Chapter XXXV. Tears In Heaven

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Trenton, New Jersey

Amir (Shooter)
"Tears In Heaven"

I played with the strings on my hoodie as I sat in front of her headstone. I look up, putting my attention on it and reread it.

Here lies a soul taken too early
Rest In Peace
Kennedy Davis

I look back down, blinking back tears. I was a real nigga, so real niggas don't cry. But, damn sitting in front of her headstone made me want to badly. Kennedy was my baby sister and as you can see, she didn't live too long. She was only a couple days old when she ended up passing away.

My backstory was fucked up like any other black man. My mom was and still is a prostitute. She suck dick for tips basically and with every prostitute there's a pimp controlling her. My moms pimp was an asshole and I assume he's my dad.

He's probably not, but I'm not sure since my mom fucked many different men. Anyone could be my dad at this fucking point and I could have other siblings. But, the only one that I'm really worried about is my baby sister Kennedy.

In all honestly, I'm not even sure how the hospital let my mom walk out with her, but they did. Kennedy was a pretty baby that did what any other babies do. She poop, cry, whine, laugh, eat, all that bull. My mom couldn't handle it, unfortunately.

She would let my sister cry her eyes out. Barely feed her when she needed to be fed. Didn't give her attention, she just decided not to take care of her. She was a newborn, she needed to be tended to every minute of the day. I was only 12, so I could barley do anything to help.

My grandma tired to help, but my mom was being an ass towards her. She refuse for my grandma to come see us. Made her pimp and his friends threaten her. If she would've came to the house then they would've harmed her.

My grandma was a sensitive woman and she never pressed an issue. So, she left it at that. Until one day, my mom had enough. More so, her pimp had enough of all of the baby stuff. I remember that day like it was yesterday.

My sister was crying her eyes out. She was doing one of those cries where it sound like she was hurt. Screaming, hollering, yelling. It was just nonstop. My mom pimp had enough and ended up taking matters into his own hands.

And when I say that, I mean he smuggled her with his bare hands until she couldn't breathe no more. And this was why I started doing what I do for a living. This was why I was on a manhunt for the dude that killed my sister.

My mom and him  both disappeared after that. Left my sister alone until I came home from school and seen her breathless on the bed. That day was emotional, she was only a baby that did nothing wrong. And they killed her.

The police, like always, was no help at all. I'm sure they only went searching for them for a couple days before stopping. So, I took matters into my own hands. Killed niggas left to right until I got to my target. I still was trying to find him, but I just couldn't. It pissed me off honestly cause I really wanna kill that man.

Shit, I might kill my mom while I'm at it too. Regardless, I know who I want and imma get him.

"You think she would like lilies?" I look back seeing Onest big headed ass. He walked over then sat down next to me and place the bouquet of flowers in front of her headstone.

"She probably would." I answered, dapping him up afterwards.

"I didn't expect you to come." I said and he shrugged his shoulders.

"Even though, we weren't related, I still fuck with the baby." He said and I smack my lips.

"Shut up man."

He chuckled, "Nah, foreal though, I knew today was her birthday, so I knew to look for you here." He said and I nodded my head.

"Yeah, I just had to come and see her." I muttered, playing with my strings again.

"How old would she be today?"


Yeah, my sister would've been sixteen today. Sadly, she wasn't here for us to celebrate. I would've given her the best sweet sixteen party ever. I mean a big ass party, a limo entrance for her and everything. It would be the most memorable day for her, but she wasn't even here for it.

Damn, I'm finna kill that nigga.

"You still on the mission to get him?" Onest asked, breaking the silence.

"Yup, I'm not stopping 'till I put that man six feet under for the shit he did." I answered.

"You been doing this for years bro. I'm not telling you to stop, but come on man."

"That nigga killed my sister for what reason I don't fucking know. I'm not gonna stop until he's fucking dead, O." I told him, shrugging my shoulders.

"Yeah, I understand that. I just know if something end up happening, Kay, Amaya and your grandma not gonna take it lightly. You already know how in love Kay and Amaya are with you man. I deadass don't want nothing to happen to you either." He told me, I nodded my head understanding.

I know what I do might put me in one of two places. Jail or the graveyard. And at the moment I can't live.

"They pregnant." I blurted out then looking over at Onest.

"Mya and Kay, both are pregnant." I repeated.

"Foreal?" He asked and I nodded my head.

"Yup, they found out a week ago. I have two girlfriends and both of them are pregnant."

"I-damn nigga. Congrats though, you finna be a dad." He nudged my shoulder and I shook my head.

"I wanna stop cause I'm about to start a family, but I just can't let that nigga slide." I told him honestly.

I was about to be a dad and I wanted to be there for my kids. But, my mom and her stupid ads man, took a family member away from me at such a young age. I can't forget that at all.

"And that's understandable, don't stop until you get him. But, be mindful that Kay and Mya about to bring two lives into this world and they need their dad to be there for them. Worse thing to do is to leave ya kids behind before they see you."

"Yeah, I know."



"Babe, don't post that shit." I said, covering my mouth.

"I'm finna post it." He said and I mug him.

"Onest, I swear to you not if you post that imma beat you up." I told him and he started laughing. Ion know why he think I was playing.

"Baby, it's just a picture." He told me, I flip him off.

"It's not just a picture. I was stuffing my face like a damn pig and you playing games." I told him and he started laughing again.

Shit wasn't even funny cause I look ugly as hell. Stuffing my face with this good ass steak and lobster. And he wanted to play around.

"You still pretty when your mouth full." He told me and I roll my eyes.

"I need my mouth full with something else honestly." I mumbled to myself.

"I heard that shit too just to let you know." He told me and I tuck in my lips.

"You didn't have to mention it though. Embarrassing me and shit."

He chuckled, "Sorry, but I had to. Anyway, the Fourth of July is in two days and I wanna know if you wanna go to my family cookout? I been talking to my mom about you, so she wants to meet you."

"You been talking to your mom about me?" I asked, blushing. It was cute hearing he was talking about me to his mom.

"Yes, baby I been talking to my mom about you and she wants to meet you. Only if your comfortable, I'm not forcing."

"Of course, I don't mind baby. I wanna meet the woman you came outta of." I joked and he smack his lips.

"You didn't even have to say it like that honestly."

"Oh well."


this was a little iffy to me but it's whatever. Anyway did y'all like Shooter POV?

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