Sophomore 16

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Hampton University, Virginia
Look What You Made Me Do by Taylor Swift
Thurs. Sept. 9, 8:23PM
"Do What I Have to Do"

"Another touchdown for Hampton! Lemme hear some noise!" The announcer shouted getting the spectators hype.

It was Hampton's first football game against their archenemy, the Norfolk Spartans. A long awaited game after Hampton's loss to them last school year. In both football and basketball. There's been shit talking coming from both sides and tonight was the night all of that toughness was being tested. Everyone was excited, expect for Shamar who was bored to death. He sat back on the bleachers, his hands in his pockets while he scanned the greenery field.

Twenty-two players in total. Both sidelines and stands filled. People standing and sitting all on top of each other. Shamar didn't like to be touched but had to deal with the shoulders of Kimberly and Elijah touching him. Sitting in the middle was his second mistake. His first was coming to the game in the first place. But he was here now and didn't feel like leaving. He couldn't either since him and Kimberly were here together. A date? No. Just two people hanging together with one looking for one thing and one thing only. Sex.

Sadly, Kimberly wasn't giving it up so easily. Leaving Shamar to play all nice if he wanted it. And yes, he thought that was fucked up but he was used to the girls at UCLA who were down for whatever. He was a ball player and that was just about the only thing those girls cared about. Who wouldn't want to fuck a basketball player? More so, who wouldn't fuck Shamar? He was no ugly dude. An asshole? Absolutely, but his attractiveness made chicks look over that. The girls out here didn't.

Elijah and Kimberly sat back down, forcing Shamar to bring his arms forward. There was no space for him to even breathe and he was already getting irritated. He was no fan of tight spaces.

"That's the third touchdown. We bout to kill these niggas out here," Elijah expressed, reaching in his pocket for a flask.

Shamar turned his head, with the space he had, and looked at Elijah. There were two things he picked up regarding Elijah and his behavior. The first thing was that Elijah was a follower. Nothing more and nothing less. He couldn't think for himself and relied on others to determine how he move. The second thing Shamar picked up on was that Elijah talked too much shit. Like a bunch of shit towards anyone that he wasn't cool with. And he damn sure loved talking shit about Shai.

After drinking the hard liquor in the flask, Elijah handed it off to Shamar. "Nah, I'm good on that," he declined with a head shake. He wasn't a drinker or a smoker. Never been one and was adamant on never doing it.

Elijah suck his teeth, reaching over Shamar and handing the flask to Kimberly. She took it with no hesitation. Shamar looking at her weirdly as she drank off the same spot from Elijah. A major pet peeve of his were women drinking. It just wasn't attractive to him.

And seeing Kimberly take down whatever was in the flask with no issues definitely turned him off. Making him second guess wanting to do anything with her. Hopefully, the pussy was better than her actions. Kimberly finished then handed the flask back to Elijah. She caught the disgusted look Shamar was giving her and rolled her neck.

"What?" She questioned, confused at the way he was staring. He shook his head then faced forward. He needed something else to look at it. And lucky for him, he found a replacement.

Strutting down the track were Hampton's one and only Blue Thunder cheerleaders. But Shamar wasn't worrying about the other ten girls and one dude. Nah, he was worried about just one. The second one in line. The thicker girl of the bunch. The girl with the naturally curly hair, swinging it side to side. Desdemona. He found himself sitting up and straining his neck to get a better look at her. Fuck football. He wanted to see this instead.

The cheerleaders stopped in front of his section and separated into two lines. Dess in the front, her fists on her hips, and a smile on her face. A forced smile. As she scanned the stadium, she remembered that none of her folks were here. Shai was at work. Ashley was at her aunt. Axel at the studio. Freya somewhere. She had no one here to cheer her on. It was alright though. She gave herself a pep talk before coming out here that she wasn't going to allow no one's presence bring her down.

Little did she know, she had one person here for her. As they began a cheer, Shamar watched closely. He was too far so he couldn't see clearly, which was annoying him. He wanted a closer look. He needed a closer look.

"I have to use the bathroom," Kimberly made known, nudging his arm.

"Then go." Shamar responded rudely. He shot up out his seat and left before Kimberly could say anything. He heard a couple mutters as he accidentally stepped on people shoes or hit their knees as he exit. But he didn't care for any of that.

Walking down the bleachers, he made his way to the front where he was closer to the cheerleaders. Just to stay respectful of everyone else, he leaned on the railing in the middle so he wasn't in anyone's way. It wasn't like anyone was paying much attention since the football players were doing their thing. Norfolk Spartans threw an interception and one of Hampton players was running down to the end zone. Everyone was excited and cheered loudly while Shamar quietly stared at Dess.

Good thing her back was towards him.

"Yoo, Dess!" He cuffed his hands around his mouth and shouted. Dess turned around quickly once she heard her name. She looked around a little bit before her eyes landed on Shamar. A bit of happiness filled her heart when she saw him.

"Wassup, shawty!" He continued talking to her. Dess hesitated to respond since Coach MiMi and Coach Louis were nearby. But she saw other teammates of hers doing the same, therefore, she was too.

"Hello," she replied giving him a small wave. Shamar smirking at how shy she was.

"I'm liking the pose." He joked. Dess playfully rolled her eyes and smiled to herself. She didn't want to seem too happy but she was. At least someone was here to see her. It being Shamar was kind of sad but Dess wasn't worried about that.

She was just happy that she had someone. That's all she cared about.

Shamar noticed they all started muttering to each other and knew they were about to cheer again. He didn't disturb but made sure he stayed where he was. He wasn't going anywhere. One girl called out something and then soon after everyone joined in. Dess kept her eyes on him while she stomped and cheered. The way he looked at her resembled how Shai looked at her. With pure admiration. She couldn't help but feel some type of way about it. Surely, it wasn't a feeling that was appropriate but she didn't care.

Not right now at least.


The game was over and Hampton won. That meant the night was going to end with a huge party. Everyone was already speaking on it, getting their drinks and weed before hitting up the patio. Dess fixed her bag on her shoulder while she walked with her head in her phone. She scrolled through her pictures trying to see which one she'll give to her coaches. As always when it was the first game of the season, MiMi and Louis posted the girls on Instagram and introduced them.

Since Dess was on varsity, she got her very own post this time around. All she had to do was find a perfect looking picture but she wasn't feeling confident with any of them. Actually, she wasn't feeling confident at all lately. That hurt since she worked so hard to start loving herself. Everything was going downhill and she wasn't loving it. Whatever was going on, she had to deal with it on her own. A challenge within itself.

Ending her search, she locked her phone and paid attention to where she was walking. She was amongst several other students who were all hyped and speaking on the party tonight. As usual, she was passing on such activities. She wasn't a party person and couldn't deal with intoxicated people mannerisms. She partially believed that if you couldn't deal with your liquor then you shouldn't drink. But those were only her thoughts and people acted differently. She just stayed away.

And she was alright with that. Soon as the crowd in front of her parted ways, she ended up seeing Shamar standing near a car with a few people. She only recognized Elijah out of the bunch and that told her everything she needed to know. No one would hang out with Elijah willingly unless they were up to something. No one could make her think otherwise, which is why she kept walking.

Her head lowered so she didn't make eye contact with Shamar. Didn't speak either but that didn't stop him from saying something.

"Ayo!" Shamar exclaimed, leaning off the car. He jogged to Dess who kept walking. It was hard to ignore him. He got in front of her, making his presence known. Dess had no other choice but to give him attention. It wasn't like she didn't want to.

"Damn, you walking past me now." He joked.

"Sorry." She apologized lowly. "I wasn't trying to, I'm just tired."

Shamar scoffed, waving her off. "Don't worry 'bout it shawty. I was just playing. You good though?" He questioned, sounding concerned. Dess shrugged, unsure if she was good or not. She was struggling to process her emotions with so much stuff going on.

"I think so," she truthfully answered.

She lifted her head up to look at him. "I'm fine though," she added just to clear things up. Shamar didn't believe her but didn't force anything.

"Right. Anyway, you were amazing out there, yo! You were doing all the cheers and shit. Whipping your hair all over the place. That shit was fye!" He eagerly mentioned. This was his first time seeing anything like this and was intrigued. LSU cheerleaders were ass in his opinion.

"Thank you. It wasn't much though, so there's no need to be extra." She told him, downplaying her talent.

Shame suck his teeth. "Man, don't do that. You were really good out there fosho. I wanted dance and shake too." He joked, starting to do one of the cheers. All he did was clapping his hands and stomp his feet. But it was close to one of their cheers.

Dess chuckled, holding her hand out for him to stop. "Okay, stop." She said in between her laughs. Shamar stopped then laughed with her. Seeing her smile made him feel nice inside. A feeling he never experienced before so it felt weird. But he was liking it anyway.

"Aight, my fault." He apologized, his laughter dying down. "But seriously you did good out there shawty. I was definitely about to leave until y'all showed up."

"Not into football?" Dess question and he shook his head.

"I'm a basketball dude." He responded. "Shooting threes and balling out." He pretended to make a shot then smirked at Dess.

She nodded, "Mhm, I cheer for basketball as well. It's different during that season but I' still out there." She informed him.

Shame eyes lit up when he heard that. "Alright! I'm fucking with that and can't wait to see you out there as well."

Dess hummed, picking up the vibe change. The flirting he was doing, unintentionally by the way. Though she was stuck in a complicated place, Dess was not one of those girls who sought out attention from another. Especially not from another man that her boyfriend wasn't feeling. She had morals. If she didn't nip it in the bud now, it'll be harder to do so later.

"Mhm, anyway, I have to get going. I'm tired and ready to lay down. So, I'll see you later." Dess said, ending their conversation. She was about to walk around but Shamar stepped in front of her again.

"Sorry." He apologized. "But you're not going to the party tonight?"

"Absolutely not. I'm not a party person but I'm sure you're going." She responded.

Shamar nodded, "Hell yeah! I heard y'all parties out here are crazy and I wanna check that out."

"Well, get ready because you're about to have a good ass time." Dess mentioned, looking around at other folks. They were already screaming and shouting in excitement.

"That's what I heard but it sucks that you're not coming out. I'm not trying to be weird or anything but we should chill one day or something. Around campus like the quad. Or wherever." He stammered over his words as he tried to suggest a little meetup.

He didn't want her to assume that he was trying to get with her. However, it could be taken that way though with the way he was acting. There was just something about Dess that intrigued him. Something that made him want to hang out with her and get to know her better. Her energy was immaculate and made a person want to be around her. She was drop dead gorgeous too and that added on thickness she had made things even better.

Who wouldn't want to be with her?

Dess swallowed hard then shook her head. "Umm, I can't do that, Shamar. You know that." She shut him down. Even if Shamar wasn't trying to get with her, she didn't think it was right to chill with him. There were just boundaries that should've be crossed and that was one of them.

Shamar understood too and accepted his defeat. "I got it. I wasn't trying to step in or anything but...yeah, I get it." He shrugged keeping it as simple as possible.

However, he was still going to try. "I'm going to let you go but before you do..." he paused, taking his phone out his pocket. Dess had a feeling where this was going.

"I was wondering if I could have your Instagram," he continued while bringing up the app. He turned his phone towards her, hoping that she would accept it.

Dess looked at her, debating if she should do it or not. What was wrong with giving him her Instagram? Nothing in her opinion. As long as she made her own wishes known, it was alright.

"No texting." She told him. She took his phone out his hand then typed her Instagram in.

"Not even a good night?" He jokingly asked. Dess looked up, giving him a glare. She wasn't playing with him. He knew that so he raised his hands then chuckled.

"Gotchu. No texting." He repeated.

Dess hummed. She went back to his phone and clicked on her profile once it popped up. She pressed the blue follow button then returned his phone.

The biggest grin on Shamar's face. "Aight, I'll let you go shawty." He said, checking out her page. Once again.

"I'll see you around." Dess responded. She was finally ready, walked around Shamar and continued her way to her dorm.

"Bye, Dess!" Shamar shouted after her.

Dess glanced back to see him waving at her. "Bye, Shamar!"



No texting but this party
is jumping tho

πŸ™„you don't listen lol
but be careful out there


Good night Shamar

Good night shawty



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