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*excuse mistakes*

William sigh opening his front door, "What I tell you about popping up to my house?" he asked stepping aside and letting Aanya in.

"What? I can't come over anymore?" she asked with an attitude. William roll his eyes, shutting the door and locking it.

"Did I say that?" he asked, tilting his head.

"You might as well with the way you said it." She remarked rolling her neck. William sigh, not bothering to argue with her.

"Okay, do you know what time it is?" He asked and she shook her head. "Yeah, well it's two in the morning and your at my house for what?"

She roll her eyes, "Because I wanted to see you, is that a crime?" She asked crossing her arms, squinting her eyes at him.

"Not a crime, but it sure is a problem when I have to get up in six hours for work. But, people with nothing to do wouldn't understand that." William mumbled.

"What the fuck is that suppose to mean?" She asked, William shook his head walking past her.

"Nothing, Aanya." He answered walking upstairs, Aanya following after him. They walked in his room, William plopping on his bed face first.

"What's up with everyone lately?" Aanya questioned taking off her shoes.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" William muffled since his face was buried in his pillow. Aanya took off her the rest of her stuff then got in the bed next to him.

"Why is everyone being an ass to me lately? First it's Sanya and Constance now it's you. Like what the fuck honestly?"

William look over at her, "Aanya, have you ever sat down and actually thought to yourself why we acting the way we act?" He asked her and she roll her eyes.

"Yeah, because y'all all some damn haters and don't support me and my relationship."

William scoffed, "Yeah, we're hating on a relationship that's toxic as fuck." He said smartly, laying back on his pillow.

"Not hating, but y'all acting like assholes towards me. I haven't done shit to any of y'all."

"You haven't done shit? Did you tell Sanya that you didn't give a fuck about her and just cause y'all twins, y'all don't have to do everything together? Didn't you also tell Constance that if y'all mom was here, she would say she's worthless? How about you using me for sex and shit?"

"I'm not using you for sex."

"Really? So, why every time you come over it's in the middle of the night?" He asked her, she tuck in her lips not answering.

"My point exactly. You can pretend all you want, but I'm not stupid nor am I like that nigga you fucking with. I tried helping you and so did your sisters, if you wanna stay with that nigga then be my damn guest. You your own person and can think for yourself. You wanna keep dealing with all that cheating and shit, I don't give a damn. I, however, want you to get your head screwed on right so you can start thinking for your damn self again. Cause in the end, that nigga will come and go while your family will be there forever whether you like it or not."

"So, what are you trying to say?"

"Read between the lines, Aanya, and figure it out. In the mean time, if you wanna come over for dick just say that instead of doing all this unnecessary bullshit." he told her, she sigh then climbed on top of him.

She leaned down towards him then kiss his cheek. "I'm sorry." she apologized.

"You apologizing to the wrong person. You should really apologize to Constance and Sanya, especially Constance." he told her and she roll her eyes sitting up.

"Why? I mean I know what I said was fucked up, but she acting like my mom and that shit is annoying." She said, getting annoyed at the thought.

"She's not acting like your mom, she's being an older sister and trying to lead y'all in the right direction. Constance isn't even my sister or my girl and I love how caring and supportive she is towards me. That's how she is and that's what she's doing. So, you gonna apologize?"

"I guess so." She answered not really wanting to. She didn't think it was necessary in her opinion.

The room fell silent between them and they both knew what was about to come. Aanya lean down towards him as she slip her hand in his shirt.



Dre leg shook as he sat in the principal office. He look at the secretary who look at him over her glasses. She gave him a disappointed head shake making Dre gulp hard. The door to the principal office opened and he quickly looked over.

"Thank you for your honesty, Mike. You can go back to class." Principal Anderson said, giving Mike a pat on the shoulder.

Dre stare at Mike who refused to make eye contact. He kept looking at him as he walked out the office.

"Mr. Kingston, I'll see you know." Principal Anderson said, motioning for him to come into his office. Dre sigh lowly getting up and walking inside.

He took a seat in the chair in front of the desk. Principal Anderson shut the door then proceeded to take a seat at his desk. He clasp his hands together, sighing.

"Do you know why your in here, Mr. Kingston?" He asked and Dre nodded his head.

"Well, then I should tell you that because of you selling drugs to minors in and out of school, your expelled." Principal Anderson told him and Dre heart dropped.

"Did Mike tell you that?" Dre asked.

"I can't tell you that, Mr. Kingston. All I can tell you is that you can no longer attend this school. I also need to inform you that because you sold drugs to a minor and he almost died, the police are taking you into custody and you'll be sent to a juvenile detention." Mr. Anderson continued, Dre heart shattering even more.

"Mr. Anderson, I'm sorry okay. I didn't mean to, it was a mistake. I don't wanna go." Dre voice cracked as his eyes started to water.

He didn't want to go to a detention center. He knew he messed up and he was fixing himself until this happened. And the fact that his own best friend ratted him out made things much more worse. His life was over with and all because of his wrong doing.

"I'm sorry Mr. Kingston, but you committed a crime and you have to suffer the consequences. Your a bright young man, but you made a very bad decision this time." He told him, Dre sniffled as tears roll down his cheeks.

"So, what's going to happen?" Dre asked lowering his head.

Principal Anderson sigh, "Well, the police will explain everything more properly. But, you'll be sent to a juvenile detention and will be there for however long the judge decides. There's also a possibility that if you stay there until your eighteen, you could leave eventually end up going to prison and serving the rest of your time. The police, however, you explain everything to you. Now, I tried getting in contact with your mom but I didn't get an answer. Do you have anyone else I can contact?" He asked, Dre nodded his head.

"Well, may you write their number down and I can call them." He push his notepad towards him.

Dre stared at the notepad feeling sick to his stomach. He sigh grabbing the pen and started writing down Demetrius number. Once he was done, he leaned back in the chair wiping his tears.

The door opened and the secretary looked in. "Mr. Anderson, the police are here and is ready for him." she said and Mr. Anderson nodded his head.

"Well, then Mr. Kingston...you have to get going." He said getting up out his seat. Dre swallow the huge lump in his throat before slowly getting up.

He followed Principal Anderson out his office seeing two officers.

"I wanted this to be done before the students got out of class, but it's alright." Principal Anderson said to the two officers.

"Sorry, sir we're quite busy. Dre Kingston?" One officer asked looking at Dre.

He nodded his head wiping his tears that continued to roll down his cheeks. The officer took out his cuffs and Dre turning around, putting his hands behind his back.

"Dre Kingston, your under arrest..." Dre tuned the officer out as he read him his rights. As they walk out the office, he kept his head down as students stood around watching.

He heard them mumbling while some of them took out their phone recording.

"Alright, phones away and get to class." Principal Anderson told the students.

They walked out the building, Dre head still hung low.

He had really done it now.

"You can't be serious right now?" Constance asked following after Demetrius in the kitchen.

"That's not right at all, Demetrius and you know that." She said and he shrugged his shoulders, sitting down at the table.

"It is what it is, Constance. Nothing we can do." he said and she scoffed.

"That's bullshit, all of this is bullshit." She raised her voice, irritated about the situation. "They can't just take him, that's not fucking right."

"Honestly, Constance what did you expect to happen?" He asked looking over at her. "He committed a fucking crime, he wasn't getting away with this."

"Okay, but it's still fucked up. He's fifteen years old-"

"Age doesn't mean a damn thing when you commit a crime. He knew what he was doing was wrong and he still did it. That's his fault and no one else's." He told her and she roll her eyes.

"He's still a damn child Demetrius. I understand that he fucked up, but the way they approached it was fucking terrible. The cops taking him while he was still in school, that's fucked up."

"Yes, how they approached the situation was messed up but that's not my problem. I hope you know he literally sold drugs to minors and almost killed a kid in the process of it. He's suffering the consequences of the actions that he did and that's not our problem." He told her, shrugging his shoulders again and getting up.

"It is our fucking problem because we took him in. He's our responsibility and your acting like an ass about the situation. He's literally sitting in a juvenile detention and he most likely will be sent to jail because of a mistake! All I asked for you to do is to talk to him and help him out, but instead you did fucking nothing. You was useless in this whole shit while I was trying to help him!" She shouted at him.

"Constance imma need you to listen for fucking once in your life please. Dre is fucking bad, he's been bad since the day we took him in. I sat down and talked to him several times and that did absolutely nothing. You need to face it already and understand that you can't save him anymore. He's not our problem and he will never be again. You can't keep playing step-mommy to him, so just stop it already." he said, she cross her arms staring at him.

"I'm starting to wonder who's worse at parenting, you or your fucking father. The hatred you have towards this little boy is ridiculous. You need to grow the fuck up!" she pushed past him, storming out the kitchen and going upstairs.

Demetrius shook his head sitting back at the table. He heard the door being slammed shut and he sigh.

"Mood swings...that's what I'm calling it."

a. thoughts on Aanya and Cannon? feelings on her saying she doesn't want to apologize to Constance?

b. thoughts on Dre and his situation? thoughts on Constance and Demetrius little argument?

c. this isn't going to come in between them just to let y'all know

d. thoughts? opinions? questions?

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