongue and swayed my head in the negation of her help "Just tell me where it is, I have a lot to deal with" Seeing Namjoon today is a lot for me to deal, both emotionally and physically.

She looked hesitant "Care to tell me your name?"ย 

"It is Mi-sung sir Han Mi-sung" I nodded and leaned a bit more "Mis-Sung just give me the way" My face and my voice lowered a bit of an octave which might have evidently intimated and intimidated her "Yes sir" she stuttered a little at her statement and I chuckled when I got the map to my office transferred to my phone, I wonder who even gave them my phone Namjoon for sure.

I walked my way through the dark white walls, it was lighted but still a little dark for my soul, I looked around to find that my floor was given in the place where the makeup rooms for the idols or maybe the models are set up, I looked around to find Jungkook hyung.

Jungkook Hyung? He was walking so fast with a cup of coffee in his hands, he passed through me but didn't notice me and he tripped, he was going to fall and I held onto his waist or rather wrapped my hands around his waist " Watch your steps pretty" I whispered leaning to his ears.

Jungkook got away from my hold rather faster than expected and turned around with wide eyes looking like a deer caught in front of a high-speed car, his doe eyes were cute, I chuckled warming my hands inside the pockets of my pants and looked at him "You work here?" he asked, his voice sounding warned.

I shook my head "I will be assigned the new Vice-president" He looked up with wide eyes and a wash of shock going over him "Seriously? Here? How? Its the KJ industries, shit now I get it!" he spoke in himself making me chuckle and hide my face with the back of my hand "Kim Seokjin, KJ, god! All the Kims are a menace!" I didn't know what he meant by that but I guess he was just stressed.

I put my hands inside my pockets looking at him with a smirk and my eyebrows raised in a notorious notion "KJ, it means, wait where did you land the day before yesterday?" land the day before yesterday? I guess I was in South Korea "Incheon International Airport" I said with a shrug and sway to my head.

Jungkook Hyung clicked his tongue and waved his hands in dismissal "No I meant where did you go after the airport!" Oh I went for refreshments or rather a bar to save my own head being taken apart from my body by Namjoon when I cut his call in annoyance "I went to the Ikigai Nightclub"

"Hell no" I heard him whisper, was the whisper supposedly heard by someone? But he spoke it in a louder form so I guess that whisper was to be heard by me "I was seriously fucked by you?" My eyes widened at the question or the statement I cannot decipher, I fucked him that night, and as my intuition said to me, it never goes wrong.

"You were present there? Then I guess yes" Jungkook hyung groaned and stumped his foot on the ground with an angry whine, which was kind of cute "I seriously cannot believe it!" me too, my thoughts are running wild right now.

"You want to go as a date of mine to my party?" Jungkook looked at me with a stressed face and I knew I fucked up but I knew too that I would get him to come with me "I am not going to the party, moreover knowing that I actually fucked my nine years ago ex-boyfriend" his voice seen with venom and dismissal to my question, and the word 'ex' was especially highlighted by his voice.

"See that is more of a reason we should go, we wouldn't have fucked each other if it wasn't for fate" Fate? Bullshit, I needed a good reason, I grimaced in my own head at the line I just spoke "What the fuck? I am still not coming and that is big of a reason I should not be with you" Saying these words Jungkook hyung just went past me but I was never one to give up on what I liked.

I screamed, "So see you as my date!" and he stumbled and tripped on his legs making me giggle at his reaction.

I got a phone call from Yoongi, I picked it up before heading to the office room "What happened Hyung?" I heard his voice panting and I was alert, if Yoongi was in trouble I will kill whoever did that to him "The restaurant has been broken into by someone, and the glass is broken"

Trespassed? Seriously? How? "I will take care of it don't worry you focus" I cannot let him take the pain "I will come as soon as the interview is over, I dont care if I go to my own party" The restaurant is the one thing I ever dreamt about, I cannot let it drown, I guess I just heard Yoongi nod from the other line "Please take care till then"ย 

He just said a low 'yes' and cut the line, I sighed, was it a bad idea to give the ad of a restaurant on a teen website in the middle of the night?

I headed my legs to my office and turning I saw it was just two feet away, I looked back at the map inside my pocket which had a cross mark on this particular place, I hit the phone shut and licked my lips, and opened the door.

The door was surely Mahagony and the insides were big enough, I did not know my mother was hard working both in bed as well as in her company, "So you finally decided to arrive?" I gasped overdramatically and faked it and looked to my right and saw my brother well brother from a different father but the same mother sitting cross-legged on the leather couch which was placed on the extreme right.

I was so mesmerized seeing the beauty of the office I forgot to see the beauty sitting right on the couch beside me, I laughed at how good my sarcasm has grown "I am so glad to see you Namjoon!" it meant I will just choke you right here my sweet brother.

Namjoon just scoffed and got up from the couch "You forgot your respects did you?" what respects he talks about? I laugh and not mentally but at him, I laugh hard and he looks at me like I have gone maniac, he was ten years older than me doesn't mean he should get respect, he should have earned it in the time that he was with me.

"Oh please, what respect do you even think of me to give to you?" I step forward and see that my height is well within his range, he is just an inch taller than I am.

"Keep your mouth shut"

"Or you will just wipe me out like dirt on your shirt?" I complete his sentence and yawn bored by his antics and the same words that he utters every time he called me.

"Your threatens weigh none to me brother" I guess I said the right thing as He seemed a lot raged and catches me by the collar, a very bold move, a very wrong move "Keep your attitude low" he hissed

"Or what? What will you do to me?" I scoff and sway my face away from his, but he still did not leave me, I look back at him, and my gaze darkened.

"Please I can just demolish the lowly fucking entertainment business you have opened with your daddy's money, I can watch seeing that fucking building of yours fall to ashes while I sit here in this seat, you are nothing in front of me Namjoon, you didn't have the support of our mother and you will never have it, keep it in your mind" My voice was low and his eyes widened, he left my collar with a hitch and I smoothened Yoongi's suit and smiled as soon as we both heard the doors of my office open.

Namjoon if you want me to play the game of escape with you, well to tell you I am good at survival than you are.


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A/N:- Seokjin is going to be a little uh-hum okay.

Bแบกn ฤ‘ang ฤ‘แปc truyแป‡n trรชn: Truyen2U.Pro