Argument-Jacob Black

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Jacob Black x Reader

The sound of heavy rain and loud thunder clashing is what woke you up out of the deep sleep that you were in. Your eyes shooting open when the next round of thunder came rolling through.

You don't do well with the thunder, you like to sleep in peace and quiet. You can deal with the rain but, not the thunder. Its to loud for your liking. You rose from the comfy bed that you were sleeping in, and began to walk on the rather cold wooden floors of Mom's house.

The past few days, you've been lonely. Your mom's out of town and on vacation to the Bahamas with her boyfriend. You were invited but, didn't want to go because you'd want to see Jacob. You should have took that invite because Jacob hasn't seen you at all since they've left.

You've texted, you've called. But, he says that he is busy with Bella or with his dad. Well he doesn't say...his dad tells you. So, you are alone in this big house with nothing to do but, watch tv, sleep, eat, go to school, and do homework.
It was a weekend though, Saturday to be specific. You didn't do much today.

Reaching the first floor of the house, the cool air hit your legs that were out because you were wearing shorts, and giving you the chills.

But, what made your heart stop was hearing light snores coming from the living room area.
You wanted to figure out who it was or what it was, but, you also didn't want to end up killed and plastered on a newspaper to become to talk of Forks for at least three months.

As you walked over to where the knifes sat in their holder, you tipped toed. You didn't wanna make the floor creak cause it's old wood.
Once you were at the knifes, you pulled one out. A slicing sound coming from it cause of how fast you had pulled it out.

Taking a deep breath, you slowly walked to the couch as the snores got louder and louder.

When you walked up to the couch, you sighed before looking over it only to find your boyfriend, Jacob Black snoring sound asleep on your leather couch. An eye roll was your reaction at this.

"Jacob black, what the hell?!" You yelled. Making him jolt awake. His eyes were scanning the area, lost and confused before they landed on you. He let out a sigh of relief, laying his head back down, and rubbing his eyes. He groaned and opened his eyes again. They darted between you and the knife.

"Were you gonna stab me?!" Exclaimed a worried Jacob. You point the knife at him, playfully, "were? Ill do it now" you joke before pulling the knife back and walking away.
You knew that he was going to be following behind you because you heard his stomps hitting the floor not to long after you walked away.

You walked over to the knife stand and carefully put the knife back into it. "Why are you here?" You bluntly asked, leaning your stomach against the counter and watched as he walked to stand on the other side of the counter, in front of you.
"I wanted to see you" he says to you, pain welding his voice. You scoffed, "or am I Bella's twin?" You remarked. Jacob rolled his eyes at what came out of your mouth.

"Its not like that y/n, she's depressed right now. She just needs a friend" Jacob said to you.

"Yeah, thanks for telling me that my feelings don't matter to you anymore" you told him, throwing your arms up in the air. Your were mad and sad at the same time. The feeling of him just blowing you off and having his dad talk to you for him just made you mad. But, the loneliness that lingered when he was gone made you realize how much you missed him, but het again. He put Bella seems. And that's what makes you sad.

"babe...your feelings do matter to me. I just-....." Jacob speaks, he couldn't finish his sentence. You raised your eyebrows, eager for a response. "You just what?"

Jacob lets out a sigh, his eyes glistening with tears almost. "I just wanted to make sure Bella was okay" you shake your head at him.

"The first time this happened you and Bella were getting along, you dropped me. You cut your hair off and got a fucking tattoo. Then came sobbing to me about how much you hurt Bella and felt bad about it. And this is the second time you dropped me to be with Bella. And now your back, telling me she's depressed or whatever. Do you not care about me at all? I feel so fucking alone right now. I chose you over the damn Bahamas and you know i like that travel. So why? Why are you doing this to me?" You explained. The tears burning the brim of your eyes because they wanted to drop. But, you didn't let them drop just yet. You didn't want to give up just yet.

"Y/n, im sorry i wasn't here for you. But, I can't be with you all the time" Jacob says to you. "Cause of Bella right?!" You exclaimed.
He just nods with his lips slightly parted, breathing in the air.

" need to tell me now. Because im am not going to be a second choice and i mean need to tell me that you want this relationship.....without Bella in it" you tell him. He scoffed at you, "i cant just drop Bella"

"Im not asking you to drop Bella. I just don't want her to be in between us anymore. It's obvious you have feelings for her but i need to know, are you willing to fight for us? Im not a second choice" you say to Jake. He stands there, actually debating on what you had just asked him.

He puts his hands on hips and looking away from you and too the floor. Once he broke that contact you knew what the answer was. You just needed to hear it and not see it. "No" he said. Just a simple no.

You rubbed your hands down your face, all these emotions running through your head.
You let the tears fall down your face. They no longer burned your eyeballs. "alright"
You blurt out. "Get out"

"Y/-" Jacob went to call out your name but, your voice beat him at the talking. "Get the fuck out Jake. Im done talking!" you yell at him. He had tears flowing down his face. But, his were different. Your tears fell because he had picked Bella over you. And, you just lost your lover, your best friend. His tears fell because he thought that he was loosing Bella and not you.

Jake had made it to the door but, as he went to open the door, he turned back to you. Staring at your tears that still managed to come out, nonstop. Your boy was stiff at you stood there, its like you couldn't move because you'd fall to the floor and crumble like crackers.

Jake shook his head at you, "you made the wrong decision" he said before walking out the door and taking your planned future with him.

A/N-Part Two?

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