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*excuse mistakes if any*

To solve a problem, you have to recognize your share of responsibility. If you only blame the others, you'll never solve it.

"Baby, your list done for Amira room or you need to add something?" Demetrius asked as he walk in the kitchen. He look up at Constance waiting for an answer, but didn't get one.

"Baby!" He called out causing her to turn around. "You heard me?" he asked and she shrugged her shoulders.

"No, I didn't. You gonna have to repeat yourself." she told him. Demetrius catching the slight attitude in her voice.

"Aight, I asked if your list was done cause if it is then imma go get it and we can work on Amira room today." He told her and she hummed a little.

"Well, it is done, but we have much more important things to worry about first. You wanna hear a joke?" she asked, Demetrius raising his brow confused.

"Uhh, sure." he hesitated, not knowing how to answer.

"Cool, why was the pregnant woman mad?" she asked, Demetrius squinting his eyes at her.

"I don't know."

"Because she woke up this morning catching her sister, who she stopped talking to, sneaking out her house. And she's trying to figure out why the fuck was here. Funny right?" she asked, smartly. Demetrius sigh, rubbing his forehead.

"Look, I'll explain-"

"Go ahead." She cut him off wanting to hear his reason. She was clear when she said she didn't want to see Aanya nor associate herself with her.

She was still angry about their last encounter at her job. She was completely over with helping and didn't want to see Aanya at all.

"So look, she called me last night asking if I could open the door, and when I did she asked if she could sleep here for the night." He began to explain.

"What the fuck does that have to do with me? She should've went and slept at her boyfriend house or somewhere, she didn't have to come here." Constance told him.

"Okay, but she said that her boyfriend locked her out the house and wouldn't let her in. So, she came here, asked for somewhere to sleep, so I let her sleep here. I was just helping her out, she didn't look good at all. She had blood on her shirt and her eye was black like she was getting hit on. I was just helping." He told her and she shrugged her shoulders again.

"Baby, I don't give a fuck." Constance told her and he sigh.

"Aight, let's not be insensitive-"

"Insensitive?" She questioned, cutting him off. "I'm not being insensitive, I genuinely don't give a fuck anymore. I stopped caring once she said what she said. So, I'm not being insensitive." she told him, getting slight irritated.

"Okay, but just take a moment before you say you don't care cause I know you do. That's your sister and she'll always mean something to you." He told her, Constance scoffed shaking her head.

"She needed help-"

"Oh, now she's the damsel in distress? I thought that only happen in fairytales and those LMN movies." She remarked making Demetrius stale face her.

"Babe, for one stop with the smart remarks and two stop cutting me off." He told her and she roll her eyes.

"Anyway, I understand that all three of y'all fell off. I also understand the shit she said and done to you. But, you really have to give her a pass this once. Ion know her boyfriend, but once I seen her face I knew for sure that nigga is doing something to her."

"And I'm supposed to care?" She asked and he nodded his head.

"Yeah, your are because that's family. And family comes before anything. She's alone right now and needs someone." He said, Constance tilting her head to the side.

She scoffed, "Oh, so because she's alone and need someone to help, I have to be the one to help? Ion know if you remember, but I been alone before. I needed help, but no one was there. I got myself out of my situation because I wanted to. I didn't want to keep living the life that I was living, so I got my ass up and solved the problem by my damn self. If she wants to get out her situation, and I doubt she does, she would fix it." she raised her voice, beyond pissed.

She started walking about to leave the kitchen, but Demetrius grabbed her arm turning her around.

"Baby, I know in the past you needed someone and no one was there to help. Yes, you got out of your situation, but some people need help getting out of theirs. Your her sister, your suppose to be there for help and protect her from anything and anyone. Agree to just go to the house and check on her to see if she's fine. Can you please do that?" He asked, she roll her eyes at him.

"Fine." she agreed, aggressively. "We'll go and check on her, but I just need you to know that I'm tired. I'm tired of being the hero in everyone's story when I can't even be the hero in my own. I tired of coming to the rescue for other people and when I need help, they're nowhere to be found. I'm tired of keeping my cape on and when I get close to taking it off for a second, I have to put it right back on to save someone else. I'm sick and tired of it Demetrius. It's draining to the point where I don't have the energy to deal with my own shit because I'm helping other people. All I'm asking is to be done with all of this, that's all. I'm tired of being the hero."

Demetrius was about to say something, but she walked away from him. He sigh, running his hand down his face.

"You sure this the house?" Demetrius asked after he banged on the door.

"Yup." Constance answered, dryly crossing her arms. She exhale deeply as she look around.

She caught the curtains from the neighbors house move as a person scurried from the window. She roll her eyes as Demetrius knock on the door again.

"She's not opening, so we can go." she said turning around and about to walk off, but Demetrius grab her.

"Chill." He told her, she mumbled under her breath crossing her arms again.

Demetrius started banging on the door again, this time hearing the door locks unlock. He stopped once the door opened and seeing half of Aanya face.


"Why are you here?" She cut him off, opening the door more so they could see her face.

Demetrius look back at Constance and she roll her eyes. "We came to check on you-"

"I don't need y'all to check on me, so you can leave." Aanya cut her off. She tried shutting the door, but Demetrius stopped it with his foot.

She frown opening the door again, "Listen Aanya, last night you came to the house with your face all fucked up. We thought it'll be a good idea to come and check up on you. After all, you are our sister." Demetrius told her and she mug him.

"I'm not your sister, and I don't need y'all to check on me. So, leave and go about y'all business." she said.

"Told you this was a waste of fucking time." Constance remarked, Aanya scrunching up her face.

"If it was such a waste of time, why the hell did you come?" She asked aggressively.

"First of, I didn't want to fucking come, but Demetrius was worried. I could care less what the fuck you got going on. So, come correct next time." Constance retorted.

Aanya opened the door, stepping out. "I don't know why your so fucking worried Demetrius, so just mind your fucking business." She exclaimed stepping up to him.

"Umm, no." Constance push Demetrius back, getting in between them. "Aanya, imma need you to relax aight cause you fucking with the wrong one. You should be happy someone actually is worried about your stupid ass. So, back the fuck up." Constance told her sternly and Aanya started laughing.

"Oh please, Constance, your not tough so stop acting like it. Actually, I really y'all need to leave me the fuck alone and stop worrying about me. I haven't meet two grown ass people worrying about what the fuck I got going on. So, y'all really should mind hall business." She said, putting her hand in Constance face.

"Aanya, I swear imma drag you up and down this damn sidewalk." Demetrius quickly grabbed Constance hand, pulling her away.

"Let's chill foreal." Demetrius told the two of them.

"No, I'm not fucking chilling because I fucking told you this shit wasn't worth it. If she wanna be a hood rat and stay with a nigga that cheats and lies all the damn time then fucking let her." Constance shouted, moving Demetrius arm from in front of her.

"I'm a hood rat, that's funny." Aanya laughed, pissing Constance off more.

"You find this shit funny, huh?" She asked, Aanya nodded her head still laughing. Demetrius look at Constance and he could see the hurt in her eyes.

"You know what I'm glad you find this funny Aanya, I'm really glad you do. But, this shit won't be funny anymore when your sitting in the fucking hospital or dead somewhere. You see everyone else as the problem when your the actual problem. You need to grow the fuck up and DON'T EVER COME TO MY FUCKING HOUSE AGAIN!" Constance yelled before walking back to the car.

Aanya chuckled, "Someone's mad." she said then looking at Demetrius. "Your still here because?" she questioned, smartly.

He stare at her before shaking his head, "You just-" he pause not even knowing what to say. He decided not to say anything and go to the car. Aanya waved at them then going back in the house.

After shutting the door, Demetrius look over at Constance. Her leg was shaking and he heard her sniffle.


"Please don't talk to me right now, D." she interrupted him, he nodded his head understanding then starting the car.

"I'm sorry babygirl."

Constance didn't respond, instead she just blink back her tears. It wasn't up to her anymore.

Demetrius wrap his arm around Constance, kissing her cheek. "I'm sorry about everything baby." he apologized.

"It's fine." she replied looking back at him. "You just wanted to help and that's fine. It's just not in our hands anymore, just let God handle it."

"Yeah, I'm still sorry though mamas. I didn't mean to hurt you and make you cry." he said, rubbing her belly.

"It's fine baby really. I think it'll be nice if we go away, have a family trip."

"And go where?"

She turned around slowly, so she was now facing him. "New York."

"You sure?" he asked and she nodded her head.

"Yeah, and we can bring Liam too. Get him out the house before the summer ends. So, can we go?"

Demetrius lean down, kissing her. "Of course."

a. feelings and thoughts on their conversation? y'all think Demetrius should've left the situation alone and not help?

b. y'all think Constance is right for not wanting to deal with Aanya anymore?

c. thoughts? opinions? questions?

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