⁶// 28.11.1982

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11:30 am

"His highness." Said the driver while looking at the young man who had broad shoulders, the one who was carved by Gods.

He paused midway as he was about to enter a familiar place,"Say!" he said looking at the servant who bowed as soon as he paused.

His face just so perfect that if you look at him your eyes might fail to catch his beauty, one of the reasons why the servant looks at his feet while speaking.

"Her majesty might come earlier, so..." He hesitated before suggesting.

"It will be fast." Said Seokjin, before he walked away, inside the library.

He ignored the old lady who was always found doing her job or her interest one could say. He walked straight towards that particular corner where he had been visiting frequently these days.

As he encountered two books, a smile suddenly spread on his small face. For him, this was the first time in years when he had smiled unknowingly and not because he was forced to.

"Loved ones?" He sighed as he read the first note, his smile almost disappeared,"they were dead the moment Money blinded them." He said to himself then tossed the book back and looked at the other one.

He reads the page number and rapidly flipped the pages of the novel, and when he reads the heading of the poem he feels a bit confused but continues to read.


I Am

I am-yet what I am none cares or knows;
My friends forsake me like a memory lost:
I am the self-consumer of my woes-
They rise and vanish in oblivious host,
Like shadows in love's frenzied stifled throes
And yet I am, and live-like vapours tossed

Into the nothingness of scorn and noise,
Into the living sea of waking dreams,
Where there is neither sense of life or joys,
But the vast shipwreck of my life's esteems;
Even the dearest that I loved the best
Are strange-nay, rather, stranger than the rest.

~ by John clare


As the realisation of relatability with the poetry hitted him, his emotions melted his eyes, his hands flapped the book shut as he covered his face by the mere reason why tears were rolling down his cheeks.

He sobbed and sobbed in the same position until he noticed a paper from somewhere inside fell on his shiny leather shoes.

He bent and picked the paper that was folded into three, he wiped his tears before unfolding the thin sheet. And as he matched the same handwriting and ink on the notes as well, he couldn't help but feel nervous.


Dear Stranger,

I assume you're the one reading it and I hope you're well. I will just pour a few drops from the ocean of thoughts in my mind that have come so far because of you.

Even if the things are dark, no matter how dark they get, no matter how long they remain, always remember you're not living for others but for yourself.

who would love us,
If we're the one hating ourselves?

Who would hear us,
If silence is the only thing to slip from our tongue?

Snatching Shinigami's job,
Wouldn't help
but let one's soul still roam in this cruel world.

We were a mistake yesterday
But yesterday you is still you
Yesterday's me is still me

Today we're
who we're with all of our faults
and mistakes

But tomorrow,
We might be a tiny bit wiser
and that will be us too.

So my love,
We have to love ourself
For who we were,
Who we are
And for who we wish to become.

Once we'd love ourselves,
Then only we'd urge us to speak ourself.

- Your unseen friend


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