XVI. Hold Me

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Trenton, New Jersey

Anneliese Hudson
"Hold Me"

I stare at the posters that were on the wall. The door opened and the same woman from the other day, Jackie, walked in with another lady doctor. She gave me a small smile and I returned one as she walked over to me.

"Okay, Anneliese right?" The doctor asked and I nodded my head.

"Yes, Anneliese Hudson." I told her and she nodded her head.

"Alright, I know you might feel distressed, but it's going to be fine. Nurse Jackie will be here with you throughout the whole process. The procedure will be done in no time, okay?" She asked me, I nodded my head.

"It'll be fine hon." Jackie told me, I look over at her and she gave me a smile.

"Alright, before we get started..." the doctor paused looking at me. "Are you having any second thoughts?" she asked me.

I started playing with my fingers then look over at Jackie.

"It's okay love."

I nodded my head looking back at the doctor. "No." I answered.

"Okay, then we'll get started. Just lean back at for me and prop your legs up." She told me and I did as told. I leaned back then propped my legs up on the pedestals.

Jackie stood next to me, she push my curls away from my face. She reached for my hand, holding it tight and started rubbing it with her thumb.

"Your going to be fine." She told me. I look up at the ceiling just as I heard the machine come on.

"This will hurt a bit." The doctor told me and I nodded my head.

I shut my eyes tightly as she entered the machine inside me. It was painful and I started crying feeling the intense sting. I gripped Jackie hand tighter as it started to hurt more.

"It's okay hon."


I swallow the huge lump in my throat as I sat there in silence. I stare out the window, biting my nails. I ripped off some of my hanging skin on my finger which caused me to bleed a little.

"So, like whatchu have to do that made you come all the way downtown?" Onest asked bringing me back to reality.

I look over at him then look away quickly. I needed someone to come pick me up after the procedure and Onest was the only person I could call. I figured he wouldn't make a big deal out of it and I was fine with that. Of course I didn't tell him why I came down here cause I didn't want to judged.

I just wanted to forget about all of this.

"No reason." I told him and he smack his lips.

"Come on don't shut down on me. Whatchu was doing? You okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine." I answered nonchalant.

"You sure?"

"I SAID I WAS FINE ONEST JESUS!" I ended up yelling out of anger. I was already angry about the whole situation, but sadly I was taking me anger out on the wrong person.

The person I really should be yelling at was my dad. But, I already knew I couldn't bring myself to do that.

"I'm sorry." I apologize, instantly feeling bad for yelling. Like I said I was taking my anger out on the wrong person.

"It's cool." He answered and I shook my head.

"No, like Onest I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to." I apologize again turning my body towards him.

He look over at me, "I said it was cool. I gotten yelled at before. It's not the first and I'm sure it's not the last." He said back, but I still felt bad. He was only making sure I was fine and I yelled at him.

"I'm just really tired." I told him, softly leaning back in the seat.

"If you want me to take you home, I can. I don't mind."

I shook my head, "I don't want to go home."

"We can go to my place." He suggested, I look over at him.




"Jesus, this woman talking too damn much." I thought as I continued listening to my mom.

We were on the phone cause she wanted to rant to me about Jasmine and Sasha. She was going on and on, and I really was tired of her talking. But, sadly I couldn't tell her that cause she's my mom.

"Onest..." I look up seeing Anneliese.

"Ma, imma call you back." I said then quickly hanging out my phone. I wasn't even listening to her in the first place.

"You okay?" I asked getting up and walked over to her.

"Do you mind if I stay here tonight? I really don't wanna go home." She said and I nodded my head.

"Yeah, ion mind. Come on." I grab her hand and we walked back to my room.

I opened one of my drawers and took out a t-shirt. I gave it to her and she thanked me softly.


"Right, my bad." I apologized, turning around. I put my hands in my pockets as I waited.

"Your good." She told me and I turned around to face her.

I look down at her short self. For some reason her wearing my shirt made her even more prettier. It was just something about her that I couldn't put my finger on.

She was just...different.

"Umm, shit my fault." I finally said, scratching the back of my head.

"Okay, so I have Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, basically everything. You can watch whatever, the bathroom is down the hall. You can help yourself to anything in the kitchen if there's anything in there. And that's really all, I just want you to be comfortable." I told her and she nodded her head.

"Where are you going to sleep?" she asked looking up at me.

"In the living room. I gotta stay up anyway to work on something, so that's where you'll find me. If you need me, don't be scared to come get me." I told her.

"I'm sorry again for yelling at you. I didn't mean to." She apologized again, lowering her head.

"It's cool little one. I was being pushy anyways, so I'm sorry about that. We cool?" I asked lifting her chin up.

Instead of answering my question, she stood on her tippy toes and wrapped her arms around my neck. It caught me off guard, but I just wrap my arms around her, hugging her back.

"Thank you for today. I appreciate you." She said, I could hear her voice cracking a little.

I rub her back, "Your welcome little one."


Sorry for such a late update

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