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"If it isn't the one and only Nia." Demetrius said, shutting the door after his cousin walked in.

"You already know." She gassed herself up, flipping her hair. "You know this the first time I been in your house. Why is that?" she asked looking around the house.

"You never asked to come over." Demetrius replied as he finished cleaning up.

Nia roll her eyes at the picture of Demetrius and Constance. She put the picture down and then went in the kitchen.

"Well, you know I didn't want to come over and your little girlfriend start her shit." She remarked taking a seat at the counter.

"She's my wife and she wouldn't have started her shit, so ion know what your talking about." He told her and she roll her eyes.

"Why do you call her your wife? Y'all not married, you didn't put a ring on her finger." She said, Demetrius stale facing her.

"I call her my wife because she's my wife, end of story. And why you do you care if a ring is on her finger or not? By the way, a ring is on her finger." Demetrius replied back, leaning on the counter.

"Because your my cousin and I don't want my cousin staying attached to a female that's no good for him. I'm sorry that I wanna make sure your alright." She shrugged her shoulders and Demetrius shook his head.

"You know you and ya mom the only ones that don't like her. Everyone else fucks with her then it's the two of y'all that are some hating ass women. I'm refraining from calling y'all the b-word cause y'all family." He mentioned.

"For one, we're not hating on her. Sorry not sorry, but there's really nothing to hate on her about. I mean she's pretty, but like come on." She said, Demetrius squinted his eyes at her already knowing the real reason by the hatred.

You see when they were little kids, Nia had a crush on Demi before she knew they were related. It was a secret crush, of course, because it was weird for her to like her own cousin once she found out. She would be all extra around him and his friends, go above and beyond to get his attention.

She was that type of woman that did any and everything to get a man attention. Even if it made her look stupid at times.

"Look Nia we're adults now, so there's no reason for you to keep lying to yourself. So, just admit that's the reason why you dislike her." He told her and she roll her eyes.

"Ion know what your talking about." She said and Demetrius tucked in his lips.

"Okay, well imma need you respect my wife whether you like her or not because she's here to stay forever. And imma need you to get over it cause it's not going to happened...ever." Demetrius exclaimed to her and she frown.

"Baby!" Constance shouted once she walked in the house. Demetrius smile as she came in the kitchen.

"Hey, beautiful." he said, kissing her cheek.

"Hello. Hey Nia." Constance greeted her and Nia roll her eyes.

"I'm leaving, I don't need to be here anymore. I'll see you Demi whenever you stop being boujee and come around the family." Nia said getting off the stool and walking out.

"Well, she's not quite friendly today." Constance said putting her purse on the counter.

"She's never friendly, but how was your day mamas?" He asked her.

"It was fine. You remember that lady, Sheryl, I told you about?"

"The one that always complained about stuff in your shop?" He asked and she nodded her head.

"Yeah, so she came back in my shop and this time she didn't complain about shit. She just bought her clothes then dipped." Constance told him and he nodded his head.

"That's wassup. Maybe you needed to tell her to shut up sooner." He joked and she shook her head.

"I don't like telling customers to shut up, but I just had to with her. I also wanna show you something." She said reaching in her purse and taking out a pamphlet.

She handed it to Demi and he took it from her. "What's this?" He asked looking at it.

"I did a good thing and found me a therapist." She told him and he look up at her, surprised.

"Really?" He asked and she nodded her head.

"Yeah, I found a therapist that's literally in a whole 'nother town, but that doesn't matter. Anyway, I found her and I went and talked to her people. Turns out she's a black women that helps out other young black women in life with their issues whether it's depression, anxiety, or with pregnancy. And I thought that if I talked to her, she would help me out just a little." she explained.

"That's good. You can't go wrong talking to a black women, they keep it real whether you like it or not." Demetrius said.

"Yup, and I also think I would feel comfortable talking to a woman like me instead of someone else. If you get what I'm saying."

"I one hundred percent do ma. So, when do you see her?"

"Next Friday. I'm going straight there after work, so I'll probably be home around seven or eight. That leaves you and Dre enough time to decide what y'all eating." She told him and Demetrius smack his lips.

"If Dre doesn't agree with me then he's not eating. Ion give a fuck." He shrugged his shoulders and Constance stale face him.

"That's not fair, y'all gotta agree and if y'all don't then there's no dinner. Point black period." She said, chuckling afterwards.

"Well..." Demi dragged pulling her close to him. "I can eat, but it's not food though." he finished, licking his lips.

"Ooh, you nasty." she chuckled as he pick her up, tossing her over her shoulder.

"Don't hurt me and my baby with ya shalong!"

"Oh be quiet."

"When imma see you again daddy?" A random girl asked as her and Byron walked down the stairs.

"Whenever you wanna come over again baby. It don't matter." he told her, smacking her ass making her chuckle.

She stopped laughing once she seen Aanya sitting on the couch. She look back at Byron letting out a snicker before walking out the house. Once she heard the door shut, Aanya shook her head.

"I'm tired of this shit, Byron." She said as her eyes started to water.

She look back at him, "I'm tired of this shit Byron, I really am." she repeated herself.

"Damn, you crying? That's sad." He said sarcastically walking in the kitchen.

Aanya got up off the couch following after him. "I can't do this anymore, Byron. I can't do all this cheating and you fucking bitches right in front of me." she told him, he shrugged his shoulders taking out a shot glass and Hennessy.

"Well, I mean no one told you to just sit there. You could've join, ole girl pussy was tight." He said pouring him something to drink. He took the shot to the head then pouring some more.

"Your missing the fucking point, Byron! I'm done." She shouted, Byron raising his brow at her.

"Your done?" He asked and she nodded her head.

He scoffed, chuckling and shaking his head. "And where are you going to go, Aanya? Honest question, where you finna go cause you don't have nowhere to go. Last time I checked, all that money you had saved up for college is all gone. You used all the money on me buying me Gucci and Versace. You didn't even save any for you, now your living in my house rent free and your saying your done." he said as he spread out the cocaine from the baggie onto the counter.

He kept laughing, "And if you leave where exactly are you going to go? Oh, wait I think I know where you'll go...you'll go see ole boy. What's his name again...William?" He asked and Aanya tensed up once he said Cannon name.

She didn't know that he knew about the two of them. No one really knew about her and Cannon since they kept it a secret. They weren't in a relationship with each other, but from time to time they sleep together. And other times they just chilled with each other. She just didn't know Byron knew about it.

"You thought I didn't know bout the two of y'all? I'm not dumb, Aanya unlike you sweetheart. I know you and him being fucking with each other. I never said anything simply because after you was done with ole boy, you always brung ya ass home to me. As long as you came back, I didn't give a rats ass." he said, leaning down and snorting the coke on the counter.

"Jeez, that's good." he exclaimed wiping the extra powder from his nose.

"So, you still done?" He asked, wiping his nose again. She nodded her head and he shook his.

"Nah, your not done until I say your done. Now, come over here." he told her and she shook her head.

"Byron, no. I'm done." she said, tears starting to roll down her cheeks.

"Anaya, I'm not going to tell you again. Come here." he repeated more sternly and she shook her head again.

Walking over to her, he gripped her hair and she let out a loud yelp. "Byron, stop!" she cried out as he push her head down towards the coke.

"C'mon princess, it's not that hard. Do it for daddy." he kept forcing her head down.

Giving up, Aanya ended up doing as told and sniffled the drugs. Byron started laughing as she cried, sliding down to the floor.

"Cheer up babygirl, you'll be alright. Now, imma need you to get clean up and meet daddy in the bedroom. It's your turn now." He told her before leaving the kitchen and heading back upstairs.

Aanya lean her head on the cabinet, crying her eyes out. She needed help out of this mess and the two people that could help her didn't want to be bothered with her anymore.

She knew she had messed up.

a. thoughts on Demetrius cousin, Nia and why she doesn't like Constance? also thoughts on her little secret crush on him?

b. y'all happy Miss Constance getting help?

c. what's y'all thoughts on Aanya situation? how y'all feel about Byron and the way he treats her?

d. thoughts? opinions? questions?

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