Sophomore 48

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*FYI: chapter is LONG*

McLean, Virginia
Family Feud by Jay Z
Thurs. Nov. 26th, 10:18AM
"Nothings Better than Family Feud"

Dess sighed deeply as she stared at herself in the mirror. Her eyes red and had puffed up. She woke up with the most gut-wrenching headache that even Tylenol couldn't seem to help. She hasn't cried that hard in so long, so she felt sick because of it. And yet, she still found herself wanting to let out a few more tears since she didn't feel done. Feeling her eyes watering, she looked away from the mirror then splashed water on her face. She used her cloth and lightly dapped her face. When she look back in the mirror, she jumped when she saw Shai.

"Sorry," he apologized. He held his hand up that was holding a bouquet of yellow Lilly flowers. "I got these for you."

"Oh...thank you," Dess softly whispered. She took the bouquet from him, holding it close to her chest and smelling them.

"I know you're getting ready to leave but I wanted us to talk." He said, walking in the bathroom. He took a seat on the toilet, Dess turning to face him.

"And by talk, I mean I'd like for you to hear me out." He clarified. She nodded then leaned back against the wall. Shai swallowed hard then pushed his hair back from his face. He rubbed his hands then lifted his head to make eye contact with her.

"I wanna start off by saying that I sincerely apologize for everything last night. I understand you were filled with frustration, disappointment, and hurt so you reacted the way that you did. I'm not faulting you for that because I expected it. But I don't want you to hate me without hearing me out first. I wanted to tell you, I did. The moment he said it to me, I wanted to tell you. But your dad made it clear that he wanted to be the one to tell you. He just felt comfortable letting me know because of how close I am to you."

"He wanted me to continue doing what I do, and that's caring and protecting you, so it would be easy when the time came. I know you're upset at the principle. I didn't want to upset him or you, but I should've told you anyway. Last night really put everything into perspective, so as always my mind was coming up with different plans for us. If you're up for them." He concluded, taking his phone out his pocket.

He had shocked himself that he managed to say his whole speech without stuttering. He was coming a long way. He went to his notes app and popped up the note he typed last night when he was struggling to go to sleep.

He cleared his throat, "Umm, I'm thinking we could do a private ceremony with just us and your dad so he can be there. I found a church that does last minute weddings, we just have to do premarital counseling first with the pastor. It's for six hours or around that." He read off his phone. He looked at Dess and saw the indifferent expression she had.

"Or we could go to a courthouse instead." He quickly changed, thinking his church idea was bad.

He went back to his phone. "Either or doesn't matter. I just want you to be happy and have Stephen there. But we can discuss this some other time. I also think that maybe we could, umm, get a place together. Like an apartment. There's some nice looking ones out here that's close to campus I believe. I don't know it's just a thought and we don't have to do it." He told her nervously.

He came up with all of this in one night and didn't think them through all the way, so he didn't have all the information needed. He was just throwing out ideas that he believed would make things right. He had a small self-reflection and concluded that he hasn't been doing his part entirely. He didn't have a handbook on how to be the perfect boyfriend and husband, but he was trying. After today, he was going to be taking all of it serious. There were no more games being played. If he wanted this life, he had to show it.

Actions always spoke louder than words.

"I know it all sounds a lot and like I'm rushing everything but I promise I'm not." Shai informed her. He stood to his feet and approached, standing in front of her. Dess tilting her head back a tad to see him, Shai holding her chin.

"I love you too much to lose you, Dess. Knowing that you're still here with me is why I'm doing everything to assure your happiness is my main priority. I fucked up multiple times and I want to prove to you that none of my feelings are fake. This is real, all of it. Not only do you deserve to hear it but you deserve to see and feel it as well. And I'm going to do exactly that." He said, using his thumb to swipe her tears away.

He rested his hand on her cheek then pressed his forehead against hers. They both shut their eyes. Dess sniffling while she silently cried. Shai there with her. Neither of them were going anywhere.



Susan opened the door, her heart stopping when she saw William. She didn't think he would come over, nonetheless, seeing him was what she wanted. All she could think about was the million apologies that he was owed for being right. She didn't know what was going through her mind to make her not believe him. But it seemed that she had to see it for herself. And when she finally did, reality slammed into her. She liked to believe that she was there to help when all she did was play a role in all of the mess.

She was regretting everything.

"Hello," she spoke first.

"Hello." William responded, entering the house. He had surprised himself by coming down here. He wasn't going to, if he was being honest. But this wasn't going to be a regular dinner, so his presence had to be felt.

For the sake of Shai.

"I brought liquor," William mentioned. He held up the bottle of good ole Whiskey. Tonight was not going to be an easy night. What better way to deal with it other than hard brown liquor. He was doing everyone a favor, mainly himself to help out with the headache he was going to get. That's what happens when he was the peacemaker of everyone's issues.

"That's thoughtful of you." Susan said, taking the bottle from him. They stared at one another, William awkwardly pressing his lips together.

The last time they spoken to each other was close to four weeks ago. And their last conversation was nowhere near pleasant. Because Susan wanted to come back to Virginia to be with Allison, William had brought up a divorce. He had papers formulated as well, which was what they spoke about four weeks ago. He was giving her another chance to come to her senses before asking her to sign them. By the looks of it, she was finally herself.

"I owe you an apology." Susan told him.

William hummed, keeping his sarcastic comments to himself. He wanted to tell her that he told her so but decided to do it later in private. He didn't want to embarrass her, though she deserved it. However, tonight wasn't about her and he wasn't going to make it either.

"Unc!" William turned away, his mood changing from being unbothered to thrilled.

"My boy!" He exclaimed. He threw his arms out and met Shai by the stairs.

"Wassup." He dapped up Shai, pulling him into a hug. "How are you?"

"I'm hanging in there. A bit nervous." Shai answered. William patted his back then pulled away.

"Just remember what I told you." William reminded him. Shai nodded, though that didn't remove the nerves. He was second guessing what he had planned for today. It wasn't going to be easy to lay everything on the table and find out the truth. But it was definitely needed.

William pat Shai's shoulder again then peek around him to see Dess. His smile growing larger now that he saw her. "And who's that hiding?" He jokingly asked.

Dess stepped out from behind Shai and forced a smile. "Hello." She was still speaking softly, matching how vulnerable she was feeling. It was going to be that way until things passed by.

"You get prettier by the day." William complimented.

He opened his arms, going in for a hug. Dess couldn't resist and gave him one. She thought it would be a regular hug but feeling his warmth made her emotional. It reminded her too much of when her dad hugs her. A full bear hug, his figure towering over her so her face buried right into his chest and she felt his heart beating. The thumping that gave him life and would soon be taken from her dad. Both his arms around her and he held her tight like if he was told to let go, he would refuse and hold her tighter. Right on cue, Dess got teary-eyed. She didn't want to let go but she forced herself.

Looking at her, William saw her watery eyes. He had a feeling there was something wrong from the hug, this only confirmed. "Are you okay?" He asked. The infamous question that broke anyone when asked. It did just that to Dess.

Dess nodded, wiping her face. "I'm fine." She lied through her voice crack.

"I'm fine." She repeated so she sounded more believable. She threw in what she assumed was a chuckle to lighten the mood but was really a shaky breath. One that confirmed that she was not fine.

"I'm sorry. I-umm, I'll be back." She told them. William and Shai watched as she went back up the stairs, hearing her low sobs before they faded.

"Is everything alright?" William asked Shai.

He shook his head. "Her dad..."

"Got it." William didn't need him to continue since he had understood. A young girl and her father was an undeniable connection. Take them apart and another war was going to conspire. He figured that's what it was with Dess.

"God bless her and her father." William muttered.

He had looked off when he overheard yelling. Allison came into view on the phone with someone, yelling and cursing them out. When she walked towards them, Allison gave William the coldest glare known to man.

"Nice to see you, Allison." William greeted. She could be rude all she wanted but he wasn't going to reciprocate the energy. None of that mattered to her though. She rolled her eyes and walked by him not speaking back.

William scoffed, shaking his head. "No wonder she has wrinkles already." He remarked.

"I don't know how y'all can do it." He added. "That woman is an evil spirit walking. Even if God came down and touched her personally, it wouldn't change anything."

"Unfortunately," Shai chimed in. William turned back to him and saw the unsure look he presented.

"Don't let that discourage you." William said. "You were given this opportunity for a reason. It's time to take your life away from the hands on the devil."

"I know but...I don't know. I'm iffy about it." Shai admitted.

He's been thinking about the confrontation all day. He wanted to lay everything out, hear the truth, and possibly cut off the bad energy from his life. However, he was having second thoughts. In the back of his mind was his child self, ten year old Shai, that's been wanting mommies love for so long. That same self believing that could still happen even after everything that he's been through. It was his mom. He couldn't buy another one out the store or online. There was just one. She wasn't perfect, no one was. Receiving an apology would help and maybe they could rekindle their relationship by doing things right.

Then it was his older self that was arguing, going back and forth with this innocent and naive child. Trying to tell that ten year old boy that the probability of their mom and him having a decent relationship was slim to none. It wasn't going to happen. It shouldn't happen. Nineteen year old Shai tried explaining to ten year old Shai that he dealt with too much abuse to just forgive and forget. The people that created him didn't love him. They didn't want him and he had to realize that. It may have sounded odd but Shai was really fighting his own self and his thoughts. Maybe when he was finally in the moment that he could up his ten year old self eyes. Hopefully.

William rested his hand back on his shoulder. He squeezed it a little to get Shai's attention. At the end of the day, he knew Shai was grown and could decide what he wanted to do. But William couldn't sit here and watch his nephew go through so much when he didn't do anything to anyone while his bullies got away with it. At some point, he prayed that it was today, Shai had to realize that the way he was living was not right and he had an opportunity that not a lot of people had. He could escape.

He needed to.

"Shai, I need you to realize your situation here. You've been abused, ridiculed, and unhappy your entire life. You deserve a life where you don't have to stress about family or deal with being attacked for no reason. That young lady up there, the one you're looking forward to marrying, is who you need to be focusing on. You don't see it now but you have the chance to escape something that many people cannot. It's your decision at the end of the day on how you want to continue living the rest of your life. No one but you." William lectured, poking Shai's chest.

Shai took in what he said, fully comprehending. He keeps claiming he wants to live a drama free life with more happiness and joy than misery with his wife. He couldn't do that if he was stuck on his past. He did have the chance to escape and he knew what he was going to decide. Sorry to his ten year old self but mommy and daddy's love wasn't needed.

"While you think about that, I need to know where the bathroom is. I don't want to walk in a room I'm not supposed to be in." William said.

"Who the fuck are you?!" Allison shouted, making William and Shai turn.

"And I don't want to hear that." William retorted, pointing behind him.

"The bathroom is down that hall, the fourth door on the right." Shai pointed. William walked away leaving Shai to figure out what Allison was fussing for.

Standing at the door was her, Priscilla, and Stephen. Stephen outside in the cold, carrying a tray of brownies he bought from the store. He was no cook and wasn't coming into someone's house empty-handed. He was raised better than that.

"Why the fuck are people that I didn't invite coming here?" Allison raised her voice at Priscilla. Shai saw the exhausted look on Priscilla's face, so he decided to step in. After all, he was the one that invited Stephen and not her.

"I invited him." Shai stepped in, Allison shot her head in his direction.

"Sorry about that." Shai apologized to Stephen. He grabbed the door out of Allison hand and opened it more, allowing Stephen in.

"That's alright." Stephen said. "I brought brownies. Hopefully, that's fine."

"No." "Yes." Shai and Allison said at the same time. They gave each other a death stare, silently daring the other to try them. Stephen looked at the both of them, nervously chuckling as he became uncomfortable.

"I'll take that." Priscilla took the dish out of Stephen hand. "Would you like a drink?" She suggested so he didn't have to witness Shai and Allison bickering.

"I would love one." Stephen agreed. He thought about giving Allison a smile but she was still staring at Shai. He walked by her, going with Priscilla to the kitchen.

Once they were gone, that gave Allison the chance to set Shai straight. And she took it. "Who the fuck do you think you are inviting people to my house?" She aggressively asked.

"I'm Shai." He remarked, slamming the door shut. He got ready to walk off to tell Dess her dad was here but Allison stepped in front of him.

"You have lost your goddamn mind recently and I'm sick of it." She told him.

"Then go take some medicine." He sarcastically replied. He wasn't trying to joke but it came out as a response. Allison didn't find anything funny. Her nostrils flared, her eyes squinted, and her fists balled up by her side.

"You piece-" Indy cleared her throat to interrupted Allison's sentence. Allison looked over her shoulder at her then rolled her eyes.

"Shai, shouldn't you be letting Dess know her father is here?" Indy asked him.

"Yes, ma'am." Shai responded.

Indy watched him go, patiently waiting for him to be out of sight. When the coast was clear, her head snapped back to Allison, a disapproving look expressed. Allison wasn't worried about it. She had bigger fish to fry than dealing with Indy. She wasn't sure why she was even here to begin with. She never called her. There was a reason she only had Priscilla come down here in the first place to avoid having to clock Indy in her mouth.

"Whatever you have to say, save the shit." Allison made known while she walked towards her. She attempted to go around Indy, but Indy blocked her path. She tilted her head to the side and gave her a sly smile.

"Oh but I won't though." Indy said. "I have an interesting question that needs an answer, why do you feel so comfortable putting your hands on Shai? Is it because you were unable to handle getting beat by Sean that you now feel strong and powerful enough to prey on someone you know won't hit you back?"

"Indy, get out of my way." Allison tried to walk away but Indy blocked her path again. Allison jaw clenched and fire blazed in her eyes. At this time, a threat or maybe a hit would've been attempted but there was nothing. The opposite of how she would've reacted towards Shai.

"Oh, you're frustrated? Are you going to hit me?" Indy taunted. She knew Allison wasn't going to do anything and that proved her point.

"My point proven. You only attack Shai because you know he's not going to hit you back, so you take advantage of that. You almost blinded that boy and I'm on the verge of doing the same to you. But I'm not going to because your karma is going to hit much harder than my punches. I will end it off with this though, there's nothing weak about Shai. So don't think that's what he is because he refuses to hit you back. He respects your evil ass because of your unwanted title. Nothing more. He's going to hit you where it really hurts...those pockets. Whatever is left in there." Indy finished off.

She gave Allison a smile then turned on her heels, going down the hall. Allison stood there and watched. Amy other time she wouldn't care for Indy's monologue. It went in one ear and out the other. But this time around she listened. When it involved her money, she cared.



"This is so fucking cliche." Shamar mumbled to himself.

He leaned against the car and stared directly at the house. The mansion so he should say. With the roundabout driveway that already had four cars parked. One he recognized without a doubt in his soul. Seeing it wasn't much of a surprise. Where else could he go? No one else wanted him besides one person. It was the truth that he couldn't seem to accept. Reason why they were here in the first place. To crash this Thanksgiving dinner. He couldn't think of anything else more exciting to do with his time.

"I don't like this." Robin said, causing Shamar to look at her.

Since the idea came up, she's been expressing her discomfort and disapproval of what Sean wanted to do. She had her problems with Allison and didn't want to deal with them in result of them coming to her home uninvited. She was the only one that wasn't on board with this plan. Sean was using this as his chance to set Allison straight and make amends with Shai. Shamar just wanted the drama. Nothing more and nothing less. The amount of shit talking he was going to do throughout the dinner just to piss Shai off was his only goal tonight.

"Not now, Robin." Sean came around the car.

"What do you mean not now?" Robin defensively asked. "I don't think this is right. It's Thanksgiving and we're coming uninvited to her house. That's rude."

"She always been rude and I'm returning the same energy. I can't allow this to keep going on without everyone knowing the truth. He's owed the right to know." Sean informed her. He was getting annoyed since he had to repeat himself again.

He didn't understand why Robin wasn't grasping the reason why he was doing this. He wanted Shai to know everything and get the closure he needed. There was nothing wrong with that and he wasn't going to tolerate being ridiculed for the way he was going about it either. He didn't care for this dinner or Allison, so him crashing it wasn't an issue to him. He was prepared for whatever to come with receipts and toughness.

"Yeah, but this is too much. Coming to her dinner uninvited is-"

"The right thing to do." Sean interrupted. He left it there with her because they'll just end up talking in circles. He walked away and made his way to the door, knocking on it.

Robin shook her head, feeling uncomfortable with all of this. She knew this conversation was going to turn into Sean and Allison arguing about their relationship. Who did who wrong. Who's the victim. What should've happened and other things that went on between them. She could hear the arguing, cursing each other out, and the fussing. All of that would initially take the attention off everything else and bring light to situations that needed to stay in the dark.

Robin couldn't do it.

"Being scared to interrupt your boyfriend wife dinner is hilarious. You lose cool points for that, Mom." Shamar jokingly told her. Robin rolled her eyes not wanting to hear anything he had to say.

"Oh, shush." She shot back.

"Come on!" Sean shouted out for them.

They seen the door had opened and a woman stood there, waiting for them. Robin took a deep breath and silently prayed to God while walking up the steps. Shamar took a second, checking out the white Tesla again before following behind his mother. He entered the house and seen the woman that had opened the door for them.

"Hello, Indy." Sean greeted her.

Indy sized him up and down, she wasn't amused to see him. She didn't know what this was or why he was here but it became clear as she scooped out the two individuals that were his guests. His mistress and son. She always thought Sean was a low down piece of shit, this just confirmed it even more.

"Hm, hi." She responded in an uninterested tone. "Your coats." She held her hand out for their jackets. Sean and Robin began taking theirs off and she took them, hanging it on the hook.

"Sorry that we're late." Sean apologized.

"What is Thanksgiving without someone being late." She retorted with an attitude. She turned to face Shamar, holding her hand out again to retrieve his jacket.

"I'm good." He declined. He didn't leave it there though.

"Is your name actually Indy or is that a nickname since you look Indian?" He bluntly and rudely asked.

"Shamar!" Robin yelled his name while hitting his chest. It didn't faze him. Nor did it faze Indy.

She stared at him with a blank expression. "Is your name actually Shamar or is that a nickname since you couldn't be named Shai?" She sent back. Shamar smirking at her comeback. It had set the mood for his energy.

"Anyway, follow me." Indy told them. She wasn't going to argue with a teenager. A beating was her go-to, and since he wasn't her child, she moved along.

Sean grabbed Robin hand and held it while he followed behind Indy. Shamar lagged behind the three of them, inspecting the house while on his way. It was completely different from his on many levels. He didn't care that it was a mansion since that meant nothing to him.

What really had him interested was there not being any pictures on the wall. Family pictures at least. None of Shai or Allison. No family portrait. Nothing. Just pictures of animals, plants, and inspirational quotes. Shamar wondered how it felt not being loved by your own mom that pictures weren't even up of you. He found it funny honestly and wanted to ask.

He was going to ask.

They reached the dining room, already seeing that everyone was sitting at the table and eating. There wasn't much conversation going on between anyone. It was an odd silence which got awkward soon as Sean entered and majority of the eyes from the seated people landed on him. Allison face dropped the most out of everyone. It was as if things couldn't get any worse, Sean comes walking in like it was he belonged. And he brought them. He had a brave soul.

"We have extra guests everyone." Indy mentioned while carrying another chair to the table. She set it down and signaled for Sean, Robin, and Shamar to sit. Sean and Shamar wasted no time, meanwhile Robin hesitated. She noticed the way Allison was glaring at her, sending darts at her. She was ready to walk out right then and there but Sean grabbed her hand.

"Sit," he mouthed to her while tugging her hand. Robin swallowed hard then did as told, occupying the seat next to him.

The tension in the dinning room was insane and thick. It was as if a gigantic elephant fell out of the sky and filled the entire room with its body, leaving a couple corners open for a short breath. It wasn't enough though compared to this tension. Everyone had something to say but didn't speak like if they were waiting for someone else to start it. But surely their minds were spiraling and saying everything they were refusing to.

Allison was pissed that Sean was here and that he brought his mistress and bastard of a son along with him. One bold and disrespectful move he could've made. Susan wasn't surprised to see Sean since she was the one that had sent an invite. After witnessing Allison do what she did to Shai, she suggested that Sean make a visit so they could talk. However, she didn't know he would bring two other people. That caught her off guard.

Then it was William who was unamused to see Sean but also puzzled to see him here. From his previous knowledge, Sean and Allison weren't on good terms, obviously, and were supposedly working on getting a divorce. Now, he wasn't sure how entirely true that was so he didn't say anything. He also didn't care all that much since they weren't related to him. However, he knew with Sean being here that put a bigger boulder on Shai's shoulders.

Speaking on Shai, he was going through several emotions. Surprised, irritation, thrilled, and confused. He scanned the opposite end of the table. Sean, his father that he hasn't seen in forever, was in his presence on a day he was going to set him mother straight. Suspicious, yet exciting to him. Oddly. He went to the woman his father sat beside. The same woman he bumped into at the grocery store, the one that mentioned having a son at his school. Finding out that her son was Shamar made a lot of sense to Shai now and explained why she was being weird during their interaction. He didn't think much of it at the time but it had him thinking back to see the signs.

As for Shamar, Shai didn't care for his presence. It also looked like Shamar was ready for the drama. He had a stupid smile on his face while he began stacking his plate with food. He needed his stomach to be filled while he instigated. As for everyone else like Dess, Stephen, Indy, and Priscilla, they didn't have much of a reaction to what was happening. Indy and Priscilla were still eating and decided this was something the family had to deal with on their one. It wasn't their business to tend to.

Stephen was shocked to see the basketball legend but he didn't do too much. He wasn't a fan of the Clippers so he didn't care much for Sean being here. Surely, he'll ask for an autograph later just to brag about it. And Dess was lost in her head that she didn't notice there were three new guests having dinner with them. She barely touched her food to eat but played with it instead. Moving one food item into another to the point where they were mushed together. She didn't have much of an appetite and she definitely didn't care for what was happening around her.

The silence at the table continued. Allison had completely stopped eating and stared at Sean while he made his plate like he belonged. Shai kept his head in his plate while he stabbed his fork into his food. Shamar stuffing his face as if he hadn't eaten in weeks. Robin avoiding looking down at Allison and didn't bother to make a plate. She'll starve herself for the night. William was looking at Shai and sensing he was in his thoughts. He wanted to tell him to get out of it but didn't want to break the silence. Susan praying to herself that this go by smoothly but she doubt that it would. When it came to their family, absolutely nothing was ever calm.

Priscilla, Stephen, and Indy enjoyed the tasty dinner. And Dess, well, she wasn't here with them anymore. She stared at her food that she stopped touching altogether and zoned out. She was going to miss everything.

The tension was rising like a water tide. It was getting to the point where the ability to breathe was becoming impossible. Someone had to say something or else they all would die from a tension suffocation. And that's when William came in.

"Alright," William broke the silence finally. He dropped his fork on his plate and grabbed his napkin, wiping his mouth.

"We can't sit here in silence for the entire night. How's school going kids?" He sparked up a conversation to get engagement. He looked at Shai and Dess, both of them didn't look like they were even here. He cleared his throat which made Shai lift his head.

"How's school?" He asked again. "I know sophomore year is quite different than freshmen."

"Uhh, yeah. It's been cool so far." Shai answered with what he figured William wanted to hear. He didn't want to speak on school since it wasn't important at the moment. But he knew what his uncle was doing and played along to keep himself from going back and forth in his head.

William nodded. He was about to ask Dess but choose to leave her be. He leaned forward and looked down the table at Shamar.

"Uhhh, I don't know your name but how's school?" He questioned.

Shamar stabbed at his food then replied, "Shit, it's been chill foreal. Boring but it's whatever." He responded with his mouth full. Robin hit his arm because of it and Shamar just ignored her.

"That's good." William muttered. He had nothing else to say since the conversation seemed forced. It was.

There was that silence again that he tried to get rid of. This time around it didn't last long but what interrupted was surely a fright. Allison slammed her fist against the table, making it shake and everyone jump expect for Sean. He slowly lifted his head up and caught the glare she's been giving him since he arrived. It did nothing to him. He was used to her staring at him like she wanted to kill him. He did the same at times and even made several attempts at ending her life. Something he does not regret not one bit.

"Why are you here?" Allison sternly asked. She wasn't focused on anyone else besides Sean. The reason for all her problems and why her life was crumbling down as they spoke. Sean ate his food while they kept eye contact. He refused to answer which only pissed Allison off more. She slammed her hand on the table again, scaring everyone once more. If she didn't get anyone's attention the first time, she got their attention this time around.

"Why. The. Fuck. Are. You. Here?" She broke down aggressively and in a demanding tone.

"I was invited." Sean replied nonchalantly. That was his goal to have Allison do all the yelling and screaming while he stayed relaxed. The way she would react would help him in the end to catch her in lies. A liar always got loud and caused a scene. That was Allison inside and out. A liar and an attention whore.

"By who?" Allison questioned.

"By me." Susan spoke up, raising her hand. Allison cut her eye at her. The intense gaze made Susan shut her mouth and lower her head. Regret taking over.

"I want you to leave my house now, Sean." Allison told him. "Take you, your whore, and your bastard out my house!"

Hearing Allison word usage struck Robin. She didn't care what Allison called her. A hoe. A whore. A home-wrecker. Or anything else. However, she refused for anyone to speak ill on her son. That was a no.

"Umm, don't call my child a bastard, Allison. There was no need for that." Robin jumped in to defend Shamar.

Allison's eyes went to her. "There is a need for it because that's what your child is. A child born to parents out of wedlock is a bastard. Embrace it, whore." She shot back effortlessly, catching everyone off guard. Expect for Sean once again. Her actions were far from unusual to him.

"Do not call my son a bastard, Allison." Robin repeated herself.

Allison rolled her eyes then went back to Sean. "I want you to leave my house now." She told him once more.

"I'm not leaving, so stop telling me." Sean mentioned. He had already began eating and he wasn't going to stop either. Allison slammed the table again, irritating Shai since she was constantly bringing him out his thoughts.

"I want you out of my fucking house!" She yelled at him, hoping it'll get through to Sean.

Sean stayed composed and shook his head. "I'm not going anywhere."

"You don't have the right to be here and I want you to go."

"I'm not."

"Get out my fucking-"

"Please stop yelling." Shai had to cut Allison off. He could feel a headache coming along and he knew the yelling was going to continue if he didn't chime in. However, this was his night and he refused for their nonsense to get in the way of that.

"I'm not talking to you." Allison shot at him.

"And yet, I'm talking to you." Shai retorted. "The yelling is unnecessary."

"I want you to leave my house, Sean. I'm not going to repeat myself." Allison said, sternly but in her regular tone.

"I'm not going anywhere." Sean was adamant on that. He was going to keep repeating it every time. The bickering had taken over and no one wanted to keep hearing it. Especially, not Shai.

"Then why are you here?" Shai questioned, turning to Sean. If figured if he wasn't going to answer Allison then he might answer him. At least they could get somewhere with all of this.

"You say you're not going anywhere and that's cool, so why are you here?" Shai asked again. Sean cleared his throat then wiped his mouth. He leaned back in the chair, tapping his finger against the table.

"I'm here because I want to correct everything," Sean replied. "I messed up and I want the truth to be spoken. If you allow me to do that-"

"Oh, please!" Allison interrupted. She scoffed. "Get out of my house with that. You came here to start drama-"

"I came here because I want to make things-"

"You brought your mistress and that bastard-"

"Don't call my son a bastard!" Robin chimed in for the second time. She was trying not to get into this but picking up with Allison's disrespect wasn't flying with her.

"I'm not going to stop calling him what he is, Robin. You're a whore and your son is a-"

"Oh my God, shut up!" Shai irritatedly yelled. He couldn't stand how childish the adults acted. One would've thought they were teenagers beefing with all the bickering they constantly did. He was through with it all and didn't want to keep hearing it. Only thing that was important with the truth and he going to get that.

"Who the hell are you speaking to?" Allison yelled back at him.

"You! Like the back and forth is annoying. We're all sitting here knowing there's ongoing issues between us, and you wanna keep yelling. Let's be foreal with each other and lay everything on the table." Shai replied, tapping the table with his hands.

"You know I agree," Shamar joined in while nodding his head. Shai looked at him, Shamar giving him a smile.

Shamar went on, pointing his fork at Shai. "I think it's been clear since day one but I'm going to repeat it here, I don't fucking like you." He was nonchalant with it. Shrugged his shoulders and went back to eating since he got it off his chest.

Shai rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I don't care, Shamar. You could've kept that to yourself." He told him.

"But I didn't want to," Shamar responded. "You said to lay it on the table so we're doing that. I don't like you. I really don't fucking like you. I can't stress that enough."

"Shamar, stop talking to me 'cause you're about to piss me off." Shai retorted.

"I'm just being honest with you. Whatchu gonna do? Cry? Bitch?" Shamar retorted.

"Nah, imma punch the shit out of you like how I've been doing. I don't mind sending you back to the hospital with your face fucked up." Shai threateningly responded.

Shamar smiled at him, his level of pettiness rising outside of the bar. He was getting bexactly what he wanted out of Shai. He wanted him angry and bothered just so he could made fun of him.

"Like how Allison sent you to the hospital." Shamar threw back, knowing it'll hit a nerve. Shai clenched his jaw while he glared at the smirking Shamar.

Shamar continued joyfully, "Your right eye was fucked up. All puffed up and black. You couldn't see either and you had to go to the hospital for it. Is that what you're going to do to me?"

"Imma fucking kill you this time around," Shai aggressively responded.

"I'd love to see you try." Shamar laughed, finding this entertaining.

"We can honestly go outside right now. It doesn't matter to me." Shai suggested, pushing his plate back from him.

"Shit, let's go." Shamar agreed, pushing his plate back too.

They both stood up but didn't move since they were grabbed. Robin had Shamar's wrist and Dess had Shai's hand. She had zoned back in once he got up and just realized the new company. She was only worried about Shamar and understood why Shai was heated.

"You two shouldn't be fighting." Robin told them both.

"Yes, sit down." William added, eyeing Shai. Both boys took their seats. Shai's leg started shaking. He hated how heated Shamar got him with his words and actions. It was killed him but he wasn't going to keep letting it happen.

"See what your presence does to this family." Allison interjected. Sean giving her a deadpan expression.

"No, your dishonesty is what causes this." He said back.

"Dishonesty?" Allison hysterically laughed. "You're the only one here that's trying to spread lies just to save your ass."

"I'm telling the truth that you refuse to do. I want to clear my name." Sean said.

"So please get on with it!" Shai threw out there. "Y'all dragging it and it's pissing me off. Say what you gotta say so we can wrap this up."

"Okay," Sean mumbled to himself. He was nervous, the first time he ever felt that way. His end goal was to make amends with Shai, so he silently prayed that everything said didn't affect that.

"To start off, I want to apologize for everything, Shai." He began, looking directly at Shai. "I know I can't take back anything that happened but I want to tell you that I'm sorry for it. I should've been there for you when you needed me. I didn't think you would deal with any of the trouble your mom put you through."

Allison scoffed, "I didn't put him through anything. You're the one that left him when he was a child. That hurts a child more than anything else in life."

"I only left because of you, Allison. Nothing more and nothing less. I didn't want to be with you anymore and you refused to sign the divorce papers. You still refuse to sign the papers. I wasn't going to keep arguing and fighting because of you not cooperating. I didn't want to leave Shai but you left me no other choice." Sean stated.

"As always Sean is pointing the finger at someone else." Allison shook her head and grabbed her wine. She was about to enjoy Sean and his lies of the century. She knew whatever he had to say wasn't going to change anything. He was an abuser.

"I'm not pointing the finger, I'm telling the truth. I wanted a divorce and you refused to do your part. I was sick of dealing with it and I had to leave. You throw rocks and hide your hands. You act like shit was sweet and played victim in situations you started. You damn near asked for everything that was shot your way."

"Are you saying I asked to be abused?" Allison defensively questioned. She slammed her glass back on the table and leaned forward. "Is that what you're saying you piece of shit?"

"You damn near asked for it like I said." Sean repeated nonchalantly. "You did shit, you antagonized, you lied, everything and then some. You pissed me off every chance that you could get. Don't lie either because damn near every problem we had was because of you and your selfishness."

"Oh, cry me a river, Sean. You're not innocent. You abused me for years and now you're saying that I asked for it? You're such a piece of shit!"

"If I'm sick a piece of shit then why are we married? Why won't you sign the papers to end this marriage? Why do you continuously lie about everything?" Sean threw multiple questions at her. Allison rolled her eyes, grabbing her wine and ignoring him.

Sean sighed, tapping his finger against the table. "I did not want to leave you, Shai, but your mom left me no choice. I know you witnessed things that no child should have and I apologize for that. However, your mom made it extremely difficult to be with her. We argued and fought every day. I wanted a divorce and she refused to give me one. I couldn't keep up with it, so I did the only thing I could at the time." He said to Shai.

"You cheated on me with several different women while we were together, Sean, and I was not having it. You were embarrassing me. Every scandal was put in the blogs, Sean, and I was looking crazy in the public eye!" Allison yelled.

"I told you what it was from the jump. I told you that I did not want to marry you. I made that known-"

"You got down on one knee and proposed-"

"You pressured me-"

"I did not pressure you!" Allison screamed, banging her hand against the table.

"I did not pressure you," she slowly said while pointing at him. That anger coming right out amongst her lies. Exactly what Sean expected out of her.

"You didn't pressure me, you lied to get me to marry you. Do you care to let the table know how you did it?" Sean rhetorically asked. He knew Allison wasn't going to but he wanted to be nice and ask.

"Stop speaking to me." Allison angrily replied. Sean nodded, deciding to speak for her instead.

"You got me to marry you because you said you were pregnant. Not with Shai." Sean said. Shai, William, and Susan's head turned in his direction.

Sean went on, "You said you were pregnant. Your father sat me down, a gun rested on the table, and told me that his daughter was not going to have a baby if she wasn't married to him. Compromising with you didn't work. Telling you that I didn't want to have a child with you didn't work. Neither did saying I didn't want to marry you. But you refused to get an abortion, so I had to marry you."

"You were pregnant before having Shai?" Susan questioned, turning to Allison. Though she may have presented herself as unbothered, she was spiraling on the inside. She wasn't answering any questions from anyone. Her silence spoke volumes though and was a response within itself.

"Yes, she was 'pregnant'." Sean used air-quotes. "Turns out after the marriage was settled, no baby ever showed up. There was no child. She just lied to get me to marry her and when I realized I asked for a divorce. But mommy and daddy weren't having it. They wanted their inspiring modeling daughter to marry a basketball player so they can continue living in paradise in the Caribbeans. That's why they don't come around for holidays because they're busy living the luxurious life with my money."

"That's when everything went downhill. Not entirely my fault." Sean ended.

"You lied about being pregnant, Allison?" Susan attempted again to get a response out of her. Allison gave her a side-eye, Susan not afraid and staring back.

"Why would you lie about that?"

"You're going to believe him?" Allison pointed at Sean. "He abused me for years. He ridiculed me. He cheated and had a child with this bitch and you're going to believe him?" She snapped.

"Allison, everyone can't be a liar besides you. That's not how that goes." William entered the conversation.

"Oh shut up, William!" She shot back at him. "Everyone just shut up! I'm the victim here! I spent years getting punched and slapped by this man for no reason. You all will not come at me. I refuse for y'all do that. Turn that energy to that home-wrecking bitch and her bastard of a child!" She only said it again so the attention went off her.

Robin still wasn't having her disrespect, so Allison got the reaction she intended. "Stop calling my son a bastard!" She huffed, banging her fists against the table.

"That's what he is so accept it." Allison reminded her.

"I don't care, Allison. You're not going to keep calling my son names because your lies are coming back to you. My child did nothing to you for you to come at him." Robin told her.

"He was born," Allison rudely said. "That's why I come at him."

Robin shook her head, disappointed in the way Allison was acting. She was never like this, bitter and nasty spirited. She was actually kind and loving but that side hadn't been shown to other people. Robin seen it though. Several times before Allison turned sour.

"You know what, Allison, I was trying not to talk crazy to you but you're pushing my buttons. I don't speak ill on Shai because he's an innocent child in all of this, along with Shamar. Neither of them asked to be born or asked to be in the middle of this adult drama. The least you could is give them the respect they deserve." Robin came at her nicely.

She wasn't going to attack or yell like how Allison was coming. Killing someone with kindness was always the way to go. Even with someone like Allison who seen kindness as a weakness and setback.

"Respect is earned not given. Why should I respect a child that shouldn't even be here in the first place and his whore of a mother? You won't ever get respect from me you dirty, nasty, no-good, home-wrecking bitch!" Allison cursed hard, putting her entire heart and soul into it.

Robin clicked her tongue then let out an irritated chuckle. "You know what boys since your parents aren't keeping it real with you then I will." She disclosed since she was over Allison and Sean together.

She didn't want to be here in the first place and Sean dragging her here for nonsense really set her off. These boys been left in the dark for years because of Allison and Sean's selfish behavior. She was ending all the foolishness tonight. Robin and Shai made eye contact, she felt bad for everything he's been through. Hearing about the abuse from Allison and the neglect from Sean didn't sit right with her. But she had a life that she wanted to live as well and it didn't include him.

"Shai, your mother and I used to be the best friends. The type of friends that could do just about anything for the other with no questions asked. Like giving one of them their eggs when yours are poor. I'm sure you don't understand that so I'm going to make it simpler. Your mother gave me one of her eggs and that same egg was used to carry Shamar. What does that mean necessary? Well, Shamar is similar to you. His DNA has both Allison and Sean's, however, he is biologically mine because I carried him." Robin broke it down for all of them.

This new information shocking everyone, Shai and Shamar the most. But Robin wasn't done and she finished speaking, "The two of you were born on the same day, August nineteenth, at the same hospital and just a couple of rooms apart. Shai you were born first and Shamar came a minute and five seconds after. Allison knew all along about Shamar's existence because I told her. I also told her about Sean and I messing with each other. Our friendship ended and your mother paid me off to stay away. Sean didn't find out about Shamar until he was five and I needed him to be there."

"I will admit that I played a part in Sean leaving because I suggested that him and Allison get a divorce. I didn't expect him to leave you behind but I never encouraged him to come back because deep down I didn't want him to. I had your father and Sean had his dad. That's all I cared about. I'm sorry for the neglect and abuse that you endured over the years. You most certainly didn't deserve any of this, however, I wouldn't have changed anything. That may be cruel and selfish to say but at least I'm honest. You deserve that much." She concluded.

There was no remorse in her tone. She had done what she did, and if given the chance, she'd do it again. She never received the type of love Sean gave her. She may have been wrong with going behind Allison back but she vividly remembered all the harsh things Allison spoke about Sean. She never loved him. She didn't even want to be with him. She was just using him for money and a status. The blogs loved their relationship, including the hardships, because it brought in millions for them.

Every time a picture of Sean and Allison was posted, someone was receiving a stack in their pockets. Magazines were being bought just to read the drama. People spent close to eight hours every day just to tweet and comment about the two. Think pieces after think pieces that centered around the two of them. They were money for many companies. Allison knew that and she played into it. Eventually, the game caught up to her and was playing her instead.

The entire table was shocked and quiet. No one expecting the truth to be that. Sean feeling bad at the way it came out but this was what he wanted. Robin feeling free that she had let it all out. Keeping a secret like this hidden was kicking her ass. Shamar was busy processing the confession of him having Allison's genes. Though Robin may biologically be his, knowing he had Allison genes was messing him up.

Priscilla and Indy were saddened to hear the news. No child, Shai or Shamar, should have to ever deal with this nonsense. They both wanted to coddle Shai but they stayed in their seats. Stephen was confused and didn't have much to say. Susan was puzzled and taking in everything as well. She didn't know this information, just bits and pieces. She knew about Shamar and how he came about but nothing other than that. She was more so hurt at Allison and their parents actions in all of this.

William never felt more uncomfortable in his life after the confession. Although it was painful to hear, it needed to be said. Finding out all of this information was a lot to take in for him. Dess had been listening and knew whatever happened next wasn't going to be pretty. Allison sat at the head of the table with her wine glass in hand and looking unbothered. The truth was out there and there was no doubt that it was disturbing and messy. She sipped her wine and found no reason to speak more on it. Though everyone had their own reactions to the news, there was only one that mattered the most.


Before the silence, he was staring at Robin while she told everything. Now, he was looking around the table at everyone. Mainly Sean, Shamar, Robin, and Allison. The big four. The ones all in this mess. The ones that lately been stressing him out with what was occurring. His so called father that left because he didn't want to deal with his wife. The mistress that encouraged a man to not see his first born. The brother that egged on the situation. And lastly, the mother and wife who knew everything and chose to provide him a life filled with misery. If his ten year old self wasn't already on board with cutting them off, he was now.

Shai broke the awkward silence with a chuckle. All heads turning to face him. He shook his head and continued chuckling to himself. He wiped his hands over his face and groaned harshly into them. Moving his hands from his face, he wiped them against his legs and shook his head again. He was trying his best to keep cool and not jump across the table to hit someone. Instead of doing such, he pushed back his chair and stood up. He walked off, all eyes following him. Dess stood up and was about to follow him but Stephen held her arm. She looked down at him and he shook his head.

"Give him the space. He needs it."



It's been two hours since the dinner ended. Everyone had walked away from the table one by one. Shai was first. He drove to a random spot and had a meltdown. Cried and screamed in the comfort of his vehicle with no around to judge or console him. He didn't need it. He just needed that moment. Sean, Robin, and Shamar left soon after. Their car ride home was quiet. That was that.

William and Susan said their goodbyes to have their own separate conversation about their marriage. In the end, apologies were given and they were going to fix their marriage. The dinner placed everything into perspective for Susan about her family. All she needed was her husband and more than six feet from Allison. Stephen and Dess were next. Stephen making his way back to his hotel where Dess decided to spend the night at. She was trying to get in a much time with him as she could. Plus, she figured Shai needed the space for deal with everything.

Priscilla and Indy did their job, putting away food and cleaning up. They even had a talking and drinking session in the kitchen once everyone was gone. And Allison, the culprit, went right to her room like nothing happened. She proceeded with her nighttime routine and fell asleep. One may wonder if she slept peacefully and she did right in her Alaskan king sized bed. No care in the world. That was expected from a person like her.

With all of that, Shai found himself coming back to the house, having nowhere else to go. He sat on the steps outside with the bottle of whiskey William brought over. It was unopened until Shai got his hands on it. He was never a drinker but needed something to deal. He never realized how helpful alcohol could be in forgetting about the drama. That was until the problem decides to show up while you're drunk.

The bright high-beams from the car shined in his face. Shai squinting his eyes at them. He fixed his face when the light was blocked by a figure. That figure soon being revealed as Sean. Shai suck his teeth then proceeded to drink straight from the bottle. His face twisting up at the taste of the whiskey. He was reminded why he didn't like drink. He would never be able to get used to the taste.

"I don't think you should be drinking that," Sean addressed. Seeing Shai drunk on the steps was not the sight he ever thought he'd see.

"Please don't come here trying to be a dad, Sean, cause I don't want to hear it." Shai remarked. He took another huge gulp of the whiskey, nearly finishing the bottle. And it was a big one.

"All I'm saying is that you shouldn't be drinking." Sean mentioned. Shai made eye contact with him, he held the bottle up then drunk it in Sean's face, finishing it entirely. He tossed the bottle in the garden beside him then wiped his mouth.

"You gonna tell me not to litter too? Or you're going to pick and choose when you want to parent?" Shai retorted, cuffing his ear so he'd be able to hear better. Sean said nothing, making Shai nod.

"That's what I thought." He muttered, throwing his head back.

Sean sighed, rubbing his chin. "Shai I want to talk to you." He spoke. He didn't think dinner was enough. He wanted to have a private conversation, one that he prayed could get the outcome he wanted.

Shai held his hand up, "Say your words big dawg cause I don't wanna hear it." He told him.

"This is important."

"Still don't care."

"Shai!" Sean yelled his name, getting agitated his him not cooperating. Shai lifted his head up to look at Sean and picked up on the furious expression he had on his face.

Shai snickered. "You getting mad cause I don't want to talk to you is fucking hilarious." He pointed out.

"It's like you forgot what the fuck was said two hours ago. Or better yet what you've said all of those years ago. And you're mad? The jokes write themselves." Shai began laughing.

"Look, I'm not trying to start any problems, I just want to apologize. I should've been there for you while you needed me. I should've taken you with me. I should've-"

"Is that all you're going to apologize for?" Shai interrupted. "Because it's not the only thing he did bro. If you're going to apologize, apologize for the shit you said to me. Apologize for looking me in my face as a kid and telling me I'm not going to be shit in life. Apologize for neglecting me and making it seem like you don't like me. Apologize for steady calling me a little girl when I cried about a bruise or cause I called a daddy. Apologize for the constant reminder that you didn't want me. Apologize for that shit cause that's really the kicker."

"I apologize for everything from what I said and didn't say to what I did and didn't do. I'm sorry, Shai." Sean apologized again. He was sincere too, it was heard in his voice. He felt bad about what happened and wished he could've done better. He was trying to now.

"Cool. Now, take that apology and shove it up your ass cause I don't give a fuck." Shai snapped back, Sean frowning instantly. Shai groaned while standing himself up and stood in front of Sean. The two of them the same height so they looked each other deep in the eye.

"Your apology means nothing to me Sean when I had to live with being abused by my own parent while you raised another child. I don't care for whatever bitch you decide to stick your dick inside of, you created me and you fucking left me because you weren't man enough to tolerate your wife. The same fucking lady that you're still married to while playing house with your mistress. So, it's fuck your apology. Fuck you. And fuck whatever amends you were trying to make cause it's not fucking happening. I'm through with this entire family," Shai went off.

He turned on his heels, over the conversation, and started his way to the door. He assumed it was over with but Sean still wanted to try.

"Could you and Shamar sit down at least?" Sean suggested.

"If I sit down with him then I'm going to whoop his ass. Imma save you a hospital bill." Shai said back. He walked into the house, slamming the door shut behind him.

He was exhausted but thankful.


Sorry for the long chapter. This was damn near 11,000 words which lets y'all know that I love y'all. Thoughts?

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