001 - again?

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THE ROOM WAS too silent for all the kids in there. cameron was sitting with her legs crossed, and her hands sitting in her lap, making this even look like a normal thing that happens to her every week. she had been tapping each finger to eachother individually, to clear her boredom and clear her anxiety of what her parents are gonna think.

suddenly, a man walked into the room, he had a cops outfit on, and had took cam into a private back room.

"yknow hughes, it shouldn't be this hard for you to stay out of trouble." the man said, before turning his head to a piece of paper that had been sitting on his desk.
"twelve times." he started, "do you know what that number means?"

cameron shook her head before staring back at her black converse.

he stood up quickly "THATS THE AMOUNT OF TIMES YOUVE BEEN IN MY DAMN OFFICE THROUGHOUT THE PAST THREE MONTHS." the officer shouted, before slamming his hand on the desk.

"i'm sor-" cameron began to mumble before she was interrupted.

"SORRY ISNT GONNA CUT IT CAM. GOD. WHY CANT YOU BE LIKE YOUR BROTHERS." that's where the room went fully silent. the sound of cams shoe hitting the ground from her leg shaking had stopped. the only thing a person could hear was the air conditioner, somehow still running in late november.

suddenly, the door slammed open. angry jack. this wasn't gonna be good, cameron could already tell.

"i'm so sorry officer patrick's, i already signed the paper at the front desk." jack began. "i'll be talking to cam on our way home."

"it's okay jack, rest up for the game tomorrow sir." patrick's said, before escorting the two of them out of his office and to the front door.

"god damnit cam." that's all jack could spit out his way to the car. cameron could tell he was disappointed.
"third time this month." he started up a conversation the girl wasn't ready to be apart of.

"yknow what? next time this happens, i'm getting mom to pick you up. cant believe she doesn't know that you've been here so many times." jack stated sternly before turning up the radio of the car.

"i'm so done with your shit. so you're either gonna fix up what you're doing wrong, or you get new friends. make the right decision." he added on to the conversation, leaving the girl in her thoughts.
jack made quite a few turns that really didn't make sense to cameron.

"where are we going?" cam asked as she watched the boy speed up the car.

"i have practice" he replied before opening the windows and turning up the radio even louder.

cameron rolled her eyes before looking out the window of the speeding car. the wind blew her hair all over the place, making it hard for the girl to stay "looking nice".


the siblings had arrived at the hockey rink, and left the car to go inside. jack went straight to the locker room, while cameron followed shortly behind him.

a boy ran up to cameron from the locker room.
"cameron! cameron!"

the girl looked down at the slightly shorter boy.

"NATE?" she shouted, picking up the boy and hugging him. the two had known eachother for just a few months, yet it seemed like they were siblings.

"nate get back here little dude!!" trevor laughed, running out of the locker room.
"oh, hey cameron!" he smiled

cameron waved before nate sprinted across the bleachers, leaving the girl to run after him.

"KEEP AN EYE ON HIM!" trevor shouted as the two ran away.

nathan was a short boy for his age, and compared to trevor, he looked to be 4'11. the child had struggled with eating enough since he was young, making it hard for the boy to grow bigger throughout the years of middle school.

and so, being 5'3 and going strong, nathan zegras was one of the nicest and most adorable boy cameron had been left to watch over. of course, luke came in a quick second, but that boy never acted his age for a second.



hey girlies (and boys), i'm excited to share this book with y'all. also when cameron called nathan adorable, it's not in a "omg i wanna date him" way, but like "you're so cute and tiny" type of way.

alright, have a great day, love u and miss u all

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