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Maplepaw awoke in the Starless Forest and immediately began searching for her mother. She needed answers and she demanded them now.

"Maple-darling," Scorchflame meowed.

Maplepaw smiled before saying, "Thank you for helping me complete my assessment. I would've completely failed if it weren't for you."

"It was nothing," Scorchflame purred, flicking her tail dismissively.

"I have a question to ask, mother," Maplepaw cautiously meowed.

"Go ahead," Scorchflame replied.

"You know that particular skull you asked me to bring? Why that skull out of all the others and also, why did Cinderstar react severely to the sight of it?" Maplepaw asked.

Scorchflame sighed and sat down, gesturing for Maplepaw to do the same before wrapping her tail around Maplepaw's body.

"I suppose I should tell you. It's a long story, but if I don't finish it before sundown, I'll wake you up and we can continue it later," Scorchflame murmured.

Maplepaw leaned slightly onto her mother as she readied herself for the lengthy story to come.

"Cinderstar had a sister, by the name of Fangpaw, due to the absurd amount of teeth she possessed. Some believed it was a gift from StarClan, allowing her to inflict greater damage on her opponents during combat, while others thought it to be a curse from the Starless Forest, to show that we were alway present, that no one could escape from our wrath. Regardless, she was a determined cat, hoping to excel at everything she participated in, even if her teeth got in the way. Her teeth made it quite difficult to communicate with others clearly, but she pushed through. Eventually, she gained the favour of Adderpaw, what most of the clan perceived as the most eligible bachelor out of the four clans, had he survived to warriorhood. He was charmed by her audacity, determination and ambitiousness that he soon fell smitten with her. Personally, I think the two of you would've made a wonderful couple," Scorchflame interrupted her story, a smirk on her face.

Maplepaw spluttered, trying to form words but her mother continued,

"Anyways, Cinderstar, however, did not understand why Adderpaw would fall in love with her deformed sister when she was so much more capable and beautiful, in her opinion. She tried, to no avail, in gaining Adderpaw's attention. Thus, she thought that if she couldn't gain Adderpaw's attention, she would outcompete her sister in everything, and possibly even cause her demise. She did everything she was asked of, and went beyond what was expected of a normal apprentice. She kept the prey-pile well-stocked during leaf-bare, sacrificing an entire night's sleep to do so. When the assessments came, in which they needed to descend the canyon, Cinderstar, overcome with envy at the affections the two shared, and the fact that Adderpaw did not even glance at her, or her efforts, Cinderstar decided to lead them to their doom. She told them to follow her, saying that she knew a safer part of the canyon to descend to, but she was planning to lead them both to their demise. Her own mother told her to keep clear of a certain section of the abyss, as it was extremely deep and very, very unstable. However, now that Cinderstar believed she had nothing more left to lose, she would take the gamble, if it meant that she would see no more of Fangpaw. Now, to her, Adderpaw was of the same value as Fangpaw, thus, she saw no loss in his death. The night they entered the chasm, it seemed as though StarClan was watching over them, for neither Adderpaw, nor Fangpaw died from any sudden falling rocks or landslides, however, since Cinderstar also wanted to complete her exam, decided to let it slide for now, knowing that she could kill them later if it truly boiled down to that. Cinderstar travelled to the shallow part of the chasm, where I also directed you, but surprisingly, it was there, supposingly the safest part of the chasm where the ledge that both Fangpaw and Adderpaw were standing on, collapsed and they fell a long way down, perhaps both breaking their necks and died. Cinderstar obviously felt accomplished and returned back to camp, successful."

Maplepaw was silent after the story and said nothing for a long while as they both sat in silence.

"I know that is a lot to absorb, but you ought to know the truth. You're no kit anymore who needs to be shielded by lies, you're a full-grown warrior," Scorchflame meowed, finally breaking the pregnant pause that formed between them.

Those were the exact words Speckledpatch said to me... Maplepaw thought, her chest squeezing as she closed her eyes momentarily, banishing the thought of the she-cat from her mind.

"The two skeletons were practically entangled with each other. Were they trying to protect each other from the imminent death that they knew was going to happen?" Maplepaw asked, furrowing her brow.

"Perhaps," Scorchflame replied. "Adderpaw and Fangpaw were so close with each other that they would've died for each other, if it meant the other would live."

"I see," Maplepaw meowed. "Also, do you think Cinderstar's reaction was so severe, because she possibly still had feelings for Adderpaw?"

Scorchflame dropped her head as she meowed,

"I can only say I honestly don't know, for I have only told the story from my perspective. It could be a possibility, seeing how infatuated Cinderstar was with Adderpaw."

The two sat in silence again before Maplepaw's mother spoke once more,

"I should probably not talk about such depressing things on the day of your warrior cat ceremony. What do you think your name will be? Maplesong? No, that's too dainty. Only a medicine cat would have that name. Mapleclaw? No, that's much too common for an extraordinary cat like you."

Scorcflame sighed and meowed,

"You're so special, I wonder if any name will truly suit your nature. Anyway, it's time for you to wake up. Your ceremony will begin soon. I hope to see you tomorrow, my beautiful darling."

Maplepaw opened her eyes and saw the dark oranges strewn across the sky before hearing the leader announce,

"May all cats old enough to catch their own prey, please gather under the High-Ledge for a clan meeting!"

Maplepaw stood up and stretched, still not quite used to the fact her right leg didn't scream profanities at her whenever she moved it. She made her way to the clearing, sitting between Heatherstalk and Tinycloud, who had recovered slightly, but didn't want to miss her warrior ceremony.

"I wouldn't miss it for anything," Tinycloud grinned, eyes shining through the pain.

Maplepaw gave a tight smile of her own before facing the leader. Cinderstar looked dishevelled, her posture tense, in such a way that made her seem small.

"Shadepaw, please step forward," Cinderstar meowed, Maplepaw could hear the confidence she was trying to force into her voice. The leader leaped down from the High-Ledge to properly continue the ceremony.

Her brother stepped forward, chest puffed out, so far that it could almost pass as a physical disability.

"I, Cinderstar, leader of MistClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Shadepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" Cinderstar called.

Before Cinderstar finished speaking the last word, her brother replied, as loud as his voice could possibly allow, "I do."

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Shadepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Shadepool. StarClan honours your strategic skills in combat and your ability to remain calm in any situation, and we welcome you as a full warrior of MistClan." Cinderstar continued.

Maplepaw found herself almost snorting out loud. Shadepaw, strategic skills in combat and calmness? Those words did not fit together at all. She fought to keep down a fit of laughter that threatened to burst out from her throat. Maplepaw didn't listen to Cloudpaw's warrior ceremony, only hearing that he was now named Cloudheart.

"Maplepaw," Cinderstar meowed, trying to prevent her voice from shaking, "Please step forward."

Maplepaw took a step towards Cinderstar and she swore she saw the leader flinch.

"I, Cinderstar, leader of MistClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Maplepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" Cinderstar meowed, voice strained.

A wicked grin sliced across Maplepaw's face, but masked it so it only looked like pure delight to everyone else as she responded, "I do, Cinderstar."

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Maplepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Maplethorn. StarClan honours your ambitiousness, ferocity and skill in combat and we welcome you as a full warrior of MistClan."

Maplethorn, eh? Maplepaw, now Maplethorn, heard her mother's voice echo as Cinderstar brushed her nose against the tip of her head.

It's a pretty name in my opinion. Suits you very well. You are the rose on the outside, but inside, you remind everyone that roses cannot exist if they are devoid of their thorns, Scorcflame continued.

"With that, we shall end the warrior ceremony and tomorrow morning, they will sit a vigil for the entire day. You are all dismissed." Cinderstar declared, concluding the ceremony.

Maplethorn stepped away from the crowd as she was completely overwhelmed by the lavish compliments given to her from her mother, Ghostwhisper and Tinycloud. She smiled as she conversed with them for the remainder of the night, her mind drifting away to her sister and, above all, Speckledpatch.

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