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Sarah walked in the hotel with few shopping bags in her hands. 

Phew! She was feeling down and while roaming around, she got the best idea for beating the blues. Shopping. She didn't shop much though. She will go out with Rachel next time.

What she isn't able to understand is, where the hell Liam is? 

No. Don't. Take your time Sarah. It's better to sort out your emotions before meeting him. You know, it will create less of a mess then.

She was going in, thoughts going round and round in her mind and then she collided with someone. Due to the sudden stimulus, she dropped the bags on the ground.

“Sorry… Very sorry…” She apologized as she crouched down and started to gather her things.

“No miss. I am sorry. I was in a rush.” She heard a very polite voice.

The guy helped her in gathering her things and both stood up.

“No. Really. I was moving in a trance. I was lost somewhere.” She tried to modest.

“It's okay.” He flashed her a sweet smile which she reciprocated with nod.

“Ammm… Tourist?” He asked, after a second of silence.

“Yeahh… Vacation..” 

‘Lol, vacation.’ Her inner self rolled it's eyes.

“Wow… That's great. Then you must attend my cruise party. Cruise parties are tourist attractions.” He offered.

Her eyes widened in delight. Really? Wow! So much has happened in just two days that she didn't even think of enjoying the vacation. Even Rachel will like the change.

“Myself Scott Hooper.” He introduced himself, offering his hand for a handshake.

“Sarah Hopkins. Pleasure.” She shook hands with him. A bright smile adorning his face.

He gave her the passes and then after making the small talk he left. 

Sarah's insides were jumping. Finally some fun in this awful trip! She bumped his fist in the air and walked in with a happy smile on her face. 

She saw elevator's doors closing down and she rushed towards it. 

“Wait please!” She called for the person who was inside to wait for her.

Luckily, he did hear her and stopped the lift, waiting for her.

“Thank you…” She spoke as she entered and pressed the her floor's button.

Then she turned towards the person to thank him properly. But her mood became sour immediately. It was Adrian. 

She didn't want to see this lying monkey's face after having a such good time. She immediately turned her face straight with a frown growing on her forehead.

“Your welcome…..” He whispered, leaning towards her a bit.

Was he trying to tease her? Make fun of her? She huffed loudly. It was a hint for him to not to talk. He shrugged and leaned back. 

Suddenly, the elevator shook with erratic vibration, leaving the two to balance on their own. Sarah dropped the bags on the floor as she tried to balance herself. And then, the lift came to an halt.

“What the??” The words left her mouth without her permission.

Was the elevator broken down? Suddenly? How? She let out a irritated sigh. What is happening with her? Can't a girl ask for a normal day?

“Anyone!! Help!!” She shouted, banging the doors loudly.

“Are you gonna do something??” She asked him, gritting her teeth.

The more she ran away from him, the more she ended up near him. What was nature playing at??

“I am calling my friend.” He answered as dialled someone's number.

By now, worst scenario was forming in her mind. What if no one outside get to know they are stuck in this elevator? What if no one came? What if she died here due to lack of oxygen? What if? 

God! Sweats beads formed on her forehead. And not because it was hot, but because of anxiety. 

She will die here? Alone? Stuck with a monkey?

“Helllloooo! Anyone!!” She again banged the doors, as he completed his call.

“Ma'am…. Sir… Hang in there. We will get you out in few minutes.” She heard a voice from outside.

Staff has arrived. Thank God. She let out a sigh of relief. Phew!

“Now, now. What do you call this?” She heard his voice and shot him a glare in answer.

“No. I mean. I didn't do anything on purpose so that we could get stuck in this lift. This is what destiny wants.”

She so wanted to burn him down and flow away his remains in pond or something. But damn! Looks can't burn!

He took a steps towards her and it was enough considering the elevator's size. One more step and their noses will touch.

‘Only if bent his head down.’ Her inner self corrected her.

Yeah. Wait. What?? What you are thinking girl?? She shook her head, clearing her thoughts. This man is insane and he will drive her insane too!

“Stay back!” She warned him, staying in her place.

She is not effected by him. Simple. She will show it to him. Or. To herself.

“But we need to talk.” He said in a almost whisper.

His eyes didn't waver even for a minute from her eyes and he gave her a desperate, innocent look. Man! He surely knew how to gain trust and attention. He must have been a puppy in his last birth. Cute puppy.

She tried glaring at him. But it didn't work. The proximity was getting the best of her. 

He noticed this and flashed her a boyish smile. How could she even get affected if she don't like him?

“And you say you don't like me…” He commented.

As much as cute he looked. As much attractive he was. As much as she wanted to reciprocate his smile. She will not! At any cost! Her decision is made. And he is a liar.

“Get yourself some glasses. They will help your sight.” She shot back with a bitter face.

“God! You think I would have laid my eyes on you if I needed glasses?!” He spoke in an exaggerated manner.

Okay. That was a tricky one. Yes will mean that she is not attractive enough. No will mean agreeing with him.

That fueled more to her frustration. Why do he have to be so smart? 

“I am smart, ain't I?” He asked with a knowing grin.

Her eyes widened on his question. Did he hear her? But his expressions gave it away. No. He didn't. The bastard was bluffing.

“The smart ones don't fall face first on the stage when called to receive their medal.” She taunted with a smug smile.

Now, now. What will he do? The ball is in her court. 

“So… I was right when I said that you were gonna tease me with this for eternity. If you be with me for my whole life at this expense, then it's not a bad deal at all.” 

She gave him a vexed and astonished look. Where have she got herself stuck in??? Lord!

“Go to hell!” She spat.

“Gladly. After you.” He answered with a smirk.

And she literally cried in frustration. He is an attractive jerk! And she can't do anything about it!

She banged the doors of the elevator calling out for help.

“Will you get us out in today's time??” 

“Ma'am just few more minutes. Please co-operate.” She heard one of the staff from outside.

She turned around only to find him, leaning back on the wall leisurely, with his arms crossed on his chest.

“Calm down. I won't bite.” He spoke, raising his hands up in surrender. 

She sighed and then only she heard the doors of the lift forced open.

The staff helped them climbed out of the lift.  The elevator was broken down due to some internal fault. Adrian got himself cut on his left palm while climbing out. He showed it to her with a puppy face. She rolled her eyes while internally she wanted him to get it treated.

World can end, but she can not show him sympathy let alone concern. Because she is assuring herself. Isn't she?


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