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Shawty make that ass clap, she don't need no applause
High fashion like Goyard
G-Wagon or the Rover?

"I put some ice on you cause you got a cold heart." Sanya sung as High Fashion played. She look up soon as the dressing room door opened.

"Okay, sis." She gassed as Aanya came out. Aanya chuckled looking herself in the big mirror. She was trying on an outfit she was going to wear for her birthday.

"Is it too much cause I feel like it's too much." She said running her hand down her sides.

"No, it's cute. Showing ya little curves and shit." Sanya said, walking over to her.

"All the niggas gonna come your way." She added, bumping her sister hip. Aanya shook her head, chuckling.

"No thanks, but imma get it. Lemme change real quick." She said going back in the dressing room.

As Sanya waited for Aanya to be done, she continued bobbing her head to the music. Looking around, she noticed two girls staring at her while whispering to each other. She raise her brow, staring back. Aanya came out finally, fixing her clothes.

"You ready?" She asked, seeing Sanya staring at someone. Once she look over, she seen who she was looking at and a frown quickly formed.

"Nah, I'm just tryna figure out what's the problem?" Sanya exclaimed, making sure the two girls heard her.

The girls look at each other. "Yeah, I'm talking to y'all. Staring like y'all have a problem." Sanya said seeing they were looking at each other confused.

"Sanya, come on." Aanya grabbed her sister hand. She wasn't in the mood for the drama, especially if it was dealing with one of Byron's side pieces.

Putting her outfit back, Aanya pulled on Sanya arm wanting to leave the store ASAP. The girls and Sanya kept going back and forth with each other as Aanya dragged her out.

"Bitches got me fucked up, staring and whispering. If they got a problem they can say that shit with their chest. Pussy ass bitches." Sanya ranted, annoyed.

"Bubbie, please relax. It's not worth it, they're not worth it." Aanya told her, looking back and seeing the two girls coming out the store.

Sanya noticed the worried look on her face and already knew what was up. She stopped walking then turned to face her sister.

"Aht aht, who them bitches?" She asked crossing her arms.

Aanya shook her head, "Girls that Byron messed with. They're not too fond of me since I ended up talking shit to them. It's nothing, so let's not make it anything." She answered then started walking.

Sanya hummed then followed after her, "Sis, please tell me your not still scared of that man?" She asked.

"He abused me Sanya. That's not something you just forget about, I still have nightmares about it. But, it's fine since I'm going to get help." Aanya told her.

After she got out the hospital, she ended up pressing charges against him. Three months already went by and he still was walking around free. She had ran into him one day and let's say it wasn't pretty at all. At times she still heard his voice in her head telling her how worthless she was and that her family didn't love her anymore. She just wanted everything to go back to normal, but she knew it was going to take time.

A long time.

"Okay, your right my fault sis. I didn't mean to sound insensitive. I love you though baby." Sanya apologized, wrapping her arms around Aanya shoulder.

They kept walking and talking around the mall. They ended up seeing Demetrius walking out a store.

"Ooh, it's Demi!" Sanya exclaimed, seeing him quickly looking around.

They hurried up to him and he smack his lips. "Don't ever do that shit again!" He told them once they came into view.

"What? We were just calling you." Sanya said giving him a hug.

"You actually shouted my name out of nowhere. Can I get a hug too little one?" He asked Aanya, she smile giving him a hug.

"Hello." She said softly.

"Wassup, now what y'all doing here?" He asked letting her go. They all started walking together just to get out the way.

"Just having a sister day." Sanya answered, holding Aanya hand. "Whatchu doing here? You better not be doing no sneaky shit cause imma snitch."

Demetrius suck his teeth, "You talking to the wrong nigga. I have no reason to be sneaky when I have a whole family. I came here to do something." He answered.

"Yeah, cause you know better."

"You should just like Constance, but like I said I have no reason to do any wrong by her."

"So, why are you here?" Aanya asked following after him in Key Jewelers.

"I can't necessarily tell y'all since I feel like y'all gonna run your mouths." He said walking up to the counter. Sanya and Aanya look at each other then walked up to him.

"Are you doing what I think your doing?" Sanya asked as he look at the rings in the case. He ignored her question, putting his attention on a pretty sliver ring.

"Can I see that one?" he asked the person behind the counter, pointing the ring. The guy unlock the case, grabbing the ring then handing it to Demetrius. Sanya and Aanya lean on him, all three of them staring at the ring in his hand.

"That's so pretty." Aanya said, staring at the silver diamonds that sparkled in the light. It was the shiniest and most beautiful ring any of them had seen.

Luckily enough, it was the one.

"Babe-" before he could finish his sentence, Constance quickly jumped in his arms and wrapping her legs around him. She started kissing all over his face, happy that he was home. Even though he wasn't gone for too long.

He chuckled holding her, so she didn't fall. "You miss me, huh?" he asked, shutting the door and she nodded her head.

"Yeah, even though you was gone for like an hour or two. I think I have separation issues, but regardless I miss you baby." she said, kissing him.

She pull at his bottom lip before kissing him again. Demetrius felt on her ass walking to living room and laying her on the couch. He got in between her legs and started kissing her neck. She bite her lip as he lift her shirt, kissing down her stomach. Just as everything started to get spicy, crying was heard on the baby monitor. They stopped looking at the monitor.

Constance groaned, "I'm tryna get dick Amira come on." she huffed, Demetrius laughing.

"Later lil mama." He told her, kissing her lips then getting up.

"Gotta tend to my other baby."

"She need to know I came first."

a. he got a ring!!!! he finna propose soon y'all

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