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✿ 🌷 ❀ ( Three ) ❀ 🌷 ✿

❛ π™€π™π™π™€π™†π˜Ό! ❜

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"They really need to update their room service menu." Kassidy commented, sitting cross-legged on one of the two beds in her and Karen's Cardiff hotel room while going over the room service menu she had found on the nightstand. "Although, this chocolate Tiramisu doesn't sound too bad."

"I'm trying to prepare for an audition, and you're thinking about food?" Karen rolled her eyes as she paced in front of the two beds.

"What? I'm hungry." Kassidy shrugged, flipping to the next page of the room service menu. "Besides, it's nighttime and it's also getting a bit late. Why not think about food?"

"The audition callback is tomorrow. You know this." Karen reminded her, stopping in front of the bed Kassidy was sitting on. "Can you at least try and act like you feel sympathy?"

"Ha!" Kassidy threw her head back in laughter. "Trust me, Kazza. You are the last person that needs sympathy. You're going to do great. I don't understand why you're stressing. You've already auditioned for this part once. This is a callback, you should be psyched-up for it."

"That's easy for you to say." She responded before going and flopping down onto the other bed. "It's not like you're the one that has the audition."

"No, you're right." Kassidy admitted, closing the room service menu before uncrossing her legs and sitting on the edge of the bed to face her sister. "However, you did ask me to come along with you and be the supportive sister. You know I'm going to say yes when you ask or say something like that to me."

"Just another reason why you're my most favorite person in the whole world." Karen grinned as she sat up, both Gillan twins now sitting on the edges of the beds as they faced each other. "Still, the whole time leading up to it is no less nerve-wracking. I mean, you said it yourself. I've already auditioned for this once. But since this is a callback, I'm going to be reading with the person who's already got a role for this thing while also reading in front of a bunch of executives."

"And you're gonna knock 'em dead." Kassidy smiled before clapping her hands together. "Now, how 'bout you don't stress about the audition for the rest of the night? We can order some room service."

"You know what? You're right." Karen sighed, running her fingers through her hair. "Too much stress is not good."

"Exactly." Kassidy grinned, patted her sister's knee before picking the room service menu back up and opening it. "So, Tiramisu..."


"What are you doing now?" Karen asked a short time later, her mouth full of a bite of the chocolate Tiramisu Kassidy has insisted on ordering.

"That thing you said last night in London before we left the theatre." Kassidy replied before taking a bite of her own chocolate Tiramisu while a small notepad sat on her knee as she held a pen in the hand that wasn't holding the fork she was eating with. "The title of this thing you're auditioning for: Panic Moon. That doesn't sound odd to you?"

"Oh, my God. You're still thinking about that?" Karen gawked at her.

"I'm a writer, it's what I do. I know when things sound weird." She responded before writing the words PANIC MOON on the notepad she had sitting on her knee. "Maybe it's an anagram for something..."

"Well, don't try and solve it!" Karen quickly reached over the side of the bed and snatched the notepad off of Kassidy's knee. "Where's the fun in that? And need I remind you, you haven't written professionally yet."

"Well, sorry!" Kassidy put her hands up in surrender, frowning slightly before taking another bit of her Tiramisu. "And I know I haven't actually gotten paid for writing yet. Can't say the same about directing, considering what I just got finished with yesterday. And you and I were on that soap opera together for two years. But anyway, it's just not the way my brain works. It's like my mind is programmed to almost automatically pick out things that don't seem to fit."

"You know, you and I are similar in a lot of ways. I mean, we are identical twins." Karen began as she got ready to take another bite of her Tiramisu. "But, we are different in the fact that you are the one out of the two of us that over-analyzes things all the time."

Kassidy gasped. "I do not!"

"Says the woman who's been trying to decipher the words 'Panic Moon' for a full twenty-four hours." Karen shot back, smirking before taking the last bite of her Tiramisu.

"'Oh, look me, I'm Karen and I'm quick-witted.'" Kassidy mimicked her sister, before just rolling her eyes and taking the last bite of her own Tiramisu. "Damn. If I could marry this Tiramisu, I so would."

Karen smirked. "'Look at me, I'm Kassidy and I'm an overdramatic foodie.'"

"You know, I could be a foodie." Kassidy thought out loud as she set her plate on the nightstand in between the two beds. "Maybe I should take that up as a hobby."

"You'd excel at it like you do everything else." Karen rolled her eyes playfully, setting her own plate next to Kassidy's on the nightstand before getting to her feet. "I'm gonna get a shower and then go to bed."

"I suppose I'll get one after you, then." Kassidy told her, before getting up and going to her suitcase. "Don't take too long. You always take forever."

"It's not my fault I like nice and warm showers. They're so relaxing." Karen grinned, snatching a pair of pajamas from the pile of stuff in her own suitcase.

"Just get in there and get it over with so I can get one." Kassidy rolled her eyes before turning back to her suitcase and continuing to search through it for some pajamas of her own.

"You're starting to sound like, Mum." Karen scoffed before entering the bathroom and shutting the door.

"I'll call her and tell her you said that!" Kassidy shouted to her to be heard through the door.

The door quickly opened, Karen poking her head out. "Don't you dare."

Kassidy smirked at her. "You know I'm kidding."

"Sometimes I wonder." Karen rolled her eyes before closing the bathroom door again, leaving her sister standing there in a fit of giggles.


"It's right in there." An assistant said the next day as she pointed to the door Karen needed to go through. "Whenever you're ready."

"Thank you." Karen told her, the woman giving her a kind smile before turning back around and walking down the corridor. Karen then turned around to face Kassidy, said woman grinning at her. "I don't know if I can do this."

"Do we seriously have to go through this again?" Kassidy sighed, crossing her arms. "I mean, they liked you enough to ask you to come back. You're so close."

"Have you always been this reassuring?" Karen tilted her head.

"Have you always been this jittery?" Kassidy shot back.

"Should we really be bantering right now?" Karen questioned her.

"Oh, you know you love it when we do. I mean, it's what we do, you and I." Kassidy smiled before uncrossing her arm and putting her hands on Karen's shoulders. "So, I want you to listen to me, Karen Sheila Gillan, you're amazing. Now, you're gonna go in there and kick this audition's arse!"


"...you're gonna go in there and kick this audition's arse!" The muffled voice of Kassidy is what one Mr. Steven Moffat heard as he sat in the room with the casting director, a few producers, his good friend Mark Gatiss, and of course the man who they were trying to find a companion for - Mr. Matt Smith.

"Did anyone else hear that?" Mark questioned as he looked to Steven, said man looking towards the door.


"You know, it's kinda funny." Karen told Kassidy, said woman taking her hands off Karen's shoulders. "You're trying to give me a pep talk even though you're the one that thinks 'Panic Moon' doesn't sound like a real title."

"Hey, it doesn't matter what I think." Kassidy put her hands up before pointing a finger at her sister. "This is you we're here for."


"Do they know we can hear everything they're saying?" The casting director asked, looking past a couple of the producers to see Steven still staring at the door.

"How could she tell?" Steven whispered.

Curious, Matt stood up from his seat and walked over to the door and put his ear against it to listen in better.


"Oh, my God! Will you just shut up and go in there?!" Kassidy snapped, crossing her arms again as she stared her sister down. "I'm trying to be supportive here, but you are making it really difficult. Come on, just breathe in and breathe out and then go in there and wow them."

"You really think I can?" Karen asked genuinely.

"Yes!" Kassidy exclaimed, uncrossing her arms as she gestured at Karen. "That's what I've been saying this whole time!"


"Oh, whoever these girls are, I like them." Matt chuckled as he stood up straight again and put a hand against the door as he looked to Steven. "They sound very... Scottish."

"Shouldn't we get the girl in here?" Mark asked.

"Ssh." Steven motioned for him to be quiet.

"Well, excuse me." Mark rolled his eyes before picking up his bottle of water and taking a drink.


"You know, what? Here. I'll even get the door for you, Kazza." Kassidy said before grabbing the door handle.


And the poor soul who still had his hand on the same door came tumbling through it when it was opened.

"And there he goes..." Steven sighed, closing his eyes.

Kassidy raised an eyebrow as she looked down at the man now laying on the floor in between her and Karen. "You alright?"

A bit dazed from the fall, Matt shook his head as he looked back and forth between the two women standing above him. "Did I hit my head that hard? 'Cause I swear I'm seeing double."

"Well, you're not." Karen told him, trying not to laugh. "I'm Karen and that's Kassidy."

"Yep." Kassidy said before offering a hand to help him up, Matt taking it gratefully. "Now, my dear sister here is supposed to be auditioning with you, I presume. So, I leave her with all of you and I shall go and wait in the main lobby." Kassidy then looked past Matt and into the room to see everyone watching the little exchange. "Just for your information, she really wants this. And I didn't boost her confidence for nothing."

"Kassidy!" Karen's eyes widened.

Kassidy just laughed before walking backwards down the hallway. "Have fun! And good luck!"

With that, Kassidy turned around to actually see where she was going, Matt watching her go before she disappeared around a corner.

"I'm really sorry about her." Karen immediately said as she and Matt turned back and walked through the door.

"Oh, don't be." Steven smiled, almost grinning. "I didn't know you had a sister, Miss Gillan."

"Yes, well, having a twin can get a bit... you know, it can make you a little..." Karen trailed off, trying to come up with the right words.

"Nutty sometimes?" Matt offered before his eyes widened. "I did not mean for it to come out that way."

"Oh no, you're completely right." Karen waved him off they took their seats.

Steven chuckled before leaning forward in his seat a bit. "You said your sister's name is Kassidy, correct?"

"Mm-hm." Karen nodded.

"Well, alright then." Steven said before sitting back up straight and looking around at everyone else. "Why don't we get started?"


It wasn't until Karen's audition callback was over and everyone was walking out of the room that Steven stopped Karen from leaving when it was just her, him and Matt left.

"Karen, may I speak with you for a moment?" Steven questioned her.

"Of course." She told him before they both went and sat down again with Matt and Mark. "Is everything alright? Is there something you didn't like?"

"Oh, no. We liked everything You did very well." Steven quickly assured her. "But there is something I'm curious about. Your sister... What does she do? Does she have any acting experience?"

Karen raised an eyebrow at him, a bit confused as to why he was asking about her sister. She then just cleared her throat before answering him. "Er... Well, actually yes. She and I did a soap opera together for two years before moving down to London when we were eighteen. But she's sort of gone more into the writing and directing side of things. In fact, she just got done directing a play in the West End. That's not to say she doesn't enjoy acting. I've seen it in her eyes when she does. She can become a completely different person in an instant."

"So, she's good?" Matt spoke up, making Karen look over to him.

"Very good." Karen nodded. "Then again, I'm a bit biased. But why are you asking me all this?"

"I'm having... an idea. One great big idea." Is all Steven could think of to say.

"In the time I've come to know him, words like that tend to end up meaning something." Matt informed her before looking to Steven. "Come on, I can see it on your face, mate. Tell her what this really is. I mean, if this idea of yours has something to do with her sister, then I can tell you've pretty much made up your mind."

"Made up your what?" Karen asked quickly, glancing back and forth between the two men.

"All of time and space, Miss Gillan. I spoke with a few of the execs quietly before they walked out of the room." Steven said, looking to Karen. "So, we would formally like to welcome you aboard the TARDIS. You have actually been auditioning for the role as the Doctor's companion."

"I've what?" Karen asked, eyes wide. "Wait, so that means Kassidy was right! Panic Moon is a fake name. And oh, my God, it's Doctor Who!"

Steven laughed. "That's what brings me to my next point. We put a bit of a contingency plan in place a while back after we cast Matt. And, it seems, that you and your sister can be exactly what we need."

"Wait, wait, hold on." Karen shook her head. "Are you saying that you want my sister as well?"

"Ever heard of a eureka moment?" Steven asked her. "Do you mind going and bringing your sister in here?"

Karen kinda stared at him and then glanced at Matt before looking back to Steven. "Oh, she's going to go absolutely mad when she hears this. Like seriously, she's going to go insane."

"Then she'll fit right in." Matt couldn't help but grin.


"You're kidding me." Kassidy deadpanned as she sat next to Karen a short time later, the two of them now sitting across from Matt and Steven. "Is this real life?"

"I do believe so." Matt quipped. "Unless this is all one big dream."

"Don't you dare say that." Kassidy pointed a finger at him, grinning.

Steven smiled, folding his hands on top of the table. "Now this role, should you choose to accept it, has to be kept quiet for a while until we can get everything in order to announce it."

"Oh, there's no way in hell I'm turning this down." Kassidy immediately told him.

"Well, that's definitely a good a thing." Steven said.

"What are these roles called?" Karen spoke up.

"Well, you are going to be Amelia/Amy Pond." Steven told her before looking to Kassidy. "And since you've now turned up, you are going to need a name as well. And I think I know exactly the right one."

"And what would that be?" Kassidy questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Steven put his hands together and rested his chin on top of them. "Alexis/Lexi Pond. Amelia means striving and Alexis means defender. You put those two together, and it could prove to be something quite extraordinary."

Kassidy and Karen shared a look before then looking back to the two men. "Well then, I think you've found your companions."

Matt laughed. "This is going to be amazing."

"The Pond twins have come to be." Steven said in agreement as he and Matt looked at the two sisters in front of them. "And they are going to be spectacular."


In a sort of daze, Kassidy and Karen both laid next to each other on one of the beds in their hotel room as they stared up at the ceiling.

"Do you realize that in two months when this thing goes public, we're not going to be able to go outside without people recognizing us?" Kassidy questioned, breaking the silence that had settled upon them.

"I know." Karen nodded before turning on her side and propping herself up on her elbow to look at her sister. "I mean, I know I was already in one episode in a small role. But this... this is different... The two of us... we're going to be on Doctor Who, Kas."

"I know!" Kassidy couldn't help but squeal before turning on her side and matching her sister's position as they looked at each other. "And it won't be in bad company either."

"Oh, you're talking about Mister Clumsy." Karen grinned. "He was pretty cute, wasn't he?"

"Not bad to look at." Kassidy said in agreement.

"You should totally go for it." Karen told her before flopping back down on her back.

"What?" Kassidy stammered. "I don't even know him!"

"Doesn't mean you can't get to know him..." Karen informed her in a sing-song voice, grinning from ear-to-ear.

"Oh, shut up!" Kassidy rolled her eyes, grabbing and tossing a pillow at her sister's face and making her burst out laughing.

"Oh, Kas..." Karen sighed, holding the pillow that had been tossed at her to her chest. "This is gonna be fun."

"I honestly can't argue with you there." Kassidy admitted before just laughing giddily as she fell back onto the bed again next to her sister, the two of them trying to fully comprehend what had transpired that day.

Kassidy laid there, trying to absorb the fact that she was going to be a part of a show that she loved dearly. That she was going to get to work with her sister almost everyday.

It's kinda exciting to know that Kassidy, at that moment, had no idea about how the day she had just been through would come to be known as the day that set fate's plan in motion.

And what a glorious plan it was going to be...


❝ Dear destiny, I'm ready now. ❞

~ Unknown

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– Maddy Xx

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