LIV. Fame To The Head

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Trenton, New Jersey
*excuse errors if any*

Onest Simmons
"Fame To The Head"

"Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas and Merry Christmas!" I exclaimed as I walked in my mom house.

I walked in the kitchen seeing my mom and Cosmo. I put the gifts I had in my hands on the counter then smiled at them.

My mom raised her brow, "You do know it's early in the morning?" She asked and I nodded my head.

"And Christmas is in a few days away?" Cosmo added and I nodded my head at him too.

"I'm aware, but I figured why not come and give my family their gifts early." I answered, still smiling.

I felt good as fuck today, so I was smiling hard as hell. Everything was just going amazing for me for the past few weeks. I was blowing up like crazy, making a name for myself everywhere. I was getting more streams every hour of the day and was doing more love events.

Everything was just going good for me really. And I wasn't going to let anything stop my grind.

"That's lovely hon, but I have a question. Where have you been for the last two weeks?" My mom asked, giving me a serious look.

"I ended up going to Miami with Freeway, Cory and some other dudes." I told her, leaning on the counter.

I watched as my mom look back at Cosmo and he put his hands up, walking out the kitchen.

"Okay, so you went to Miami for two weeks?" She asked and I nodded my head.

"In December while it's snowing?"

"Yeah, but it wasn't snowing down there. It was still like summer and all that. Plus, there was this music festival or something down there. Freeway asked if I wanted to go and I said yeah." I told her and she gave me a confused look.

"While we're talking about that, I have to give you something." I reached in my taking out money.

I counted out a few hundreds then slide them her way. She look down at it then look at me with a mug on her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Onest, I don't want you to do this." She told me and I raise my brow.

"Do what? Give you money?" I asked and she sigh.

"This! All of this that your doing! Whatever the hell it is, I don't want you doing it at all." She told and I smack my lips.

"I'm not even doing anything. I'm giving my mom money like I should and giving my family gifts." I said placing my hand on the gifts next to me.

"Onest, you left to go to Miami for two weeks. If your not getting what I'm trying to get at then something is really wrong with you." She said and I sigh already knowing.

"I-okay. There's nothing wrong with me and I was going over there today. I also told her too, I'm not sure if she remembered, but I told her." I told her and she shook her head.

"Okay, Onest really. I have to get to work, so just leave those gifts there. And please keep your money to yourself." She said giving me the money.

"Don't be like that." I told her leaving the money on the counter. I was just trying to be generous and make sure I didn't leave my family behind.

"I'm not being like anything, O. Leave my house and go see the mother of your child." She told me walking off.

I smack my lips, "I was going to."

"Wassup." I greeted Lia once she opened the door. She roll her eyes at me and I tuck in my lips, walking in.

"Alrighty then." I mumbled shutting the door behind me.

"So, how you been?" I asked following her into the kitchen.

She ignored my question going back to whatever she was doing. Which looked like she was baking cupcakes and I believe cookies. The hell she baking so early for?

"Today is the day I'm going to quit!" I heard a girl shout causing me to look over.

I seen a girl walking out one of the rooms. I squinted my eyes at her then glance over at Lia.

Is she...?

"And become a stripper?" Lia asked as if I wasn't standing here.

"Yes ma'am. Finna shake my ass for some cash." The girl answered and I look back at her.

"Hell you looking at boy." She buck at me and I smack my lips.

"I'm leaving Lia, I'll text you when I make it." She said then walking out.

"Sooo..." I dragged, walking to Lia. "I see you made a new friend."

"Yup." She answered nonchalant.

"How long y'all been friends, if you don't mind me asking."

She sigh looking up at me, "Actually, I do mind because that's not your business. You don't see me questioning how long you knew ole girl your with. I mind my business cause I really don't care what you do." She remarked and I suck my teeth.

"There's no need for the smart replies, they're unnecessary." I told her and she chuckled.

"Lemme guess ole girl not holding it down no more, so you wanna make sure I'm still available for you. Whatchu want me to do for you? Rub your back? Cook for you? Suck your dick? I guess I could do that even though you dipped for two whole weeks. Whatever you need, I'll do it for you baby." She roll her eyes at me and I couldn't even process my thoughts at the moment.


"Don't even apologize, O, cause it's not going to do anything. It's not even the leaving part that I'm upset about. It's more so, I don't ask for shit from you. I don't ask for money or none of that, but having you come over for five minutes to just chill is enough. That texting me if I'm alright does nothing cause I could easily lie and say I'm fine and you would never know because you don't come over. I know this is new to you and it's new to me as well.

"But, you got it easy because your not carrying a life inside you for nine months. So, you can go out with friends, drink, party until the wee of the night. I'm sitting in an apartment for the majority of my day having pain every now and then and fucking mood swings. I'm not complaining since I asked for this, but come on."

"Lia, you know you can call me." I told her and she sigh.

"I don't call because sometimes I'm not sure if your going to be an asshole today or not. I know that's my fault really, but at times you don't either. I know I asked in the beginning, but I'm going to ask again. And I want a yes or no answer, Onest, nothing other than that. Whatever your answer is will help me figure everything out. Do you want to be in your child life?" She asked in a serious tone.

"Yes, I want to be in my child life." I told her.

"Are you sure? Because if you don't then I have no problem being a single mother. It'll be hard, but I'll figure it out one way or another. I refuse for my child to be treated like shit by his own dad."

"Lia...I want to be in my child life." I told her, getting very serious.

The last thing I would want is for her to raise our child by herself. Last thing I want to do is act like my dad.

"Then please act like you do. We both played a part in this. I know it's new to you and your trying your best, but I really don't want to raise my child in a broken home. Together or not, we have a responsibility to take care of. I really don't want to do this by myself, O." She said and I nodded my head.

"And you won't. I'm going to be here for the both of y'all, I promise." I told her seriously.

She nodded her head, "I really hope so." she said then let out a small sigh.

"Want a hug?" She asked, putting her arms out. I chuckled pulling her close to me and wrapping my arms around her.

Shit I missed our hugs like crazy with our height difference. Just having her in my arms felt amazing. It made me feel good, calm, relax and loved like I felt when we were together. That feeling never left and never was going to.

And I didn't want it to either.

"Onest, I don't care that you moved on even though it hurts a little. I just don't want that to change our relationship and what we got going on." She said, looking up at me.

I look at her seeing the sadness in her eyes a little. I really hurt my baby feelings.

"It won't, your always number one." I told her, she smile at little then rested her head back on my chest.

I miss her so damn much.



"This must be a prank or something? The one and only Shooter FaceTiming me." I exaggerated, chuckling afterwards.

"I know I never did this, but texting you is too much." He said and I nodded my head.

"So, what does thee Mr. Shooter need from little ole me?" I asked and he shook his head.

"I called because I wanted to see if you would like to hang out with me tomorrow?" He asked and I raise my brow.

"You sure you called the right person?" I asked.

"Yes, aren't you Anneliese?"

"The one and only."

"Then I called the right person." He said and I roll my eyes.

"Okay, but what about Amaya and Kalyan? I don't want them to think-"

"They're not, I promise. I already mentioned it to them before and they're both fine with it. I know a lot been going on and you really don't have anyone to talk to or you might now. I just want you to have someone to talk to. So, are you cool with that?" He asked and I nodded my head.

"Yeah, I need to get out the house."

"Cool, just give me your address and I'll pick you up."

"Alright, I'm still surprised you want to hang out with me. I must've moved up on the friendship status."

"Most definitely."


hola! umm, thoughts?

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