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Hey everyone 😁... I know I'm more or less like a Santa Claus who comes once in a year😅. So sorry for making u all wait for a long time(puppy eyes 🥺). Don't throw chappals at me😅.

I was really busy and was also waiting for a nice plot😁. I got one and it's a bit long. So decided to divide it into 2 parts. So here's part 1.  Enjoy♥️!

Like that days passed. Nikki became an integral part of the movie and their lives. She captured everyone's love with her sweet and charming behaviour. Rana had become more close to her and they were good friends.

Here, our BaahuSena was busy training with the swords for the fight scenes. Rana has completed his training session and was taking rest in his caravan.

D- Sweetu why are we practicing like this? You're an expert in all these since Arundhati and action is a piece of cake for me ( lifting his collar).

S- (gives a duh expression) Then what does sir want to do?

D- Arrey, instead we should make this time more productive. Like practicing for romantic scenes(winking).

S- Can't you see what I have in my hand? It's an iron sword. If you speak rubbish like this anymore, I'll chop you.

(D imagines S chopping him there👇😳)

D- O God, then how can I create kutty rebels and kutty supers 😳😰😰?? I have to save my legacy😥.

S- if u want to save your legacy, then keep quiet.

D- Ok my mother Goddess🙏😰. (It's better to keep mum than to die virgin😨).

S- You better keep quiet ( giving a stern expression but fails to hide her smile😆)

D understands her mischief and gives an expression like this👇🤣

On the other side Rana is taking rest sitting on the floor and hearing music in his earphones. Nikki who had just finished a discussion with Rama Garu sees him and goes towards him.

N -  hey Rana😄

R is still hearing music with his eyes closed unaware of her presence . N goes to him and shakes his shoulders. He jolts as he didn't expect this and accidentally loses his balance and falls in sitting position to his side.

To save his phone from falling from his hands, he catches hold of Nikki's legs. Nikki due to the force falls along with him. They share a cute eyelock😍. Nikki was still on top of him when our Senthil sir entered. He looked at both of them as if he had seen a ghost 👻.

Our cuties were still in a trance and failed to notice his presence 😂. As if on cue, Senthil sir's phone rings. Both are out of their dream and sees Senthil sir looking at them with shock. Both walk away from there embarrassed.

N- sorry Rana. I think u got embarrassed bcoz of me.

R- hey Nikki, what's the need for this sorry and all? We're friends, kada?

N- yep

R- then y r u saying sorry to me? I think actually u were embarrassed bcoz of me 😅.

N- hey nothing like that😄.

R- btw, y did u come to me? Was there anything urgent?

N- No nothing like that. I saw u resting. So I thought of talking to u. That's all😊.

R- oh ok.

N- I'll be leaving after some time btw.

R- y ? Going somewhere?

N- yes

R-then y r u  going alone? U can take Sweety along too.

N- no no. It's fine. Billy will be waiting for me. I already missed him so much and he must have missed me too. So can't make him wait more😄.

(R mv - who the hell is this Billy? Why's she so concerned for him? Always there will be some kabab mein haddis who will be the best friend of girls to make others jealous... Wait a min! Did I just say jealous?

Why the hell am I jealous? I don't have any feelings for her and we haven't even become thick friends to have a bond like what her, S & D share. Then why??)

R's was busy with his brain's rant that he completely forgot his surroundings. He was pulled out of his reverie when Nikki snapped her fingers in front of his face.

N- Hey where were u lost?

R- Nothing. Just like that...

(Mv- should I ask her about this Billy fellow? If I ask her what would she think of me? I think she won't get offended and accuse me of intruding into her private life. Aaargghh😤... Shut up u stupid brain 😬.)

N- Hey u zoned out again 😂.

R- Sorry😅. Btw who's Billy?

N - don't u know Billy? Haven't Sweety said anything about him to u? I thought she...

Before she completes, her driver calls her.

N- I have to leave now. Will catch up with you later😊. Bye.

She gave him a hug and left.

(R mv - she just gave me a simple hug and my heart is doing somersaults 😬. Whyyyy oh god🙄??)

Now I have to get to know about this Billy fellow 😒.

To be continued...

So guys, get ready to face the jealous Rana😂. I know that this part is really boring😅. I promise that the next one would be an entirely funny update😁.

Our pranushka will also be there🥰. Sorry for making their moments short in this chapter🥺. Will look up to it in the next chapter😄.

Do give your valuable comments and votes😊. Do continue to support me🤗.



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