π‘ͺ𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑺𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏

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"I know what happened to Donovan Stiles. I know everything." Theo explains to Stiles
and Veronika and Stiles grabs Theo and pushes him up against one of the metal cages on the roof of the hospital. "Woah Sti.." Veronika starts to say. "You don't know anything." Stiles shouted and Theo grabs Stiles's shirt and turning them around so Stiles was against the metal cage. "Boys fucking stop!" Veronika yelled grabbing both of them pulling them apart. "I was at the library. Malia found the book and she was texting all of us asking if we knew where you were. She said she left you at the library and I told her I was close. When I got there I heard the scaffolding fall down." Theo explained and Veronika and Stiles look at each other. "Wait you saw him?" Stiles asked. "No just the body. I watched you come out and I was gonna say something but then I saw a cop car and the body was gone. I don't know who took him only what you saw and I didn't say anything because you didn't." Theo confessed. "Stiles I don't care what anyone says, It was self defense and Not one person can change my mind on that." Veronika insisted and then they all hear a siren. "That's not an ambulance is it?" Theo questions and Stiles and Veronika shake their heads and Stiles walks towards the body. "We should get out of here then." Theo stated and Stiles turns to him. "We can't just leave him here." Stiles replied. "So let's take him." Veronika announced and Stiles looks at her and opens him mouth to say something but Veronika cuts him off before he could. "Stiles listen. Someone is stealing the bodies anyways so here's our chance to find out who it is." Veronika explained and Stiles glances back at the body. "Stiles, We have to do something." Theo claimed and Stiles looks t him. "You killed him." Stiles pointed out. "In self defense. He was gonna kill you me and he was probably going to try and kill Luna too." Theo confessed with glossy eyes. "Stiles if we stay we're going to have to tell the truth or we're going to need a very convincing story to tell Noah." Veronika claimed. "It's your choice.. I'm not going to ask you to lie to your dad." Theo admitted and Stiles shakes his head and sighs. "Don't worry.. We've had plenty of practice." Stiles declared while glancing at Veronika. "Well let's go boys we don't have much time." Veronika stated while walking towards the body.

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"Did you know him?" Theo asked Scott while they all look at the body in the animal clinic. "His name was Josh." Scott admitted. "He was a junior." Veronika explained and sighs. "Which one did it? The one with the cane?" Scott questions and Theo and Veronika look at each other. "Yeah." Theo confessed and Veronika hums. "What are we going to do with him? We can't just set the alarm and leave." Stiles stated "That's how Tracy disappeared." Veronika explained and no one answers. "Okay someone has to stay with him." Scott announced and They all nod. "I'll do it. It's not like I had a big Saturday night planned." Theo says and They all look at him surprised. Veronika's phone then goes off and she looks and see's a text from Liam and she sighs. "What is it?" Scott asks. "Liam just texted me about another Chimera."

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"Hayden..? It's Scott. I know you're scared, but we just want to help." Scott assured after knocking on the bathroom door. He doesn't get an answer so Veronika moves up to the door. "Let me try. She might be more willing to talk to a girl." Veronika tells them and they all nod. "Hayden.. It's Veronika one of Liam's friend. I know everything might seem a little crazy right now but if you open the door I can help you. I've dealt with this for a very long time." Veronika explained after knocking on the door. A second later the door opens and Hayden appears with her eyes glowing a bright yellow and her teeth out. "I believe you." Hayden admitted and walks out of the bathroom. "Alright Hayden I need you to close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Try to focus and listen to my heartbeat." Veronika explains and Hayden does just that and she's back to normal with tears in her eyes. "Oh come here love." Veronika murmured softly and Hayden rushes towards her and hugs Veronika.

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"So we're back to telluric currents?" Stiles asked as He, Veronika and Scott stood around a table in the library with a map on it. "If the Dread Doctors didn't like coming into Eichen House because of them, then maybe we can use them to protect Hayden." Scott says and Veronika nods. "So besides Eichen, where's the strongest convergence?" Stiles asked and Scott points to the school on the map. "We're standing on it." Scott answered. "So you want to use the school to hide Hayden. For how long Scott?" Veronika stated and Scott looks at her. "If we have to.. All night." Scott replied and Veronika rolls her eyes and hums. "Liam convinced Hayden to not say anything to her sister yet. She's working a double tonight and she thinks Hayden's staying at a friend's house." Scott explained. "But it's just a school though, it's not exactly a fortress." Stiles stated. "Lydia's got an idea for that. Remember how Valack quoted Tesla?" Scott asked. "Frequency and Vibration." Stiles answered and Scott and Veronika nod. "She thinks he wasn't just saying that, she thinks it might be a clue." Veronika says. "To do what?" Stiles asks. "To disrupt their frequency." Veronika explained and Scott nods. "Parrish took three cell phone jammers from the station. He thinks they can broaden their range of frequency. It's a long shot but it's all we got right now." Scott confessed.

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"What's going on?" Theo asks Stiles and Veronika as they walk up to the animal clinic. "Whoever's stealing the bodies probably isn't going to do it while we're in here standing guard over it." Stiles stated. "You got a better idea?" Theo questioned and Stiles looks at Veronika and nods. Veronika gives Stiles a phone and He sets it up on a shelf pointing directly at the body and they all walk back outside and climb in Stiles's jeep. "So what happens now?" Theo announced. "We wait." Stiles answered. "You want to take shifts watching?" Theo questioned and Veronika rolls her eyes at the boys. "No I totally want to spend some quality time with you." Stiles replied sarcastically and Theo nods. "Sounds good to me." Theo declared and They sit in silence for a few minutes. "You still wondering why I haven's said anything to Scott?" Theo asks and Stiles shrugs. "Maybe." Stiles confessed not looking away from the camera. "You think I have some kind of ulterior motive?" Theo replied and Veronika looks at them both an again rolls her eyes. "More than likely." Stiles admitted. "Would you believe me if i said all I've ever wanted is for you guys to trust me?" Theo claimed and Stiles shakes his head "Nope." He denied and Theo raises his eyebrows "So you both are here because you're never going to trust me?" Theo questioned and Stiles nods and Veronika stayed silent. "Yeah.. Glad we had this talk." Stiles declared. "Are you guys done with the dick measuring contest?" Veronika announced and Theo and Stiles both look at her with raised eyebrows. "What? You guys are getting on my nerves." Veronika admitted. "You know who you remind me of?" Theo asks looking at Stiles. "I really don't care." Stiles says and Veronika rolls her eyes and chuckles. "My sister." Theo says and Veronika frowns. "She was smarter than everyone too. And a pain in the ass like you. But she always looked out for me and she looked out for Luna as well.. The same way you both look out for Scott. You know I was the one who found her. She'd fallen into a creek broke her leg. They said she would have been okay if it wasn't one of the coldest nights of the year and if it wasn't for the hypothermia. When I found her all i could think about was that I should've known....I should've been looking out for her." Theo explained softly. "Why are you telling me this?" Stiles asked. "I'm telling you this because even if you don't trust me, even if you don't like me, I'm still going to be looking out for you and Luna...The same way i should've been looking after my sister." Theo stated turning to look at Veronika and she nods and gives him a small smile before he turns around and looks back at Stiles.

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"You know I saw Donovan's teeth. He was a Wendigo, the cannibal one right?" Theo says and Stiles and Veronika both nod. "They're Native American. The myth says that if you consumed human flesh, your punishment was to turn into a creature that constantly craved it." Veronika explained and Stiles nods. Theo looks at both of them and scoffs. "That's a really judgemental myth." Theo stated and Stiles and Veronika shrugged their shoulders. "Well none of us made it up." Stiles announced. "What if i was the only way to survive. You ever hear of the Donner party? I'm pretty positive they didn't turn into Wendigos." Theo stated and Stiles rolled his eyes. "Well they didn't live in Beacon Hills." Stiles says while Veronika hums. "That's a good point. So what's the punishment for killing a Chimera?" Theo questioned and Stiles sighs. "You spend five fucking hours in a car with Theo Raeken. Luckily I've got Ronniekins here." Stiles stated and looks back at Veronika with a sly smirk. "Bloody hell Stiles I fucking hate it when you call me that." Veronika scolded as Theo looks at them slightly jealous and Stiles chuckles. "I know you do. I only continue doing it because it annoys you and it's pretty funny when you're annoyed." Stiles comments and Veronika scoffs. "It won't be so funny when I rip out your tongue." Veronika ranted and Stiles looked at her with wide eyes. "You are such a violent person. You should really get that checked out." Stiles noted. Theo chuckles looking back at Veronika and she looks at him with raised eyebrows. "Just because I love you doesn't mean I won't do the same to you." Veronika whispered so only Theo can hear her. Stiles then sighs. "I know what my punishment is okay, I'm going to lose my bestfriend. I'm going to lose Scott." Stiles stated softly. "If Scott says anything nasty about it I'll rip out his bloody tongue and feed it to him." Veronika commented and Stiles pales and shook his head. "If Scott really gives up on you for some piece of shit like Donovan, then he wouldn't be a True Alpha, would he?" Theo asked and Stiles looks at him and squints his eyes. "Or maybe that's the definition of one, someone who doesn't put up with murder." Stiles commented. "Well that's not true because I've murdered tons of people and Scott somehow still puts up with me, even if he doesn't like it." Veronika stated and Stiles rolls his eyes. "It kind of sounds like you need to look up the justifiable homicide." Theo says looking at Stiles and he scoffs. "Did you really just say that to the son of a cop?" Stiles questioned and Theo shrugs. "A werewolves eyes are blue when they take an innocent life." Theo says and flashes his gold eyes. "Do these look blue to you? It was self defense, for both me and you." Theo commented. "Or you just don't feel bad about it. You can't say one life is less considerately less innocent than another one. Okay, what if they turn blue because you do feel guilty?" Stiles says. "So you think it's up to interpretation?" Theo questioned with raised eyebrows and Stiles shrugs. "Yeah, maybe." Stiles replied and Veronika scoffs again. "Stiles, that's not true because Peter's eyes are blue and he's basically incapable of feeling guilt." Veronika claimed. "Alright, here's my interpretation of what happened between you and Donovan, not guilty. Did you feel bad about it?" Theo asks and Stiles looks at him weirdly. "Not right now, right when it happened, when you knew he was dead and you couldn't save him." Theo questioned and Stiles sighs. "One word.....Good." Stiles answered and Veronika quietly laughed. "Well, He was a fucking dumbass, so in my opinion you have the right to feel that way." Veronika stated but then she turns away from the and sniffs the air. "Uh, guys we might have a problem." Veronika says. "Why does it smell like something's burning?" Theo asks then a fist covered in fire crashes through the passenger window and punched Theo in the face and blood splattered across Stiles's face. Veronika's door then opens and she's thrown from the jeep and then the same thing happens to Theo. Veronika looks up and rises to her feet blood all over her and she stumbles.

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She looks at the jeep and she sees Parrish about to flip the jeep over with Stiles still in it. "NO!" Veronika screamed but he flips the jeep before she could get to him and Theo wraps his arms around her waist holding her back so she doesn't get hurt trying to fight Parrish in his hellhound form. Veronika and Theo both run over to the jeep to get Stiles out of it before anything else happens. While they do that they don't notice Parrish leaving with the body of the dead Chimera in his arms. Veronika and Theo both see Stiles waking up while coughing. "Stiles, are you okay? Are you hurt? Do i need to heal you?" Veronika rambles on and Theo places his hand on her forearm softly. Stiles looks up at Veronika and shakes his head. "I'm okay Ronniekins." Stiles says and Veronika rolls her eyes and chuckles. Theo runs inside the animal clinic to get a fire extinguisher and he rushes back outside and puts out the fire coming from the jeep. Veronika is sitting on the ground next to Stiles and she puts her head on his shoulder and he grabs her hand squeezing it to reassure her that he's okay. "Guys we have a problem. The body is gone." Theo stated and they both look up at him. "Oh bloody hell." Veronika mumbled.

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i'm sorry i haven't been updating any of my books i'm going through a shit ton of things rn and it sucks but i'm gonna try to get more chapters out for all of my books.also if you didn't know i have a tik tok account where i post edits for my books. it's @/savs.editsss go check it out. the link is also in my bio. i hope this chapter is good enough and i hope you enjoyed it(:

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