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"I don't like how some of the really nice clothes are up at the top where I can't reach. I call one of the employees to help me and it's like they don't listen. And what's up with the plus size women clothes? Why aren't there more clothes for them? If your boutique is so diverse in sizes, explain why there's only a little bit of plus size women clothes?" Sheryl complained.

"I have a lot of plus size clothes that I have to put in stock. It's takes time Sheryl." Constance answered, leaning on the counter. She was listening to Sheryl complain once again and she was growing tired of it.

"It's Miss Sheryl, respect your elders. And what type of boss are you having your employees walking around here in all types of inappropriate clothing." Sheryl continued, mean mugging Nicole and Abby.

Constance rub the bridge of her nose. She wasn't in the mood for any of this, she was tired and felt the urge to cry since this morning.

"There's no dress code in my shop, I'm not-"

"There needs to be a dress code! You have your employees walking around here looking like little thots with their stomachs out. You should be ashamed-"

"OOOH MY GOSH, SHUT UP!" Constance shouted cutting Sheryl off.

"Excuse me?" Sheryl asked. "I know you didn't tell a customer to shut up."

"I did because your so annoying. You complain about every freaking thing. If you don't like anything here then go shop somewhere else." Constance continued shouting, beyond pissed at the moment.

The shop got silent besides the music that was playing on the speaker. She look around seeing her customers, employees and Sheryl staring at her. And at that moment, she knew it was a good idea to leave and cry.

"Sorry." She mumbled to herself, walking from behind the counter. She head in the back going in the employee bathroom.

She leaned on the wall and started crying. She wasn't sure if she was emotional because of her pregnancy hormones or because she probably was going to lose customers. Whichever reason it was, the outcome was her crying.

Her phone starting ringing and she pulled it out her back pocket. She seen Nay FaceTiming her and she quickly got herself together before answering.

"Hi boo!" Nay exclaimed. "Aht aht, who made you cry?" she asked once Constance put her face in the camera.

She wipe her tears, "No one, I'm just having a moment." Constance told her.

"You sure? Just because I'm in LA, doesn't mean I won't beat a nigga or bitch ass for making you cry." Nay told her, Constance letting out a small chuckle.

"I promise, no one did anything. I'm fine." she told walking out the bathroom. She took a seat at the table, moving her hair away from her face.

"Mhm, imma take your word for it. But, guess what babe?" Nay eagerly asked her while Constance propped up her phone.


"I'm coming down this summer to see you baby!" Nay exclaimed.

"Really?" Constance asked and Nay nodded her head.

"Yes, I miss you so much. LA is lowkey boring without my bestie."

"I doubt it, it seems more interesting out there. A lot to do and many celebrities to see. Better than anything that's been going on out here." Constance remarked, playing with her nails.

"Yeah, but it's boring when I can't experience it with my best friend. Anyway, how have everything been hon?" Nay asked wanting to know what went on while she was gone.

It's been two years since the two seen each other since Nay moved down to Los Angeles. She went down there to improve her singing career and it's been going extremely well. Her music were making the billboards and being played on every radio station.

She never imagined exceeding the way she was now. And she could thank Constance for helping her out.

"Umm, it's been fine. I'm kinda lonely down here." Constance answered.

"Really? Where's the twins?"

"Sanya is in college and come see me from time to time. Aanya is somewhere with her toxic boyfriend."

"Toxic boyfriend?"

"It's a long story that I'll explain later." Constance said and Nay nodded her head.

"Okay, what about the boys?"

"Demi works and I don't bother him with that. And I don't hang with Cannon or Jayden because of boundaries. So, yeah I'm basically alone." she shrugged her shoulders at the thought of not really having anyone.

Even though she did have people around, it just didn't feel like it at all. And she can say that it was her fault for being distance with people. At times, she wondered how life would be if she wasn't here.

If she was gone like her parents...

"Aww, you won't be alone for long baby. When I come down for the summer, me and you are gonna be out and about. I promise." Nay told her and Constance nodded her head, having a hard time believing it.

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. But, I have to get back to work love. I'll see."

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you too." Constance said back before hanging up the phone. She sigh, putting her head in her hands.

She couldn't do this anymore.

"Aight, so say a girl comes in and says she wants a tattoo near her pussy. Would you do it?" Jayden asked looking over at his cousin who leaned on the wall, rolling up.

"Best fucking believe then imma give her something special afterwards." Cannon answered as he rolled his paper making sure his blunt was clean.

"Aight, what about you." Jayden asked looking down at Demetrius who was doing his tattoo.

"I wish you stop moving before I fuck your shit up and make you pay." Demetrius said, ignoring his question and Jayden smack his lips.

"You gon' answer my question?"

"No, I wouldn't. I'll simply escort her to Cannon and he can do her or let Romona do her." Demetrius answered his question.

"Really? So, you'll tattoo her back and underneath her boob. But, not near her pussy? Crazy." Jayden remarked, Demetrius roll his eyes at him.

"Yes, I said that shit. It's just boundaries, plus I'm not trying to look at a women vagina while I ink her. Shit sound weird." Demetrius explained further.

"Shit, ion mind at fucking all. A women wanna get completely naked, best believe imma ink her literally and figuratively." Cannon said putting the blunt behind his ear for later.

"Of course you would cause you fuck anything that moves."

"Correction, anything that breaths, have a vagina and boobs, has trust issues and/or daddy issues. It's a bonus if she can give head." Cannon corrected Jayden.

"Yo, what if me and Constance split?" Demetrius asked out of nowhere, causing the both of them to look at him.

"What nigga?" Jayden asked.

"You wanna break up with her?" Cannon asked, Demetrius scrunched up his face.

"What? No, I don't wanna break up with her." Demi told him.

"Oh, I was about to say you was about to fuck up badly with that one."

Demi shook his head, "No, I'm not breaking up with her even though right now isn't too good. I worded my sentence wrong though." He said.

"Oh, but whatchu mean by right now isn't good?" Jayden asked him.

"Ion know, she just been acting different and been distancing herself from me. But, I was thinking me and her could leave Detroit for like a week or two and go on a vacation. Just to figure our relationship out." He told them wiping Jayden tattoo clear of any excise ink.

"Where y'all gonna go?"

"Ion even know, but I wanna take her somewhere really nice. I'm looking for a nice resort, but I need y'all to watch my house more so watch Dre." Demetrius told them while putting Saran Wrap on Jayden arm.

"That's the little boy y'all took in?" Cannon asked and he nodded his head.

"Yeah, he's bad as fuck and I need him to be watched. So, y'all don't mind doing that?"

"Nah, ion mind. That lil nigga better behave or imma end up shooting him." Cannoned mentioned.

"No seriously, but I gotta get back to work cause I'm late as a muthafucker." Jayden said as he look at his watch.

"I'm curious as to how ya ass work as a gym teacher and you always late." Cannon said and Jayden shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm able to keep my job because I'm messing with the vice principal. And if I wanted to be an ass, I could tell her husband she's cheating on him, who so happen to be the principal at the school. Now, I'm off lil nigglets! Thanks for the tat, Demi!"

Demetrius and Cannon both shook their heads as Jayden walked out.

"Babygirl." Demetrius said in a whisper, lightly shoving Constance.

"Hmm," she hummed, waking up.

"I'm sorry mamas, but where that little boy at?" He asked her as she wipe her eyes.

"His friend mom took them to the movies and out to eat. He'll be back around ten." she answered and he nodded his head.

"Whatchu doing ma?" he asked seeing she was about to get up.

"Well, you woke me up so I have to cook." she answered, still half sleep.

"Nah, you don't need to cook mamas, it's just us two. I'll just get us something to eat." he told her, she nodded her head laying back down.

"You want anything in particular?"

"No, just make sure they give me extra pickles." she answered and he nodded his head.

"You okay, baby?" he asked her, wanting to see if she would tell him something.

"I'm fine." she replied back. He sigh lowly, nodding his head.

"Aight, I'll be back." He told her, making his way out the room.

A vacation was well needed for their relationship. He didn't want to let her go, so he needed her to let him in.

a. I know Constance probably finna make some of y'all mad sorry...

b. y'all think their little vacation going to fix or break their relationship?

c. thoughts? opinions? questions?

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